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  • need help remembering a movie - 4 horsemen appear near end.?

    I don't remember too much of the movie but towards the end of the film, the bad guys that were chasing someone (guy or little girl maybe) turned into the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. One of the horsemen had a sickle, another was carrying a large scale on a staff. Movie was made within the last 4 years. It IS NOT the movie "now you see me."


    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • what is a theoretical freezing point?

    I am in Chem111 and we did an experiment about the freezing point of Acetic Acid, the freezing point of acetic acid while stirring and the freezing point of acetic acid with salt. How do i determine a theoretical freezing point?

    1 AnswerChemistry8 years ago
  • what kind of video game is this?

    Hello, I remember a game from the PC a long time ago where there were 2 tanks on opposite sides of the screen. The object was each tank gets a turn to launch a missle at the other. based on the players trajectory and power the missle would hit the other tank or deteriorate the ground below or around the tank. I'm looking for an android game similar to this if someone can help!

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Why did i get the nuketown 2025 map with black ops 2?

    I didn't pre-order, I just walked into best buy today and bought the game. Then when I opened the case, there was a redeemable code for the bonus map.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Help remembering a movie i started watchint but forgot thr name.?

    I Started watching a rated R movie recently but forgot the name. The opening scene of the movie was a guy filming his girlfriend while they walked through a dark basement. When the girl went through a dark doorway something or someone hit her in the face, then the thing came after the guy who was filming. He inevitably got caught by the thing and dropped the Camera and his body dropped in front of it soon after.

    Any help is appreciated!

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • when oil prices drop, what stocks usually rally and vice versa?

    Natural gas, Solar, oil, What stock sectors rally when oil prices drop and what stocks thrive on oil going up?

    2 AnswersInvesting9 years ago
  • Can I plant this onion? ?

    I bought a bag of onions a few weeks ago and one of them sprouted about 5 stalks from the bulb. Can I plant the onion and grow onions from it?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • What artist and song are these lyrics from?

    Heard someone playing this rap song, i didnt know who it was. the lyrics i remember are:

    "Formula 1 sex drive, my mind's driven"


    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago
  • Would someone like to do a photoshop request of my dog?

    Looking for someone decent at photoshop to give my dog a George Washington Parliament kind of wig. Any Takers?

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • where can i find information about identifying trees in New England?

    I'm looking to know more about identifying different species of trees in the CT and New England Area. I don't know a Maple from an Oak , anyone know a good source? Thanks

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • Need help converting a date to Traditional Roman?

    Hi, I am trying to convert a July 16, 2011 to Roman and what ive come up with is


    but my question is, is this correct and how do i add the year 2011 to this, is is MMXI or shoud an AUC be added to this? again i would like to have this authentic as possible. Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • My 2.5 yo olde english bulldogge snapped at me while he had his bone....more details below.?

    I was watching my friends 4 month old lab, we have a 2.5yo bully, the dogs get along great until my dog wants a bone or toy and he becomes very posessive of it. The little dog tries to take it and our dog snaps at him. I felt that was normal seeing that he can become mildly irritated with puppies sometimes. However he snapped at the puppy in front of me where I was close enough to him to give him a nudge with my foot, whenDoing so, he snapped at me in an aggressive manner. That's not realltylike him. He is very non dominant, passive, let's every dog hump him with out a care and he gets spooked really easily. He's hind of nervous. Just looking for some explanation here, thanks

    6 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Sore swollen feet after golf?

    I went golfing today very early in the morning so naturally the grass was wet. My shoes and socks were soaked and I finished playing 9 holes. When I got home I took my works off and my feet looked like prunes. Later in the day, my feet got swollen and are sore to the touch. What is this called and why does it happen? Is there any reason to be concerned?

    2 AnswersGolf1 decade ago
  • i need help remembering a movie i saw.?

    The movie was about this guy that lived in an apartment with a dark hallway in the corridor. He would always receive emty packages in the mail. He had some strange neighbors i think some guy was collecting glasses or something to put on manikins heads or something like that. The apartment guy was starting to go crazy and he had a black friend that was a courier that was delivering empty packages. i cant really remember much more. please help!

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago