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what does 1:00 symbol mean?
Recently there was a "get ready" video made warning of high water in sector NY, what ever that means by FEMA. At the end of the video they showed 5 symbols. 2 of them I did not understand. One was of a clock set at 1:00 (does not say A.M or P.M.). Does anyone know what that means. The second symbol or icon was of the yin yang symbol, Which I also do not know how that applies at either. the 3rd symbol was a double wavy line which everyone says represents a tidal wave. 4th symbol was of the planet earth globe, US/South America shown on that side of the globe, and 5th symbol was of an electric cord or plug end which represents power outages. So if anyone knows how the yin yang symbol applies to a coming disaster we should get ready for or what a clock set at 1:00 means, please let me know. One guy says the clock means december 21st of this year which is the winter soltice. How can a clock set a 1:00 equal the winter soltice? but thats his explanation, and the yin yang, orginally a chinese symbol, representing the fight between good and evil and balance between the two tho many think it means harmony, actually its the fight for harmony between the dark and light forces. but not sure how that applies on a get ready video. thanks for your help
1 AnswerGlobal Warming7 years agoHow is comet ISON visible in December when its behind the sun?
I read the comet reaches perihelion november 28th and from there goes behind the sun and will not appear again until january 12th as it leaves the sling shot effect to come towards earth. If this is true, why does the NASA web site say it will be a good show for back yard astronomers in December? If its hidden behind the sun, until January then what is there to see?
Also why is it NASA only posts video's taken by other observatories or backyard astronomers, but zero from Hubble who can count the nose hairs on your face when it chooses to but refuses to show us a hubble picture now of mars or ISON Since ISON appears to have hit mars last month or interacted with it in some violent way, NASA has not shown a single photo itself of mars or ISON. AS if the comet or the planet mars don't exist (anymore). Do they hope we forget both are out there? good luck with that NASA. I used to be a big supporter of the space program but now that everything they do is black ops, under cover, everything top secret, they can shove it, its useless to the public that pays for it and supports it, no wonder they are rapidly being downsized.
9 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years agoIs the pot calling the kettle black?
They are calling the use of chemical weapons in Syria the red line a country can't cross. Wow after we nuked nearly 2 million people to death, COOKING THEM in Japan, dropped lightbulbs filled with a virus all over the streets to NYC and its subways to see how fast in a test they could decrease NYC's over population problem, further more we all know that blowing people up with guns and bombs is VERY HUMANE. US troops use of uranium filled bombs and bullets in Iraq to insure if anyone lived thru it, they would not live very long as its now in all their ground water and soils they must eat the food grown in it. Lets not forget the Iraq people called upon the UN to help them overthrow their government. And yet this country with its deviant, demonic slaughter of the innocents dares to even try to tell us there actually is a red line that can't be crossed? Can somebody explain this to me in a rational way. I DO MEAN RATIONAL. Surely there is a rational reason for the most demonic behavior this country alone holds the world record for hands down. Mr. Obama, you need to take another vacation and "cool your jets". Or they may have to be cooled for you by congress and if congress fails, we can as easily impeach them as well. So for the congressmen hell bent on WW3, come on, make my day. Every prayer I ever breathe will be to your benefit or for your demise in a hot place. Which ever makes your day. But we are watching you. The president cannot attack Syria unless YOU pull the trigger. To say he has 60 days to bomb than can be extended to 90 days if he so chooses, is a joke. Once Russia attacks our ships or soil, the rules change don't they. the fact you feel us too stupid to understand that point will be your down fall. We know who truly pushes that red button and the president is nothing but a play toy, congress alone is the button pusher. This is no longer about if you'll get re elected, this is about your ability to either hold dear america or seek in a treasonous fashion to destroy her. thats your personal choice. And frankly, I no longer carewhich way you vote, it's going to come out in America's own best interest to rid itself of all its cock roaches if you decide to be one. I still haven't forgotten about the time you chose to give hundreds of men a venereal disease by swearing to them you were giving them the cure to test how long it would take them to die of it. OMG and you THINK you have the right to draw the red line. You trashed that line long long ago. You wouldn't know a line if we beat you with one, which frankly, I call first place for the first lick of that chorded gnarly line you draw and change and add thorns to by the hour to suit your own evil intent. Somebody please explain to me what humanity is, I cannot find it anywhere in DC. has it gone from America for good?
2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years agoHow do I get my name removed from Yahoo answers?
Someone asked a question on answers one time and I wrote to them I asked a similar question and the only reply I got and I told what it was. Yahoo sent me an email saying they REPORTED my answer as improper. Funny they didn't think it improper when I got it as an answer from someone calling themselves "President Barak Obama" as their user name and what I posted is that Mr. Obama or whoever he really is never answered my question at all and only said it was going to happen if I liked it or not and somehow YAHOO found that to be improper of me. Why isn't it improper of Mr. Obama? so yahoo you can take a hike. I'll not be answering your question again but would like an answer how to get my name off yahoo rosters for the future so I can wipe their slutty filth off me and my future. so thanks for any help
6 AnswersCurrent Events8 years agowhy do divorced women have to go to hell?
The bible is quite clear, it states if a man dumps his wife for a younger prettier model, his ex wife has to go to hell for HIS not being able to keep his pickle in his pocket. So why must a loving god send a dutiful wife to hell and not the man with the roaming pickle. since I am divorced and doomed by GODS orders to rot in hell, I'd like to know why and if not why, why would any of you bow to this maniac who calls himself a "loving" god? Why doesn't the man with the pickle go to hell instead? It really does not get more psychotic than that unless you count God murdering Lotts wife for turning around when she heard a loud explosion behind her which is a reflex action of course and if he is a GOD, he is therefore all knowing. He did not yell at her, he murdered her for turning around and yet HE gave her ears and eyes to begin with (or did he).
2 AnswersGender Studies8 years agoAre women a toy for God to rape?
Richard Mourdock running as a republican for the senate seat in Indiana, strongly supported by Romney, said rape is a gift of God. Now I don't think I need to point out the insanity of such a statement however it brings to mind. there are apparently many different Gods in the Christian religion. I read the Christian Science monitors piece of this story and they have no comment about it at all and apparently feel we as women are nothing but a walking orifice. A piece of meat here for the purpose of procreation, even if it must be forced upon us. 13,000 young girls each year become pregnant from rape, half of those by rape from their own fathers, boysfriends of their mothers, uncles or other relatives against their will and this GIFT OF GOD is deposited in their young wombs. The psychological effects of rape on a child alone goes without saying. But I feel as a christian if Men have a different God than women do. WE percieve our God as one of pure love, and cannot imagine anything less than a demonic God capable of even calling rape "a GIFT OF GOD". However my question to you men, is your God some lustful crazed insane pedophile, intent on destroying the lives of millions of women and girls for the sake of your own libido? What drugs are you on. What mental high exists to feel you can blame your own rapes of girls on a GOD to give you that excuse to poke who you like on a whim. We can guess what Senator Mourdock does with his free time with GODS permission no less. I'd like to get the male opinion of this mind set. Do you all think this way, spend you lives trying to find a good excuse to rape women or children to condone such trauma on an innocent and come out smelling sweet when the deed is done? Does your GOD give you that GIFT? This is no longer an issue of abortion, legal or illegal, this is about GOD now and what kind of evil we all seem to pray to. One day I may indeed stand before God as he judges me, however I will stand before GOD judging him as well in my future after such an insane statement by the republicans. I'm going to have to change my religion or become an athiest and I will not BOW to such demonic diety. do you men bow to this crapola? if you do, you better watch where you sleep. 52 percent of the earths population are the women who recieve rape as a GIFT and we just not feel quite the same way about it or YOUR GOD. Mourdock just made me spit on God, something I thought I'd never do. But I've had enough of the male ego that condones rape and pregnancy from rape, I've had enough of Romney and his twisted sisters that plan to rule american in our near future and for you men that vote for this vile, demonic ruling class, I'll be watching you, all women will. So use this forum to swear your allegience to Satan just as Mourdock and Romney have done. Show us your muscles big boys.
5 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoDid WW3 start today on june 27, 2012?
I read at extinctionprotocal dot and coma that President Assad of Syria announced war today. late yesterday they said british troops were already in syria with their SAS fighters. Russia beefed up all week long bringing more and more missiles to their border in support of President Assad. Syrian public showed hundreds of pictures using their cell phones of President Assads troops attacking their towns and killing all residents last week while he denied all aligations but pictures were reviewed by the UN yesterday and its rumored American troops already bringing in guns and weapons to help the rebels and troops of special forces of american soldiers over the past weeks. So with Syria, Russia, England and US troops all fighting the same war, what consitutes a world war. Whats the difference between a "war" and a world war. We've had two world wars and it did not include the whole world the last to times tho German was working on it. So does anyone know the official naming of a war versus a world war? Anyway mark your calendars, if it is a world war it started today, June 27th, 2012. Last week several agencies announced that Syria would be the beginning of the next world war and probably within a week it would begin and sure enough, as of today, its begun. Get ready for the draft that Obama wanted so bad and John McCain was only too happy to draft out. You know how much McCain loves wars, every other sentence in every campaign speech he spewed on us, was all about starting war, war and more war which is why he did not get elected so they put him in charge of writing the NDAA bill, and creating the Draft to now draft soldiers and its approved, signed and ready to be implemented at a moments notice. Hide your boys, "operation population decrease" is about to begin. Commonly known as the NWO in progress.
7 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoAre our leaders human?
When I review history of the world, not just America and see shows like the one on PBS saying the worlds top psychologists looked hard at every single world leader on earth and said that virtually every single one was a sociopath, but worse, very many were psychopaths, it made me wonder. What do the rest of you think. I'm beginning to think they aren't human and perhaps some manevolent ET that looks human but is completely incapable of feeling any humanity towards us but they can smile pretty, tell lies and promises they never intend to keep every single campaign. What are your theories?
6 AnswersPolitics9 years agoHow many of you are for or against Gay Marriage?
today in North Carolina the bill to deny gays to marry was passed. I can only be grateful I was not born in this state so my gene pool is clean of the filth that live in this state. North Carolina was one of only 3 US states that participated in the eugenics program the federal government wanted to sterilize everyone in the US and their children if they could not make at least a grade C in school. 47 states refused to participate. children were wisked away without parentaly knowledge or concent to a clinic to be permanently sterilized by the GREAT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. One black woman, after being sterilized against her will went on to become a medical physician. what runs thru the minds of men and the sick women of this state or any state to put themselves ABOVE god? I'm not gay and I'm not even for or against gays one way or the other. I'm against government however deciding they have all become a "godself image" and hold the lightning bolt over us all. Next they will neutre you for having blue eyes, or brown hair, or black skin, or the wearing of nail polish, or anyone that owns a red car is therefore evil and needs to be fixed. At what point does the human brain cease to be human or humane and become the animal we have spent thousands of years trying to breed out of ourselves with intellect? Its not working.
4 AnswersElections9 years agoDo you know about the NAU?
The NAU is the North American Union set up to bring us all one step closer to the NWO that the Obammer is pushing so hard for like the Bush cartel did. G Bush Sr. signed it back in the 90's and the only thing stopping it from being implemented so far is that mexico's drug cartels have put a kink in the plan. Once implemented there are no borders between the US/Canada/and Mexico, it all becomes one country, with 3 states. We cease to be a country and will be known as a state and all have one money, one government (most often called the NWO which I know you've all heard of by now) and the constitution and all the bill of rights are shredded and we will be informed by our newest tyrannical government what the new laws are and as you can see by the Patriot Act, the Cispa bill and the NDAA bills passed, the bill of rights is now toast, freedom to protest is very limited and what you are allowed to complain about is now restricted to complaining about nothing more than the bunion on your big toe or you will be a terror suspect, and without right to trial, or proof you are a terrorist, or a phone call, no lawyers allowed, no mail either, you will be wisked away to a "foreign" prison which is very important to them to be sure to include that term in the new NDAA bill, we won't be jailed in America, and have no american rights on foreign soil do we? does this bother any of you we no longer have due process as per the bill of rights? and if not, list why you find this bill Obammer ordered to have made up by John McCain to read like it does, comforts you and why? and if you are in favor of this bill, please list all medications you are currently taking as I'm doing a poll. out of exactly 100 senators , only 7 had the gonads to refuse to sign this bill but 93 all approved, hands down, without a single word of protest against the fact its total treasonous act to destroy any part or portion of the bill of rights, but they gladly and quickly all ran to sign it all except these seven patriot senators: Senators: Thomas Coburn, OK., Thomas Harkin, IA., Mike Lee, UT.,Jeff Merkley, OR, Rand Paul, KY. Bernard Sanders, VT., and Ron Wyden OR. So when you see these 7 men, shake their hands. that takes balls of steel to stand up to 93 counts of treason by their peers and the president and who ever is the presidents BOSS, so say NO but HeL no. We'll probably find them all dead of suicide like everybody that opposes the gov all seem to kill themselves in motel rooms. Odd coincidence isn't it But would like to hear opinions if any of you even care you were sold down the river or have a clue whats coming next and it will be knocking on your door right after this next voting season. Keep in mind all Republican and Democrats a like all voted for these 3 illegal bills without an argument except 7 good men, thats all thats left in DC, only 7 out of thousands of slime turning this into a circus of tyranny and ordering us to like it or die. Its just too bad. So when you think of gov as two parties, its all one party, that party stuff is a ruse. YOu vote for anybody that wants to get our constitution BACK! and empty every single chair except for those 7 with nerve to stand up to tyranny. Lets hear your thoughts, I'm so angry I can't think straight and would like intelligent debate and if you support these bills, explain WHY you are so positive the NWO is the answer to all our problems. YOu can see what happened when they formed the EU, every country there is now going bankrupt. And they think thats a solution? Nope that was on purpose, you can bet on that, but thats in MHO. According to the NDAA, I no longer count anyway.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years agowho owns our national parks?
I posted this question before stating the UN owns them since G bushwacker gave them away to the UN Under the guise of UNESCO. Now you can go to the link provided or go to any search engine and look this up. While the UN maintains that Americans still own the national parks and its still paid for its upkeep using our tax dollars, however........ the UN has shut down many of them or 70 percent of them where humans now are no longer allowed to go. They have been quoted as saying our national parks belong to the people of the WHOLE world (who don't pay for their up keep with their tax dollars) except there's a fly in that ointment, they people of the world are not allowed in our national parks and neither or we. So what use is the UN statement to say these world heritage places belong to people only people are considered too vile to step on them? Does anyone understand the typical political double talk of lies lies lies and more lies. If we pay for them but we can' tsee them, can't stand on them can't utilize them yet its in OUR DAMN COUNTRY and they belong to the entire world only how can you make that statement UN and claim none of us can touch them? ARE YOU INSANE you bloody piles of animal feces? When I asked this question before I recieved 40 answers, all stupid of course from the illiterate who don 't know how to type in these words into a search engine BEFORE answering a question and was called a liar by all 40 of them proving the IQ of those who read this web site as far below first graders apparently. TYPE IN A SEARCH: WHO OWNS OUR NATIONAL PARKS and I hope you go to multiple web sites and get the FULL picture of why we don't own them, why george bush has given away millions of acres set up by Teddy Roosevelt to always BELONG TO AMERICANS only for all time and illegally signed over all ownership to the UN who pays not a penny of tax in this country and never has. Starts all these wars, sends americans to die in countries that do n ot affect us which is against our constitution and makes US taxpayers pay for wars that interest ONLY the UN who does not rule this country or do they? Does anyone know why our politicians are their puppets and why we pay and pay and pay for these we are not allowed to touch. Why is there and FBI, CIA, secret service, NSA and why is it they work for us but we are allowed less than 1 percent of any truth in America. Why are our lands being secretly signed away and our right (NDAA/patriot act) in America and why do we pay for every single war on the planet earth. If you yuppie middle class think you are over taxed, when do you get off your rears and tell the white house what you think about paying for all these wars the UN who does NOT RULE ALL OF AMERICA, WE DID NOT ELECT THEM, ASK FOR THEM NOR WANT THEM ON THE PLANET CUZ WAR IS N OT PEACE AND PEACE IS THEIR OBJECTIVE OR SO THEY CLAIM YET THEY CAN'T STAY OUT OF NON STOP WARS AND WE CAN'T MAKE THEM QUIT CHARGING AMERICANS TO PAY FOR THOSE WARS. ANYBODY AWAKE OUT THERE IS THE REAL QUESTION. Ask any national park guard what he personally thinks about the UN owning our parks and get an earful and a half about what he/she thinks about that. not much of a park if you can't see it, show it to your kids after a lifetime of paying for its upkeep so your kids could see it. What use is sacred land to anyone if not to educate your own children if its nothing but a future battlefield for the UN to hide in apparently. Want to know where the bunkers are well check under the carpet of the off limits portions of our national parks we aren't allowed in for some oddly secretive reason while they doubletalk their way into saying the whole world owns those parks now, yet none of the world is allowed there. Just send in those tax dollars and keep doing that and never voice your opinion and what will be left for your children? slavery honey, full blown slavery. You government paid trolls can skip commenting in this room, we know who you are and no longer care what you threaten either so go play with a prostitute on your next trip to columbia instead.
7 AnswersGovernment9 years agoWhy was cheney able to get a heart donated so quickly?
I've had two heart attacks and they say I can't get on the heart donor list for a new heart and yet Cheney did and he was only on that list a few months unlike the rest of the world that has to sit on that list for over a decade. On the other hand as a coincidence, 30,000 children in Atlanta, according to a previous congresswoman who was found murdered(oops, murder suicide the FBI SAYS) the next day after announcing she can prove that those 30,000 kids in Atlanta alone, and 130,000 nationwide were all taken by CPS for no reason, and the parents of those kids have never seen them again and CPS does't know where those kids are either. I smell harvesting going of of organs frankly. I wonder if there is a connection between his heart donated so quickly and a 130,000 missing children taken by CPS with zero reasons out of good neighborhoods with good parents and yet CPS and the FBI lost track of them. Then suddenly the next day this congresswoman was shot in the back and her husband in the chest, and all that boxes of paperwork she was to present to congress that week proving a governmental involvement in the disappearance of children, all missing too. Whats your thoughts on it? To me it's just one more thing that makes you go ....hmmmmm?
8 AnswersGovernment9 years agowhat can we do now that our power plant is under meltdown?
I read at the ene news dot com that our nuclear power plant in the simi valley near LA is now under meltdown just like Fukushima. What can we do to protect ourselves. Are they warning people in LA about it or keeping it secret just like Japan did to their people. Are they trying to kill us all? I don't understand. help.
2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoCan anyone get into the RSOE?
The Rsoe is a hungarian based web site which posts a global map which on it you'll find tons of little icons each depicting various events on the planet like anything that may some how harm humans or animals like hurricanes, viruses, plagues, nuclear power planet leaks and a long list of possible emergency events of any kind like oil spills etc. But it was working this morning and now its not or at least I can't get in, somebody try this link so see if you can get in. thanks and let me know if you have any luck.
1 AnswerCurrent Events9 years agoWHy is hair illegal in Burton MI, at madison academy?
Its on yahoo news that a young man is trying to grow out his hair to donate to cancer survivors. He has just gone thru one of many lukemia attacks since age one and is doing well and wants to grow out his hair to donate to cancer victims. Currently his hair is of natural color, is barely over his ears and barely touching his collar. Yet he was kicked out of school until his hair is cut before he can return. Their rules are hair must be natural color and cannot touch the ears and collar. Now I fully understand that dress codes are hitting public schools because showing your underwear and g string panties went a little too far. however HAIR grows out of the body naturally, and if hair has become illegal in the public school system something has gone terribly wrong with our schools. This NAZI regime now running public schools must stop. They don't make girls chop their hair off so why boys? I strongly urge all girls in that school to shave their heads immediately and go to class. Hair at any length does not make a student get a straight A report card. At longer lengths it also does not make them make F's either. The body grows it naturally to keep our bodies warm. I'm an old lady, grew up under that same nazi regime where we had to wear dresses to school and pants were illegal. Thats why the whole 1960's hippy movement began. WE were so tired of excess control that made no sense. WE could not allow hair then to touch the ears on boys, all shirts tucked into the pants, no tennis shoes allowed to be worn unless for gym class. NAZI's all of them. So we rebelled, boys ordered to cut their hair all went out and got mohawks, girls cut their hair down to a buzz cut they wanted on all boys. Sometimes you have to shock people out of their power trip so if short hair is the LAW and hair becomes a sin, you give them some hair styles that show them and shock them out of their power trip to see if they like it better if you look like crazed zombies with short hair instead. you can write to this school and support this very clean cut young man at And if you are a girl at that school try chopping off your locks. donate them to the american cancer society in support of cancer victims and shock your school at the same time by looking like boys if you are a girl and see if they like you obeying school rules and keeping hair short like the NAZI's they are want. Watch how quickly you can get the school dress code relaxed a bit more because they are going too far. You kids went too far showing off your underwear and to combat that problem the schools have gone too far with their control of your hair as well. People on earth tend to push things too far and sometimes you have to snap them out of their self righteous delerium with a little shock of your own. Tell me if you support this school. Yahoo home page has the story and you can easily see this boy is NOT over the edge of school rules easily, he's just a young man combatting cancer all his life and trying to reach out to others. This is not a drug dealer people, not a junkie, not a punk, this is a very nice young man with a charitable heart. Now apparently thats illegal in America.
4 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agohow to leave google and like it?
As most of you know google owns yahoo, answer, and youtube and anything else google and beginning soon will post all of your searches you ever made with them, every video you ever watched, everthing you ever posted here at answers on one spot for anyone to tap into and know everyplace you've ever been online. its more convient they claim "for who the hackers, the government" I don't need google to remind me where i've been. I was there, and I know where I was therefore as I don't have alzheimers yet, no thanks google. You can't "opt out" of this new google feature of posting your most private searches and comments out there all in one convienient location all about YOU. do you need google to tell you who you are? Why does google need to know "all about you, every single detail about you to remind you of who you are or what interests you so others can see as well. Half of youtube is packing and moving to where they DON'T pry into your personal life and list it for whoever google is truly gathering this data for. Anybody know of any other video sites where we can watch in privacy without having google announce to us where we are. I think we know where we are already and yet, google insists it needs to invade our privacy to remind us where we are and what we are watching , searching or reading mail at. If you know of a better place than blog tv or any site google does not yet own, let me know. I'm dumping my google account completely and as much as I love yahoo home page and youtube, that love affair is over cuz google owns them. I can search just as well at other search engines, I can watch my documentaries I love elsewhere too with google permission or spying on me. My life is plain, uncomplicated and all legal. I don't need google to remind me of that and spy on me. Thats called being a "stalker" google can bite me. Any other video sites, help me find them. I'd much prefer my quiet, simple life without videos than have google stalking my every move and posting it all about ME. I'm not that much into me as google hopes we all are so we will bow down like the sheeple we are and take it which is why they don't offer an "opt out" option to this new SERVICE thats really called spying which they can sell to the highest bidder. You personal information on google channels is no longer personal if you wish to continue with google. The info in on all news or MSM news today, so check it out and decide if you want to be stalked and have all your data sold to others which makes google richer. and richer until they own the world. bye bye google, it was not nice knowing you.
2 AnswersGoogle9 years agoIs our Constitution in the garbage?
Today President Obama revoked his promise to veto this bill, meaning we have been played clearly. In the new bill against terrorism, they can arrest any american they feel is a "suspected" terrorist and have permission to cart them off to foreign prisons to never be seen or heard from again. There are 1000 things on the list of what makes you a suspected terrorist. Things like, anyone prossessing more than 7 days supply of food in their house is a suspect. Anyone owning a gun is a suspect, anyone missing one finger is a suspect, and the list goes on and on and it gives them the right for any reason or no reason to bring in military troops to police all areas of america and arrest anyone for no reason at all and cart them off. As a suspected terrorist you do not get a phone call, cannot send or receive no mail, you don't get a trial, nor a lawyer. You can't contact your family to bail you out cuz there is no bail and no contact. Under their suspected terrorist long list, every single american is therefore a terror suspect meaning they violated the constitution of "due process"meaning there is no longer a bill of rights. Furthermore, the law written into the constitution that no soldier can act as a policeman and arrest anybody, is now in the trash. No more calling in the national guard in any situation, they are everywhere and ready to arrest each and every single one of you. Can you imagine, farmers that must can or freeze their crops so they can eat all year long until next growing season, are all considered terrorists. If you are not very afraid, well you should be, your constitution was just thrown in the trash by our very own congress and senate and you let it happen. anyone got any theories as to why this occurred now, why they were in such a hurry to get the one world government under way? Surely the entire Senate and Congress all know there is not a snowballs chance in (a hot place) they would be re elected after voting such a bill to remove every single right every american ever had with this one bill. Only 7 senators did not vote for approval of this bill. 93 others happily voted for it and it passed. It sat on the presidents desk for 2 weeks while he was off on the campaign trail. With none of them being re elected next fall, surely they know something we don't , like its very possible there will be no more elections in america ever again and the new world order begins and thats why they would dare cut the throats of every american alive today. In the past, the government could hold people and make the local police come and do the actual arresting of them. thats over with. the military is now our police, judge and jury and override each and every town, county and state and now rule us all. the guys with the big guns and the missiles to make sure they can get our front door down if we refuse to open it. No search warrant necessary. No proof needed you even are a suspect of being a terrorist. Play time is over boys and girls. All you law abiding citizens no longer exist to the government. Looks and smells like population reduction to me but then I'm a law abiding citizen all my life, and old lady on social security but I know when i smell a rat and something stinks to high heaven. What is your take on it. I'd like to hear from the rest of you. BTW John McCain is the agent of Lucifer that wrote this new Bill and deemed it necessary. Obama is the man who lied and promised to veto it and today changed his mind since its so good for his campaign for all of us to even think there is no such thing as a good american anymore worth saving. Yes something smells very rotten in America. They never have to take you to trial to prove you a terroist, You are guilty cuz you have 8 days of food in your house instead of 7 days. Does it smell bad to you?
9 AnswersElections9 years agoWhy did yahoo remove the comments section from their news?
I noticed that yahoo has removed the comments section which was at the bottom of each news story in the past and since answers, and yahoo is all owned by google, anybody know why? Maybe they got tired of everyone posting VOTE FOR RON PAUL. I can't imagine why they would do away with it. Does anyone know or have a theory? As voting day draws closer , the less they seem to want anyone making a comment now that the GOP is close to making a decision and they don't want the public to influence that decision possibly. If you have a better theory, sing it out, everybody is wondering. Lol, nothing working right, I get the pop up I have 110 misspelled words in this post. Good old Google, you can count on them to support the one world government.
4 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoDo you know what S1867 is?
Its one more bill recently passed by the Senate that says they can call any american a terrorists with no reason at all, send us off to a foreign prison and hold us there till the day we die, without a trial, without a lawyer, without a phone call and waterboard us every day of our lives. If you did not write your senator and the white house then do so. Obama has not yet signed the bill. Before they made it he promised to veto it. However its been 2 days and nothing yet is done. Now its a MAYBE he will. Did you know if you have more than one weeks supply of food in your house, you are now considered a potential terrorist? They have FEMA tell us at to store weeks worth of food for emergencies and if we prepare, we are therefore terrorists. This bill gives them the right to take all of us away, for a whim, or reasonless fantasy that in their paranoid lives, they consider us ALL the enemy now and want the right to take off with us to never see our families again as long as we live. No mail, no phone call, and god knows what torture on innocent Americans. Only 7 Senators voted NO to oppose the bill. All the rest voted YES, send all americans to prison. Our Bill of Rights orders we ALL have the right to a trial, and attorney and they must PROVE your guilt. When food becomes more illegal than cocaine, you people better wake up. For drugs you get 2 years in jail, for food you get life in a foreign prison. At youtube, watch Rand Paul's video called 7 days of food in your house" where he is fighting the senate against this bill but the pond scum sociopathic senate approved this bill. Its not yet time, you have time to write to "contact the whitehouse" and tell OBAMA to veto S1867 , as he promised. It may have all been a show put on for us. It may have been a lie, but definately it is our own government who is the terrorist in that they terrorize their own people while they take our money. They hope we rebel, so they can call in martial law and remove every gun, and every scrap of food in america and take total control of the population as a result. You don't think so? Then why is owning more than 7 days worth of food, now against the law? considering its not a drug, and you are no dealer of food, yet you get life in prison for that. What do you call terror? Let your Senator know, you know how he voted. This web site will show you if your Senator is out to have you all jailed and remove your own bill of rights and violate the constitution without asking you if you like it or not. Let them know you don' t like it. If you don't know who your senator or congressman is, in any search, type in "contact (you state name here) senator" and a web site will determine by your zip code who your senator is. Then click on contact and right the mothers that do these bills behind your backs and tell them you do know and you won't forget either.
1 AnswerGovernment9 years agoIs Iran trying to blow itself up?
This is twice now, counting yesterday, that Iran has had a major explosion in their nuclear storage area. The news article does not say, however, doesn't that spread the uranium they are storing all over the country side from all these blasts? Its some site where they store the uranium. Surely these blasts spread it. Does anyone know? I don't think we have to go to war with them, they are busy blowing themselves up. Hopefully the radiation will get them so we won't have to.
4 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago