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I'm an introverted person, but I don't hate people. I like singing, drawing, making silly voices, and riding my bicycle. I'm studying Japanese at home, and Spanish at school. I detest "sarcastic" people who are actually mean. Only a few people make sarcasm funny:D

  • Do colleges like if you do music intensives?

    *repost--I posted this in the wrong category*

    So, I've been singing for forever but taking classical lessons for just about a year. I've been told that I'm progressing nicely, but the lessons alone don't cover everything I should know. So, consequently, I've started doing intensives this year to amass more knowledge. I'm already doing one based on music theory for the singer, and I'll be attending a week-long intensive in August. Hopefully, I'll find more during the school year.

    I've been wondering if this makes one look more attractive to prospective colleges. I'm a rising junior in high school and would like to double major in college---one of the majors having to do with classical voice. So, does this help my chances or is it nothing special?

    1 AnswerClassical7 years ago
  • He stares but avoid every attempt at contact I make?

    There's this guy at school who really bothers me. It's not like he actually harms me or anything; no, it's just that he stares---no, USED to stare because school is over now. He unfriended me on Facebook and went on avoiding me for a while. Yet, he was always staring at me or looking to see if I was staring at HIM. His friends did it, too! Especially on the last day he kept on glancing at me and sat by me. I tried to re-add him on Facebook afterwards to ask him why, but he either a) never got the request or b)is still ignoring me.

    What should I do? Moving on is N O T working for me.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why do some guys just stop talking to you? And why does he still stare, if I'm so revolting to him?

    We go to the same high school. So, yeah, I see him at least four times a day. And, whenever I see him, he always looks away quickly unless if he's with a friend; in the case of the latter, he'll stare. He stares at me when I'm at the bus stop as well, and it's a little unnerving because he just suddenly stopped talking to me!

    It was a month ago when he just broke things off. He unfriended me on Facebook (I think he blocked me, too). But when I tried to get an explanation out of him, he wouldn't look me in the eye! So, I'm finally beginning to get over him, but he KEEPS GIVING ME LOOKS IN THE HALLWAYS! I want to know why but don't want to come off as desperate.

    So, why would a guy just cut things off without giving closure yet still stare at you?

    (I'm 16, so I'm new to this stuff:/)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Where do I go from here, because he's driving me nuts?!?

    There's this guy who acts so strange towards me, and it's driving me nuts. Let me give a short explanation of what has happened in the last three weeks in layman speech:

    ---->I like a guy. I stare at guy covertly in school all the time, hope to find out his name. I accidentally find his Facebook. After some time, I add him. HE ACCEPTED! We talk, everything's going good. Except he does strange things: he usually never replies to my messages (despite leaving me on 'seen') but likes most of my statuses. Then---all of a sudden---he un-friends me. ( Oh, but before he un-friended me he made sure I knew by sending a message -_-)

    ...And that is where the story ends, my friends. I've asked him why, but he usually just skirts around the question and never gives a meaningful answer. And, what's more is that he often stares at me in the halls, outside school, or in class. How do I figure out what's up with him? He's being weird.

    4 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • Why are some mediocre musicians arrogant?

    I've just started singing lessons last September, and I've greatly improved. Still, I know I'm not THE BEST and realized I have a long way to go. Yet, what I have noticed with many of my schoolmates who are musicians--usually the ones who haven't received formal training or if they have, don't take it very seriously-- is that they have an over-inflated ego, although their skills aren't so great. For instance, the kids in the chorus and band are mediocre; still, in spite of that, they seem to believe they're the greatest and feel as though they can tell others how to play their instrument. (This is the number one reason why I do NOT want to join the chorus.) Have you ever run across a mediocre but arrogant musician? What causes them to so cocky?

    7 AnswersPerforming Arts7 years ago
  • I've never talked to my crush; would it be strange to add him on Facebook even if we have a mutual friend?

    I've never talked to him, because we don't have much in common: we're in different programs at school, me being an honors student while he's an international student; I'm quiet, and he is too, but he's always with a group of people; my parents are from Jamaica whereas he's Kosovar. Nevertheless, I'd like to say SOMETHING to him before school ends this year and vowed to myself and my therapist that I would. Still, I chicken out and I can't ever get him alone at school.

    We're on break now. The break has one more week in it, and the wait is killing me. I'd like to do something now. So, would it be strange if I added him on Facebook? We have a mutual friend who's Kosovar as well, and I'm wondering if that would make me seem like less of a weirdo.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How do I talk to an Albanian guy?

    We have a few Albanian students in my school's international program. There's one I really want to talk to, but I'm not sure how to approach him. We don't gave anything in common except for being quiet people: he's 18, I'm 16; I'm in the honors program, while he's an international student. And, race shouldn't be a problem, but it is to me because I'm black and he's white. I've never seen him or any other Albanian students speak to any black kids--- at least the ones that were actually born and raised in Kosovo.

    Well, anyway I only have one class with him--gym. And he doesn't ever participate!! So I'm not sure how to approach him without making my crush obvious. What should I say to him?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Transitioning relaxed hair: Did you get scab hair and can you recommend some hair products?

    I've decided to stop perming my hair finally :). I already have a wee bit of new growth, and I'm so happy about that. Anyway, for those of you who went through the transitioning process: did you get scab hair and, if so, for how long? Also, can you give me some tips and tell me about some products that would be helpful. My natural hair is real coily and gets dry easily, and I don't want to risk it falling out.

    Bonus Question: Would five months be too short a time to transition?

    1 AnswerHair7 years ago
  • Why do people talk to me when I don't really contribute to the conversation?

    See, I'm real quiet, and I prefer to be alone. Nevertheless, I get hounded daily at school and at home by people who never stop talking! And, I don't even reply except for saying "mhm" or "yeah." So, why do you think they keep coming back?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Is anyone here familiar with learning Alexander Technique for singing?

    It seems obscure. My teacher is training me through this method, and I like it very much. Still, I noticed that it runs against popular beliefs about singing, and it makes me feel a little odd. Did/does your teacher use this method?

    3 AnswersSinging7 years ago
  • Where does one find musicals to audition for?

    I live in Bronx, New York, which SHOULD make this search easier (because I live in a big city and all). Still, I'm not sure where to find a part in a musical or show in which I could sing. The studio where I take lessons doesn't really advertise many external singing opportunities. I know I should be asking my singing teacher about this, but I'm really curious right now. Where does one find these things?

    1 AnswerSinging7 years ago
  • Why does singing using bad technique hurt me now?

    I haven't been taking lessons for that long; I've only been doing singing lessons for six months now. Nevertheless, when I'm just play singing using the wrong technique, it hurts like hell. (I scarcely do this, because I don't want to damage anything.) Does anyone know why this hurts me now as opposed to before, when I didn't know good technique?

    4 AnswersSinging7 years ago
  • Why do teens tend to worry about their social life a lot?

    I'm a girl in high school and I've noticed this. Many of my peers--and sometimes myself, as well-- worry about having haters, who's their "real" friend or not, etc. Why? It doesn't seem like this will matter in the long run.

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Why do people get angrier if you don't say anything during an argument?

    In the event of an argument, I just don't say anything. It doesn't seem like it'll solve anything anyway. Yet, I've noticed that if anyone tries to argue with me, and all I do is stare at them silently, they get even angrier and KEEP ON YELLING! What gives?

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Is it okay to practice singing like this?

    I want to practice for thirty minutes, take a break, and then go back to practicing again for another thirty minutes. I hope to do this at least twice a day. The reason why I'm asking is because people on this website stress practicing for hours on end UNINTERRUPTED, but I can't do that without getting distracted or a little hungry. Does my plan sound good?

    6 AnswersSinging7 years ago
  • In the movie The Incredibles...?

    Remember in the beginning, Dash gets called to the Principal's office? There they watch a tape of Dash putting a thumbtack on his teacher's chair. Remember how Helen Parr denied seeing her son commit the act while watching the recording of the incident? Was she lying so he wouldn't get in trouble?

    Please answer. This has always bothered me.

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • What do you do when you see a repeat sign at the beginning of a measure?

    I take piano classes at school, and I'm used to seeing the repeat symbol at the end of a piece. However, I bought a book for my singing lessons, and a few of the songs have repeat signs in the first measure of the first staff. What do I do when I see that?

    1 AnswerClassical7 years ago
  • Why is it always so sad when a young person dies?

    A girl from my school passed a while back and, although she was pretty unknown around school, we're all pretty sad about it---especially the adults. When I was in the fifth grade I lost a classmate, too and my parents were so shocked. I find that people tend to be more sad about a child passing than an adult or senior citizen. Why is that?

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Singers, do you feel like you're wasting your time sometimes?

    I'm 15,very soon turning 16, and I take classical singing lessons. I practice every day for at least two hours, I take singing lessons, and I plan to start on trying to get roles in local musicals. Yet, I still feel like I'm wasting my time and that I'll probably never get very far. Do you feel like this sometimes? What gets you through it?

    5 AnswersSinging7 years ago
  • Did learning to sing melismas come naturally for you?

    I've been taking singing lessons for a few months, and I've noticed that singing riffs and runs aren't so hard anymore. Before I started taking lessons, I couldn't even do it! I can't very complex ones as of yet, but it's getting easier because of all the training I'm getting. Has it been you experience that singing lessons made it easier for you to complex things that you wouldn't have attempted before?

    2 AnswersSinging7 years ago