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  • What is the name of this Hip hop song ?

    So I can't remember the words or rythm but I remember the music video ..There was a fat black guy rapping and the video was filled with half naked girls dancing or twerking with tools you would find at a construction area ..the main girl in the video had this huge drill for concrete so it made her *** shake and what not you know this song ? Cant find it

    2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop7 years ago
  • Which phone should I buy ?

    ok so can you give me some phones so I can check em out ? I DON'T WANT AN IPHONE !!! I was thinking samsung galaxy s3 but it is confusing (whats the differencw between I-9300,I-9305) ,my phone has to be in a 500 dollars galaxy s3 is that price but if you know some cheaper phones that are good aswell please advise me :P

    5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Nightclub-how not to feel awkward?

    So I'm going to the nightclub with my friends for the new year celebration and I'm a guy ..I like drinking and I can take it and I know my limit but I want to dance in a club know ..with a chick ,but the problem is ..I won't have my confidence ..I know that my friends probably wont dance and I probably wont make them do so ..and its gonna stop me from going to the dnce floor do you approach girls on the floor ..I don't wanna look creepy going for the dance and I dont want to dance by myself..we'll probably gonna take the table to hang around there but you know..I wana have max fun as I can get..I don't really lik ethe music to be honest

    5 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • How to play songs by ear on guitar ?

    So ..I want to know how can you play every song by ear using chords..when I went to lessons the teacher told me that you have to know the drum beats and I can always choose the rythm and tempo but how do you pick chords. ..he said something about having Multiple chords which fit each other but I only remembered the G-C-D chord combination..can you write me other combinations where chords fit ..I'm pretty good at playing solos by ear but it takes me some time..I will need to pick the rith chords when playing something randomly while people sing..I know the ryth, bu chords :/ please help ..

    3 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • World cup 2014 ,who do you think will pass the groups ?

    what I think ..

    A - Brasil,Croatia

    B - Spain,Chile

    C - Greece,Columbia

    D - Uruguay,Italy

    E - France,Honduras

    F - Argentina,BiH

    G - Germany,Portugal

    H - Russia,Belgium

    7 AnswersFIFA World Cup (TM)7 years ago
  • Will weed **** me up ?

    so I'm asking this becouse I'm going to concert on saturday and before the concert I made a deal with my friends to smoke weed before I go ..I don't want to end up getting ****** up and not being able to go to the concert ..have in mind that I'm going to another city to this concert and I need to be stable will one or two hits **** me up ?

    4 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Will weed **** me up ?

    so I'm asking this becouse I'm going to concert on saturday and before the concert I made a deal with my friends to smoke weed before I go ..I don't want to end up getting ****** up and not being able to go to the concert ..have in mind that I'm going to another city to this concert and I need to be stable will one or two hits **** me up ?

    4 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop7 years ago
  • Bundessliga vs Seria A vs La liga vs Premier league ?

    What do you think is the best and most interesting league ? I'd say



    2.La liga

    1.Seria A

    5 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)8 years ago
  • Fifa 13 how to turn off blue arrow thing ?

    Fifa 13 how to turn that blue arrow looking thing that shows your direction ...PC version

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Just finished "Outlast"..explain the ending?

    You shot down this black ghost dude and he dissapears but when you try to escape that wheelchair guy appears with soldiers and they kill you ..few seconds after you hear sreams andd everyone dies (probably) ..can you give some ideas ..were you a prisoner ? Couse one of them said something like "how do you know you're not the patient" ..also ..why did father Martin want you to stay then he burnt on the cross ..did he wanted you to ttell the world about that place ? That wheelchair guy tells you to kill Billy but he brings him back to life again ?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • I have big ears but I want a short haircut ?

    Since I was little I had huge ears and everybody always teased me about it ..Remember Shane from Walking dead ? Yeah those ears except mine aren't pointy ..but I'm desparate ,I have this Justin Bieber haircut before Justin Bieber even fuckiing existed just to cover these ears ..but now I'm sick of it ..what do I do ?

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • UFC 164 Who will win ?

    Frank Mir vs Barnett ..who will win ?

    1 AnswerMartial Arts8 years ago
  • Breaking Bad:Do you guys hate Walt ?

    For everything he's done ..He talked with Jessie about his girlfriend and Brock and how they look happy and all that and he seemed happy for Jessie and then he poisoned Brock to save his sorry *** !! He does this to save himself and I don't want him to get caught but to die at the end ..I'm so glad Jessie found out about this ..Walt has gone too far and he deserves to die .And then he asks Jessie to leave the country..don't you guys think the same ?

    4 AnswersDrama8 years ago
  • Starting to work out..pain in muscles ?

    So I started working out on my muscles ..I lift 20 kilos in 6 series ..I started feeling pain in my muscles .I streched my arms realy good so pain dissapeared ..I started lifting again and the pain is back ..I can't straighten my arm without feeling pain ..should I stop for a while or it's just normal to feel this ? When I lift I feel no pain..

    1 AnswerMen's Health8 years ago
  • Origin..downloading games problem ?

    So I started downloading Dead space3 on Origin and I decided to play Slyrim while it's downloading It downloaded 26% before I played skyrim and after I turned Skyrim off It said that dead space is at 20% !!! Whats up with that ? How is that possible ??

    1 AnswerPC8 years ago
  • How do you wash a battle jacket ?

    So I have a lot of patches on it and I dont want to ruin them or anything ..I also dont want to take them off cause it's a pain in the *** sewing them back on do you wash it ? I mean it smells bad ,sweat so it's a must

    2 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Question for Skyrim players on PC?

    So I started the game as a Nord and now I wanna change to Bretan to be a mage I did a lot of missions already and don't wanna start all over again ,If I change it to breatan over the ingame console (typing player.setrace) will it take all bretan abilities (25% resistence to magicka) or it will be like a bretan in a nord body ?? I really wanna know that

    1 AnswerPC8 years ago
  • Is Scion A/V shipping to Europe ?

    Do they ship in Europe

    1 AnswerCelebrities8 years ago
  • Why is my friend so boring ?

    I mean I enjoy his company but he is never up fo some action ..he is always like ,,Oh I'll see if I'm going to be in a good mood for this and that and in the end he is like ..nahh I'm not going ..and this happened so many times there is this party going on in 3 days and it's a heavy metal/rock club and he loves that musioc and I do too and this party is held due to Iron maiden concert here in Zagreb so It's a must go ..and he is like ..yeah I'll see if I'm going to be in a mood for that ..why is he doing this ?? He sits infront his videogames and he watches some stupid youtube to convert him ?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago