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this screaming inside my head

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I love all three CSI's, Law and Order CI and SVU, In Plain Sight, Criminal Minds, NCIS, ER, and House.

  • Can someone off xbox live really take your account and ip address?

    I was playing COD and was in the same lobby with the same gamers for two runs and i won both of them, this guy voice messaged me and said "hey pal, if you dont stop killing us then i'll take your account and if you dont believe me check your ip address and we'll compare it" and i just dont understand what that means i left the lobby and said sorry to the guy. what is going on

    7 AnswersXbox6 years ago
  • Lung question need answers!?

    so i went to health services the other day, i was normal in BP, heart rate, oxygen level, my lungs sounded clear. i did a nebulizer and it did clear my lungs a little but i'm now back to how i was feeling on saturday and i'm not sure what to do. should i have a chest x ray to see if my lungs are clear because they said they were not worried about it being anything bad. i also think i'm a bit of a hypochondriac. but now i'm coughing and it's kind of phlemy and i'm not short of breath only from exercise because of my asthma. i do have allergies and post nasal drip. does anyone have any recommendations on what to do? i've had bronchitis twice in the past so i know what it feels like. there also seems to be a heaviness on my chest, but not really heavy it's just a weird feeling i've gotten before but hasn't lasted this long.

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • Asthma and smoking weed?

    I smoked a joint with 3 others the other day so probably took at the most 10 hits. i hadn't smoked in months prior to that and after smoking i'm not feeling 100%. i have asthma so that's a contribution but i went to the doctor and they couldn't find anything wrong with me, my blood pressure was fine, heart rate, oxygen level, everything seemed fine. should i be concerned? she said i just irritated my lungs so it would take a few days to get back to normal but now i'm having pains in my leg, just like a dull ache every once and a while. could that be unrelated and just me over thinking?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • smoking weed and lung problems/cancer?

    so i haven't smoked weed since may and i just vaped a little while ago. i never smoke daily and when i did smoke it was like once a week. i've read that weed had cancer causing chemicals. but there are all these studies everywhere that says it doesn't cause cancer and you don't get cancer from only smoking weed.

    what's everyone take on this?

  • Iphone 5 upgrade worth it from a 4?

    right now i have the iphone 4, not the s. just the 4. so it's a little older and slower. i just recently shattered the back of my phone and now that the 5s and 5c is coming out the 5 has dropped in price. i personally have decided i would need the 32gb because i use it for everything and it would seem to limit me and there would be no point in even spending the 100 dollars for it. however, the 32gb is 200 dollars and thats exactly what we just spent on my moms 16gb iphone 5 so i'm debating if it's worth it to get the 32gb iphone 5 because personally i don't want the iphone5s it's too high tech for me and too much **** comprehend you know? and the 5c isnt worth it to me. so would getting the 5 be worthless? i feel like it's gonna be exactly the same as the 5s until the 6 comes out so whatever you know

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • how likely is it to contract hiv or something from....?

    okay i was super drunk and we ran into this frozen yogurt place to pee and the one stall i got was clogged but i didnt give a crap because i had to pee so bad and the seat was clean and whatever so i did my thing walked out and washed my hands and now i'm like **** can you contract something from that? like i'm 99% sure you can't because hiv especially would die and getting it from poop or pee is highly unlikley am i right

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • built into a police report?

    What does being built into a police report mean? I had to call a police station in another state for a suspected suicide attempt and I gave my information and now do not want any of it to be available to the family to know I called. The officer said I wouldn't be built into the report but the family wouldn't be able to get my information if they asked for a copy of the report. Does that mean I'm safe from anyone knowing who I am and where I live?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Being built into a police report?

    What does being built into a police report mean? I had to call a police station in another state for a suspected suicide attempt and I gave my information and now do not want any of it to be available to the family to know I called. The officer said I wouldn't be built into the report but the family wouldn't be able to get my information if they asked for a copy of the report. Does that mean I'm safe from anyone knowing who I am and where I live?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • welfare check in another state?

    this girl i follow on tumblr posted a serious suicide note and my belief was she was going to kill herself so i was advised by a friend to call her police station. mind you i live in the north and she in the south and not in the same state so i called and they sent an officer on a welfare check. i got a call later from another sheriff asking for my info and if i could send an email to her with a screen shot of the blog and stuff. anyway she asked for my info and idk if i could of denied but i saw no reason to. but did i do the right thing? i may of jumped the gun but i may of made her get some help. anyway. i asked to be anonymous. the officer wont give out my info or anything will they? idk if i should of been anonymous or not.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Numb Finger tip for a day and a half...?

    I went to walmart yesterday from my campus and had to stand the ride back, which isn't the issue but i had to hold my heavy bags in my right hand and was losing feeling in my whole hand. Eventually got back to my dorm and my hand was getting feeling back and it was fine but then i didn't get feeling back in the tip of my right ring finger. and everyone was like take your ring off. so i did for the afternoon and nothing happened it was the same. i'm not exactly sure what to do. i'm thinking of going to health services tomorrow but anyone have any idea what's going on?

    1 AnswerInjuries9 years ago
  • Did friends of yours ever just stop being friends with you?

    Basically, I'm just wondering if you guys ever were in a situation similar to mine where some of your friends just stopped wanting to be friends for no reason? It just happened to me and I feel like **** all the time now.

    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • should i tell my parents?

    i smoked for the first time this weekend and i feel like i need to tell them because i feel so guilty but i guess it would only make everything worse...and then if i told them they'd find out i drove high...what do i do?

    4 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • should i tell my parents?

    i smoked for the first time this weekend and i feel like i need to tell them because i feel so guilty but i guess it would only make everything worse...and then if i told them they'd find out i drove high...what do i do?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Smoke pot for the first time last night?

    I didn't get high, but that was expected. But, now I feel really, really, guilty about it because my parents trust me...and then I smoked pot. I don't should I feel bad? What should I do? Ever felt this way?

    9 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • Last night I smoked pot for the first time?

    I didn't get high, but that was expected. But, now I feel really, really, guilty about it because my parents trust me...and then I smoked pot. I don't should I feel bad? What should I do? Ever felt this way?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • How to remove iphone case?

    I have a case with two parts and I really don't know how to remove it. it's so difficult. any ideas?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • What case do you have for an iphone?

    I've never been a fan of soft cases because I always have my phone in my pocket so it just gets uncomfortable after a while if it's silicone or something. But, I'm not one to drop my phone either so I feel like a hard case is okay for it. Opinions? And what case do you have on your iphone or any phone for that matter.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • I have a hard case for my iPhone, what kind of case do you have?

    I've never been a fan of soft cases because I always have my phone in my pocket so it just gets uncomfortable after a while if it's silicone or something. But, I'm not one to drop my phone either so I feel like a hard case is okay for it. Opinions? And what case do you have on your iphone or any phone for that matter.

    2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • I used Irish Spring body wash for about two months then I ran out?

    my parents hate the smell of it so I can't get it anymore, but then after I ran out and switched to a different kind of soap i noticed i started to not smell so great even after i showered. So basically, i guess my new body wash doesn't make me smell good. Do you think it's because I stopped using Irish spring or switched? i use the Irish spring deodorant now and obviously i don't smell after i put it on, but is that enough to convince my parents to let me use it again?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • I'm getting glasses and I have a few questions?

    The ones I picked out don't have the nose pads. Will they stay on as well if I had nose pads? Or will they fall off? I'm a little nervous that they will fall off. The doctor says I have to wear them most of the time so will they fall off?

    and my final question is...

    I'm far sighted so I can see things close up, like books, my ipod, computer, tv to a point, and things like that, but the problem is driving and seeing things far away. He said I should wear them for most of the time becuase I'm only using one eye for close up and one for far away, do you think it'd be okay if I didn't wear them all the time? I don't think I need to.

    5 AnswersOptical1 decade ago