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Bleeding cartilage piercing - what should I do?
Sorry for the gross picture.
I have auricle piercings on both my ears, but I keep catching stuff on my right earring in particular. When I wash my face with a washcloth, when I dry my hair, when I get dressed, when I put my hair behind my ear, etc... I am constantly snagging it, and now it's bleeding. It's mildly painful and it has been kind of swollen recently.
It's raw and bleeding, but not infected (yet). I have saline solution but am wondering if I should do anything else to speed up the healing and prevent infection. Ive only had the piercing for about 7 weeks. It's a raw wound now, maybe Neosporin?
2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body2 years agoCan a restraining order prevent one from leaving town?
A family member of mine just recently had a baby. Her and her baby's dads relationship is not working out, and she planned to move back home (across the state) when the baby was released from the hospital. When he found this out, he filed a restraining order against her and ordered that she not leave the county with the baby. They have a court hearing in a few weeks.
My question is, up until the court date, are his requests/orders legally in effect? She cannot take her baby out of the county, even though a judge has not reviewed this?
Even after the hearing.. I find it hard to believe that they could control what city she lives in.
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years agoCarpet beetle infestation..or not?
So, over the last couple years I would occasionally find a carpet beetle, or a shedded skin underneath my bed or in my closet while cleaning. It was pretty scarce.
But I recently moved rooms in my house. I cleaned the entire room before moving in from head to toe but carried over all my closet clothes. The past 2 weeks I have found a total of 4 adult carpet beetles. Usually climbing on the wall in my bathroom, and more recently one IN MY BED! I suspect I will find another within the next few days. I have an aloe plant in my bathroom, as well as potpourri. I also had two bouquets of flowers in my bedroom. My family thinks I am overreacting and say I do not have an infestation. I will say, I have no notable damage to clothes or furniture, and there are no piles of bugs at the window sills. I am very anxious to get rid of these before they decide to lay any eggs. I am trying my best to spray my entire room... Do you think I need to spray the whole house? Am I overreacting or is this an infestation?
2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry2 years agoWill saying I was once mentally ill void my CPL application?
I am applying for a concealed weapons permit in WA state and was diagnosed with depressed and ptsd several years ago. I havent been depressed or on medication for over a year and am perfectly fine. Not sure if my medical records say otherwise.
The form asks "have you ever been adjudicated mentally defective or if you ever been committed to a mental institution?"
I m wondering if checking this box will immediately ruin my chances of getting a license. But if I check no, I believe I would be lying and I don t want to be put in jail for lying on a government form!
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police3 years agoIs this illegal? Drugs/Airport Question?
Okay. Loaded question. My mom is headed to China soon. She has an old Aunt there who is ill and in pain, and they want a medication Tylenol No. 2 (acetaminophen/codeine/caffiene). It's sold OTC in Canada and not sold in the states I believe.
My first question is... If I visit Canada, purchase some, and bring it back, am I committing a crime?
My second question is... If I complete said task, and my mom packs it in her luggage to the airport... Will she get in trouble for having narcotics or something?? I mean, are the dogs going to sniff it out and yada yada. I don't want to risk it unless I know it isn't illegal
3 AnswersAir Travel3 years agoWedding etiquette... Attending a couple s wedding I haven t met?
This might be a simple question but I ve only been to a handful of weddings, all when I was a child.
I am in a relationship with my boyfriend and have a close tie to his family for sure. A wedding is coming up of my boyfriend s old boss / a family friend. The couple know OF me, and I ve heard OF them plenty, but I ve never met nor spoke to either of them. My boyfriend expects me to go and be his date , but I m not sure I m comfortable. Is that weird to attend a wedding of a couple I ve never met?
16 AnswersWeddings3 years agoIs there a word or phrase for...taking an opportunity?
I just learned I've had the wrong idea of the phrase, "when in Rome" for years. I thought it meant taking an opportunity to do something you wouldn't normally do, because you are someplace foreign (such as Rome) or doing something unusual. For example, travelling to Europe and being offered Escargot for the first time... I would think.. "Yes I'd try some.. "when in Rome!'" Hahaha. Is there a phrase that actually means something like that??
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay3 years agoHurt my hip flexor/groin area? What happened?
So. I hiked this morning and about midway through the hike I started feeling my right hip flexor area hurt everytime I stepped forward with that leg, right where my leg connects to my pelvic area. I didn't trip, or fall, or do anything specific to have injured it, but it was a relatively sudden onset of pain. When the hike became steep it REALLY started to hurt, every step forward was agonizing. I also had an obligation to walk a dog for 40 minutes today so I'm sure that aggravated it even more. Now, at home, it's gotten to the point where it takes forever to get up the stairs, and I have to use my arm to lift up my leg to get dressed or get in bed, etc.
Did I just sprain a muscle or something? The pain feels like it's coming from INSIDE my leg, which is hard to explain. When I try to point to the pain, it's not my groin muscle or anything on the outside , it's like right in the middle of my joint... but inside(???) Sorry for the late explaination, I'm just trying to figure out what could have happened and how to get better because it's very painful to walk.
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management3 years agoCold Turkey off Wellbutrin?
I ve been on 300mg of Wellbutrin XR for depression for nearly a year. I ve recently felt a lot better about myself and wanted to taper off the medication. However, conflicts arose with my doctor and scheduling and I couldn t afford to see her or drive to her office and I ran out of medication. I ve been without Wellbutrin for a week now, and I feel fine. Why is this? She recommends scheduling an appointment to see her so we can taper off of it, but I feel completely fine and I feel like it would be counter productive to go BACK on the 300mg and taper off from there. Is there any reason why I am feeling totally fine like physically have had no severe withdrawal symptoms?
2 AnswersMental Health4 years agoCan you tell me what a Bible Study group is like?
Hello, I am considering joining a Bible study group, not necessarily affiliated with the church I attend. I am a little hesitant and don t know what to expect. Can you maybe give me some insight on what it d be like, or if I should? I m a young adult and would be going in it by myself. Otherwise, I would also like to spend time by myself studying the Bible.
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agoCan I call the police about a 'suspicion' of child neglect? (Specific incident)?
Last night, I heard from my neighbors yard a small child (likely under the age of 5) crying loudly, outside. It was 3:30AM. It was crying consistently and I was very worried... I came to the conclusion that they had kicked the child outside (They are odd people, and dont see them often). I watched from the window and after it stopped crying for about 15 minutes it looked as if someone came outside and brought the child back inside. I can't think of any situation where it'd be okay to leave a young child crying OUTSIDE at almost 4 in the morning. Would it have been appropriate for me to call the police?
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics4 years agoCan "Monseuir" be used without a following surname?
When addressing someone, can you use the word "Monseuir" alone, without a corresponding name? Such as in English, Mr or Mrs is usually followed by a surname but the terms Mr and Mrs can easily be used alone and not sound strange.
I have no experience with French so I apologize!
8 AnswersLanguages4 years agoWhen does a teacher become a Professor?
I've been calling my college English teacher 'Instructor Smith' rather than 'Prof. Smith" because he was in the process of finishing his doctorate degree.
I had previously thought that an instructor does not become a professor until (s)he earns a doctorate degree. Or is it masters? And one become a "Dr. Smith" after a phD is earned?
So when does an instructor become a Prof. and a Dr.?
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)4 years agoWhat to wear to an interview (dog place!)?
I am interviewing for a dog daycare place and I was told to wear something I don t mind getting dirty because I will be meeting dogs. This has caught me off guard because I don t want to look unprofessional. Any advice would help greatly!! (Female)
4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment4 years agoHow to phrase "Thank you for being adaptable"?
One of my tenant s houses flooded by chance (fire sprinkler froze and busted open). He has been staying in a hotel for the past week while the flooring has been redone and its ready for him to move in. I have a card and just wanted to tell him thanks for being so cooperative or.. I m not sure how to phrase it. He was never angry or difficult. Very adaptable throughout the process.
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay4 years agoAre Jewelry Exchanges used jewelry?
I'm asking about rings, I am very unfamiliar with jewelry and was wondering if a jewelry "exchange" is used stuff?
2 AnswersWeddings5 years agoCan t decide: Derrick Rose Knicks Jersey or Damian Lillard?
I am shopping for my boyfriend and I can t decide which jersey to get him - He liked/likes Derrick Rose a lot and he is super excited because the Knicks is his favorite team. However I m hesitant because he has a Carmelo Anthony jersey the exact same color and they don t sell a home jersey for Rose yet. He also likes Damian Lillard quite a bit and I m considering that because we re going to go watch them play the Knicks this season and he has said he wants his black jersey. I think he likes Rose better but I dont know if I want to get him a jersey the same exact color! Any opinions will help!
3 AnswersBasketball5 years agoI lost my glasses, and I need them, what can I do?
I lose my glasses all the time but last week I lost them for good, I dropped them in the dark at the beach and I couldn't find them anywhere.
I go on vacation in 7 days and I really, really want to be able to see scenery clearly. What can I do? I think my prescription is still up to date, but do I have no choice but to go pay full price for frames and new lenses? (My insurance would allow me to get new frames in October but not yet) or what other options do I have?
4 AnswersOptical5 years agoDo anti-depressants show up on insurance?
Just wondering if my doctor were to prescribe be antidepressants, would it appear on the insurance bill? I am 18 but under my parents insurance.
6 AnswersInsurance5 years agoGums in pain after getting braces off?
Just got my braces off today, I had bands on all my back teeth so I never came in contact with several teeth for 3 years. However now my gums are stinging and hurt BADLY when I brush. It feels like they re bleeding but they arent.
2 AnswersDental5 years ago