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Lv 44,354 points

bobbie h

Favorite Answers31%
  • is it signs of trouble? 7 yr old zoning in on cute girls in public.?

    My son's girlfriend has a boy who just turned 7 years old. He was diagnosed as ADHD at the age of 2. When I took him to the play area in a restaurant he became fixated on this little girl. He was following her. He came to the table and said. " I think she is so pretty, but she won't talk to me". It was my first exposure to such behavior so I talked to him about not following her around. She was beginning to give him dirty looks. I apologizes to her grandfather who promptly gathered up his group and left. The 7 year old gazed at her through the glass and watched until he could no longer see her. That same night when we arrived at another location he said, "I hope she is here so I can look at her some more". This really shocked me and I told his mother about it. She didn't seem to be concerned. As this behavior continued and he zoned in on little girls more often, I was surprised to hear his mother tell me that he had another "girlfriend" in the mall play area. To me this is suspect behavior and a warning sign went off in my head. I mean, if I had a 5 year old little girl in the play area and a 7 year old boy kept smiling at her, trying to be near her and staring at her, I wouldn't be very comfortable. Is this really normal? To me it feels more like stalking in training. Seriously, these are girls he doesn't speak to, doesn't know, but on sight he says they are a girlfriend and follows them with his eyes and talks about wanting to see her again after we leave, until the next little girl catches his eye in the next play area. Any books on the subject that you aware of?

    3 AnswersGrade-Schooler9 years ago
  • Normal yes or no? Adult woman spends overnights and even full weeks at her friends house.?

    My niece speaks constantly about her friend. It is "my friend Debbie" this and my friend Debbie that. She seems to spend a lot of time doing things with Debbie. My niece is 44 with grown children and grandchildren. Yet she seems to drop everything when Debbie wants her to come over and hang out. I am told they have been best friends for 13 years. I find out today that she spends overnights, full weeks and more at this home for no other reason than to just stay. Debbie has a daughter in this situation that my nieces babysits while this Debbie character runs with men. This so called friend also makes my niece feel guilty, like it is her fault, when she questions their friendship being all about Debbie's needs. This is really throwing me for a loop. Does any of this sound strange to you? Please give useful/helpful advise and opinions please. thank you

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What is the style name for this Louis Viutton bag?

    It is the older style that looks like a bowling ball bag. More rounded on the top than the style called "Alma" or doctor bag shape.


    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Did I do the right thing by saying she is no longer welcome?

    Okay, my son is grown. He is a gentle giant (6'5) with a huge heart to match. You know those kind are always Momma's boys because they treasure their mothers and treat all women like gold so you can't help but fall for that. Anyway, he was to marry at age 22 but was dumped hard when he wouldn't physically fight her in arguments. She was only 5'5 and really wanted him to hit her, bizarre right? She slept with all his friends for revenge, crashed his car and broke his ribs with a baseball bat. Now he has a softer side girlfriend but she too is mean spirited. She has caused lots of problems between his friends, family and monopolizes all his time with her needs. Sick, cramps, headaches, you name it, she whines about it. I have treated her with kindness, even though she looked to be a lazy pot head. He tells me in private conversation that there is no way he will marry her, she isn't anything that he wants. But still, he can't find the energy to fight that exhausting "break up fight" again. I watch him struggle with her so I told him, she is no longer welcome in my home. Hoping that will make him think more about how to move forward. I don't see him that much, only once or twice a month and she is always in tow, whining. So did I do the right thing for him? I know I did the right thing for me. but what do you think

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • sons relationship with problems, do I butt in?

    My son just turned 23 and has been on his own for 3 years. His current girlfriend of 9 months drains him financially, emotionally and is physically demanding of his every waking hour. He has asked for my help in talking with her over many subjects to help with her anger, whining, jealousy, etc. still, there are major meltdowns in front of friends and fights that go on and on (I am told first hand). I have been very neutral until now. I see a deeper and deeper depression coming over him. He complains of her lack of interest in the bedroom. Her weight gain of over 20 lbs in the last year, and her treatment of him. He doesn't love her. He says she has hurt him too much to ever be considered marrying material. I swear the girl is trying to get pregnant to keep him since he is on the fence about breaking up. Any advise is greatly appreciated.

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • earn 10 points - Just tell me how old do I look? ?

    I expect the nasty comments are coming. My point in doing this is to show how you set yourself up for criticism when you add a photo and ask for opinions.

    12 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • creative ideas for decorating an AVON room?

    I am helping a friend with decorating ideas for her room set aside for Avon. Purpose of the room is to work out of it for selling avon, stylish displays of new products and a relaxing enjoyable experience for her guests when she hosts open houses. Please don't respond with ideas on hosting, and such. She is a great hostess and an extremely successful Avon rep. She just wants a functioning all purpose room. She has in in very nice ikea cabinets, blonde wood and white doors. She has them along one wall so they look built in and really nice. They are only 3ft high. The other items in the room are a queen anne legged distressed white round table with three chairs, a set extraordinaryrystal lamps and a a plexi glass shelf used to display Avon. Square room, wall to left has two floor to ceiling window doors, opposing wall has french doors to dining room. She is a

    Please...only creative ideas. I decorate and design things all the time and the ordinary just doesn't suite for my extrondianry friend.

    6 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • How can I pull two different style rooms together?

    Okay, the real kicker is I paint furniture, even hand painted detail, not using a stencil. But I just can't seem to form a color scheme in my mind that will pull my dining room furniture together with my living room furniture. My dining room is shabby chic. I have a huge antique dresser I painted white and added an antique cabinet on top of it. It is a wonderful piece. I have been offered as much as 1200 dollars for it.

    I have a large dining table and high back antique chairs that I have also painted the creamy white. We bought new leather suite for the living room. I just fell in love with it. I have added dark cherry and solid mahogany antiques as well as an enormous cherry armoire. I want to go for the warmer colors and make the decor flow more evenly. So what would you suggest I do to paint the dining room furniture? I truly need color ideas, painting design ideas. I just don't want to go to a solid color black or red. Something difficult to accomplish would be right up my alley.

    Oh, and I can't strip these pieces to re stain them. The woods don't match and the finish was in bad shape or I wouldn't have painted then to begin with.

    Thanks for you suggestions and links or photos would be very helpful.

    6 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • What is the best name and model sewing machine ?

    In the price range of $300 or less, what is the best sewing machine to buy? Brand name and model specific please. It would be used to create designed stitches, and would like to make button holes but not a must have.

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago