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im a fun girl who likes to read, cook listen to music, and just go out and party!!! i am one of the nicest people you will ever meet but i can also be real mean, if you hit my wrong nerve.. i love helping others and i am pursuing my education in Nursing so i can be a labor and delivery nurse. :-) I

  • Can I get rid of my tenant's boyfriend?

    Ever since my tenant trespassed into my yard and harassed my family, she then attacks me, assaulted me, i have a restraining order against her and she is not allowed on the property (my 2 family home in which i live in the 1st floor and she is leasing the 2nd floor) until after the trial in august, Her boyfriend keeps coming to the apartment and starting to harass us, is he even allowed here? He was never on the lease, moved in after she did. do i have the right to call the police to have him leave?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Is damage to my garden/plants considered property damage?

    I am a landlord in NYC, the tenant that i rent to consistently throws unknown liquids on the front steps and into my gardens, my hydragneas and my rose bushes are all brown now and dead. i have had them for over 6 years and am highly upset, she is caught on camera throwing these liquids on numerous occasions. also yesterday she jumped the fence into the yard, she has no permission to do so, and jumped in the garden and damaged my tomato plants also, is this considered property damage/ destruction? it is unfair that she can just do this on an everyday basis and damage my plants that i take much time to care for, what can be done? what should i do?

    my suspicions are its ammonia

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • How do people travel around in Auburn NY?

    I'm going to Auburn NY for a week and wanted to know if i should rent a car, or if there are buses/trolleys?

    2 AnswersNew York City9 years ago
  • Threat or harassment?

    Earlier today, while I was at work my dad (landlord) said the tenant come into the yard where he was (tenant has no permission to enter yard) and tells him she is going to set the house on fire. My dad calls emergency and police officers arrive and they wrote it off as harassment, isn't that a threat? I'm unsure if it was right that NYPD made a report of harassment instead of a threat.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Order of protection against tenant?

    I am a landlord in NYC

    I have a tenant that crawled out from evil.

    There are too much to even explain here but, i have 2 harassment reports, one hate crime report and 1 fire incident report filed against her. How would an order of protection work if i were to obtain one since i ,the landlord, lives in the 1st floor apartment of a private house and the tenant lives on the 2nd floor. If she has one against me and i have one against her, will this help with the lease termination? because i am tired of her cursing at me and my family, cursing us about our hindu religion, trespassing into the gardens and knocking over our jhandi flags, throwing "cleaning solutions" as she calls it on the stairs every morning. i have it on video surveillance which i took video and pictures of. One day as she leaves the house she throws a bucket of the solution on the steps, takes the empty bucket up the block comes back with solution in the bucket and throws it again on the steps, while i was watering my garden she was yelling at me about why am i spraying "voodoo" on her, i didn't understand since i was watering my garden, i told her, "i am watering my garden how can i be spraying you? you are standing over there and are not even getting wet" so back to my original question, can i terminate the lease due to the fact that we live in the same premise and we have order of protections against each other? amongst her other disruptive behaviors? on what grounds? nuisance?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Do i need specific permits to turn my basment into a family room?

    I live in NYC, where can I get information regarding the laws of what my basement requirements are. I have lots of space in my basement used for storage but my flat is small and would like to use the basement as a family room/entertainment room, aside from the living room in my flat which really is small. What can and can't be in a basement, because I'm playing with the idea of a secondary kitchen too but not sure because of the laws (Hindus require 2 kitchens with separate cooking wares and utensils for religious purposes).

    I just want to know where I can find out this information.

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • What is considered assault?

    If some one is angered yelling to me that they want to fight me, pull me and pushes me against a wall, I hit my shoulder and was in much pain, went to the ER, was good it is a sprained shoulder. The police took the report down as harassment because they said they could not say if it is assault yet since they did not know if its injured. So they told me that after seeing a doctor if it is injured I can "upgrade" the harassment to assault. Would a sprained should be considered as assault?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Are these grounds for eviction?

    My parents are the landlord and in our primary and only residence in New York we rent the second floor apartment to a section 8 tenant. After smelling really bad tunes that cause my two sister and mother to get an asthma attack and coughing fits the fire department was called and the tenants were not home, the fire fighters entered the house and started coughing on the first floor because of the fumes, they consequently knocked down the tenants doors and opened all the windows. When the tenants got back in like 10 minutes, they knocked on our door and said the called the police because they were robbed, my mother explained to then that there were so much chemical smell the fire fighters broke the door in that it will be fixed by that evening, the tenant here up set and pulls my mom out of her apartment and slams her against the wall, she pulled a muscle in her shoulder! Police were called and ny mother went to the hospital the pain, is harassment and violence or physical harm to the landlord cause for eviction? What about the use of so much Ammonia that the firefighters had to knock the door open? Because of the violence my family 's safety is at risk! I need these people out ASAP, how can we get this done?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • What is landlord harassment?

    What is landlord tenant harassment?

    My section 8 tenant says she is going to sue me for harassment but there is nothing at all that I have done wrong, in fact she is the one harassing me! She actually physically assaulted my wife and curses at my daughters. Is it possible for her to sue me for something that never happened?? What constitutes of this landlord harassment?

    This is in NYC

    I'm trying to get her evicted since she trespasses and purposely damaged and knocked over my religious items in my garden. And since then she has been causing so much trouble, purposely damaging the apartment and then the verbal and physical assaults, its been getting worse and worse.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Do i have a case? landlord/tenant?

    I have TENANTS that are completely ridiculous, purposely damaging the apartment and i wanted to know what i can do about the constant harassment and about the repeated events of the tenant who jumps the fence into my garden and knocks over my religious sculptures (hindu religious flags). i have a video of her doing it as well as pictures. is this religious discrimination? she harasses my parents curses at them and tells them that hinduism is bad and such, doesn't my parents have a right to practice there religion and NOT have the tenants that rent the 2nd floor of their primary residence knocking over their religious ornaments?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • when is Holi 2011 in the USA?

    I am a bit confused because other people always confuse me! i know India is many hours ahead eastern time (I'm in New York)--- I'm not sure how many tho

    so the calenders never specify when it is in regards to time zones lol so im not sure if it it today March 19th 2011 or tomorrow March 20th 2011 here in New York.

    and i think it has something to do with the full moon too, but not sure what.

    2 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • Snakes in Queens/Brooklyn NY?

    There was a snake in the back yard when i went out to do some gardening. So 311 transferred me to 911. Police women came out and after seeing the snake they said it is completely harmless and cannot do anything about it and that calling animal control to rid it wont help much because it is a "garden snake". It was brown and about a foot long. I am horribly afraid of snakes, i mean its one of my FEARS. I thought Brooklyn was kind of safe from snakes.

    Is this a common snake is NYC? and is it really harmless and what can i do to rid it?!

    i just want it gone..and i suppose any eggs it has laid (which i hope it didnt)

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • help with Excel 2007 column width?

    I have an assignment where i have to do several things to a sheet and one that is really irritating to me is "change the column width to 7.8" ok so i clicked on column A and it selected the whole column then i right clicked and clicked on column width and the column width display box popped up, i entered 7.8 and hit ok. but when i check the column width it says 7.86.

    why is that and how can i get it to 7.80? i want to be precise because my professor is very strict about her measurements

    i tried several times and it keeps saying its 7.86!

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Where can i get Voss water in NYC?

    i really like the bottle for the safe reusable purpose, where can i purchase it in NYC? i don't want a whole case load just 1 or 2 bottles.

    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • are old navy reusable water bottles safe?

    Are the reusable water bottles at old navy safe? i bought one today. I have been searching for one and finally got one at old navy, it doesn't say what metal it's made out of and i'm nervous about using it.

    what type of metal is it made of?

    and is it safe to use?

    3 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Retrieving data from a crashed hard drive?

    Can local technicians like computer shops or companies like geek squad retrieve data from my crashed hard drive even if i tried doing it at home and it says that the file is inaccessible? i need some files retrieved and i tried at home to recover it but the hard drive cannot be accessed.Will Geek squad or the local technicians at the computer shops be able to access it? or will, they do the same thing i tried to do and have the same outcome?

    5 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • please help with the Use of brackets in a quotation?

    this is the quote: "our understanding of UA and MI is evolving."

    now since it is the first time i am using UA and MI in my paper, can i do this?:"our understanding of UA [unstable angina] and MI [myocardial infarction] is evolving."

    is this the proper use of the brackets?

    1 AnswerQuotations1 decade ago
  • Advance directives, Do not Resuscitate question for nurses.?

    i am a student nurse and my homework assignment is to describe what i would do in each of 3 scenarios, for example the first one is that a client has a DNR order in place and during rounds the nurse finds the client sitting in the lounge chair staring straight-ahead and unresponsive, with no pulse, no b/p no respiration.

    What would be the appropriate action at this time?

    i think, i would provide privacy for the client by pulling the curtain to at least keep the client covered from other clients and contact the family members.

    am i correct? or is it that i am suppose to first contact the nurse case manager or doctor?? I'm not sure they all sound right.

    6 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • childhood obesity statistics in America?

    I am writing a paper on Childhood obesity and am stuck finding statistics.

    Where can i get statistics that are current maybe from 2006 or 2007 or possibly this year that states the amount in numbers or percent of children in America that are obese?

    most sites i found are not very explicit in their stats.

    thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Nutrition for the Older Adult, how many servings of each food group?

    I have to do a report about the Older Adults (65 years old to death), one section is nutrition. From the research i have done i have come to know that there is a modified food pyramid for the older adult. however there are no servings listed.

    What are the nutrition needs for the older adults?

    (how many servings of each food group?)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago