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  • Is Clean Coal really dead?

    The FutureGen Clean Coal project to retrofit an existing coal plant in Meredosia, IL. It'll capture 90% of the plants CO2 and the other emission will be reduced to "near-zero levels"

    Construction to start late 2012 and be completed in 2015.

    "Using safe, proven pipeline technology, the CO2 storage facility will receive and store emissions from an Ameren Energy Resources power plant in Meredosia, Ill. that will be repowered with advanced oxy-combustion technology provided by The Babcock & Wilcox Company and Air Liquide Process and Construction, Inc. The FutureGen 2.0 technologies have the potential to repower the world’s fleet of coal-fueled power plants in a manner that largely eliminates their emissions, spurs job creation and substantially advances clean energy technology around the globe."

    Its received 1 Billion out of the 1.3 Billion cost from the Department of Energy.

    There's also an an existing demo on the AEP Mountaineer plant in WV which has been successfully capturing 1.5% of its CO2 emissions and storing it underground for at least a year now and will get upgraded to commercial scale after the tests are completed.

    Then there's the BP / Rio Tinto company, HydrogenEnergy that will start construction of its plant in 2012.

    4 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Do deniers love depending on OPEC and paying high gas prices cause its not called a tax?

    With oil going over $100 per barrel every time the Middle East goes into turmoil. Do deniers love the fact that they are going to pay over $3, going onto $4+ for a gallon of gasoline? Also their investments take a hit every time there's turmoil in OPEC nations.

    How big of a tax is all that on you? Yet the deniers love the dependence on OPEC and panic if they think dealing with the realities of climate change might take out a few bucks from their wallets.

    12 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Sun erupts most powerful solar flare in 4 years. Predictions for the next 2 to 4 years?

    Alright for those who say the Sun completely controls our weather, I want your predictions for the next 2 to 4 years of many more of these flares until it reaches solar maximum in between 2013 and 2015!

    "Class X flares are the strongest types of solar flares that can erupt from the sun. There are also two weaker categories: Class M flares, which are medium strength but still powerful, and Class C flares, which are the weakest storms from the sun.

    Last night's X2.2 flare is the most powerful solar eruption of the sun's current weather cycle, called Solar Cycle 24. According to the website, which monitors space weather and skywatching events, the flare was the strongest of the last four years."

    Well my prediction is that this will not impact our weather much.

    Massive wave of radiation and charged particles hurtling toward Earth, oh my! Actually this could be a good time to witness the aurora borealis.

    8 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Is this a cool idea or what? Slash oil and coal subsidies and put $8 Billion into clean energy!?

    "President Barack Obama proposed on Monday boosting funds for clean energy research and deployment in his 2012 budget by slashing subsidies for fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal."

    "The budget would double the number of energy innovation hubs to six to bring scientists to work on topics like rare earth elements, energy storage and batteries and development of smart grid technologies designed to make electricity transmission efficient."

    9 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Will the denialists help coin the next laughing stock statement of history?

    I'm talking about phrases like: The Earth is flat. The Sun revolves around the Earth. The Universe revolves around the Earth. If man were meant to fly he'd have wings.

    They can't deny reality forever and its eventually going to fall down on them.

    14 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • How many deniers does it take to produce GW/CC 'proof', logic and evidence?

    I haven't seen a piece of logic in here posted by a GW/CC denier backed up by actual evidence and only the gibberish that they want us all to believe, cause they wrote it, so it must be true.

    Its also easy to verify that the links and blogs they produce are clearly manufactured and paid for. I have personally seen an image from a NASA site that showed the substantial warming in the Arctic stolen and the red replaced with blue to attempt to show there was global cooling. Clearly oil companies like BP and Exxon that can afford to lose billions and still thrive and buy out politicians and scientists have much more to do with the denieir websites and attempts to attack science. BP can loose 42+ billion and destroy the Gulf environment and still thrive.

    For those who continue their desperation, sorry Climategate was proven to be just another on of your attacks. All scientists were completely cleared in 5 independent investigation. That was 6 months ago.

    I won't comment during the interim cause I have no desire to waste my time on denier logic. I just want to see the 'rock solid' proof, evidence and logic that the frauds and real hoaxters put out.

    10 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Is it wise to wage war on nature?

    I think by now its obvious that the deniers of Global Warming / Climate change, or whatever you want to call the human desire to destroy their own planet, are just waging a war on nature.

    I think WONKS describes them better, cause they are the War On Nature Kooks. They'll destroy their own world and disguise their ambition as scientific when in fact all it is, is their own greed and selfishness.

    Before one of you WONKS come around and use your tired excuse that nature goes through cycles. It goes through cycles not cause of black magic like you WONKS think. It goes through cycles cause of natural events! The warming or cooling from those events take thousands of years.

    1. Humans have raised the global ave temperatures 1 degree C since the industrial revolution a rate extremely higher than nature could ever do it at!

    2. The last 12+ years straight have been the warmest in 200 years or so, since the industrial revolution!

    3. Do you WONKS think it all happened starting the industrial revolution?

    Come up with a valid explanation for the 3 things I mentioned. If you can't then you WONKS are as I believe, just full of it.

    Note: It wasn't the Sun.

    12 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Is Yahoo Answers - Global Warming a"Just For Fun" site or is it credible?

    I'm interested in honest answers. If you can say Global Warming is a fraud or scam honestly you have no credibility with me, observation of facts does not lie, and telling me you have snow or cold weather just shows ignorance on the whole subject.

    Does Yahoo have a position on Global Warming or Clean Energy?

    As far as I know Yahoo has not directly stated its position on Clean Energy or Global Warming while Google has clearly stated its position and invested 100 Million in Clean energy. (Watch the video on Its green philosophy also)

    5 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Renewable Energy and Global Warming? Are Solar and wind helping?

    Where I am coming from:: GW / Climate change is undeniable and Man Made.

    I'm looking for thoughts from people who are knowledgeable in areas like Physics, Meteorology and Earth Sciences or generally know how the Earth and Nature work.

    Solar and Wind energy seem to be the only two renewable sources that take energy directly out of the air. What makes me wonder is that I think they may be benefiting the environment more than we realize.

    In addition to being clean energy sources they may be removing a lot more energy out of the environment then we realize, as they have been put in by the world on a massive scale. I tend to think wind turbines and solar panels probably dissipate nearly 100% of the energy that hits them. If the CO2 and pollution that we pump in the air is somewhat the same amount of energy as what we take out, we might have already found a way to compensate?

    What do you think?

    By the way renewable energy output has gotten to be almost even with nuclear energy output at 9%, much to the chagrin of the energy monopolies.

    10 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago