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  • Is it an STD or a UTI?

    I'm a little worried. I got kinda stupid and went to a gay sex club on Wednesday night. There I had protected anal sex (I was the penetrative guy) and received a little unprotected oral.

    I know my risk for HIV/AIDS in that case is rather low, but I'm worried that I might have chlamydia, gonorrhea or the trich, because since that night, I have been experiencing frequent urination and a mild discomfort on the tip of my urethral opening (not painful, but that feeling you get when it stings a little from peeing too much). I think it could possibly be just an irritation from the cheap ID lube that they offered there. But, I've scheduled my testing appointment anyway. It's been less than two days since that night. Could my symptoms show up that fast, or am I panicking too much?

    One things for sure, I'll never do anything stupid like that again!

    4 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • Ambulance on the freeway. What do you do?

    If you should see an ambulance truck on the freeway (I know rare, right), what the hell should you do? Something tells me that suddenly pulling over and stopping might be dangerous.

    2 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • In Georgia do they provide the car to take the driver's test?

    I'm moving from California (where they do not) to Atlanta, Georgia.

    1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • I am very rich, is it OK for me to wear fake jewelry in public?

    With the price of gold above $1150 an ounce, I feel it's no longer safe to go outside wearing $2,500 on my fingers or $5,000 around my neck.

    My best friend says this is dishonest and defeats the whole point. What do you think?

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Can and how do I become a male gymnast?

    I am a 25-year-old male and I have been wanting to do gymnastics my whole life. The thing is, there was never a real gym where I grew up and my parents were far too poor, ignorant, and ghetto to pay for me to ever take gymnastics classes. I just recently got out of college and I want to really look into exploring what I want to do with my life.

    My question is, is it too late for someone like me to start gymnastics and eventually become competitive? I heard that for women age is very important, because the female body develops differently, so if they want to get into gymnastics very early in life. I don't know if that's true, but if it is, does the same thing apply to guys as much?

    I would describe myself as somewhat of an atypical male in that I have always had usually strong lower-body strength. I would describe myself as somewhat of a mix between a dancer's and swimmer's build and I have danced all of my life.

    Do I have a chance or is it too late?

    6 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • How would I write this date with Roman numerals?

    November 21, 2009.

    I am trying to use this site, but the web app won't work with my Linux browser:

    To use their web app, click the question mark next to the spot where they tell you to enter the date. Then, click the link in the pop-up window.

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What difference does an open back on a ring make?

    I am looking to buy a gold ring. The jeweler offers both the open back and closed back version. The open back version is cheaper. When I asked the jeweler what difference the open back made, he said was to allow (1) further light to pass through the stone and (2) to allow the stone to be more easily removed. I asked around and searched the web, and all I get is the same answer. Is this the truth or is he and all the jewelers I've spoken with full of marketing B.S.?

    I am very suspicious because the open back version is about $108 cheaper and seems to have a a little less metal. Which is most preferred? Open back or closed back?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • I'm 25 1/2 and still a virgin Should I go on a one-night stand?

    Very atypical for men my age. I guess you could say that I just never really got around to having sex. I was always too busy. In high school I was mostly closeted, so I kept to myself. In college, I was out, but I was such a overachiever and too busy getting my degree and running for student government, that I never made time for sex or a relationship. Now, the years have passed and all of my friends, and even my younger brother, have outpaced me in the realm of sexual experience.

    I'm tempted to to put an ad on Craigslist or reply to one, just for the heck of it. I don't want to end up like that guy in the movie "40-year-old Virign" or whatever it's called. Do you think this is a good idea?

  • What is the voltage, ampere and wattage of a standard U.S. household electrical socket?

    I'm trying too make a decision in an electronics purchase.

    10 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • If you're making an unprotected left turn and the light turns red can you still be ticketed?

    I was making an unprotected left turn on my drive test and it was just my luck that no one was kind enough to let me turn, so the green light ran out while I was in the midpoint of the intersection and by the time I was allowed to turn, the light had turned red. So, I turned the first time I was allowed to do so safely, figuring I had the right of way since I was already in the intersection.

    The examiner stilled marked me down for this as an automatic fail. Is this right or fair?

    2 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • What does a John Deere hat mean?

    I know its a company that makes tractor trailers. One day they gave me a nice free embroidered cloth hat, so I wore it. I then noticed that people started treating me differently, and in a good way. I got so many compliments on how nice my hat was. So, now I'm wondering what exactly does this hat symbolize? I get the feeling that there's some kind of hidden cultural undertone that I'm not catching onto.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Is it true that all Wiccans have a tattoo?

    A friend of mine told me that in order for Wiccans to be initiated, they are requited to have a tattoo of a pentacle (not to be confused with pentagram) etched on their flesh. Is this true?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to be this uninhibited?

    I'm comfortable talking openly and frankly about masturbation. If someone walked in on my doing it or if I walked in on someone doing it, I wouldn't flinch. I'm much more private about sex with someone, but masturbation doesn't seem to phase me. I find it odd that people get so uptight about it as if it were "dirty" or something. Is it them or is it me?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Am I the white supremacist's worst nightmare?

    I am a college-educated gay black male who is 25% Irish Ancestry and 12.5% Cherokee. I am a young lawyer. My partner is a Korean-American male nurse who is half white and studying to go to med school to become a doctor-nurse. We adopted three kids. One is special needs mentally retarded white male who is of German ancestry. One is a young, beautiful and healthy Columbia girl who was abandoned by her parents. And the other is a Chinese-American girl infant whose family died in a car accident.

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • I am 25. I won $640,000 in the lotto. Do I have to tell my family?

    They are the type that are bad with money. I'm not sure if it's a good idea or would I be somehow be doing a moral wrong in keeping this fact secret?

    14 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Is my grandma's painting worth anything?

    An old friend of my grandmother who used to collect lots of old paintings gave her a large watercolor portrait of what looks like a Pacific Islander woman. The artist's name is written as "Paul Gauguin". I think I spelled it right. The painting appears to be authentic. I've never heard of this artist before. Is this painting worth something or is this just another no-name artist.

    7 AnswersPainting1 decade ago
  • My brother found his lost class ring. Can he keep it?

    He already paid the $300 insurance deductible to the ring maker and got a replacement sent to him.

    We did the math on his ring and its gold content and he comes out $400 ahead of the deductible based on the current gold price. We guess this is because he has chubby fingers and wears size 14. The ring company changes the same fee for 18K rings, regardless of finger size, which means he got much more gold than those who usually buy his kind of ring.

    Is he required to return the ring, or is it his to keep?

    He tells me he wants to sell it to not only recoup the $300 he paid but get $400 extra in the process.

    Is this smart or illegal?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Bizarre credit card statement from Chase! Why?

    I originally did a balance transfer of some $13,500 in private student loans from Sallie Mae to my Chase credit card. Sallie Mae was charging me 14.9% variable and Chase offered me a weighted average interest rate of 4.22% fixed for life, so long as I make payments on-time. Well, I've been paying steadily and that balance has shrunk to $9,882.14. I remember my first minimum payments being in excess of $250. Now they have come down to less than $200. I still pay them a fixed $250 per month. But, this statement cycle I received a statement which said I had a minimum payment of $0! Yeah, that's right, ZERO. I immediately thought, "Huh? What the heck?". I figured that I had missed a payment or double-paid or something. I checked my account history and everything was okay. So, I called Chase and the lady on the phone told me that since my previous payment exceeded the minimum payment that I wouldn't get one this month. But, I always pay above the minimum payment unless the APR is 0%. Why did they cancel my minimum payment for this month? Needless to say, me being a skeptic, I sent them another $250 anyway.

    7 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Is it illegal to stare down a cop?

    No verbal threats or intimidation. Just lots of silence and very direct eye contact.

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Can I legally cancel my debt this way?

    If I send a letter notifying a greedy private student loan company that they are hereby put on notice that there is to be a change in terms of our contract and that I am hereby released from all debts, claims, liabilities and obligations, and that such an agreement is an implied contract if there is not written notice within 10 business days, can I thereby legally consider myself absolved from my debt.

    I mean, this industry is entirely unregulated and doesn't have to comply with the notifications requirements on the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. They can change the terms of my agreement at any time, at will. Can't I then do the very same thing to them in return?

    I thinking of sending in a letter certified mail, signature confirmation, with return-receipt in case they want to challenge it in court.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago