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  • How do I keep my dyslexic son with an IEP, from receiving detentions for being unable to locate completed work?

    He can't seem to recognize the paper that we completed the night before. He can look right at it, and not realize that is the paper he is attempting to locate. Or he only remembers partial instructions. I know that he isn't doing this on purpose. I have asked for them to review his planner and send home all papers, but there are oversights. I understand that, but can't seem to get them to stop giving him detentions for it. They just treat me like I am a pain in the butt, and he is just lazy. They don't come out and say it. They say all the right things, but they are dripping with sarcasm when they speak to me. My son cries to me that he is trying so hard, and he can't keep his self out of detention because he is just stupid. It breaks my heart. It is so hard to find out what steps to take next. I tried to reason with the teachers and the principal. They act like there is no other way. They just suggested that he serve the detention, and just not tell him it is a detention. Anybody have experience with this, or something similar? What do I do next? Do I need to amend his IEP to have extended homework time when he is not having problems with the work, just locating it. Do I need to have mediation? or is this a due process issue?

    3 AnswersSpecial Education8 years ago
  • Calling all other hillbilly nascar beer fans?

    There is an intense cornhole competition next weekend, and my competitor made a t-shirt with "team 30 pack" and our favorite beer brand on it. My question is, what team name beats a case of beer? Keeping in mind that there may be a couple of children there and it can't be too inappropriate.

    9 AnswersNASCAR8 years ago
  • Do you know where I can find a decent pair of girls boots for my daughter, that isn't micro-suede?

    The weather here isn't too kind to them, and it seems to be all that I can find in her size (girls 3US) in stores and online. Her suede looking ones have just fallen to pieces, and she is in desperate need of new ones, I have spent forever online already trying to google girls boots, but the only cute ones I see, don't come in a size bigger than a 13. Anyone else have any luck?

    Mid-calf preferred.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Am I the crazy one for not wanting to go to this wedding?

    My husband and I have 5 children between us. 1 together and 2 each from prior marriages. About a year ago (right before I gave birth to our son) she started dating my husband's barely legal nephew (raised by his grandma, in the same household as my husband although almost 10 yr difference) and moved him into her place. My husband didn't exactly disapprove, because he is always consumed with worry when she has the kids, because she doesn't make the best decisions. We have them more than she does, but it is supposed to be split custody, but more like 75/25. Since she and my now husband split, she has had an array of men in and out of there (he has had many more problems with her, too many to list). He felt like if his nephew was there, then he didn't have to worry as much. Her and the nephew have since split up, and it really screwed with the kids heads. I spend much more time with the kids than either one of them do, and I was left to answer all their questions about it. It really hurt the kids, and that has left me bitter about the whole situation. Anyhow, the nephew has moved on and is getting married now. I have not made it a secret that I don't like him anymore, but I am civil to him. I am NOT going to his wedding, but my husband has asked me to. Am I the crazy one?

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Directions to serve - do not remove cover? Means cook with the cardboard on right?

    I do not usually buy pre-made food, but I found a great little Italian deli that sold frozen pre-made lasagna. I feel like an idiot, but putting cardboard in the oven at 425 just seems stupid to me. Anybody else agree?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Sick kids home from school, what are your rules?

    My policy is if you stay home sick you can't play or go out anywhere. That is easy when they are miserable and don't move, but when you give them medicine and they start to feel better they want to play with each other. How strict are you?

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Have a Sony WEGA and the screen blacks out periodically, but still has sound.?

    I have a Sony FD Trinitron WEGA KV-32FS100 model. It turns on just fine, but then the pic. blacks out and comes back on 4 seconds later. The sound works fine. The code blinks 4 times, but I am not sure if the code is done blinking before the picture comes back on and it stops. Once it blacked out longer and blinked 5 times. I want to fix it myself, because I don't have to money to spend to have someone fix it or to buy another. How do I know what code it is blinking? Anybody else have this problem, how did you fix it? I will never buy another Sony anything.

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • Am I out of line for thinking she is crazy?

    My 6 yo step son has been a wreck for a 2 weeks, and it all makes sense now. His mother is putting terrible pressure on him to keep his school play a secret because she doesn't want me and our other kids to go. Yesterday, he was arguing with her (when his dad came to pick him up) about how he wants me and the other kids to go, and she began screaming at him telling him that we do not need to go because she will feel uncomfortable. I don't understand, because last year I made his costume for another school play and even my mother went. She was fine with it then, and even offered to save us a seat. We found closer ones though, and did not sit together as the place was packed and we had more room to accommodate our family. However she was dating my husband's nephew at the time and brought him along too. This year she is demanding that I not go, and I don't know if it has something to do with her being single again or what. I don't make any trouble, and I have never ever disrespected her or done anything but be nice in front of her and behind her back. My step son had not even mentioned the play because he wasn't allowed to (this is what he said). My husband has no clue what to do. There is no reasoning with her. If I go anyway, she will be mad at the boy for telling us. I don't see why I am good enough to live with, and watch them for her when she has plans and my husband has to work. During the summer I have the kids alone 5 days a week, and most weekends. All year long I am with the kids more than he or she is, and that is fine with her. I can pick them up from school and help them with homework, but I can't attend this year's play because it will make HER uncomfortable. She wants my husband to go and not bring anyone. Am I out of line for thinking she is crazy? What would you do? I am speechless. I don't even know what to think. I am so hurt.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How can I make things easier for the kids sake, when I can't stand their mom?

    (I am the step mom) I never bad mouth her, and I tell the kids that they have to show her respect. Which is hard because I don't respect her at all (and neither do they[not my doing]). She tortures those poor babies. She tells them to lie to their dad about what goes on at home, or if they tell him anything that goes on there that they won't see their dad ever again. She tells them they will be grounded if they ever talk about their 8 mo. old baby brother . If she sees me somewhere she starts trouble about all kinds of things. She calls him in the middle of the night when she is drunk, just to yell at him about things she just makes up off the top of her head. She brings a different guy home every couple of weeks, and more than half of them end up living there and watching the 3 year old when she is not home. She dated the kids cousin (his nephew) and I hate to say that I liked it, because we at least knew that they were being taken care of better. I hate sending them home to her. She sleeps all the time and leaves them to run around (they are 3 and 6). I know that they are HER kids, but I love them just like I love my own. I don't care about all the things that she says about me or tries to do to me, because I am grown, but it makes me sick what she does to those poor kids. Luckily, we have the kids most of the time. She blames me for him leaving, even though he left her for cheating on him, and they were split and days away from getting the finalized divorce papers in the mail when we met. She is hell bent on making everyone's life miserable, which would be fine with me if the kids didn't have to pay for it. There is too much to post here, and I will just say that she is a real piece of work. With that being said, I think that it is important for the kids to be with their mom (when sober), and that they listen to her rules (if and when there are any). I always try to convince them to talk to her on the phone, and to tell her that they love her. Even when she calls and tries to convince my husband that my children (I have 2 from a previous marriage that don't see their father) are from different guys, and I am a sl*t and things, I do my best to not get angry and to stay civil for the kids, but it is SO hard. Does anyone else go through this kind of stuff, and how do you stay sane. My husband is wonderful and does stand up for me and the kids, and we have found a way to support each other to the best of our ability. Any advice?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • For blended families, how do you make it work?

    I have a 9yo boy an 8yo girl, he has a 6yo boy, a 3yo girl, and we have a 7 mo old together. It has been rough with the kids, especially the boys. They are from different worlds. My son is sensitive and reserved, and his son is rambunctious and spunky. He tends to bully all the other children, and his father refuses to see it. He thinks it is him, just playing or kidding around. If he does ever discipline him for it, it is not consistent. He doesn't seem to think it is a problem, but it is making my kids miserable. He is much worse to the youngest girl, but dad will intervene over that one because she screams her head off until someone does. The oldest two are not screamers though, and have not found a better way to handle it. How do I make Dad see what is going on, if he is really oblivious to it. I have spoken to the child about how it makes others feel, and he agrees that he would not like it if it happened to him, but continues to do it. Especially if he thinks no one can hear or see it. This is really getting serious though, he is physically hurting the other children and/or threatening to physically harm them if they don't do what he wants. BTW he may be 6 but he is 30lb heavier than my 9yo and the same height.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Will caffeine hurt birds?

    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • I can't find pistachio pudding anywhere, due to recall!! How am I supposed to make Watergate Salad?

    What would be the best substitution? Vanilla or some other kind of pudding, or like an ambrosia salad cross-breed?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Can someone get a restraining order if.......?

    If the police were called due to a domestic dispute, and when they arrived they said that they could not site blame to either party (because of a defense injury)? I am asking if the caller can still get a restraining order against the other person. Does it matter if there were children present, the oldest being 4? This is in Ohio if that makes any difference. Or will they just dismiss it too?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Can someone get a restraining order if.......?

    If the police were called due to a domestic dispute, and when they arrived they said that they could not site blame to either party (because of a defense injury)? I am asking if the caller can still get a restraining order against the other person. Does it matter if there were children present, the oldest being 4? This is in Ohio if that makes any difference. Or will they just dismiss it too?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • The domestic court is so sexually biased in Ohio (as in many other states). How could a father get custody?

    The wife runs around all the time, going to the bars most nights of the week and weekends. Works during the day, and goes to school at night most of the time not even coming back home. He has taken them to school, and taken care of the kids 4 and 19mos. For the majority of their life. He had enough and left. They were amicable at first, sharing the children and trying to get a dissolution. In the meantime, she has slept away hours of her time with the kids, while the kids went unwatched, left them in the car for over 30 minutes at night alone, and continuing to tell them that their father doesn't love them anymore. None of this was documented, because the father wasn't trying to stir up trouble so that they could go ahead with the dissolution. Things aren't going her way, and the children cry because they don't want to go with her, and now she claims that she won't let him see the kids ever again (unfeasible, but in the mean time this is killing him). She won't let him see them at all or talk to him. If he calls to talk to them, she tells him he is harassing her. He sees the lawyer on Wednesday AM, and will file for temp order, but how can he prove that the kids are better off with him? Is there any justice?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Help me! I want to call and mess w/ my bf in a few minutes. What else should I say?

    I was thinking of pretending to be a telemarketer. Something like: Hi, I am from O.R.G.A.S.M. (spoken, and not abbreviated and really professional sounding)

    Organization of ??

    And then ask him to donate to my fund.

    I need something that is sure to get a laugh.


    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Third day of first grade and I am already having problems with my son's teacher. What should I do next?

    On the second day of school, my son came home telling me that a boy got mad at him and started pushing and shoving him "in a mean way". He said that he told the teacher what happened and she told him not to be a tattle-tale. I wrote a note for her to call me today, and I spoke with her this morning. I was very nice and didn't accuse anyone of anything. I explained what my son had told me, and I told her that I wanted to hear her version of what happened. I told her that I didn't want my son to feel like he couldn't go to her when something happened, and he was feeling that way. I asked her to talk to him, to make sure that he was clear. He came home today telling me that she had a talk with the class about how pushing is a small thing and not to tell her about it, as it makes you a tattle-tale. I am fuming mad. I know that he isn't making this stuff up, as she was very dismissive about the subject as if she was being bothered by talking to me. I have never had these kind of problems. I am unsure whether I should talk to her again, and what to say. Or if I should just go over her head and talk to the principal. If this is how the first week of school is, I am afraid of what she will do the rest of the year. In no way is it okay for kids to put their hands on each other in a hostile way, and I am seriously concerned. Shy of going there and pushing her and telling her it is a small matter, don't be a tattle tale (j/k LOL) where should I go from here? Opinions please. I am angry and not very rational at the moment.

    13 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Is it right for a first grade teacher to tell the kids not to be a tattle tale?

    at all? I think that it hinders the kids from coming to her with their problems. What's your take?

    12 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Help! My cousin left his wife and she is threatening to leave the state (Ohio) with the kids before he files.?

    She ruined him financially, by squandering away their money on her partying. They were going to file for a dissolution, and everything was going well. She had agreed to give the kids to him 4 days a week and every other weekend. Until he said that he couldn't keep them tomorrow night because he didn't have anywhere for them to sleep yet. She bugged out because she had plans to go out, and told him that she was going to run off to NC to her mom's before he filed. What should he do? My heart breaks for him. He is with those kids 90% of the time, and the kids would be devastated. Summit county if that helps at all. Is she just going to get away with all this? Those poor kids.

    Appreciation for all answers.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago