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  • Need help with sci fi movie/show where young ppl draw out of a hat to determine their job?

    I can't remember the name or if it was a movie or tv series. But I remember reading about a sci fi show where they simulated a post apocalyptic world with a bunch of young adults and they had to draw from a hat to see what their job would be. I think it was just an experiment but I could be wrong. I want to watch it but can't remember the title I am pretty sure I saw it was available on netflix as well if that helps.

    2 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Twizzlers or Red Vines?

    MY co-worker thinks twizzlers are better I think he is crazy, so which do you prefer Twizzlers or Red Vines?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How dangerous is it for a dog to drink beer?

    My dog will snatch up a beer and take it outside to drink if you don't watch your beer after opening it and it's within reach she will steal and drink it. Just wondering how dangerous it is for them to drink a can of beer.

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Emeril tri-ply VS Cuisinart tri-ply cookware?

    I just got a new induction stove and am looking for a tri-ply stainless cookware set.

    I think I have it narrowed down to 2 options:

    1) Cuisinart FCT-10 set

    2) Emeril 12 piece E914SC64

    I will be new to stainless steel pans and want a high quality set without paying the outrageous AllClad price.

    I am hoping some here have experience with these sets or pieces of it. Or at least experience with the brands in general and can help me reach a descion. I am leaning towards the Cuisinart but they are more money, but are made in France the Emeril is made in China.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Wouldn't this be a gross violation of religious rights?

    Hoping snopes is wrong, but according to this visitors can not bring any religious items to visit patients in Walter Reed medical center the largest military hospital in the US.

    How could anyone possibly think that this is legal?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Looking for a larger 2p tent?

    I am looking for a lager 2p tent because I am 6' 4" and will not fit in a lot of them, I want a 3 or 4 season tent that weighs 7 lbs at most. I will also need room for two medium size dogs and plan on using it a lot so it needs to be very good quality. My price range is $100-$300

    Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated:)

    4 AnswersCamping9 years ago
  • Would a dog that got bit become more aggressive to other dogs?

    My dog use to be really friendly and love to play with other dogs, but about a month ago he took off after a rabbit then went up to a neighbors dog (who was tied up in their yard) and this dog bit him real good on the tummy, would that make him in turn more aggressive to all other dogs?

    9 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Controller poll for gamers?

    Do you play with an inverted or regular Y axis?

    Why do you prefer that style?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Would you have said something?

    So I was riding the bus home when a rather large lady and her son who was a little over weight but not bad got on the bus and sat in front of me the kid was about 7 and he asked his mom for some of the baby carrots they had just bought, she told him no you will ruin your dinner, so he asked what was for dinner and she told him they were going to McDonald's! I was stunned that this lady seems to prefer her child eat junk food to the carrots he wanted and I almost said something but didn't.

    In my view this is definitely child abuse, because the habits she is teaching him will stick with him for life...seriously I would rather she spanked him with a belt than this.

    Anyway my question is should I have said something? Would You?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Would you have said something?

    So I was riding the bus home when a rather large lady and her son who was a little over weight but not bad got on the bus and sat in front of me the kid was about 7 and he asked his mom for some of the baby carrots they had just bought, she told him no you will ruin your dinner, so he asked what was for dinner and she told him they were going to McDonald's! I was stunned that this lady seems to prefer her child eat junk food to the carrots he wanted and I almost said something but didn't.

    T\In my view this is definitely child abuse, because the habits she is teaching him will stick with him for life...seriously I would rather she spanked him with a belt than this.

    Anyway my question is should I have said something? Would You?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What is a good news site with no gossip?

    I am looking for a news site with no celebrity BS, no opinions, just straight news reported as it actually happened with no paraphrasing? I am not sure if one exists these days but would really like it if one did.

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism10 years ago
  • My dog lashed out at a kid what should i do?

    My dog recently bit a small piece off the lip a two year old, he has never bitten anyone before and seemed fine even when the kid bit his ear he did nothing, but i looked away for a second and looked back when I heard my dog lash out and bite him, and I did not see what caused it I only know that he had been playing very rough with the dog and the dog had shown no sign of anger before it bit question is what should I do to the dog, like I said he hasn't ever bitten someone before and i didn't actually see what caused him to bite, but I want to be able to trust him like I did before with small children....I don't have any kids but most my friends do and I don't want to have to lock him up all the time when they come over.

    16 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Atheists you ever think about this?

    Ok So if my religion is correct, and I live rightouesly I go to heaven, but lets say you are correct, I lost nothing from following a religion. While if my religion is correct, you will spend an eternity referring you decisions. So why not be religious?

    36 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists you ever think about this?

    Ok So if my religion is correct, and I live rightouesly I go to heaven, but lets say you are correct, I lost nothing from following a religion. While if my religion is correct, you will spend an eternity referring you decisions. So why not be religious?

  • Question about my dogs ears?

    Ok the very tips of my dogs ears have no fur and look dried out, I thought he might have rubbed them on something but they have been that way a month. I tried changing dog food thinking maybe he was allergic, and his ears haven't changed. He didn't use to have dry ears....what would cause his ear tips to be dry,scaly, and hairless?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How is global warming not a natural cycle of the earth?

    Most things you read these days talk about what a drastic and horrible effect we causing on the environment, yet when you look at the earths history the "global warming" we are experiencing is a completely natural and harmless cycle.

    Also why do people think that we as humans could have such drastic effects on an earth that has been here billions of years? Arrogance? That seems to be the only reason someone would think something as insignificant as humans compared to the earth could cause such effects.

    11 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Is God this wrathful?

    I heard that the holocaust and the mass extermination of the jews was because of the way they treated and then crucified Jesus. I was wondering if this was possible he could be so wrathful?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A Good dog food rotation?

    I currently feed my dogs Taste of the wild seafood or the new purple lamb bag but I wanted to know if there are benefits of rotating brands, and if so, what brands i should include that are not too pricey but high quality and how many different brands. Also how often do you rotate...every bag every 2 bags or 3 bags.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How often should bed sheets be washed?

    I normally wash them every month and when I told my mom that she said that thats too long and it can ruin sheets if you wait too long without washing them. She washes hers every other week, is it really necessary to wash sheets that often?

    10 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago