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how will the Marines help my family financially?
What's up? I'm joining the Marines and I take my ASVAB in about a week. (I've been studying and passes my Cat test with good scores) I'm joining the Corps for many reasons but my recruiter told me that the Marines will help my family financially, with bills and what not. Now I'm in a middle class family and my mom has been struggling to pay bills for the past couple of months. I know, I know if I wanted to join for money I should've joined the Army. Nothing against them it's just that I find the Marines to be a better fit for me. I also know that recruiters be bull sh*tting to get that contract signed lol. I just wanted to know how will they help out. If any help at all. I'm also going Active...Reserves is definitely not for me. Thank you guys in advance and wish me luck!!!
12 AnswersMilitary6 years agocan you identify this insect for me?
For some reason they have been flying around my house for the past month or so. I mainly see them around my room or the bathroom. I don't eat in my room. They don't bite neither. They just kind of fly around my face or room. I don't put on any ointments or anything onto my face. This one time one got whiffed up into my nose lol but its annoying and I want to know what bug it is to try and kick them out. My brother says its a fruit fly, but we rarely buy fruit. I killed one and laid it near an eraser so that you can see how small it is. Pun intended. Thank you for you're time.
2 AnswersZoology7 years agoladies I need you're opinion?
Hey how are you? :) I'm here to ask if it's weird or whatnot that I'm 18 and have yet to have my first kiss yet. Its not that I'm unattractive ...most girls actually told me that I'm cute and handsome. I've just graduated high school about three months ago and am thinking about not going to college and going to a technical school instead. I played baseball in high school and I'm very athletic as I still workout just to keep myself in shape. I'm not lying you're making this up at all but I've made a list of the girls that I could have went out with in high school and the list consists of literally 23 girls. that's twenty three girls that have actually come up to me and asked me out and I have turned them down not because they were unattractive anything like that they weren't my type of girl. You see I'm a funny guy, I'm cool and fun to hang out with. I also guess that just because of my looks people assume that I get all the girls...none of my friends believed the fact that I'm still virgin, and when other girls are asked about me they assume that I have already lost my virginity as well. I ask this one girl what was it about me that made her think that way, and she said that its just that I'm very funny and cool to be around and because of the way I carry myself. do you think I'm making the right moves by turning those girls down? is saving yourself for the right person sweet in our society today? I'm not a jerk or player by any means. I'm just a guy looking for an opinion :D
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoshould I just walk to the bank?
Aight so I am a college bound student but I am taking a three month break before I actually start. I have a job but I don't have a car which is unfortunate because I really do want to hang out my friends, but that's not the point my point is that I have a job and nobody in my house wants to go to the bank to take out a debit card in my name. the closest bank to my house is about a 40-50 minute walk. I'm 18 right now and yeah my mom doesn't trust me enough to have my own bank account even though I should I give her money from my weekly pay. both my mother and my brother have cars. my mom comes out of work at 4on weekdays, and my brother is free on Saturdays. I'm tired of walking around with just cash I want that to be secureespecially having all this money lying around. nobody's really wanted to help me ever which is why I'm not surprised by this, but it is not like if I'm going to take out a credit card and use money that I don't have, like my brother did. I am way more careful about how I spend my money, which is why I can get whatever I want whenever I want it. I just want to be in a situation where I can't use my own money because I don't have enough cash on me even though I could buy the item if I had a debit card.
2 AnswersPersonal Finance7 years agomixed emotions?
So when I was in high school their was this girl I'm going to call her Alex so Alex is one of the most beautiful girls in school and has a huge nice and toned butt. now I stated at this new school in sophomore year and I thought she was cute as well (because of whats inside I could care less about appearance) I never told her how I really felt about her but it was obvious enough. Even her friends knew I liked her (btw she was not some easy girl so she never had a bf in the school) She was awesome, playful and had one of the best smiles I could see. Alex and I never really got to know one another in such a way but whenever I gave her that little push of I like you she would push it right back at me. So at this point im settled, I have agreed that she's not into me and that she has friend zoned me. Which was not that bad for me. We also had the same 2hr shop class together. Come senior year Alex is being Alex and doing her regular thing, but now she's touching my butt, feeling up on my muscles and attempting to make me jealous by giving my best friend a hug and not me. Before prom time I was sitting on the computer in the 2hr shop class. She sits next to me and by my best friend and says that she wanted to print something so I let her. While their she starts to touch me by gently rubbing her hand on my crotch and butt and worked her way up the abs and chest then stopped and left while blushing. I was confused so I then asked her to prom only to get rejected. What does she want?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agois it cool if I slap a girls butt if she slaps mines?
So I'm very athletic and "cute" I guess and I also do a ton of leg workouts thus I have a strong base and a firm booty lol, but almost all of my female friends get a feel (more than once) and I just don't know what to do at the moment, so I just kind of wrestle with them or laugh about it after. I was raised to be a gentle man so I'm not some guy going around slapping girls butts. As a woman or a man that has had a similar experience What should I do or not do in a situation such as this?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agohey ladies would you rather have money and fame or happiness with a loyal man?
I'm curious about the way a variety of women see things.
6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoladies what do you think of this?
I am eighteen years old going to college and haven't had my first kiss yet and I'm still a virgin. I'm a nice guy, I'm funny, and am the glue to my circle of friends. That being said I'm usually the go to guy for almost everything. I workout, I lift weights, and I play baseball. I'm not some cocky jock by the way lol. Most girls tell me that I'm cute and are always stumped that im single. Even my friends were shocked to hear that im a virgin and didn't believe me for a good amount of months. I usually don't have time for all of that social stuff since I'm always focused on baseball. If I'm not working on my study's I'm hitting the cages or working out. Do you believe that I can find a girl that has similar interests as I do in college? PS any tips for relationships or just talking topics would be awesome thanks :D
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoladies what type of guy are you seeking for?
I'm just curious about the different standards women have. I'm funny, the go to guy to get things done, and to most girls I meet "cute" I'm by no means a lady's man and tend to be shy at times with girls, which is why I'm asking this question. I lift weights and am athletic. No I'm not some cocky jock im a good person to get to know. Oh and why do some of the most beautiful women either fall for the wrong guy and hates everyone to the point that theirs no room, not even for the good guys and or their waaayyyyy too above their heads thinking that their Americas next top model and won't date anybody "below standards"?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agomy wrist won't seem to heal?
About a month or two ago I was playing baseball for my schools jv team. I'm a varsity player but I decided to go with them because the more experience I can get the better I become. Now during this game I went 4-4 with two walks...yea they weren't as good as I thought. But during a walk I decided to steal second base. As I stole second I attempted a pop up slide but the dirt seemed to be extra slippery I guess and I kept on sliding. Luckily the bag was with me the whole time but at what cost?. While sliding my left arm was behind me for balance but as soon as I kept on sliding it moved further back. I guess I messed my wrist up somehow in the process because as soon as I got up I felt a sharp pain in the left bone of my left handed wrist (not sure what its called). I didn't pay any mind to it because rest is the body's best medicine, but its been about two months and it still hurts. Towards the end of my season it came to the point that I couldn't swing in an at bat without feeling the pain. Now I'm playing travel baseball as I always do but the pain is their but it doesn't hurt as much since I a apply wrist tape. I want to try to heal my wrist through natural ways or by myself before I go see a doctor or MRI and they tell me something like "you can't play for three months" or something. Thanks for reading if you did and I appreciate every bit of help. Thank you
2 AnswersInjuries7 years agoim frustrated...?
I work my but off to get noticed by a MLB scout in order to get signed by a professional baseball team. Problem is I haven't been hitting at all and states is around the corner. Right now I'm 2-19 and play varsity. Last year I was a decent player batting .289 with 3 hrs and 19 rbi's. This is why I literally wake up every morning at 5:30am and go to the park and hit off the tee before school. I also bat on the weekends, every time I go hit off the tee I swing 200 times if not more...the thing is I'm always hitting off the tee (and no I'm not dropping my shoulder or anything) and hit line drives. Problem is I could be hitting off the tee all day and hit line drives but when its game time I just either strikeout, hit a hard grounder, or a high pop up. Its as if all of my hard work is pointless. If you're wondering I just so happen to bat similar to Troy Tolowiztski. I am a senior now and am really struggling to hit this year. I should be going out with a bang right?. Everyone tells me the same thing "you run like a cheetah", "you have power you just got to make contact" "you have a strong outfield arm", "you have talent you just got to put you're tools together. What's the point of having all of these tools if I can't even get a hit? I want to get scouted which is why I work as hard as I do but I never see the results I need in order to help my team im not making this up. I really need some positive advice and thanks in advance I also want to play in college by the way.
4 AnswersBaseball7 years agothings to talk to girls about?
All I need is some topics, conversation starter's etc thanks
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agowhat would you do in this situation?
I'm currently a senior at my high school and am looking forward to going to college next year. I have gotten accepted to my choice (a division 2 college) and want to play baseball for them since I love to play the sport. Here's the cost 28,000 to go and I have nothing near that amount nor does my mother. I don't even think she makes this much in a year. They told me that since I didn't have good SAT scores (math) but wrote a great college essay that I would need to go to their summer preparation course. This course cost $150 (I have the money) and they need me to pay by May 1st if not I will not be eligible to go anymore. Yea I know "just sign up for FAFSA" and I did but I messed up and need to fix it before any college can receive it and let me know how much money/ assistance I'll receive. The FAFSA thing takes weeks yo receive information back. So my question to you is, should I just pay for the summer course without knowing how much help/ assistance I will be receiving from the government and fix my FAFSA (its going to get done regardless) or should I just go to a community college for two years and transfer out ( which is what i am trying to avoid since I will not get the same baseball training or experience). I need some help man I'm really stressing over this. Thanks for hanging in their and reading this and I appreciate any advice you have to give me.
2 AnswersFinancial Aid7 years agohave not been producing at the plate?
I am High School Senior and I have been playing Varsity since Freshman year. I have been having kind of a slow start this year and its frustrating to be honest. I have power...tons of it but whats the point if I'm not making consistent contact. I spend my Saturday's hitting off a Tee at the park by myself, while doing so I hit as if I were lifting breaking it down into reps/swings per set. I do middle, outside, inside, low etc. Long story short I take a little over 350 swings not including the reps I take at the school batting cage. I do everything I can, I take the extra bp, I look at video's, how I bat and yet whenever I step on the plate I either hit the ball really hard or strikeout. Like today I went 0-4 and in my first AB I hit an MLB pop up I'm talking about I was on 2nd when it dropped. In my 2nd AB I hit a hard groundout and when I asked my friend on the team "what I'm doing wrong?" He said "nothing... you're hitting the ball fine" then I struck out in my last two AB which is when I got frustrated and had to take a little walk by myself to cool down. Please help me out I really want to improve my hand eye coordination because just like my coach said "you have power you just got to make contact" plus I'm going to a D2 College next year and I want to be somewhat prepared. Thanks for reading this and I appreciate any advice or tipps given...thanks again
1 AnswerBaseball7 years agowhats in a can of Raid?
If cockroaches could survive a nuclear attack then how come they go crazy and die once they get sprayed by Raid? This is just one of my many thoughts...
1 AnswerOther - Science7 years agois this weird or not?
I have never had a girlfriend in my life nor have had my first kiss yet. I'm currently in high school (17years old) and I also play baseball ( start on varsity) and I'm just always in the weight room after school, doing sprints, or just conditioning with the team. Apparently I'm "cute" or "handsome" because every girl I see always asks me "why don't you have a girlfriend? You're very cute" and even my guy friends find it hard to believe that I'm still a virgin. I had a girl I'm attracted to but has a boyfriend say to her friend "I don't think he's a virgin". I'm not gay, I am very much into girls but I'm always focused on school and baseball. Not to make up excuses but I never really had somebody their to teach me how to talk to girls which is why I'm always nervous and speechless whenever I'm trying to be Rico swuave. But over all I'm a very cool, funny, laid back, and fun to be around person. If anything some tips or something would be cool, thanks :)
5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agohow can i let a girl i dont like her lightly?
She's always touching me and taking my hat off and stuff. She's not ugly or anything but she's not my type. She's cool and all which is why I don't want to be mean. I'm also a "cute boy" and I guess I'm too nice. No I'm not some a hole that would hurt someone's feelings but im just not attracted to her. Thanks
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoi need help with the college process any advice?
I'm currently a Senior H.S Baseball player and am having a hard time understanding this process. I am an average A and B student and my GPA is a 3.0. No I'm not a great Baseball player like Bryce Harper but I'm not a bad player neither. I just need someone to give me guidance please, and thanks for your time and advice I really appreciate it
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)7 years agois an SAT score of 1130 bad?
I'm trying to make the college thing work.
2 AnswersStandards & Testing7 years agoHow to prepare my self mentaly before a Baseball game?
2 AnswersOther - Education8 years ago