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  • Will I earn enough money as a teacher?

    I want to be a high school band teacher when I'm older (I'm 16 now) but I heard that regular teachers (math, science, ect) don't even make that much, and they teach multiple and important classes. So I'm guessing band teachers would earn even less since they teach less classes and band isn't necessary to graduate.

    I also really want kids and to adopt when I'm older and I don't want to have to rely on someone else (example: if I end up being a single mom) but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that on a band teacher salary.

    And I heard that it depends on what your life is like before. I'm lower middle class, a small 2 bedroom house for 4 people, and we don't go on vacations, and I think my mom makes around $30k a year?

    So if I become a HS band teacher, about how much will I make? Will it be enough to get a nicer house and be able to afford vacations? What else should I expect on a teacher salary?

    9 AnswersTeaching6 years ago
  • Is it okay to wear this shirt?

    so at the end of last semester I wore this one sweater a lot (like once a week) because I don't have a lot of clothes. It's a gray sweater with white hearts all over it. I haven't worn it at all this semester yet, so would it be okay to wear it tomorrow even though how much I wore it last semester?

    10 AnswersFashion & Accessories6 years ago
  • why won't my mom listen to me?

    So I've always felt that my older sister (18) was my moms favorite, but I've never said anything, and there was nothing I could do. I try bringing up to my mom now how it's not fair that she doesn't make her clean anything around here or that she says hurtful things to me, but my mom always stops talking and acts like that's the end to the conversation. Earlier I actually got her to talk about how I feel like she treats my sister better, and she just got up and went to her room. There's no one I can tell how I feel to, not even to my mom. And just to make it better, when my sister came home they talked and my mom disregarded our conversation earlier. Aren't moms supposed to care about their children's feelings and love them equally? Why won't my mom ever have a serious conversation with me and at least pretend to care about what I have to say?

    2 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • I HATE my hair?

    so I had really long pretty hair, but the dead ends were awful. So I was going to get the dead ends cut, but my mom convinced me to get it cut to my shoulders. It turned out AWFUL. It not even a cute bob or pixie or anything, it's right below my shoulders. So I thought if I dyed it dark brown (my hair is natural medium brown) it might look better. Not. It turned out way too dark, almost black. What are ways I can style my hair or do to make it look better, because now I'm stuck with this short, dark, incredibly ugly hair until it grows out.

    2 AnswersHair6 years ago
  • should I write my dad back?

    about 5 years ago my dad got arrested for drugs, and he got sent to prison. he writes to us every so often, and I want to write him back, but I'm worried my mom will hate me. My mom (and everyone else in my family) hates him, and even though I feel like I should too, I don't. My mom always talks about how bad he is, and that she doesn't want him in our life now that she did all the work raising us, and that he hasn't done anything for us.

    We always had money problems, and I see it as he sacrificed his freedom to help us eat, pay rent, but my mom just hates him. He gets out soon, and I want to write him back to I can stay in contact with him, but my mom doesn't want him anywhere near us. What should I do? I'm really close with my mom but I love my dad too. I can't read any of the letters he sent us without crying, and sometimes at night I stay up crying because I miss him. I know I shouldn't care about him, but I do. Should I write him back? How should I explain it to my mom that I don't want to just forget about him? they had a bad marriage, but it hurts sometimes that I don't have a dad...

    2 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • How can I afford dance?

    so my mom is a single parent with a full-time job, and we have to live with my grandparents to afford rent and don't have money for "special" things like new clothes ect. often, vacations, school trips, and sometimes food. Moneys really tight, and I want to do dance more than anything. We signed up for a financial aid program, called someone from school, but got no answers.

    Part of this I feel like my mom doesn't care, she called the person from my school once and said she didn't answer, and didn't bring it up again. She said she would be able to afford the monthly fee, just not the initial $300. Can I call the woman from my school and ask her about financial aid and can I sign up for the program myself? This is the one thing I really want to do, but I can't get a job. And please don't give me ways to make money like paper routes, baby sitting, ect. I've tried that before but I wouldn't make enough money. I'm just tired of never having any money, and my friend who takes dance is making me feel like **** for not being able to afford it because I go to a school where most of the people have a lot of money, but I don't. Sorry if this explanation is a mess, I'm just in a hurry for answers. Thanks x

    2 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • what's wrong with my chinchilla's eye?

    so we have a chinchilla who's almost a year, and he has something wrong with his eye. Today I noticed his eye was cloudy and it was a little wet around it, and earlier for the past few days he was fighting with another chinchilla (we separated them for good now) so could it be from the fight? I don't know if we need to take him to the vet, what's wrong with him, if he's blind, in pain, or anything. Any help would be great, thanks x

    2 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • how often can you wear the same shirt?

    I have this pink shirt, nothing too special about it, and it says florida on it. It's really comfortable and one of my only "T-shirts" (most are long sleeves, tight, crop tops, ect) so I've worn it once a week for the past month or so. Is that weird and do you think people notice? I'm not too popular, the quiet kid in the back. And it's supposed to be hot tomorrow, so it would be perfect for the weather. But anyways do you think people notice and think it's weird and how often do you wear the same shirt?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Can I wear this shirt to school?

    So for marching band we got t-shirts that say "Witch Please" on it (because the musics from the wizard of oz) and I didn't know if I could wear the shirt to school because it's so similar to ***** please, do you think the school would care? I'm in high school

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • is this constipation or something else?

    so this is gonna be really gross, but I need help

    for the past few days I've felt sort of constipated and last night I took laxatives and I went, and felt a little better. But today I felt backed up and I googled what to do because I'm in a lot of pain in my lower back and stomach, and it said to "feel around" and push stool out. I tried to, but there was nothing in there, but there was a hard bump above, so I checked the "other" area, and the lump was below that, so this lump is between my rectum and vagina, so does that mean something's stuck in my intestines, or is it something else entirely?

    2 AnswersOther - Health7 years ago
  • should I email this girl again?

    So I was on a website where you can find people to start/join a band, and this girl emailed me. We sent a few emails back and forth (over 1 day) and it's been over a week and she hasn't emailed me back. Her page on the website says she's still looking for members and it says she hasn't messaged anyone so I don't know if I should wait longer or not. Other people have emailed me but her style matched mine the most so she would be my first choice for a band mate, so should I wait for her to message me back, should I message her again, or should I message the other people back? Sorry if I sound annoying >.<

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • two male chinchillas are fighting?

    so we originally had three (bought at separate times) and then the second one we bought, Speed, died. Then we bought 2 more, but because the other 2 were a few years old and these were about 2 months, the babies were put into a separate cage and we planned on getting them used to each other before moving all of them to a much bigger cage.

    We've been letting them play together (not going very good, the babies hide and the one we first bought, Del, goes around fighting with them a little) but then when we put the older males back in their cage they fight with each other a lot and run around the cage. It got to the point where the older one, Del, hid in the dome and wouldn't get out and he looked hurt (he was okay) They ONLY fight after being with the babies, but we need to introduce them to get them into one cage.

    Why are the older ones fighting and how can we get them to be able to be in one cage without Del trying to fight the babies?

    2 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • can you keep a chinchilla and bearded dragon in the same room?

    So I wanted to get a bearded dragon and it's tank would have to go in my room, but I already have two cages of chinchillas in it (2 in each, 4 total, and 2 are babies/not full grown) But since chinchillas have to be kept under 70 degrees and dragons are a lot over 70, could they be in the same room? The dragon would have a light in its tank but would it be able to be outside it's tank at all in an about 60-65 degrees room? thanks

    3 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • Why is my cat so skittish and introverted?

    so my cat Oreo (she's female and 9 years old) won't interact with our other two cats (both younger boys) infact, she hates them. They all shared a food and water dish which was in the laundry room, but we noticed Oreo wouldn't eat or drink in the day time and she would just hide behind things, and it got to the point where we wouldn't see her for about a week straight. We decided to move Oreo (and her litter box, food, ect.) into my room and she suddenly started coming out and she's more friendly as long as she's separated from the other 2 cats, even though I have 2 cages of chinchillas in my room.

    how come oreo won't get along with our other cats? She's fixed and they're not neutered, so idk if that's it, but they never fought, she just hid. But even before we got the two boys she always hid and didn't like attention but now that she's separated in a smaller room, she's out a lot more and is actually starting to meow a bit (she never meowed and even now it's only quiet and weakish sounding) is there something wrong with her or are some cats just like that?

    1 AnswerCats7 years ago
  • I'm forced to do marching band, but I want to quit...?

    so for sophomores (what grade I'm going to be in) marching band is required if you're in regular band, which I'm going to be in. But the thought of having to be in parades and football games in front of all those people makes me feel anxious and want to cry, I've never been able to be in front of people and it always makes me feel sick, I've told my mom that I don't want to it, but she wants me to. Practice starts in the summer, a few days actually, for a parade were going to be in and the thought is literally making me cry. I don't want to quit band because I like it and I'm still paying off my expensive instrument but I want to not do marching band. What should I do? this is giving me bad anxiety

    3 AnswersOther - Education7 years ago
  • "Stardust" Mika & Chiara Piano Sheet Music...?

    I've been looking everywhere for piano music/accompaniment for the song Stardust by Mika & Chiara, all I can find is Mika's solo version. It doesn't matter if it costs, money, but does anyone know where I can get/buy it? thanks a lot in advance x

    3 AnswersOther - Music7 years ago
  • I bite and claw at my arms when I'm upset/stressed?

    ive always scratched at my legs when I was upset, ever since I was little, but now I find myself biting my arms, sometimes they bleed but usually they just leave nasty bruises. My mom saw teeth marks on my arms and I lied and told her I must have done it in my sleep and I don't know what to do anymore every time I'm stressed because of school or anything I'll claw and bite at my arms and legs and afterwards I'll start crying

    is this bad? It hurts a lot and I don't want to do it but sometimes it feels like there's nothing else and no way to make myself happier but it feels like it's going out of control and i hate it but I don't know what to do. Does anyone else do this or have any ideas on what I should do? and please don't say tell my mom because I couldn't she'd just tell me to knock it off.

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • What should I name this female character?

    So I'm writing a story and the main characters are a girl band, and so far we already got 4 names;

    Angell, Kendall, Tara, and Mel (Melrose)

    And I need 5 characters for the plot to work and I can't think of a fifth name, and I based the characters off real people, like a picture, and the fifth one that I can't find a name for was based off Amelia Lily if that helps.

    And also what should the name of their band be? Thanks :)

    sorry about it being in the wrong section, I wanted it in another but this was the first one to come up and I'm on my phone and it won't let me change it D:

    2 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • What is this kids tv show called?

    This is pretty vague but all I remember was that there were two guys (I think) and they had a friend that was a small puppet. They stayed in their house but there were ALOT of rooms in their house that they explored and what not. They used funny words a lot, like they wouldn't know the name of something so they replaced the name with a silly word.

    Does anyone know what show this is? it was on nick jr or something, really early in the morning (about 1 or so in the morning) about 3 or so years ago

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerOther - Television8 years ago
  • What is this song called?

    All I know is a small part of it, it's like

    "Don't you play with me don't play with me don't you play with me no more" and it repeats it a few times

    I'm pretty sure Cheryl Cole or Tulisa sings it, but I could be wrong

    Thank you :-)

    1 AnswerLyrics8 years ago