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  • Parent's what would you do if your child did this?

    "A California school teacher was placed on paid administrative leave after he rattled a table to get the attention of his math students, startling an eighth-grade girl who used her cell phone to call police.

    Atherton police Sgt. Tim Lynch tells the Palo Alto Daily News that officers went to Selby Lane School Tuesday afternoon because of reports a teacher was causing a disturbance.

    Officers found a calm teacher with class in session.

    The sergeant says the teacher's table-rattling startled a student and she used her cell phone to call 911. He says other students in the class weren't bothered by the teacher's actions."...

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Proof that some people truly are a waste of oxygen. What would you do if this were your neighbor? Your child?

    Kathleen Edward- 7-year-old Kathleen Edward, who is terminally ill with a degenerative brain disorder diagnosed as Huntington’s disease, which also killed her mother, Lauren at 24, is now suffering not from her illness, but from her neighbors, Jennifer and Scott Petkov, who have been harassing and taunting her.

    Jennifer Petkov and Scott Petkov have a long-running feud with the Edward family, stemming from a disagreement between Jennifer Petkov and Kathleen Edward’s grandmother. They began to take it out on Kathleen, telling her that they wish she would “hurry up and die”, and hitching a coffin to their house and driving past Kathleen Edward’s house.

    They also admitted posting grim depictions of Laura and Kathleen on Facebook. One photo depicts Laura in the arms of the grim reaper, while the other features Kathleen’s face above a set of crossbones. The couple also have a coffin hitched to a pick-up truck in front of the house, which they say is nothing more than a Halloween decoration.

    Here a clip of when the two jerks were confronted by the media-

    Is this pure evil or what?

    13 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • If your mucus plug falls into the toilet, can it make a loud plop/splash?

    After peeing and while starting to clean up, I heard a loud plop and splash. When I looked there was a large white glop at the bottom of the toilet. Could this have been my mucus plug?

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I'm almost 33 weeks along and I'm pretty sure that I'm coming down with a respiratory bug, I'm worried...?

    It really feels like the onset of bronchitis. I see the doctor tomorrow, but I'm a little freaked right now.

    Have any of you had to deal with crud like this while you were pregnant? What happens to the baby when I'm sick? Does it get sick too? I know that symptoms like fever and such are dangerous for the baby, but do the actual germs and infection reach and/or harm the baby itself?

    Thanks for you help everyone.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do hiccups feel like?

    I'm 31 weeks, 3 days and while I'm certain my little bub or bubbette has a black belt and has been riding a bicycle in there, I'm not sure if I've felt it hiccup.

    I'm just curious when does one usually starts to feel them and what do they feel like?

    Thanks =)

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do flutters feel like?

    I'm hoping to feel them soon!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When will I start looking pregnant!?

    I'm 18 weeks and so far I just look pudgy, like I ate too much for dinner.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • GH: Is there vindication owed to AJ?

    Carly and Jason's lies, Carly making AJ look and think he fell of the wagon, Sonny and the meat hook... all those efforts to keep Michael from his horrible father just to lead him to brain damage and an indefinite coma?

    10 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Please help. How do I decide which new hard drive will be compatible with my computer?

    The good news is I didn't chuck my laptop into the driveway when it infuriated me by dying because I've found that I'll I need to do is replace my hard drive =). I just need some help in knowing what hard drives available today will be compatible.

    The computer is a Compaq Presario 1500T notebook purchased in 2002. It has a Pentium 4 processor (2.0GHz, 2000MHz speed). RAM is 256MB with cache 16/256.

    The hard drive I need to replace is a Toshiba 40GB and the interface is listed as ATA 2,3,4,5. (The hard drives I see listed often say ATA/100... what does that mean?).

    I can get a new one through HP, but figure if I have to spend money anyway nows a good time to go bigger.

    How do I go about figuring whether which new hard drive will be compatible with my computer, and will have any adverse affects regarding the processor and RAM?

    Thanks, your help is greatly appreciated!! =)

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What was the whole Paula Jones thing about? Some type of harrasment?

    I wanted to reference it in one of my answers and had a poor time doing it. My understanding about it is pretty vague now, I was 10 when it was all over the news.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How much vicodin can I take in a 90 minute period of time?

    I was prescribed 5mg/500mg and told to take one once every 4hrs. as needed. I took two about about 80 minutes ago and it's not even making a dent. Can I take another one now, or is it too much?

    9 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • What are some possibilities? '99 Cougar?

    My car starts to shake violently when I hit between 50-60mph. The steering wheel shakes hard and I can feel the vibration coming from underneath (seems from the front passenger side). The vibration also gets worse if I take off the gas. There's also a humming or soft buzz noise when I accelerate.

    This is the first problem that I've had with this car. It's never been in a wreck, although I hit a huge pot hole on the highway hard (HARD) a couple weeks back.

    I'm taking it into the shop, but I'd like to know what it may be before I go in, and for each thing(s) it may be, how is it fixed.


    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Help! Birth control?! Going from depo issues to pills?

    I went on birth control for the first time July with depo. It totally scewed me up. Long, nasty periods but always a month apart while it was active.

    I was due for my second in October, but I hated it and let it expire.

    I continously bled for the most part all the way up until a few weeks ago!

    The last month I've gotten a couple days of bleeding every couple weeks, and the last time was last week and it was just spotting and I don't know if it's gonna happen again or if it's leaving my system.

    I have spoken to my DR, she said its the side effects of depo and she says the pill will get me back on track, but I had to work and didn't have time to discuss the starting details with her.

    *Do you just start or is it like at the begining or end of your period?

    (The last date I can say for sure my period started was July 24, 2006).

    *It takes a full cycle to get it into full effect?

    *Does the pill have the same side effects, like bleeding all the time?

    Thanks much!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago