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  • Have not slept in 2!?

    I have not slept in 2 days. I have been getting horrible sleep for the past few months due to my ADD medication. 2 nights ago I took melatonin in the hopes it would help me fall asleep faster, I took 2.5mg. I did not sleep at all that night. I figured it was the adderall, so I didn't take any the next day. Took another 2.5mg of melatonin for that night, still couldn't sleep. Last night, the second night, I felt extremely tired, but yet could not sleep. Now I'm on day 3, and I'm feeling horrible, having muscle spasms and heart palpitations.

    I think the melatonin caused me to be unable to sleep and I think my sleep cycles are now completely out of wack. What should I do tonight? Should I take a over the counter sleeping pill? Like doxylamine?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care6 years ago
  • Is the Federal Reserve minimizing the crowding out effect of the national debt?

    I'm doing research for an economic paper. Is one reason that our interest rates have not risen due to the government deficit because the Fed is holding down interest rates?

    1 AnswerEconomics6 years ago
  • Should I sell my truck? Looking for opinions?

    I recently bought a 92 F-250 7.5 V8 4x4 with 170,000 miles from my neighbor for $700, the transmission was shot. I was able to get a replacement with only 70,000 miles for $900. I now have the truck running, and in total I would say I payed $2000 in total. Jelly blue book doesn't go down to 92, but the oldest they have is 94, the 94 f-250 has the exact same body and engine type, I put in all the info of the truck and it says a fair value is $4,500 I think mines then worth $4,000. The clear coat on the truck is peeling and there are scratches, but almost no dents. The interior has power everything.

    If I could sell it for $4,000 I would make a decent profit. But I'm tempted to keep it because I miss having a truck and wanna make this one an offroad vehicle.

    What do you think? Is the $2,000 profit worth selling it?

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling7 years ago
  • Bad transfer case or transmission?

    After blowing my old automatic E40D transmission on my 92 f-250, I just replaced it. I got a good deal on this new one with only 70k on it out of a working truck. I put in the new transmission, dialed in the torque converter, put on the transfer case, drive trains, filled with fluid to dipstick marker, and filled the transfer case. I put the truck in drive and reverse and nothing happens, but if I rev the engine up to about 3, it will start to grab and move and then it will release and grab again. It does this in 2 high, 4 high and 4 low.

    I can't figure out what the problem is, the only thing I notice is the overdrive button no longer does anything, and the trans pan drips a little, but I think that's from the new gasket I put on it.

    Anybody have any thoughts on what it could be? Could it be the transfer case?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Both cars backing out accident?

    I had a minor accident today in my school parking lot with another kid I knew. I drive a 98 Ford Ranger (truck) and he drives a 65 Mustang (classic, not restored though). We both stopped for a black car backing out, and then both went after the black car passed. He was obviously on the other side of the parking lot street, space above mine, because the spaces dont exactly line up ( it was one of these kind of diagonal parking lots)

    He started to back up first, and then I did, because his car was in a space across the street in front of mine, i wasn't looking in that direction, i was looking the way traffic was flowing. He was able to get further out of the spot than me, and my bumper hit his passenger fender making a dent. My bumper got almost no damage, i can see where it hit though, it was the edge of the drivers side.

    When we both hit, we were both in shock, he began to pull forward and so did I. We both got out of the cars to inspect the damage. When i got down to look at his he only pointed out one spot, on the right side of the fender. I offered him my insurance, and he said no its fine, so i asked him again, he said it is find, nothing a hammer cant tap out.

    Me being completely stupid, I told him i would feel more comfortable if he would just take my insurance card just in case his parents want to pursue, because I had just dealt with a friend of mine taking my car and crashing it.

    I went home and began to do some research just in case his parents did want to do something about it. We were both backing out and both were obviously not looking, so isn't it both equally our fault? I ended up texting him later and asking him if everything was okay, since i knew him I was willing to give him a few hundred to just fix his car because there was no damage to my truck.

    He then sent me pictures of the damage and his insurance card, but said he didn't want to go through insurance and is find dealing with it ourselves. I showed the pictures to my brother, he knows lots about cars, and he believes its at least $2,000 in damage because its a classic car. In the pictures the kid sent me he pointed out another spot on the other side of the fender, more towards the back of his car. I ended up arguing with him about that because it was nothing initially pointed out, and there is no way my truck did it because I was backing out at a angle, and I didn't hit him strait on. I only have one spot on my bumper, on the edge. I believe this new spot came from him moving his car forward while my truck was still touching his car, so it kinda scraped.

    Him and his father ended up coming over to my house, and we inspected the damages, me and his father ended up arguing, but they are going to go and get some estimates. If the estimates are over $1,000 I will do it through my insurance.

    Now to my question, how will the insurance look at this? The other kid is over 18, so didn't he make a verbal contract saying its alright and its fine initially? Me and the kid both have conflicting stories about what happened. I told the kid, why dont we just drop it, because i'm not willing to pay a huge amount of money for something that was both our faults. This would be me and the kids first accidents, but we are both still in High School, so I think our insurance rates will rise.

    6 AnswersInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • Do you see a GOP civil war coming?

    Herman cain made a remark saying that the Republican Party will split into two after Romney's loss, those that are "true conservatives" and "moderate republicans". I ended up having a hour long talk with my political professor today, and him and I both agree the Republican party needs to become much more moderate on social issues such as gay marriage, immigration, women's rights (particularly abortion), diversity, etc. I do not believe the current GOP establishment can win another presidential election without major gain in latino and women vote.

    Do you think that the Republican Party will have to break into two to create a more moderate party, or can it happen within the current party?

    I find myself as a very moderate republican, and in all honesty dont think the current party would be willing to adapt to a more moderate party. I know that there are other parties available, but I think a new party needs to be formed with a bunch of moderate Republicans joining for it to become a major party.

    11 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • John Mayer Acoustic Guitar Strings?

    I'm trying to find the same strings that John Mayer uses for his acoustic guitar. I think i have narrowed it down to 2 different ones, but i'm not sure what one. Here are the links:

    Any help would be good

    These might be completely wrong, im not sure. I'm looking for the same ones he uses, specifically ones that are good for finger picking.


    4 AnswersPerforming Arts9 years ago
  • Can you get a car loan under your name with a parent co-signer and the car insurance under the co-signers name?

    I am 18 and live in california. I want to take a bank loan for a car with my mom as a co signer. Will the bank make me put the title in my name? I want to be on my moms insurance cause I think it will be cheaper for me,being I'm male. Will I still be allowed to be on my moms policy at those better rates?

    1 AnswerBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • Extreme allergies, help!?


    I have been dealing with extreme allergies for my whole life. My allergies are so bad that I am unable to leave the house (and even then im suffering very bad), I get an extremely runny noise, teary eyes, itchy eyes, my whole face looks like its swelling up. My allergies only get this bad right at the start of spring and end usually by the time june starts (I guess thats when all the pollen is gone). I have been getting allergie shots for 5 years now, I dont think they have helped me, but im still gonna go and do them anyways just in case they have helped me. No allergy pill helps me at all, I have tried each one of them from my local target for about a week, none of them help what so ever. I also have done those nose pumps where you shoot water up your nose, but the mucus always comes back a minute later. The doctor told me the only thing he can give me is steroids for about a week, but a week is a very short time and i dont like the way steroids make me feel. There is only one thing that has helped me which is cold medicine, but im not sure if its safe to keep taking. The only cold medicine that works is the kind that make you sleepy such as (dimetapp, nightquil, basically anything that is a very strong cold medicine). I usually get sleepy for about a hour after taking these, but that wears off fairly quick, and then for the rest of the day I am allergy free! Is it bad to be taking cold medicine every day? Have you heard of anything else i can try for my allergies?


    3 AnswersAllergies9 years ago
  • Why am I able to eat anything I want and never gain a pound?

    I eat out every meal (no joke, every meal), it differs from restaurants to fast food, and my friends always ask me how I have not gotten fat. Usually after I eat a meal, im hungry 2 hours later, and am ready to eat another whole meal. I also regularly, about every 6 months get checked for diabetes, and also check my arteries (I guess they are able to check that with a simple blood test), I always come up completely healthy. I have been eating this same way for about 5 years, and have not gotten fat. I'm trying to figure out how I havnt gotten fat yet. any help?

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Looking for a nice sounding acoustic guitar ?

    I've been playing guitar for about 8 months now, using a epiphone DR-100/VS I bought for about $150. It was a great guitar to start out with, but it doesn't have the sound I want. What I mean by that is it sounds about high and is not nearly as deep as many other guitars I have heard. My uncle who has been playing guitar for years said the frets need to be filed down also. I have already changed the strings to a deeper set, but I'm still not getting that deep rich sound I want to hear.

    I'm now looking for a new guitar, my price range is somewhere between $300-$500. Does anyone know of any good sounding guitars? I like to play a lot of john Mayer if that helps, thanks :)

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts9 years ago
  • How does come out with unemployment numbers everyday? comes out with new numbers every day with things like obama approval and unemployment, I don't understand how they are able to come out with unemployment numbers every day? Are these just projections? Any ideas?


    2 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • How many times more intense is an earthquake that measures 7.5 on the Richter scale than one that measures 6.7?

    (The richter scale defines magnitude of an earthquake with the equation M = log(i/s), where i is the intensity of the earthquake beings measured and s is the intensity of a standard earthquake

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Which of the following equations is equivalent to b^y = x? HELP FAST!!?

    a. y = log(small b)x

    b. x = log(small b)y

    c. y = Inx

    d. y = logx


    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • English Help Please!!?

    1. Which characters in this unit come to see themselves as thinking too much of themselves and not enough of others? Describe the characters before the realization. How do these characters change as a result of this realization?

    2. What do the characters in these stories and poems learn from older family members? Cite examples from several works in the unit to support your position.

    Here are the resources im supposed to use, if you use 3 at least that would be good

    President Cleveland where are you - Rober Cormier

    My Father is a simple Man - Luis Omar Salinas

    Raymon's Run - Toni Cade Bombara

    I have ten legs - Leslie Norris

    The White Umbrella - Gish Jen

    the i have ten legs one is a poem.

    Please help!

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Is there a nerve you can press in the stomach that will make you poo?

    My brother was telling that if you press someone in this area they will start pooing uncontrolably, is there really such an area?

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • Guitar not sounding right?

    My guitar doesnt sound right, sound kinda high pitched (no capo on). Does it sound right to you?

    here is a link to a video of it:


    2 AnswersPerforming Arts9 years ago
  • use Descartes' rule of signs to descrive the roots?

    h(x) = 4x^4 - 5x^3 + 2x^2 -x +5

    please help!! thanks

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago