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  • marry someone from Iran.. how do I do this?

    So I have been dating this guy from Iran who is going to college here.. (America) he is on a school visa right now... But we REALLY love each other so much we wish to get married. We have been together for a year.. He has just asked to marry me but I'm not sure how this works since he's already over here... However his visa is not permanent. How long is the process? Can we just go to the court house and file marriage license or is there a process.. I know I will prob call in the morning however its too late bow tonight and I'm impatient.. Haha. Just need to know..

    1) can I apply or marriage licenses the same way I would do with an American?

    2) how long does this process take before we can marry?

    3) what all do we need to have?

    Thanks so much in advance!

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Whats a good name for an online sex toy business?

    So, I'm starting my online sex toy and more business.. I need help with some catchy names.. my first name is Leah so it could have something like that in it.. or my initials .. LH idk.. need help please!

  • What would be the best position to look for in Drilling rig jobs with my experiance?

    This is in regard to my husband.. so if I sound stupid about something.. just remember I'm a girl.. and know nothing about this stuff!!

    My husband is looking for a better paying job. We see to be stuck in a rut with financial issue running wild!

    He has 7 years experience in his current job as a well operator for House wells/ irrigation wells.. specializes in submersible pumps. He does all the things your suppose to do.. or know how to do with these types of wells hence the 7 years experience. This is just not very good pay where we are from and we are ready to be out of the rut.

    Is there ANY specific jobs he should look at that will better qualify him with his already experience for the drilling rig.. or would he just be better starting out as a rig hand?? Don't know where to start.. and I don't think he has prior experience with drilling rigs for oil so this would be his first.

    Sorry if I sound like im a blabbering mess.. just need a little help and a finger to point us in the right direction!!! Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • I think my dad may have had another child in Germany?

    Ok, not trying to make this sound like some Jerry Springer crap, just read please! :P

    My dad was in the army early 70's stationed in Germany. My mom tells this story, about how she one day called him ( while he was stationed in Germany.. obviously they were dating) and his fellow army men, told her he was dropping his KID and WIFE off at the bus station. So, is this sound weird to you yet??? My mom has NEVER tried to find out more information.. and my dad has never spoken of it. Respect is a big thing in my house, and I think if I did ask, my dad would find that disrespectful. Don't ask why, he just would.

    So, if you were me, ( besides telling me to ask my dad ) what would you do??? Maybe some ancestry off the internet?? I know these things happened with people in the army.. different country.. maybe drunk.. sleeping with women... idk idc... I just want to know if I have siblings out there. :) thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • I'm pretty sure i have perocoronitis... i think how you spell it..?

    So hopefully I spelled this right..

    Anyways, last night I noticed some pain where my left wisdom tooth is.. I'm 25 by the way and my wisdom teeth have been trying to come in for 7 years. This morning when I woke up, the gum above where part of my wisdom tooth is sticking out, is extremely swollen! very painful and irritating.

    I read the symptoms of perocoronitis and I have pretty much all of those along with the swollen glands in neck. OKAY. so sorry for a long paragraph to start off with.. but I have a few questions for you if you know what im talking about.

    1) I have antibiotics that were prescribed to me from a previous infection ( sinusitis) and I didn't take all of them.. shame on me.. can I take these to help with the infection before going to dentist next week?

    2) I feel like im getting a head cold with this.. is this normal.. or maybe just getting a head cold because its spring??

    3) Can this kill me?!? my head feels so stopped up and I don't want an infection traveling to my brain!

    4) been washing my mouth out with vinegar ( it kills bacteria) Washing out with salt water and mouth wash... am I doing everything right??? is there more I can do??

    Sorry for this HUGE essay.. just curious because this is the weekend.. so no dentist offices open in my area.. and I don't want this too be something serious and need to go to ER without knowing.. thanks for your help.

    1 AnswerDental8 years ago
  • could this be the start of pregnancy?

    So first of all this is going to be a little TMI.. Also I'm 25 with 2 children already and happily married :).

    My husband and I have been having un protected sex for a while. I was told by a doctor that I probably would not be able to have another baby due to some complications with my last pregnancy.

    My last period was at the beginning of this month on the 4th.

    This morning when I went to urinate then wiped, I had a clear gooie discharge. Then just a few moments ago, I went to use the restroom again, only this time when I wiped there was a light pink bloody strand in the clear goo like substance.

    I know this sounds crazy, but I don't remember implantation bleeding before with my last two children.. could this be that? I'm not sure whats going on.. so if anyone else has had this problem before.. please let me know!!!! :) thanks so much and have a wonderful day!!!

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Heart attack symptoms or what?

    I know that only a doctor would be able to evaluate me, but I thought I would ask on here if anyone has had any of the same problems. Let me tell you a little about me first.

    I'm a 25 year old female

    over weight


    suffer from panic attacks and anxiety disorder.

    I've been to the Emergency room more times then I can count on my fingers for pretty much the same thing that I'm going through.

    For the past few days in a row I have been experiencing left arm pain, right arm pain, jaw pain in both sides of face, neck pain, and back pain. The chest pain feels like almost a cramping feeling in the lower left side of chest. it comes and goes and only last a few seconds every time it hits me. Its not crushing or takes my breath away.. just kinda annoying. I know this could be due to the smoking as well. Last night I couldn't go to sleep because both legs were hurting me so bad! I couldn't hardly stand it! I'm scared that this could be a heart attack but I don't want to go back to the ER and just tell me everything is ok as they do all the time!!! I get embarrassed. I hope that this isn't... and ive read that you can have warning signs even weeks before a heart attack. also.. I do have family history of heart problems.. but none at a young age. advise??? anyone else go through this??? and I will not be taking this as medical advise.. I just think it might make me feel a little better. thanks so much. ( working on quitting smoking) just wanted to be honest ABOUT MYSELF.

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases8 years ago
  • Recently bought my first Guinea Pigs!! Need advise!?

    Yesterday, I bought two Guinea Pigs both male and super cute! I have been reading a lot about them before I bought them and a lot of yesterday... but I want some more input from other guinea pig owners.. on what your guinea pigs like. Right now, they are getting use to the new surrounding, and act a bit shy. once I hold them or give them a treat, they are fine. I have yet to try carrots but I read they like them a lot. I have two in one large crate, they share the water bottle and it was full yesterday around noon and now it maybe has about 2 oz left. is this right?? should I get a new water bottle so they each have their own? Also, when they are "talking" making all kinds of noises to each other is that their way of communication? And what if they make those same noises when Im holding them? is that ok? Sorry for this being so long, just please help me out and let me know a little bit more on a personal experience what yours like. I know I can go to websites, I just want to hear from other guinea owners. Thanks so much!

    5 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • question about MJ for cancer patients?

    ok, so before I ask my question, I just want ANYONE who dismisses the idea of Marijuana all together... DONT even bother to answer my question.

    That being said, Does Marijuana really help in cancer patients going through chemo?

    My mother is suffering from lymphoma, and is in a lot of pain du to chemo. She has been a very straight way woman, who disagrees with illegal drugs, however during her pain she has said she is willing to try it after reading results from others. I know there is a such thing as medical marijuana, but I live in Texas and this is a hard thing to get ahold of due to a long process.

    I can get her some, Marijuana that is not medical, but I just want to hear from other people who have had cancer or if you know someone who had cancer or has it that is smoking/ consuming marijuana for relief from Chemo side effects. Please give me your advise and input on this situation. I would be very happy to hear from others experiences. Thanks so much and have a WONDERFUL day!

    3 AnswersCancer8 years ago
  • Texas DMV question for 80 year olds?

    My grandmother needs to get her license renewed on by her 80th birthday. Although I think its a bit scary she want's to drive still, I'm curious to see what all she will need to do to get her license renewed. I know I could just call my local DMV, but I'm very bored seeing that I can not leave the house due to a blizzard outside, and the DMV is closed on account of the weather. My grandmother said someone told her that she would have to take a driving test. Is this true? Or is she just going to have to take the eye exam? Thanks so much for giving us a little help and possibly easing her anxiety. Have a great day!

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • anyone with sleep walking children?

    Ok weird story... so please read whole thing. My son is three years old. Last night him and his little brother slept in our room last night. My husband told me, in the middle of the night he woke up to my three year old standing by my bed. ( he normally does this when wanting to get in bed with me.) My husband got up and my three year old had crawled back to where he was sleeping. My husband said his eyes were twitching but they were closed.. and he called out his name and my three year old looked at him and he then went back to sleep. Okay, so any thoughts on this??? Could this be sleepwalking? Please give me your thoughts and let me know what I should do. Thanks so much

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Will EXTRA testosterone make a guy angry at little things?

    My husband is BIG into body building. His sponsor/ trainer is having him take all these vitamins and shakes and I guess they have testosterone in them as a steroid? All I want to know is, does testosterone make you more angry? He's been acting very cranky lately and its driving me nuts! Thank you so much!

    1 AnswerMen's Health8 years ago
  • Can a parent sign over rights to their child that is in CPS custody to another person?

    right now a boy that we helped got taken by CPS because the parents did not want him to go home. I could not take him because I have a small three bedroom that all rooms were taken. My sister however heard about this young man and wants to help him. CPS is retarted sometimes, so I talked to his family.. they would like to let the boy come stay with us.. also thinking about signing over rights. If we did this, can we do it without going through cps? And where would the boy go after all rights to him were signed over?? Would cps have to release him to us???

  • What does this sound like to you?

    Feel nauseated coughing up mucus that is green and yellow, chest under breast bones feels sore (maybe from coughing so much) runny nose with green snot.. sorry gross, it doesn't feel hard to breath, just hurst sometimes when breathing, feel weak with lack of energy, headache... just feel like you know what! I know that someof you will say see a doctor, and I will already, I just want to know if this sounds like pneomia to you?? Because the symptoms on web md sounds like my symptoms. I don't want a doctor to just look at me and not check me for what it might very well be... just advise on what you think this could be! Thanks! Oh and if this helps, its been going on for about three days. Just getting worse.

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • Any home remedies to stop sweating?

    Sounds weird I know! But my sister is getting married on Friday and she sweat sooo bad! I'm suppose to do her makeup, but worried, from her nerves that she will sweat it all off! Is there any makeup that will help, or has strong powers to not come off?? Is there any remedie we can use for this?? I hope there is! If not I was thinking turn the AC on full blast and hope that helps out! Any advise would be great!! Thanks in advance for all answers!

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • Can having a dog help with lowering my anxiety levels?

    Ok, so I have panic attacks and super bad anxiety. I'm dog watching for my sister, and I was feeling like a panic attack was coming on. The dog jumped in my lap and I started petting her. I totally forgot about panicing and just relaxed. I do take medication, and see a therepist for all this, but if this helps, could I suggest this to my doctor?? To see if he thinks it would be a good idea?? Or is this stupid? Ty :)

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Good baby makin music?

    Ok sounds funny.. and its not for baby making, trust me after two my husband and I are done!! Lol anyways just want some good music like that... soo good artist and songs would be great! If you know the song motivation or climax that's the type of music I want.

    4 AnswersR&B & Soul9 years ago
  • Am I the only one that thinks this is dumb?

    I went to my public library today to get a book. Before I could do that, I had to show my D.L. and proof of address that matched my D.L. so, I go in there looking for a book.. they say everything is fine and dandy, but when I get to the desk, they tell me I'm not allowed to check out a book because my little sister has a late fee of ten bucks. I'm married, and live away from my family. Its funny to because I have not yet changed my last name on D.L so, they put mine and my sisters last name together. To me, this is like saying, " you killed someone, but were going to punish you're sister instead". So I could have just paid it, but I thought it was so retarted. I'm sure they have their policies.. but is this not dumb to y'all???

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • I guess I'll never understand?

    Last night sitting in my living room listening to my husband and his co worker having a conversation, I couldn't help but to become irritated. They were saying that when a woman has sex with different men, before she's married of course, it makes her NASTY. However, if a man were to have sex with numerous women before marriage, its not a bad thing. The conclusion they came to, was that a woman gets WORN out, that her vagina doesn't look the same. Well, I pushed out two seven pound boys, and mine still looks the same. I'm not saying its the best idea to sleep with a number of people just because there's risk of std's , but that is such a stupid remark to make on a mans behalf. I don't understand. My husband was not my first. Do I wish he was? Yes! But I know I'm not his first either. What do y'all think about this? No ugly comments please, just a question kinda like poll persay. Thanks!!! :)

    4 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago