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  • I miss teaching.. ?

    Hello everyone, 

    I recently graduated with my degree in Educational Studies one semester from getting my teaching degree. I had my son which made it very hard to do 60+ hour weeks of in-class teaching and preparation unpaid and do full-time education courses on top with a newborn. Now he is almost one and sleeps through the night. I feel I can be successful to go back to student teaching and university coursework on top. I start nursing school next month though and that will make more money to be able to support my son it’s less work than student teaching and I can be present while I’m home as a nurse versus a teacher. I just miss the kids so much. I’m not sure what to do. I’m working in the hospital right now as a tech but it’s nothing like I thought it would be and feel I would definitely have to become a nurse practitioner as bedside nursing is not my thing and see myself much more as a provider. I will make a great living but I feel like my heart is yearning for teaching. I will have to work several jobs on top to support my son though. Anyone have any suggestions? 

    Teaching11 months ago
  • Teach in Japan or be a nurse practitioner here?

    Hey everyone,

    My dream is to live in Japan but my dream job is Nurse practitioner. I was just accepted to nursing school but I have a previous degree in education. Really stuck in the crossroads of what I should do. Will work really be fulfilling if I’m not where I want to be? I’ll make more money here as a NP versus teaching in Japan. 

    7 AnswersJapan1 year ago
  • Attachment image

    What plastic surgeries do you suggest? ?

    I’m not happy with how I look and would like to get suggestions since I see my face everyday a fresh set of eyes could help notice different things. What surgeries would you guys suggest?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Attachment image

    What brand does this say? Japanese?

    This is under my Japanese table.  I want to know the brand

    4 AnswersLanguages1 year ago
  • What the heck do I do for a career now?

    Hello everyone,

    I have a bachelors, I’m 21. I have been taking prerequisites for nursing school, nurse anesthetist and anesthesia assistant school (like a physician assistant but only specialized in anesthesia). I’m really doubting if I can take all the prerequisites to get into the AA program cuz math is not my strong suit and I’ll have to take calculus and a year of physics. I have finished my nursing prereq’s and can get in anywhere but will have to pay cash as I’m a second bachelors student who already has maxed my undergrad loans & has a baby on the way. I saw a masters of entry program for nursing & I’m interested but I want to pursue the crna program after and tuition for the MEPN is 40k and you’re not allowed to work. So, that will put me back in my ability to take out loans in CRNA school which is pricey. AA is the best choice because it will take me 2 years to slowly take the prerequisites and it’s a two year program. CRNA takes about another two years for my MEPN, 2 years experience, & a 3 year DNPfor a total of 7 years instead of 4. I can’t live in the state I live in currently where all of my family is as a CAA but I can work anywhere as a CRNA. Should I spend 7 years to become a CRNA and live where I want and not have to take physics OR force myself to make it through & do CAA in 4. It will be nice to make over 150k starting at 25 vs. 27/28 as CRNA. I don’t know if I’m just being petty over 3 years or what but need help deciding. What would you do?

  • Who to choose? What to do?

    I ve been with my boyfriend now for almost three years. There s a lot wrong with this relationship but I love him and he has this wonderful, caring side to him. He can t provide for me but he does everything he can for me. He s 21. I met another guy at school. He s 25, he s going into nursing school and currently already has his bachelors in legal studies. He has it all together. I m the same way I m 20 and about to finish my bachelors next year then start nursing school to eventually become a nurse practitioner. This guys very like-minded. I haven t done anything with this guy we ve only ever hung out and talked. He s a really, really sweet guy. I don t know if I should leave my boyfriend. This new guy wants to possibly marry me and have kids soon even though we obviously are no where near that level. My boyfriend now can t really get his stuff straight, pregnancy scares we have had he s been honest that we couldn t take care of it it would be "too much stress" for him. He flips when he hears a dog bark, I wonder how he will react to a baby crying. He does work part-time but I m not too sure how we well he will do in his EMT class since he doesn t like to study. I just see this guy I recently met as this completely opposite life I could have. He loves his family he talks about his siblings like I do. He wants to meet my family where my boyfriend now tells me he hates my family and just tolerates them. What should I do? Should I let this opportunity go?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Doesn't it seem like he likes me? Am I just crazy?

    -Gives me encouragement and tells me to calm down when I’m stressed

    -mimics me & teases me

    -takes my highlighter and draws on my paper, rainbows mostly

    - Asked to take the exam together

    -Always is my skills testing and practice buddy

    -Always talks and jokes around with me

    -During test remembered my answers being right by what I said in the exam review that even I don’t remember

    -During the exam he was quiet when it was just me, nervous maybe??

    -Caught him looking at me momentarily

    Has my number never texts me tho.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 years ago
  • Should I become a teacher and a nurse?

    To start of, I love both nursing and teaching. I'm in my junior year for teaching so should I just finish this degree then pursue nursing? The realities of teaching in this state is a nightmare!!! Salary at max after 20 years of teaching is $36,000 while cost of living is expensive and going up. I want to move out of this state but it's an extremely long process as no one wants teachers from this state!! I honestly wish I knew this earlier and gone with nursing right off. I love nursing, I've been thinking about doing it from semester one. I want to be an OB nurse or work in pediatrics. I know it's very competitive and challenging but it's honestly my passion. Should I do that or suck it up and do teaching because I have my degree in it?

  • Learn Spanish or Japanese?

    Hey everyone, so I've recently been faced with the decision of choosing to self-teach myself Spanish or Japanese. Spanish is dear to my heart because I've been on and off learning it since I was five. I know the struggle non-English speaking immigrants have in America through my step dad and friends I've had growing up in California and Arizona. I'm in the crossroads of becoming a teacher or a nurse as a college student I really see the difference I can make with those jobs speaking Spanish. But, if I choose teaching it's always been my dream to teach in Japan and speaking Japanese is a necessity for survival there if I want to stay forever. I love both cultures that Spanish speaking countries have and Japanese culture but Japanese language is more appealing to me. What should I do I'm so tied between the two??

    3 AnswersLanguages4 years ago
  • I m going into my junior year of college, thinking about completing beauty school then going back?

    Hey everyone, so I m going into my junior year of college and I m super passionate about what I m studying but tuition is 11,000 a year here and after financial aid and my TEACH grant I only have $375 left a semester to support myself, I have no help from family or anything it s all on me.. I m 19 and literally make minimum wage, thinking about going to beauty school or something to get a higher paying job because these next two years I m student teaching 3-4 days a week for the whole elementary school day and afterwards, I m in charge of everything with the class pretty much so I have to spend time planning then I have 1-2 days of my university classes so I m going to be busy monday through friday have no time to work except weekends pretty much and SOME nights during the week. It still will only add up to like $700 a month working 24 hours a week. I just don t know what I m going to do, I can t take out anymore loans than I already will be and with no help, I just can t.. should I take a break for a semester to do beauty school/esthetician program?

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid4 years ago
  • Period ended 4/2 when should I get my period?

    My period lasted like 4 days long. Ended 4/2, When should I get it? Thanks

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • I want to adopt 4 kids(2 sibling groups) from China and South Korea, but will I be able to? It's so expensive?

    Hey everyone, I've had this calling to adopt since I was 13. I decided I really want to adopt from South Korea and China when I graduate from college (I'm a sophomore in college), marry my fiance, and meet the age/marriage requirements. But I am studying education and I'm not sure if I'm going to teach elementary school or open my own daycare. Salary outlook for both of those isn't top notch. My husband is a phlebotomist he makes nearly 30k a year and he's thinking about continuing education but isn't sure. I want two of my own kids as well. I've always wanted a big family but is this possible with how much it costs? Thanks so much

    1 AnswerAdoption5 years ago
  • Idk what I'm doing, just want to cry my eyes out and disappear somewhere?

    I'm taking the pre-requisites to study nursing but i don't feel like I want to do nursing. I was studying education for 2 years before deciding to switch, I didn't want to teach in this education system. I've wanted to live in South Korea or Japan since I was 13 and teach English there but with my fiance I'll never be able to. I just want to disappear I can't take this anymore there's nothing for me to do here. I could sit here and study nursing but it's literally got me taking the hardest science classes and if I don't have motivation I doubt I can keep going. Please someone help me.

    2 AnswersTeaching5 years ago
  • What to get my boyfriend for valentine s day and his birthday?

    Hey everyone, it s almost valentine s day and my boyfriend turns 19 in 2 weeks.. not sure what to get him. He needs some clothes mostly shirts and shorts. He likes weed(ik its terrible but it s his thing -_-) that s all I really can think of for stuff he likes or needs he s really basic so it makes it hard. What is some stuff that men like? Please help! He s not the very self maintainable type so a lot of that might not be best. Help me!!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Where to buy cheap new queen mattress?

    Hey everyone, I'm moving into my first apartment when I turn 19 in a few months. I'd really like to get a new bed but it's so expensive I looked on IKEA's website because I heard they are cheap but all their mattresses were like $400. Obviously as a college student I can not pay that much on top of a new bed frame.. Can anyone help direct me to someplace cheaper? It doesn't have to be great quality but not a piece of crap either lol thanks!

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Tutoring for Bio and Chem?

    Hi everyone, it s my second year of college just decided to pursue nursing and started taking my first two science classes this year (Biology and Chemistry). It s a lot of information to take in per page and systems and all kinds of stuff to memorize, do you think I should go to tutoring to get help with how to study for my classes? Thanks