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yep. i play warcraft.

  • tips or ideas on kids hair?

    My 8 year old daughter is great when it comes to hygiene. loves to bathe, washes her hands, brushes her teeth (usually) but her hair!!! <groan> we fight constantly about her hair. she wants loooong hair of course, but she's not pro at brushing it. i've tried to brush it using kids spray-in conditioner, we've tried using my really good spray-in conditioner, to no avail. my husband (who is infinitely patient) has tried brushing it. it seems that children's arms aren't long enough to properly brush their own hair. I've tried giving her a week to learn to upkeep her hair before we get it cut off, I've looked up videos on how to take care of your going nuts here. How do i teach her to take care of her hair? She can't go to school with a big dread in the back of her hair. Her hair is really fine (like mine) so i totally understand that fine hair gets knotted up easily. but you STILL have to brush it and take care of it! My sister and my best friend are both hair dressers and they're at a loss on what to do.

    I guess it's not so much the hair it's the fighting that goes with it. We had a fight this morning and i said ok that's it. I'm making an appointment to get your hair cut. I can't take this anymore. And of course water works, screaming, crying, angry fit. (should have kept my mouth shut and just made the appointment) I tried to explain that if she starts at say shoulder length hair then she will learn how to take care of it when its shorter and as it grows so will her ability to care for her own hair, but she's having none of it.

    i know she'll "hate me forever" if i do get her hair cut, but do i do it anyway? does anyone have any help on how to teach her about hair care? do i just suck it up and let her go to school with dreads? (I DONT MIND DREADS it's the fact that it's ONE dread at the nape of her neck)

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • did Hordak's troops have another name?

    Besides Horde Troopers?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • pay it forward or random acts of kindness?

    So today started wonderfully well. my daughter and i had a great morning together and then i had to go to work. i went to get a tea at a drive through because i had left my travel mug at work. because my window was open i heard the car behind me order a tea as well. when i went to pay i realized i had exactly enough change to pay for both of our teas so i did just because. i went on my way to work and at the next red light a car pulled up beside me and the driver was leaning over telling me to roll down my window. i thought oh no did i cut this guy off or something? im not that bad a driver! so i opened my window and he said to me, very angrily, "why did you do that?" i said excuse me? he said "why did you pay for my tea? i don't even know you" i said " just to be nice and hope you have a good day" the light turned green and i drove off, shaking because that freaked me out. he was angry because i paid for his tea? i'd had a good day and thought to spread it around a bit. what's wrong with this?? should i just not bother to practice random acts of kindness again?

    7 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • this is a warcraft joke (ignore the question mark)?

    how many paladins does it take to put in a lightbulb?

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • my daughter seems to have a ketchup allergy?

    I avoid giving her ketchup ever since we discovered she reacts to it. Her face gets patchy and red on her cheeks sometimes with small bumps. (yes it took us a few times to realize she had this reaction when she ate ketchup specifically). it doesn't look like hives though. today we were eating breaded chicken and i gave her barbecue sauce (which she has never reacted to) but today it was the same reaction as to ketchup. I am going to take her to the doctor next week (he's not in the office on fridays) to see if she needs allergy tests or what... from what i understand tomato allergies are quite rare, but this seems odd. i always assumed it was a preservative in the ketchup but now im not so sure...

    anyway im just wondering, has anyone else ever had this issue, or heard of it?

    2 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • what do i want on my pizza?

    it's junk food night in our house. the question is what do i want on my pizza? three toppings and i dont want pepperoni. suggestions?

    13 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • what is the word that means family gets the job?

    it's on the tip of my tongue but i cannot remember what that word is. basically it means you got the job because of your family ties, not because you're good at it particularly.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • tips on how to get my sundays back?

    the company i work for asked me to become the team leader of a location different to the one i was working at. part of the reason i took this position was because leaders get sundays off. in august of last year they had some issues with insufficient employees and they asked me if i could work sundays "for the time being". it has been a year and a half and i have repeatedly requested to have my work schedule returned to me so i could have sundays off again but im still stuck. i notice that every other team leader gets sundays off, and the part timers will work that day. i have just discovered that my part timer does NOT work at a different location (as was explained to me) but she actually gets sundays off. when i asked her to please work a coming sunday for me as i had plans, she said no i have a part time job on that day (conveniently) ironically when i asked my supervisor if another team leader works on sundays she said no because that woman works on fridays and saturdays. well so do i. and i work 10 hour shifts both days, so why would that be different?!

    i feel as though im being discriminated against because i work for an asian company and i am caucasian. i work hard, i go out of my way to ensure a good work environment, public relations etc, and yet i get nothing out of this.

    unfortunately at this moment work is scarce around here or i would have left ages ago, especially considering there was a company wide pay raise freeze about a year ago. (incidentally about 2 weeks after i was supposed to get my raise which i never got)

    i called human rights and they think i have a discrimination case, but i dont want to go that route because it really is an awful thing to have to go through. and yet im tempted because i have never been treated so badly in any place i've worked in. i've recieved nothing but accolades and shining letters of reference when i've left a company. I just really want to have sundays off becuase it's the only day i can actually spend with my husband and daughter.

    i would like to know if anyone has had an issue like this. i have nothing in writing to prove that i was offered this position with sundays off, yet every other schedule shows that TL's have sundays off UNLESS they request another day off (i.e we have one who always has fridays off so she works sunday in leiu of that day) am i screwed until i can find another job? how do i get my sundays off without going through the human rights board?

    1 AnswerFood Service1 decade ago
  • tips on helping a child swallow a pill?

    my daughter is lactose intolerant but loves to eat cheese, milk and yogurt. she is able to take the enzyme pill to help her digest the lactose, however she can't swallow the pill, she typically needs to chew it first. the issue is the pill tastes terrible (apparently, i've never eaten one so i have no idea) has anyone else had this problem and is there a simple way to help teach her how to swallow the enzyme tablets instead of having to chew them?

    i've researched this on the web and used some of the suggestions (placement of the pill on the tongue and drinking through a straw, taking the pill with a mouthful of soft food easily swallowed) but these ideas don't work. im hoping someone out there has successfully taught their young child how to take a tablet (she's 7 years old) and can pass on some tried and true tips!

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • charity-type gift ideas?

    So, my kiddo is spoiled. i mean she's a great kid well mannered pleasant (mostly haha) but she's the only grandkid on my parents side and the only female grandkid on her dad's side so she tends to get a bit spoiled around the holidays. ok, actually... in general.

    this year my husband and i have decided to tone down the gift giving extravaganza and purchase her select few items that she REALLY WANTS (four "leet" gifts)

    i would also like to purchase her some small gifts in her name that are charity gifts. for example at a store called bowring you can purchase christmas ornaments and the money goes to the make a wish foundation. theres also a charity where you buy a hat and the money goes towards the homeless (raising the roof)

    can anyone tell me of some more of these gift ideas? other charities that you can donate on behalf of someone? i would like to get these for family and friends because quite frankly i'm sure we all get stuff that we chuck two weeks later or give away or never use.

    thats what i want for Christmas! feed a needy child or a homeless person, save a dog, ANYTHING!

    any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks very much :)

    and happy holidays to you!

    1 AnswerChristmas1 decade ago
  • Should i just never play on a pvp server?

    Some friends of my husbands and mine created characters on a pvp server so we decided to level up something there to hang out with them occasionally. (just to be clear i can't stand pvp. i never pvp unless i absolutely have to, like when i needed to get the trinket for the Archimonde fight for Hyjal, or for getting an achievement. rarely if ever in other words)

    now on this server i have consistently gotten my butt handed to me by players that are more than 50 levels above me.( yes she's only 21 at the moment) my question is WHY? why do people insist that it's sporting to kill something that is so far removed from their level so as not to be a threat. i will actually help an enemy player if i see they are in trouble with a mob they are fighting, so i don't understand that mentality. can someone explain it to me? or will i just never get the idea since i don't understand hunting either and it seems the same thing to me...killing defenseless creatures i guess.

    and i'm sure if you don't agree with playing wow you're going to tell me to stop wasting my time with it. everyone is not entitled to YOUR opinion so please keep it to yourself. kthxbai

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Prequests for the Oracles faction?

    where the heck are the rest of the quests for the Oracles faction? I want to rep grind for Oracle rep and I can't figure out where the quests are that allow you to become friendly with the Oracles faction. I've only done 53 of the quests in Scholazar basin and of course having done them ages ago i dont remember what quests i've already done. I've also googled it so please dont bother cut and pasting thottbot or wowhead info because i've already looked through it...well...mostly >.<

    i just want a little pet proto drake and not have to spend 1200 gold for it.

    :) thanks for the help!

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • computer time changes?

    why does the time change on my computer? im supposed to be eastern standard and yet my computer keeps going an hour back. this is happening consistently and it's really quite annoying. what gives?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • where did i put the darn thing?

    i have a brand new base coat (nail polish)

    i think my house ate it. and if it didnt, then where the heck did i put it?

    top marks for whomever can figure out where the darn thing is.

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What do you know about Codex Alimentarius?

    Tell me something good about Codex.

    does canada have a site like where we can sign up to protest the terrible idea of criminalizing healthful nutrition and giving upper limits to nutrients? People won't be able to choose to go to a health food store. they won't be around. is this a plan for the big pharmaceutical companies to make more money by cutting out naturopathic and holistic health choices?

    and is anyone else scared of the possible implementation of Codex?

    i sure am...but then i'm a mom and i fear for my daughter if this does come into effect.

    feel free to check out what Codex Alimentarius is before responding please. its a terrifying prospect.

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Anyone else excited about new WoW content?


    is anyone else excited about the patch and the new XP coming out? new classes, dual talent trees, water mounts, battle mounts in the new raids, kickin' new talent trees, ok well, priest trees arent going to be that hawt, but it'll be new and improved anyway. (just to name a couple of things that are coming our way, lucky 'crafters we are) =P

    i just can't wait to get to northrend!!

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Do you think working on your birthday sucks?

    i do. i know it's just another day but i want to be at home lazing around doing nothing...

    41 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • can anyone tell me why newspapers are so sensationalist?

    I just saw the front page of my towns newspaper and it showed a woman in obvious agony, crying and holding her dead child (the china earthquake). This does not encourage me to purchase the paper, in fact, i tend to avoid reading the paper/watching the news because the news is so depressing. Instead I choose to inform myself selectively on what is going on in the world. (And no, i dont think the world is getting worse. We are in the information era, where everything is readily accessible and news passes easily and quickly from country to country.)

    But why must newspapers show pictures of peoples anguish and pain on the front pages, basically screaming them at you?

    I wouldnt want my daughter to see pictures like that, and frankly it's distressing and disturbing for me to see them as well. Perhaps im not desensitized enough to see these images, but do papers have to be so brutal?

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • an oldie but a goodie?

    Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

    9 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Why are newspapers so sensationalist?

    I just saw the front page of my towns newspaper and it showed a woman in obvious agony, crying and holding her dead child (the china earthquake). This does not encourage me to purchase the paper, in fact, i tend to avoid reading the paper/watching the news because the news is so depressing. Instead I choose to inform myself selectively on what is going on in the world. (And no, i dont think the world is getting worse. We are in the information era, where everything is readily accessible and news passes easily and quickly from country to country.)

    But why must newspapers show pictures of peoples anguish and pain on the front pages, basically screaming them at you?

    I wouldnt want my daughter to see pictures like that, and frankly it's distressing and disturbing for me to see them as well. Perhaps im not desensitized enough to see these images, but do papers have to be so brutal?

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago