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Lv 44,919 points

Mary Morstan

Favorite Answers26%
  • Can I get into a good college without having done a lot of community service?

    I'm going to be a high school senior in the fall, and I haven't really had a lot of volunteer experience; I didn't learn about all this stuff that colleges were looking for until later in my junior year and I've had trouble finding volunteer opportunities during the summer.

    I have a 4.0 GPA and a 1980 composite SAT score; by the time I graduate I'll have taken five AP classes and one honors class. I don't really have a lot of extracurriculars either but I've helped out a bit in the drama department at my school and I'm in a local moviemaking club. I'm planning on majoring in film production and some of the schools I'm looking at right now are Emerson, MICA, SCAD, and UT Austin, as well as USC (though I don't think I stand much of a chance of getting in there anyway).

    Do you think I'll still stand a chance of getting accepted into those colleges without community service (or a lot of extracurriculars)? I'm also good at writing so I should be able to write good essays, and my portfolio (which is mostly still photography and writing samples at this point) should hopefully help too.

  • How would you write a treatment for a comedy sketch?

    I'm doing a workshop right now that's producing a sketch comedy, and we've been told to come up with ideas, and I have a few but I'm not sure how to write a treatment for a sketch? The only things I can find examples for are sitcoms and films; how similarly would I do it to those? Do I need to go in depth on characters and are there specific ways I need to format it?

    1 AnswerComedy7 years ago
  • How to cite a website in a presentation?

    I had to make a presentation for US Lit class and I used a website to find some information about the poem to make the presentation, and I feel like I should cite the website because my teacher's really picky about citations and I guess it's the right thing to do anyway

    But she has us cite in MLA format, and aren't you supposed to have the author's name in parentheses next to whatever you're citing instead of just using a little number? Because I feel like it would look a lot better as a presentation to just use a little number, and then cite it at the bottom of the slide or in the notes of that slide (because I'm doing this w/ Google Drive so I could put the citation there so only my teacher would see it on her computer and it wouldn't be in the presentation at all), but would that be the correct way to do it? Or I mean even if that isn't the right way to do it should I just do it anyway?

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Where can I watch World of Pub online?

    It's a BBC comedy television series from 2001. I've found three episodes on Vimeo that were uploaded by the director of those episodes but I can't find the others anywhere else. And please don't say 1channel or whatever if you haven't actually gone and looked for the episodes there because I've already looked on places like that. Preferably not torrents because I don't really know how to do torrents, but other downloads/streams would be okay. If you could help that would be super great.

    2 AnswersComedy8 years ago
  • Was showing the Amish lady's boobs in Witness meant to be symbolic?

    Like was it meant to show that because of John Book's presence in her life she was starting to rebel a bit from her traditional Amish ways and stuff?

    Because otherwise it seemed really pointless; like we knew at that point she wasn't dressed and if they didn't show her boobs and maybe lightened up on the f-bombs then it probably could've been PG-13.

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Where can I find/buy old issues of Radio Times online?

    And by old I mean an issue that's from like eighteen months ago. And it'd need to be able to ship the US too.

    2 AnswersMagazines8 years ago
  • Am I expected to compile a resume with no prior work experience?

    I'm trying to apply for a job at an amusement park through a website that does applications for these sorts of jobs. And I'm fifteen; I'll be sixteen by the time the season starts, but I have no prior work experience; I'm homeschooled and don't participate in any music or sports programs; I don't have any neighbors or teachers I could put as personal references; I don't really have anything that would make people want to hire me. I have no clue how I'm going to get this job but I really need one and I just really need help.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Where to start with Star Trek TOS novels?

    I read Allegiance in Exile, which came out fairly recently I think, and I'd really like to read more, but I really don't know where to start. And I know there are a lot, but could you guys make any recommendations of good places to start or just good ones to read in general?

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment8 years ago
  • Star Trek Into Darkness Imax premiere?

    When it says 'The Imax release of Star Trek Into Darkness will feature about 30 minutes of footage filmed with its proprietary cameras', what exactly does that mean? Will it just be the normal movie but with 30 minutes of it having been filmed specifically for Imax or...?

    Sorry for the stupid question.

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • What is your favorite live action Disney movie?

    DCOMs don't count, nor do movies made by companies they have purchased (Miramax, Marvel, etc.)

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Is the Trekkie/Trekker argument still valid?

    From what I've read, you were a Trekker if you watched the show when it aired in the 60's; otherwise you were a Trekkie, or that I guess Trekkies didn't take the show as seriously as Trekkers did.

    Which term is generally more accepted in the Star Trek fandom nowadays, and are there still any different connotations that go with each name?

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment8 years ago
  • Has the Star Trek TOS universe ceased to exist because of the events in the reboot?

    Time just confuses me a lot, I guess: I mean I see time as one stream that can be filled with predestiny and the like and I know there are theories about there being alternate time streams opened by various changes in time, and J. J. Abrams has mentioned possibly bringing Shatner's Kirk back for one of his movies, but how would that be possible if the course of events has completely been changed with the destruction of Vulcan and all?

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Are there ways to tell if someone has had a nightmare?

    Or I guess maybe just general sleep deprivation. I figure maybe bloodshot eyes could be one of them; it's for something I'm writing and the guy can tell his flatmate's been having nightmares so he asks about it. And this would be the morning after said nightmare. Thanks.

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • How early should I get to the movie?

    So, um, yeah, I don't really go to movies that often, and when I do it's usually a week or so after their release. I'm seeing The Hobbit tonight and I know there were long lines at the midnight premiere but will it be as bad tonight?

    4 AnswersMovies8 years ago

    So, yeah, Christmas is coming up. We actually have money to buy people gifts this year unlike previous ones, and we've already agreed with most families whether we're buying something for them or not.

    But then you've got my dad's side of the family, and my aunt always asks my brother and I what we want, and usually gets us things along those lines which is awesome, but like this year I don't even know if we should get them something.

    This sounds really stupid, but yeah. They have two eight-year-old girls and a sixteen-year-old I think, and my aunt and uncle. Like, I know what I could get the girls, but they already have tons of stuff, and know tons of people who will buy things for them, so I don't know. I know some things that my aunt is into, but I don't know what my uncle or other cousin likes. So are there things we can buy for the whole family? Because like I'm stuck as to what to get and we're seeing them in a week and I just feel like a jerk for not encouraging my dad to go out and get stuff for them and because I feel like I come across as ungrateful for my presents and what not ugh.

    3 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • In which Sherlock Holmes story does Holmes specify the three qualities a good detective needs?

    He said they were knowledge, observation, and deduction. I don't remember the exact quote, nor the book/story from which it came, but I've been reading the stories in chronological order, and I've read up to 'The Five Orange Pips', so it was from some story at that point or earlier. I have it highlighted on my nook, but I have to go through the whole thing to find where I highlighted it. So, which story does he say this? Thanks.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Would it be pointless for a fifteen-year-old to try for a seasonal job?

    I'll be sixteen in April. Would it be useless to try to apply for a job for the holiday season? There are lots of outlet stores and shopping malls nearby where I can try to find work.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • What did teens/young adults in the '60s wear to concerts (specifically Elvis concerts)?

    I might be going to an Elvis impersonator concert next year, and I think it'd be realllly cool if I could put together a somewhat-authentic outfit for the event. What would teen and young adult women wear to that sort of concert in the '60's? Or at least what sort of subculture did those people belong to so I could just make that sort of outfit?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • My left underarm smells but isn't itchy/irritated?

    My right armpit is fine, but my left one stinks. It's not itchy or irritated, so I don't know if it's a yeast infection. I'm not using any new soaps/deodorants. What kind of topical (OTC) ointments/powders can I use?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago