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  • Any good straight bishonen anime?

    Shounen-Ai and Yaoi just aren't my cup of tea. Are there any good anime out there that have a decent amount of bishonen with no boylove? Preferably series that are broadcasted on Crunchyroll.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation10 years ago
  • How do you kiss with a clogged nose?

    I've got nasal polyps, and chronic sinusitis as a result. The guy in question has no sense of smell, so not many worries there. I just can't breathe and kiss at the same time. Passing out is not romantic! I'm just trying to figure out how to kiss, particularly make out, when you can't breathe through your nose. Be descriptive, please!

    1 AnswerAllergies10 years ago
  • Anyone have any suggestions for interracial teen fiction?

    I'm specifically looking for well done Black girl/White guy pairings, like Noughts and Crosses.

    Please, no "urban" fiction unless it's well-written and not stereotypical.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Can Japanese Pino ice cream be bought in the United States?

    I ran across them online, and they're little dollops of ice cream dipped in chocolate, 6 to a pack. Pino appears to be the japanese version of american bon-bons or Dips. I'm very interested in trying them! Can they be found stateside in any asian markets or anything of the sort?

    3 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • How do you reinforce an old, flimsy Canson sketchbook cover?

    I recently dug up an old vertical-style sketchbook with a few art class doodles from middle school.

    As it turns out, there's tons of blank sheets, meaning I don't have to buy a new one for my college design course. Score! But the cover looks a bit peaked and banged up. It *is* 5 years old. Is there anyway to fix and reinforce the broken bits along the spiral without making it look tacky?

    2 AnswersOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • How do I find which wireless adapter my XP Pro desktop needs?

    Heck, is it even possible for a desktop to get on the 'net wirelessly?

    I'd rather not connect through LAN/Ethernet.

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on this (brilliant) education reform video?

    It can be found here:

    Personally, I agree wholeheartedly with the guy. He's a genius, and he kept my tiny teenaged attention span on him the entire time. Kudos! XD

    I hope someone in the higher governmental ranks finds this video.

    As an AP student, I often found myself dreading school. This vid read my mind.

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Hey R&P, how many Killjoys/MCRmy members are here?

    Just curious.

    I usually hang around the Cultures section.

    2 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • For the love of pancakes, can someone please help me with my Eclipse Media Player?

    I'm having no problems with it when it comes to music.

    But videos? Absolute nightmare.

    The thing comes with video converter software that doesn't work and an poorly translated, english-mishmash html manual that makes no sense and keeps referring to a CD that never came with the player (I'm on a netbook, so I can't use it anyway!) Talk about outsourcing.

    The thing supposedly only plays .avi format, and I've tried playing downloaded vids of that file type. No dice. Ironically, all the sample videos play fine. The converter software just says "error" when I try to convert a video, and only the audio plays-- the little sample screen stays black.

    I'm going crazy, here.

    Anyone have any help to offer?

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • What's a good, decently-priced camera for a college freshman art major?

    II want something small and sleek that takes really, REALLY good HQ pictures, especially in low light conditions-- my Kodak's night shots (or shots of anything dark, really) always come out embarrassingly grainy. Under $100, too. Easy to manage, resilient, good amount of settings but not too fancy, and won't distort when images are blown up (say, to the size of a poster). Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Was Kurt Cobain's death a homicide or suicide?

    I honestly think he was killed.

    Courtney supposedly had an affair with a guy who was hired help at her home...

    No fingerprints were found on the gun near his body [highly unlikely that he sat up and wiped them off afterwards, people], and the heroin in his bloodstream should have killed him instantly because it was several times the dose a human being can tolerate in one injection.

    I smell foul play.

    Is anyone else getting the feeling the media just wanted to keep giving rock and roll/grunge a bad rep, and didn't bother to really look over the evidence?

    Besides-- he was in the middle of a divorce. Why would he leave the woman a note telling her he loves her? Highly suspect.

    Anyone else thinking this?

    9 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Is there anything to do at this point?

    I've been accepted to my college, I'm getting my financial aid in order, I have a job, I've signed up for orientation, and I've even chosen what residence hall I want to live in. Aside from finding a good church to attend between classes and studying...what else is there to do? The last four years, I've been sitting on the couch over the summer. I want to actually feel like I'm being productive this time around, and it's too early for dorm shopping. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Any songs about Texan girls?

    Seriously. The Beatles, Katy Perry, even the Jonas Brothers have songs about California girls. Any non-country songs about girls from Texas?

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Is there any way to get help this late?

    I'm fresh out of high school, and I'm supposed to be starting college this August.

    However, after my college received my FAFSA form, the loans they offered me were puny, and the only substantial loan I could get needs a cosigner (and my parents' credit isn't good enough, though it's no fault of their own.)

    From the get-go, filling out my FAFSA determined that my parents essentially "make too much money" per year to get any grants, despite the ridiculous amount of debt we're in.

    I've applied to numerous scholarships, and I haven't been awarded a single one. Again, because my parents' gross income is too high.

    In a month, it'll be August, and I have no way to come up with money for, well, anything, aside from textbooks.

    I have a minimum-wage paying job, parents who are already struggling financially, and I'm in a hole.

    Is there any way out? I really, REALLY don't want to wait a semester or a year to apply for scholarships again. Is there any possible way to get around this?

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • What does my middle name mean in English (it's French)?

    Even my mom doesn't know; she got the name from a small french boutique or salon that ended up closing.

    The name's Chiar, it's pronounced KEY-air, and I have no idea what it means and I've been wondering it for a while. Is there a name it could be derived from? Someone at work told me it might mean princess....?

    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Where can I find Pocky in the 'states?

    I live in Texas. I was told they sell it at Tom Thumb...what aisle would I find it in? O_o

    And on a side note, does anyone know how I can get some Toppo? I hear it's even better than Pocky! 8D

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • How do I get online videos to stream smoothly?

    I'm on an Acer One netbook, and whenever I try watching videos on Hulu,, YouTube, etc, the videos play fine for a few seconds, then freeze with the audio playing for a few seconds, then go back to playing-- and they do this over and over throughout the duration of the video. It does this with every video, regardless of the host site, and it's very frustrating. I tried defragging, but memory doesn't seem to be the issue-- the netbook's new, so I have 90% free memory., please?

    10 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • Is there any way to connect my Acer One netbook to my Mitshubishi big screen?

    The TV's a Mitsubishi HD1080, and my netbook is an Acer Aspire One. What do I need to connect the two, and how do I connect them once I have the right cable? (Is the connector in the box the netbook came in, or do I have to run out and get it?) Please and thank you in advance. X3

    1 AnswerMonitors1 decade ago
  • What the heck was the name of this 90's snack?

    It was came in tiny coffee-creamer sized cups, and it was like jello with a little fruit cube in the middle. They tasted really good, and they were really popular with kids until people realized they were a choking hazard. Late 90s/Early 2000s, I believe. Does anyone remember what these were called, and whether or not they are made anymore?

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What did Robert DeNiro say a few years back that was so controversial?

    I googled it but couldn't find out all the information I wanted.

    Apparently, DeNiro said something about biracial children...?

    I was wondering if anyone here knew, could tell me, and could link me to an article?

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago