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Heretic in good company

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I'm an Ex-Christian, Now atheist following Buddhist teachings. I've done plenty of my own research. I live in Texas. I do have a pair of cowboy boots but no horse to ride to school on (for yous yanks lol).

  • Can I claim my late step-son on federal taxes?

    My Ex and I divorced last year in August. She doesn't have any income from last year at all. In the "final decree" I claim my son and she claims hers. We are back together now so all is well.

    So, I guess I have a couple of questions:

    1.) Can she file even though she had no income?

    2.) Can I claim him at all? If so, I assume I need her permission through court?

    Thank you.

    3 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Secular Adoption Agencies in Texas?

    I am having a difficult time finding a secular adoption agency in the DFW area. It's not that I refuse to use a religious based adoption agency, I just want to know what is out there. Yes, I am an Atheist and I would feel better about using a secular agency. Does anyone know if there are any secular agencies in the DFW area? I tried to google it but just found more religious agencies...


    4 AnswersAdoption9 years ago
  • I am trying to obtain my juvenile record (Texas)?

    I'm joining the navy and the FBI came back saying that I had a weapon charge against me. I really didn't know where that came from and I need to see if I can obtain my juvenile record to find out what is going on...

    The juvenile county clerks keep telling me that they can't look it up for me. They told me to submit a motion and an order to the court. I'm not sure what they mean or how to do that. They were being rude about it. They sent me all over the courthouse to which no one knew what they were talking about. Does anyone know how I can obtain this record? I'm in Collin County, Texas.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Oil pan plug stripped?

    The nut on the plug is stripped. Not the thread. I've used vice grips on it but that just stripped it more, literally shaving off metal. The last place I got my oil changed must have put the plug on so tight that it won't budge now. 2008 ford focus.

    How do I get it out?

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Restraining Order in Texas?

    I'm having trouble with my wife having and old friend of mine around my 1 year old son and 3 year old step son. He has felony charges against him for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He and 2 others almost murdered a guy, over $600 of weed dealing money the guy stole from them, with a baseball bat. He still smokes weed and while he's around he makes moves to be romantic with my wife. She is living with her mother now for the past month and a half and he's been there "hanging out" the whole time. Her mother doesn't like it and informs me on what goes on but she is unfortunately a push-over and my wife just walks all over her, so she won't do much about it.

    My question is, can I get a restraining order put on him to stay away from my son? I realize she will do as she pleases and I won't try to control her like that. But I really don't want him around the boys. I feel he is a threat to my family in multiple ways. Since it is a case dealing with an "adult" and a minor, being that it's my son, this shouldn't be difficult right?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Minimum income tax info?

    My wife worked with scentsy as an independent consultant for about half the year in 2010. She didn't do much with it. If she made less than $400 does that mean she doesn't have to file anything?

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Can I decrease the range of an wireless router?

    To about 10ft or less? And do you know of any that are small/ easy to hide and have at least 1 LAN connection to connect to my computer. I want the wireless for my phone but my office just took away our wireless claiming everyone is using too much and I just want to keep from going over my data limit. I get emails sent to my phone all day everyday. And I would be fine but I went the cheaper route for my data assuming I could be connected to wifi mostly. And I don't want them to find it easily. So if it's possible I would like to put the range to 6ft or less.


    5 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • HDV Capture won't work! APP CS5?

    I have a Sony HVR-Z5U HDV Cam and I recorded a video today in HD for the first time. I went to capture in APP CS5 and the option for HDV format is not even there. I know it was there before b/c I had to change it to SD. How do I get it to HDV again?


    1 AnswerCamcorders1 decade ago
  • Why do (some) people think creation is "supernatural"?

    and therefore with a title like that (some of) their only explanation is "god dun it." Especially, in coordination to evolution and the big bang theory(that is unless you believe the earth was created 6000 years ago, just 3000 years shy of the Sumerians inventing beer btw). Like the article about the hottest planet in our galaxy being destroyed by it's sun and all these religious folks can say is that god is gracious.

    There's nothing supernatural about it. We create things all with as little as our imagination. Vehicles, buildings, writing, art, clothing, cloning, babies, theories and concepts, etc. etc. etc. etc...

    So why is it so hard to understand how energy transferred in so many ways will, over extremely long amount of time, will create things? And do you see how we, with our own minds, create everything, even god? Without our minds what does anything mean? And how is any of that "supernatural" when it is all perfectly natural occurrences?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I find it hilarious that...?

    many Christians can't fathom Atheists being happy. Yes everyone needs a little guidance but just because we choose to not follow 2000+ yr old dogma means we won't be happy with our lives. I heard more Christians bi t c h about problems than I have heard Atheists.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • God being called God...?

    It seems that when you call God, God, that a neutrality factor sets in. If we call him Jehovah then doesn't seem to be more cultish (for lack of a better term)?

    When was it so accepted that he be called God? I understand the reasons why.

    It's easier to accept than having a man made name for him.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do you make translucent lye soap?

    Like the Karma soap from Lush Co.

    I see in their ingredients they use lye and glycerin to make it translucent. But I can't find any recipes or guides that show how to do that.

    Also could you tell me how much to use of the ingredients they use like how much Sunflower, Coconut, Rapeseed (I'm assuming this for the fat) oil to use. As well as the fragrances.

    I'm brand new to this whole thing.

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • The sanctity of marriage in America?

    Why do so many conservative Christians (any denomination) argue about the sanctity of marriage being under attack ,or something to that effect, by something like gay marriage or lack of belief? And why do they believe their rules on marriage are the only ones that work?

    Well, when you look at the divorce rates Conservative Christians top the chart on the PERCENTAGE that are divorced. And guess who comes in last, as in lowest rated? Atheists and Agnostics. those people who are not trusted and believed to be immoral unlike and Christian would be are the ones with the highest hopes of being happy in their marriage.

    So, as the tables continue to turn, to the point of having their own gravitational force, again for the Conservative Christians in this country what "reasoning" could they come up with now?

    And why do you think this has happened, happens, and will continue to happen?

    Don't worry I brought the cred...

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do Christians in the U.S.A...?

    ...feel they are constantly under attack?

    Like they're the ones being ostracized?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Terrible 2's? This seems to be more....?

    My 2 yr old step-son is acting out in rage in a disturbing manner. He gets into a typical fit for a 2 yr old but then he explodes in rage and begins hitting, throwing, hitting himself, constantly screaming angrily, biting to the point of drawing blood, and saying yes then no over and over (like: Naynay! NO NAYNAY! NAAYYYYNAYYYY! NOOO NAAAYYYNAYYYYYY!!!!!!)

    We live with my mother-in-law (naynay), sister-in-law, a roommate (female) and there is my wife and I and the new baby boy.

    This usually starts when he doesn't get his way. Not every time but almost everyday now. I'm worried about his hitting himself and biting and rage filled yelling. Every kid seems to hit at some point and of course scream. He will say sorry and say I love you when he finally calms down.

    What do I do? We believe in spanking so when he bit my hand and drew blood I popped his butt and he knew why and didn't do it again. but I'm really wondering why this is happening or what I can do to help prevent this.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Just Curious..................?

    Are you a Mac or PC? And what do you use it for?

    And if you are a PC, do you want a MAC? and same to MAC users.

    For those who have used both what do you prefer?

    As for me I have used both and currently use both. I use a PC at work but not my choice. I use my MacBook for home/work. I edit audio and video on my Mac. I prefer my Mac over my PC.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Atheist males.........?

    Would you start going to church for a woman? Say you are great together and she is beautiful and everything you could want in a girl but she's Christian.

    I was just curious. I am an atheist that was raised christian and I my stepfather did this for my mother so no trolling here.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the current Home-business Tax in the United States?

    More particularly Texas.

    For Example, If I open up a Recording Studio out of my home and it is my only job.

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • For Atheists only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    If you're not atheist you can't be here in our club so GET OUT!

    OR do you know the password???????????

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christianity relies on peace?

    This is not an attack BTW. Simply a debate.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago