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  • Should I send her a message...?

    There's this girl I've been talking to for agessss now. We met on a dating app (I'm 20 she's 19) and we got along SO well. She showed a LOT of interest and we clicked very quickly. Got her number blah blah blah. Anyway the timing was horrible bc she went to overseas for 5 months and we didn't get a chance to meet in person before that. We spoke a little while she was away and snap chatted each other but I left it for the most part bc I didn't want to keep pestering her while she was away. When she got back, I left it a few days and then messaged her, she responded, but hasn't replied to me since. I have her on fb and snap and she hasn't deleted me or anything. I'm not sure why she didn't reply, but I'm paranoid about being clingy so I haven't messaged her or anything since then (it's been like 2 months lol) ANYWY we just got along so well I thought it would be silly if I didn't try rekindle what we had. But since she was the one who hasn't replied to me initially I'm hesitant to try start a conversation again. I though something small like sending a snapchat or something and see how that goes first? Or should I just totally leave it and forget about it compeltely?

    The only reason I haven't done so is bc we did get on insanely well and she genuinely seemed VERY interested in me. She hasn't been rude, or deleted me off anything, she just didn't reply to that one message, or initiated since. What should I do? I really wanna try if there a chance

  • how best would you like this guy kiled?

    I'm writing a book, and need to kill off a character in the first chapter (it sets up for the mystery in the rest of the story).

    Anyway, its london, late 1800's, and to cut a long story short, a rich, mysterious adventurer/inventor has arrived at his daughters house as she's throwing a fancy party. i'm thinking:

    1) He smokes a cigar laced with poison. (i'm thinking of having him be found in a locked room too).

    2) the crystal chandelier comes loose and falls on him.

    3) the killer poisons a bottle of port gifted to him.

    4) it's a costume party and the killer silently stabs the man in the crowd and slips away without anyone knowing or

    5) when the man steps outside for a smoke he's strangled with his tie

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • How can I make this murder scene better?

    I'm writing a book, and I need to murder this character in a mysterious way.

    Basically it's set in London, late 1800's. This older man is let out of prison/sanitarium (although he is completely innocent) and a few hours later his body is discovered and he's dead. He's an inventor+explorer if that helps. I can't find a way to kill him that I REALLY like. Anyone have any ways you'd be interested in seeing this character die?

    Ps I'm just writing this for a bit of fun, I'm not taking it super seriously, I just need a bit of help getting over this part. Writers blocks a *****

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Is there a demand for gay novels?

    I'm gay. And growing up I wished there was more queer novels j could read, especially as a young adult.

    So as I'm already a writing (journalist) I wanted to write a YA adventure novel and have the female protagonist fall for another female. I'm just curious as to what kind of demand there is for books like this, how many of you would buy it perhaps, etc.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Help with my story? Easy 10 pts!?

    Okay so I want to start writing a romantic murder mystery sort of novel. Basically without giving away too much, the young female hero is on board a cruise ship when people start to be murdered. Slowly she starts to unravel the mystery blah di blah. It's set in a sort of 1920's steampunk world.

    I've read a lot of books in the steampunk genre and a lot of them talk about airships. And while I really like the idea of airships, I had an idea the other day that instead of an airship, it could be like a submarine? Like a cruise ship underwater. But I can't decide. Which would you prefer if you were reading the book?

    I suppose the only reason I'd lean more towards an airship is I can make a lot more happen with that then a submarine, but still!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Should I still be friends with her?

    I used to be best friends with this girl, Tess. We were really really close but we sort of drifted and I realised I was putting WAY more effort into our friendship so eventually we stopped talking. I was really hurt when we did but it was literally causing me so much stress trying to be friends with her.

    It's been a year and she messaged me the other day saying she was sorry and didn't know why we stopped being friends and that she wanted to try be friends again.

    I've sort of moved on, like I've made new friends and gotten on with life, and now I look back she always made me feel like I had to try be someone I wasn't, or run in my face how popular she was. She was still a good friend though so idk! My friend suggested I try be friends with her again, not best friends but just civil. It's only day 2 of us talking again and while I've missed her a lot I'm already feeling like like I'm trying harder to fix this than her. She hasn't even offered to meet up for a coffee or catch up. I feel like it's all my job to fix things now and while there's a big part of me that wants to I don't know if I should!

    What should I do???

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • Is it okay to leave work early because you re sick?

    I m about to start work and I feel very sick. I have cold shivers, a temperature, runny nose and I can feel my headache getting progressively worse. My boss is very intimidating. I will stay at work for at least a few hours but if by lunch I don t feel any better I ll

    Need to go. 1) do you think it s okay to leave work early? I work as a casual in a pharmacy and 2) how do I tell my very intimidating boss?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care6 years ago
  • What do I do about this girl?

    Okay so I started talking to this girl on tinder (I know I know but it's so hard to meet other lesbians in my area!)

    Anyway she's gorgeous, and exactly the kind of girl I'm into. We've been talking for 2 days and although she's asking questions and still replying, I'm worried at some point the convo will die.

    She lives like half an hour away from me which isn't far and we discovered we both have the same fav club we go to.

    So idk what to do! Like, should I ask if she wants to meet up? And if so how do I do so casually? Without being creepy or sounding like it's a huge date or something? I've only come out recently and I've never been the one to initiate things and I don't want to **** things up! What do I do?

  • What pet should my character have?

    So i'm writing a book, and need some help.

    My story is set in a sort of steampunk late 1800's time and like most steampunk novels, almost all the animals are either completely robotic or partially.

    anyway do my main character who also happens to be the heroin, is very intelligent and proper, and i want to give her a unique pet.

    i was thinking like a munchkin cat (they are real things, i swear) or maybe like a sugar slider? Something small and kind of cute. her pet won't be robotic at all, i want it to be completely organic.

    out of those two options, which do you think would be the best for her to have? or if you have any other ideas, please let me know!

    thank you :D

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • How to get this girls interest again?

    So I was on tinder ( I found it super hard to find other lesbians and someone suggested online dating) ANYWAY.

    I met this girl, who i really liked and we actually had a LOT in common.

    Anyway, she sorta stopped replying, and it wasn't because I did anything bad, I feel like it was because I was so nervous I didn't make the convo interesting.

    Anyway, I haven't tried talking to her again for over 2 weeks, do you think it would be okay if I sent her a message again? Just to see if I can try keep the convo going and stop being really awkward? I really like her, and I have a feeling if I was more myself things might go better

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Tinder girl? Help please!!!?

    Okay so I'm an 18 year old girl and I'm on tinder looking for other lesbian/bi girls in my area (I found it really hard to meet other girls so I thought tinder would be a good idea!)

    Anyway, I started talking to this girl and we had such a great conversation! Like we had so much in common and she was flirting with me A LOT! I really really liked her and I would have asked for her number but it had only been a day so I wanted to leave it at least two so I didn't come off too strong.

    She hasn't been on tinder for a few days, so I haven't had a chance to ask her, and I don't want to leave it too long incase she looses interest. She was on for two seconds this morning but hasn't been on for hours. I know she works and goes to uni a lot.

    Should I leave it and hope that she comes on soon OR should I send her another message and give her my number? I really really liked her!!

  • Please help? Easy 10pts! :D?


    I'm writing a story for fun and I have basically all the plot figured out EXCEPT for one thing!

    Idk if any of you have read Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld, but it's sort of the same setting as that.

    So my heroine, the daughter of well known aristocrats boards a luxury airship heading for America. But what I want to happen is for her to be trying to find the murderer of a famous professor nearly 59 years ago.

    I can't for the life of me figure out how to have the murderer on the same ship as her and how my heroine knew the murderer must be on the ship.

    Sorry if they didn't make any sense, I'm half asleep right now! But if anyone could help me figure out these glitches I'd be eternally grateful!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Should I ask her out?

    So I'm a lesbian, and I was finding it really hard to find other lesbians around, especially because I look super straight. So I joined tinder a little over a week ago,

    There's this girls I've been talking to from day one, and I really like her! She's very smart and funny and we share the same

    Morals etc. We've been talking for nearly a week now and I think it's time to ask her out before she starts getting bored.

    Obvs I'll meet her in a crowded place on the off chance she is a murderer don't worry! But how should I ask her out? I don't want to come off creepy or desperate or anything, and where should I suggest we go?

    Thank you 😊

  • When should I ask her out?

    Okay so I'm a lesbian, and I know this is going to sound super bad but I've been talking to this girl on tinder (we are both there to find other lesbians TO DATE not to hook up with).

    Anyway we've been talking for about 5 days now and I really like her, like she sounds super interesting and is very easy to talk to.

    I was wondering, I wanted to ask to meet up with her, but obvs somewhere public incase she is a murderer. But how do I ask with out sounding creepy? And I thought movies and dinner would be okay for a first date because it's somewhere with other people but someone said that was really lame so does anyone have any ideas?

    Thank you!

  • How to throw a good casual house party?

    So my family is going away for a few weeks and I have the house to myself. I wanted to get A FEW close friends over and just spend the evening having a few drinks and a BBQ etc.

    I'm making sure I'm only inviting people I trust and people who are responsible don't worry! (We are all legally about to drink too!)

    Anyway this will be the first time I've ever really thrown a party thing and even thought it's just a casual gathering of friends, I'm worried people won't have fun or it will be boring etc.

    Do you have any suggestions how I can make it fun/keep things interesting?? Thanks xx!

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Should I just come out?

    I'm an 18 year old girl, I've finished school and an starting my studies to become a vet.

    I've already told my three best friends plus my sister that I'm gay and they don't have a problem with it. I know the majority of people probably won't, but at the same time I'm really scared people will change and not like me.

    A lot of my friends are girls and even though the ones I've told have been so great about it, I'm worried that all the others won't.

    HAVING SAID THAT! I'm so sick of having to pretend to be interested in guys, of having my friends try force guys on me and have to make some excuse as to why I don't wanna get to know him. Or last night one of my own very good guy friends got super drunk and told me liked me.

    I just want to be able to be myself, it's almost suffocating now. But I'm also scared.

    What should I do? 😭

  • How bad to rib tattoos hurt?

    I'm getting a rib tatto next week, it's nothing HUGE, it's just a fancy looking sailors sparrow just under my bra strap on my left side.

    Can anyone tell me HONESTLY how bad it's going to hurt?

    I really love this tattoo and I'm going to get it, I just want to prepare myself! I have a small tattoo on the top of my spine just below my neck: is the pain like that?

    Also any tip on dealing with the pain? Xx

    2 AnswersTattoos7 years ago
  • Should I say something or not?

    My best friend has changed A LOT just in the past month, and I think it has a lot to do with this other girl she's hanging around with but there's not much I can do about that.

    She's hardly making any effort with me but gets upset when I ignore her back or confront her. I've told her I hate it when she does this before and she did stop but now it's starting again.

    I'm so tried of being the one trying to fix things.

    Should I try confront her about it one last time or should I just ignore her?

    I know a lot of you will just say ignore but she has helped me so much and I love her a lot, it's really hard and upsetting what's going on right now 😢

    4 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • How can I stop this?

    I apologise if the following is confusing but I'll try and make it short.

    My best friend and I are like sisters, except lately I feel like I might lose her.

    My best friend (J) became friends with two other girls (K and G). When that happened we did had a little fight, because she started ignoring me for them a lot. We made up and everything, and if anything I think it bought us closer.

    But in the past month my best friend and K decided they didn't like G anymore and there was this huge fight between then and now they hate each other.

    I've become good friends with G, while my best friend and K are good friends.

    my best fiend and I spoke about it, and we both agreed we wouldn't let K and G hating each other get in the way of our friendship.

    EXCEPT, the last few weeks I've hardly spoken to my best friend. I really don't want to be clingy and text her so I've just left it, but it's been over a week. We've both being having out and partying with two different groups of people because K and G don't want to be together.

    I'm just upset because I don't want to lose my favourite friendship over someone else's stupid fight.

    I was thinking about texting her, just being like hey, what's up? But like

    I said before, I don't want to be clingy and she clearly doesnt miss me because I haven't heard from her yet!

    What do I do? :(

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • What would you do if your best friend did that?

    Ok this sounds pretty mundane but I have really terribly social anxiety so sometimes I like to post qs's on here and just make sure.

    My best friend is about to finish her senior year in high school, her last exam is tomorrow and I want to get her some flowers and chocolate and write a little note saying congrats etc. She was really nevous about the exams so I want her to know I'm really proud she got through them so well.

    I have to drop the flowers etc at her door because I have to go somewhere else so when she gets back she will find them.

    THE PROBLEM: my friggin crippling social anxiety is making me worried she will think I'm creepy or clingy or wierd idk. We are super close, and she's always referring to me as her sister, but I just need to make sure! I had to drop put of school because of my anxiety, hence I'm not doing the exams!

    But if you finished your exams and found flowers etc on your door step when you got back home from your best friend, what would you think?

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago