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I'm not talkin too fast. You just listen too slow

  • Why is chewing gum $2 a pack?

    I think the family that owned the baseball field sold the gum companies to the British. Do we need to have a Boston Gum Party? Rather extreme inflation....

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • Reincarnation? The math I mean?

    seems to me the population of everything increases: insects, humans, birds, weeds, fish. So how does reincarnation account for growth and multiplication, are the original souls split or divided, or do extinct species fill in the blanks (seems highly doubtful) I mean there's billions of everything now, people, locusts, cows

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can somebody explain the origin of the expression "I've got to piss like a racehorse"?

    Why does a racehorse have to pee so bad, does it have something to do with doping tests? They always seem covered with lather from running so hard, seems to me they'd have sweated out all their hydration that way.

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • When Public Enemy made "By the Time I Get to Arizona" who was governor of that state?

    The song referred to Arizona being one of two states that outlawed or failed to observe the national holiday for Martin Luther King's birthday at its inception.

    2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • What kind of motorcycles were the Nazi's riding in WWII?

    In the film documentaries, there were a lot of soldiers riding motorcycles (with and without sidecars-- I'm most interested in those without) even in mud and snow. Any military historians out there know what kind of bikes they were, 1940 or so? I think it's amazing they could start and run reliably in such cold weather conditions.

    10 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Why is there no talk of lowering the speed limit to conserve gasoline?

    Is it because we live in such a stupid nation that it would cost bazillions of dollars to send legions of trucks out to change all the signs, or because of the dire need of fat morons to get through Wyoming and Nevada at 75 mph (posted, actually they do like 90 in the biggest boxiest pickups and SUV's you can get). I mean, if you ever find yourself in Wyoming or Montana, of course you'd want to do like 120 mph getting the hell out unless you own smelly refineries or hunt cougars, but what, are there important people there that haven't heard of telecommuting yet? Is the thinking that if enough people get killed on the highway, there'll be more gas to go around?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why is Michael Jackson accountable for pedophilia while the Sauds (Saudi Arabia) are not?

    The Bush clan (specifically G. H. W. Bush et al) are said to have provided young boys for the sexual pleasure of the Islamic creeps who run Saudi Arabia BEFORE M.J. WAS BORN, and yet they (as the Bushes in general!) have never been held responsible for it..... [see David Atlee Philips, "The Night Watch"]. What is it, an OPEC thing, the Jed Clampetts who currently run Amerika and the golden boy Bin Laden stage-villains who function as our "enemies" in today's iteration of the Cold War? Why do thieving tycoons get to do whatever they want, while the public picks the more accessible scapegoat and $6.00 a gallon gas?!

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • 98 Nissan Altima poor idle quality, trouble code 304?

    I have a lot of automotive experience, but with older engines. Sometimes this "high-tech" emissions crap is a bit over the top, and semi-functional at that. This condition began after an oil change that puddled onto the valve cover, swelled up the spark-plug boots, and soaked the top of the engine until I opened the hood, and reacting to what I observed, replaced the plugs and wires, yet the code 304 (misfire Cylinder #4) recurred. The car went back [to the same place that changed the oil!--Inventors of the 721 tire and the Wrangler series on Ford Explorers ; D ] and their diagnosis was intake manifold & valve cover gaskets. This is bull, and yes i know my roommate's trippin, bringin it back to them. One fuel injector plug-in was very loose, so I connected it back up and so far, no trouble code (I have a handheld like Suntune diagnostic analyzer) but is this most likely something in the EGR system? Please, I'd appreciate any help on this....

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Who should be spayed & neutered?

    EVERY dog and cat over the age of 4 months [!!!!] in Los Angeles (well, except actual fighting pit-bulls the gangbangers and cholos have. When homicide laws aren't applicable to you, impotent little city council regs with no enforcement budget OR personnel aren't even the vaguest consideration. Those unneutered pups fetch $5-6000)


    B-list celebrities and Bob Barker's army of screaming primates enthused about the Price is Right, and those passionate about keeping dumping-grounds shelters open for irresponsible imbeciles so un-American they dispute my right to express my opinions in an "obnoxious" manner?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why is it illegal to run over pedestrians sauntering in the crosswalk in obviously heavy traffic?

    Not talking about seniors here, or people who limp. Motorists, you know what I mean. Perfectly young, healthy (esp. high-school kids!) whose oblivious self-absorption is inflicted on a world with somewhere to go. Or sometimes they're just plain obnoxious, belligerent or crazy [?--so, maybe getting run over by, say, a Hyundai or Kia would be okay therapy]. If they're going to take all day to cross the street, at least it could be in a wheelchair. Let's decriminalize it, and keep our country moving!

    6 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago
  • Which make the better pets, cats or dogs? And why?

    ***CAT LADY ALERT*** If you are female, over 30, and own more than 4 cats (or suffer from Shelter/Rescue Personality Disorder) 3 points will be DEDUCTED from your Answers account for answering this question. You are out of touch with reality and no-one cares what your opinion is, not even your family. Your therapist is paid to pretend to care.

    9 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Why do you think Los Angeles is the greatest city in the world?

    If you don't think LA is the greatest city in the world, 2 points will be deducted from your account if you answer this question. Also you are wrong. And if you are religious, you will be going to purgatory 'til two days after eternity.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How much should MSN pay for Yahoo?

    $50 billion was way too much, and Yahoo rejected that. What should MSN's counter-offer be? After all, they're laying off in Sunnyvale and this forum in particular is just a sad way for ridiculously dumb people to garner attention from each other when the Real Best Answer is simply, "Google it"

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Computer nerds, geeks, w/e: why does blinking cursor not always indicate time to type?

    Usually when the vertical line at the point where your typing has a visible effect is blinking, you use the keyboard and characters result. Why sometimes do you have to bring the arrow to it and mouse-click again in order for characters to register?

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Why does cell phone time illuminate at random times?

    I've got a Nokia candy-bar (gonna switch brands next phone b/c of the Germany shut-down/layoffs, Nokia you SUCK!!) and once in a while the time bar that moves down the sreen 1/4 at a time, till it scrolls up to the top again, lights up. It's never on the 5's or 10's, or any number that would make sense. Is this part of the GPS thing, or what? When I had a different Nokia candy-bar (flip-phones suck, too) with a different carrier, it did it then too.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Why do Death Row inmates have fan clubs?

    They say that all Death Row inmates get tons of mail from women who want to marry them or otherwise throw themselves at them. I don't get this--self-destructiveness, self-hatred, that Bad Boy thing that kicks in when they ovulate? What on earth would make even one woman do this, let alone thousands? Are these misguided women who are in abusive realtionships in their lives?-- PLEASE some psych-major genius explain this to me. It's creepy, how do I find out how to avoid these women; I mean like walk on the other side of the street?

    8 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Why rescue and shelter dogs?

    "Rescued"? Do you mean from a burning building, or a flood? And do you loud, meddlesome women who bring those unruly, ugly, germy mutts to the dog park shop for boyfriends in prisons, rehabs, & AA meetings?-- When you go to Burger King do you check the dumpster before you order new food? The reason for dog breeding is to IMPROVE the animal; the rejects shouldn't be enabled to attack my papered, purebred, well-behaved dog because you refuse to leash those recycled curs even though all you know about dog-training would fit in the tiniest microchip? Why do you feel entitled to "socialize" purpose-bred shameful-bloodsport ("pit")-mixes at our expense; our dogs have $$ value demonstrable in court [Shar Peis excluded, since they cost $3K+, their owners are invariably responsible] ?? AKC ppl please speak up, should we at least be grateful that these "well"-intentioned (??!) uninformed "adopters" are not raising children to be the loose cannons that their shaggy abominations are?

    20 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • know the poem: "Make the Pie Higher"?

    Google this poem, read it and rate it. It's very enlightening. Do you like it?

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Title?: Eddie in Phila. >$2 million<armored car (true story)?

    I've seen this movie, remember the incident (I think it was on I-95 but it may have been on the Schuykill) the back door of the armored car opened on the freeway and dude got $2 mil in cash. [It ruined his life!] Can't find it on imdb. I know one of you can tell me! tia

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago