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Favorite Answers13%
  • Train Wreck in the Bronx?

    A train driver who gets to work 1 hr. early falls asleep

    on time when the train is in motion either partied the night before

    or needs to be checked out for Diabetes. What a mess!

    Can he be prosecuted?

    2 AnswersOther - United States7 years ago
  • Soldiers in Afghanistan for another 10 years for what? says Karzai.?

    I think it is the job of a US President to decide who stays in

    any country and for how long when it refers to the US military.

    He should dictate his own pace for 2016 and for the next 10 years.

    Who is he?

    4 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • Keith Urban,Jenifer Lopez, Will I am for Judges?

    A good combination of Power judges! I hope they

    know the show will go on now. Love them! How

    about you?

    2 AnswersCountry8 years ago
  • Is Paula Dean the only black cat around?

    Why on earth the public has this lady in a miserable condition

    is she the only person in all America that has said anything

    in reference to race? things are slurred every minute of the day

    all in the South. It's a shame for America to prey on her for news

    when she is a victim of circumstances and it has gotten out of hand

    for her to just hand out what she has achieved in her life through hard

    work. Not fair it's an evil willful act of people who she probably

    helped Not a good thing to pursue this case at all. It is the unknown

    that is the real problem and she is torn apart by all involved. Not good.

    4 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Jennifer Lopez again?

    It will be the best choice for Idol if Jennifer Lopez decides

    to return to be a judge. The show will survive. This past season was

    not a pleasant one with females snapping more times than many.

    Talent was good but backyard brawls were not. I wish nothing but the

    best for American Idol! and hope the good judges will consider returning

    even Stephen Tyler and/or Randy Jackson, Keith Urban is the only one

    left to carry on and he's great, now it's for two more to show up, but Who?

    Carrie Underwood will be perfect as well.

    2 AnswersCelebrities8 years ago
  • Is the DNC rocking the stage in North Carolina?

    The answer is definitely Yes! with major political players like

    Bill Clinton, the Nuns for Obama and Gabby Giffords who almost

    died for Democracy it's enough to endorse the President again.

    Bill Clinton could not have given a better speech and within it

    spoke volumes of truth and he was a President himself and

    a good one. I think Barack Obama kept all his promises to

    the American people and will do so for another 4 years.

    Hatred and greed will not elect a President or re-elect one,

    No tellling what any elected official will do. Presidents are

    not magicians, or workers of iniquity, they are assigned

    to do a Government job win or lose. Say no more.

    A materialistic individual can only see the financial reflection

    of things but there's more to a Presidency than the mind

    can comprehend, money is just a piece of the puzzle.

    America know who they have, but don't know who they will

    get, and who knows what will happen with the economy?

    it could spiral out of control too in the negative. What then?

    Will they be good when the economy don't rise above

    sea level? it will be a chain blame. Let the voters decide

    who stays and who goes. So far the DNC has substance and

    words from very prominent people, credible enough to speak on behalf

    of one of their own. The constitution did say "We the people" and

    the Democrats say that the most because they represent the people,

    not money. With all that said, I say! "Obama for President." What say you?

    It's campaign time. Let's go to the polls.

    1 AnswerSnow Skiing9 years ago
  • Will American Idol survive?

    I think when people have to move out or on it does'nt

    mean things end. The show must go on, and so does

    the contestants and the judges. Randy Jackson is still

    in his seat, he is in the best position to call the shots

    in reference to two replacements for judges, if anything

    Mariah Carey and John BonJovi. Just saying.

    How about you?

    That show is one of the best there is on Television.

    5 AnswersReality Television9 years ago
  • Robyn Roberts GMA journalist?

    Just to say! Robyn Roberts is already on

    her way to be cured from this condition, if

    she did'nt know her diagnosis then that is

    a reason to fear the unknown, and the

    greatest physician is on the case, her

    faith will make her whole again. Let's

    pray for her! all good yahooanswers

    folks. Love you Robyn! hope to see

    you soon back in your TV chair.

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Obama/Biden for 2012!?

    Obama/Biden already have a ticket to ride.

    It's up to the voters to do the right thing.

    13 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Praying for Bin Laden?

    Souls that are in Purgatory, wait for the

    prayers of the faithful to lift them up to where

    they need to be! but Murder by so many

    counts is a sacriledge in Catholicism, it violates

    the 10 Commandments. Forgiveness is not

    possible for his crimes he burns in Hell! straight

    up. Still! it is written that we pray for their souls.

    His judgement had been given at death, he is thrust into

    the fires of hell for murder. Thou shalt not kill!

    BOO! BOO!

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where is Gadhafi in all of this?

    It strange that there's not a sound from

    Gadhafi these days. Holla!

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Can't a judge get Jones off the street?

    This is not the answer to anything.

    Those days are long gone when an eye

    for an eye and tooth for tooth worked.

    Protesting foreign religion in America

    will only inflame the problem. It's not

    a way to conquer terrorism! it will do nothing.

    Mosques are permitted to be built in the US!

    There are laws in the constitution for this, he

    needs to rethink his actions. This is added problems

    for Homeland security, no matter what he says.

    Thug behaviour is showing itself here.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What is going on with a Government shudown?

    Common sense comes before Book sense.

    Is that a practical solution? or Political comedy?

    2 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Who believe that radiation risk in Japan is downplayed? I do!?

    There has to be some level damage to those plants under the

    circumstances facing Japan with disaster, enough to cause leaks, but they need help!

    so to elaborate on the risk will not help them any either! think about it.

    Survival instincts will have to kick in, but the Rescue missions must be cautious too,

    and pull out if necessary. Don't you think? A health threat like that one is also a

    problem, and a life threatening one Japan will not be able to help..

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Will you marry a man that has never worked a day in his life?

    Who in their right mind will marry a lazy giggolo

    who has no money to do anything? let alone point

    fingers at others, who with nothing! go to work to do

    for themselves to avoid being a parasite, yet he is in charge!

    Ha! while you go to work to give him the comforts. He needs a

    gay man to do that for him, but this is the very person to point

    fingers at others who do it for themselves. He is somebody? Yes!

    A big panty man!if there's ever bigger than that. A blind woman would'nt

    want to see him for nothing, let alone love! His money must be

    the reason she is there.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Scanners! pat down! now?

    Hey! Hey!This will stop underwear bombing

    for a long time to come, and keep

    Al Qeada rookies off the airport

    terminals at last. No pat down for them. No, No.

    1 AnswerScanners1 decade ago
  • Would'nt it be fair to give this President four years in office before he is judged?

    Every other President that went to the White House

    got their time to be rediculed, why is this President

    under fire for wading through the mess that was left

    behind for him to clean. Had it been some other senator

    that was voted into office, will they be blamed for what

    did'nt happen with those who left because their time was up?

    In four years lots can happen no matter how it looks right now.

    Time changes and so do men! then what's the rattle about really?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can I pick another judge for American Idol Show?

    Gloria Estefon is another good choice for Judge

    Where is Gloria? skilled people are needed.

    The idea of American Idol Talent Show,

    is to help people to become stars, if

    everyone is "spoken down to" then it's

    a "Psycho Show" nobody will ever be

    good enough to become singers.

    6 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Can I pick another judge for American Idol Show?

    Gloria Estefon is another good choice for Judge

    Where is Gloria? skilled people are needed.

    The idea of American Idol Talent Show,

    is to help people to become stars, if

    everyone is "spoken down to" then it's

    a "Psycho Show" nobody will ever be

    good enough to become singers.

    2 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago