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Lv 55,496 points

Gєgє tђє cυρcαкє-QUEEN TACO

Favorite Answers13%

Finally got my lazy bum to make a Add me... or whatever you people do. I go by Gege, I'm 18, quite immature, into Indie Rock, and a mediocre friend :D Yes, I am actually a cupcake, thank you for asking. Now be mesmerized by these pictures: ______▄███████▄ ______█▄█████▄█ ______█▼▼▼▼▼█ ____ _█▌________█▌ ______█▲▲▲▲▲█ ______█████████ _______██____██ RAWR! ╔══╗♫♪ ) ) ║██║ )! \m/ \m/ ║¨o•║ ♪♪ )) ╚══╝ If you add me as your contact, you'll never be lonley ever again <3

  • R&P: Care to share some random music related facts?

    Gosh I feel like I've lost my edge...

    I've resorted to asking questions I asked right before I left T.T *Dies*.

    But hey, since you're all here already let's make it a party.

    MQ2: Have any random cheesy jokes to share?

    How much does a pirate sell porn for? ...

    A buccaneer!

    BQ: What is your opinion on pirates?

    BQ2: Why don't people ever answer their own BQs?

    BQ3: If you were a rapper, what would you call yourself?

    BQ4: Who's your favorite care bear :D?

    BQ5: Give me a good hipster band, hipster.

    BQ6: BYE! *Runs after you as you walk away and gives you a cookie filled with anthrax*

    3 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: What's your musical guilty pleasure?

    I asked this question about two months ago, but I figure since I'm unofficially 'back' I mind as well ask it again :3.

    MQ2: Console in the world of R&P. Reveal a secret.

    Since this is bare f**king truth right here, I mind as well say that Nicki Minaj's new song 'Starships' has the sexiest chorus ever.

    Now for the infamous long awaited cupcake BQs!

    BQ: Now playing?

    BQ2: Did you miss my BQs?

    BQ3: Who is the sexiest R&Per? I heard eating more vegetables makes you sexier...

    BQ4: Accents; yay or nay?

    BQ5: My friends got to go to Disney World because they're in the school band today... F**KING DISNEY WORLD. Be my shoulder to cry on.

    BQ6: When hell freezes over, how will I know?

    BQ7: BYE! *Runs after you as you walk away and gives you a wedgie*

    14 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: Hey guys! Generic question, Now Playing?

    I couldn't think of anything else to ask >.>.

    Mind as well give up my hipster card... AGAIN.

    I'm not sure if any of the new migrations know who the hell I am, but some of you sexy people I bother with might be going "OMFG GEGE!"

    So yeahh.. Two months leave of absence. What's been up? Give me a good song. Do whatcha do...

    BQ: Who's the biggest hipster?

    BQ2: Where the f**k is Waldo?

    BQ3: Make me a sandwich.

    BQ4: If you're wearing a band shirt right now, what band?

    BQ5: Confide in me, how about a secret?

    BQ6: BYE! *Runs after you as you walk away and throws crayons at you*

    14 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: Confession time....?

    MQ: Name one band or artist you have a guilty pleasure for.

    MQ2: Console in the world of R&P, reveal a secret.

    I'm not gunna lie, I may or may not kind of like that one song, Call Me Maybe... IT'S CATCHY! *Gets stripped of hipster badge*

    Now for the main event, BQs:

    BQ: Now playing?

    BQ2: Wouldn't it be awesome if Y!A got a reply button so you don't have to check for them all the time?

    BQ3: Frat boys; yay or nay?

    BQ4: How late do you normally stay up?

    BQ5: Favorite type of chips?

    BQ6: I'd like to take this time to confess my deep love for Wumbo, she's my... brah :'3.

    BQ7: BYE! *Runs after you as you walk away and tells you about how bird is the word*

    18 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: Slightly random question here, mates.....?

    So, my delicious stroddles, considering

    Wumbo failed her task in P&S, I'd like to ask you. *Clears throat*

    MQ: Which one is correct: BRUH or BRAH? And don't give me none that 'I don't use those words', use your imagination!

    To keep this somewhat music related..

    MQ2: Favorite song about friendship?

    And also feel free to recommend me a half decent song or band, I'm bored.

    BYE! *Runs after you and marries you, then builds you a beaver damn for our anniversary*

    13 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: Care to share some random musical facts?

    I enjoy fun facts.


    I'm a sad lonley whore because I lost the only thing I ever achieved in life... my TC badge.

    My friend just told me what flavored condoms are used for.......... LOL.

    Also, I ripped fructose off.

    Self-aware douchebaggery!

    *Air high-five*

    No wonder some of those hardcore R&Pers hate people like me.

    Speaking of people like me, anyone seen Mallory Knox lately ;o?

    8 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: So, anything new happen lately?

    I haven't been on at all lately :(

    I miss Hunger Games Fan, and Wumbo, and Holly, and Fructose, and Mucky, and Missile, and L2G, and Iceage, and Bad Company, and Charlie, and RMBF/ Kimmeh, and sexy taco Zack, and Erik, and Coffee Kitty, and Rocket Queen and all you other *******!

    An occasional shout on just isn't the same as Y!A...

    So has anything happened lately ;P?

    Any affairs, ostriches, scandals?

    Details, details.

    MQ2: A song about gossip, perhaps?

    BQ: Have missed my BQs?

    BQ2: How many ostriches are in that barn?

    BQ3: The joker was mine, Harley Quinn can suck it!!!

    BQ4: Is the social network a good movie to watch?

    BQ5: How tall is too tall?

    BQ6: They see me trollin'... They hatin'...

    BQ7: BYE! *Runs after you as you walk away and smells your cheap perfume, then slaps you*

    9 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: I'd like to dedicate some songs to you people?

    I just had the strangest most retarded dream ever, main point is, I realized how much I miss some of you <3

    So I'll dedicate a song to you *******:

    For the alternative peeps:

    For my punk buddies:

    Can't forgot the people who don't think indie is a genre but frequently listen to it:

    For the indie bros:

    I love all these songs a bunch and listen to them all the time. Sorry if the punk one is a bit cleché, but I like it even if it's used a bunch by hardcore punk fanatics.

    MQ: What do you think of the songs?

    MQ2: Dedicate a song to me ;)?

    MQ3: BYE! *Runs after you as you walk away and holds your hand a tells you you're a star*

    6 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • What famous civil war leaders got their start in the mexican-american war?

    I really hope some history nerd can answer this.

    3 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • R&P: What songs reminds you of someone?

    This song reminds me of one of my bestest friends, Sammyboy:

    This one reminds me of this one dude I may or may not want to make out with on a regular basis:

    MQ2: What song reminds you of ME :D?!

    MQ3: Waterbears are awesome as fudge.

    BQ: Guess what?! In biology class on Friday me and my amigos found an orange Waterbear. Yeah, it's a thing. Look it up.

    BQ2: How often do you send someone a 'Let me google that for you?' (

    BQ3: How many fingers are you missing?

    BQ4: Can you believe those Mexicans and their tacos?

    BQ5: Does anyone besides me remember Machine Gun Kelly?

    BQ6: BYE! *Runs after you as you walk away and hands you a machine gun*

    11 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: Do you know about water bears?

    The toughest animal on the planet:

    Water bears.

    Has anyone seen Charlie, by the way? Tell him is Internet mommy brought him some new socks.

    6 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: If you had to spend the entire rest of your life in an elevator....?

    Would you rather listen to old instrumental gross weird elevator music that changes tracks or your favorite song over and over and over and over and over again?

    MQ2: What would that song be, my dear?

    MQ3: How long you reckon you'll survive in there? Dw, there's food, sweetie.

    BQ: Ever been in an elevator?

    BQ2: When was the last time you were on Google?

    BQ3: Care to share a secret?

    BQ4: Give me a fact, any fact, just a fact.

    BQ5: BYE! *Runs after you as you walk away and screams like a banshee, then dances away into the wild in a tu-tu*

    11 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Help! My sims 3 game keeps getting stuck!?

    Everytime I go to the decorations > All catagory it gets stuck and freezes up ._.

    Any idea how to stop this?

    I have Delphy's CC checker and it says none of it is corrupt btw...

    4 AnswersPC9 years ago


    3 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: What have you been listening to lately?

    Reply: <3

    MQ2: What's been on your agenda for life lately?

    I've just been busy with school and friends T.T....

    BQ: What's a song that describes your life perfectly?

    BQ2: How many hours do you normally sleep each night?

    BQ3: What's your favorite R&P couple? My bet is on Ryan B and Dhrama (Iceage).

    BQ4: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck had your wood?

    BQ5: Rock, paper, or scissors?

    BQ6: BYE! *runs after you as you walk away and steals your wallet*

    13 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: What song would you want to have played during....?

    An epic street fight between good and evil?

    It could happen...

    MQ2: Have you ever been in a street fight?

    BQ: My Little Pony: Friendship is magic is flipping amazing.

    BQ2: What's your favorite cupcake flavor?

    BQ3: Do you watch the stars?

    BQ4: How many marshmallows can you fit into your mouth?

    BQ5: Turtles or fruit-smackers?

    BQ6: BYE! *Runs after you as you walk away and throws you a chocolate bar*

    10 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: What has happened to me!?!?

    TWO WEEKS. No R&P!


    What happened while I was gone?!





    Surprisingly I'm still a TC :o.

    9 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: Get something off your chest?

    Perhaps a song to go along with it.

    Schools been killing me lately x.x...

    MQ2: Who's your best friend... besides me of course ;)?

    BQ: How are penguins bigger than ladybugs?

    BQ2: Male Ladybugs. Awkward, amiritee?

    BQ3: Did you watch teletubbies?

    BQ4: Care to tell me a fact about yourself?

    BQ5: BYE! *Runs after you as you walk away and creates life. WHAT. NOW.*

    6 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: A song about frustration?

    When someone you hate is wearing a band shirt from one of your favorite bands and your not sure if you should ignore him or tell him he's wearing a cool shirt....

    The chronicles of high school ._.

    MQ2: Last time you felt frustrated :3?

    BQ: True or false: Teachers are really dense these days?

    BQ2: What's your least favorite subject?

    BQ3: How ugly is TOO ugly?

    BQ4: Ever seen a dildo inside a teacher's desk?

    BQ5: BYE! *Runs after you as you walk away and shows you the Spanish test I got an A on, what now!?*

    5 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • R&P: Entertain me...?

    I'm quite bored. Tell me a story. Post a song. Idgaf.

    Suggested catagory: Pregnancy & Parenting > Toddler & Preschooler


    10 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago