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What is the feasibility of upgrading my Mid-2007 MacBook?
I have an aging Mid-2007 MacBook, all stock.
120GB 5400RPM Hard Drive
2.16GHz Core 2 Duo
Intel GMA 950 [yucky] integrated graphics card.
A battery life that went from 4 hours to 15 minutes
I wonder if it is feasible to upgrade the components of my aging MacBook, or if I should 'retire' it (Probably use it as a server or give it to my mom) and go buy a new laptop on Newegg. I kind of wanted to retire it when I go out to college in a year and a half, but I'll be interning at SwRI so scurrying around for a power outlet won't cut it anymore.
So far, to upgrade to:
4GB RAM - $100
320GB Hard Drive - $70
New Battery - $50(Shady generic 3rd party batteries)-$120(Official Apple replacement battery)
I am looking at $220 to $290
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoWhat is the strongest cyanoacrylate glue I can reasonably purchase?
I will be competing in a structural engineering competition near July, and I need to find the absolute strongest CA I can find. So strong, it should be illegal :P. Basically, I will be building a triangular shaped truss (Kind of like a bridge), and I found out that the reason why my truss failed was because of a joint coming undone, causing a chain reaction that destroyed a portion of my truss and caused it to have a structural failure. It won by a large margin, however, and it was extremely weight efficient aswell.
When I was at the regional level, I used this, and I learned the hard way that that stuff was hardcore weak. I only won 2nd place that time.
The strongest my school has is this stuff:
I used that glue at the state level competition, and I won 1st place by a large margin.
So far, I am looking at this:
The parameters for the cyanoacrylate are:
1) Must be reasonably priced. I wouldn't want to purchase a half ounce of CA for $150. I am looking at $10/oz as the ceiling
2) Must come in a 0.25oz, 0.50oz capacity. I can look at 1oz but I'd like to have a bottle of weaker CA and a bottle of megastrong CA, and the competition limits your CA to a total 1oz marked on the bottle[s].
3) Must be purchasable online with little to no hoops or hurdles. If I need to sign some crazy chemical contract or something, or if it is some banned substance in the United States, then no, I would not like to use it.
**The only answers I will consider are those which cite actual sources. Suitable sources are tests, reviews, or videos. I will NOT accept "Personal Experience", or people just winging it. I will report any answers which obviously have no thought, such as 'buy sum krazy glu **** works gud'**
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoPanasonic Lumix ZS3 Point and Shoot vs Fujifilm S1800 Bridge Camera?
ZS3 is $260 at Costco, S1800 is.. $200 at Costco.. which should I go with? I dont mind the bulk and AA batteries of the S1800. Is the mediocre Bridge camera going to defeat the best point-and-shoots?
3 AnswersCameras1 decade agoAre there any websites to help me optimize my new Lumix ZS3's use?
I just got a new Lumix ZS3 (Wonderful camera! Great upgrade from my aging Canon Powershot SD300!), and I have seen several photos taken with the ZS3 that are really nice. However, my photos appear a bit more... grainy and somewhat blurred. I am not yet proficient at photography, but I am very adept with technology (one of the lead programmers in my robotics club, built my own computer, manage my own websites and servers, etc) and I am sure I can figure out this stuff well too.
2 AnswersCameras1 decade agoWho here thinks Adobe will withdraw itself from the OS X platform after Job's recent comments and the iPad?
If you don't know what I'm talking about, gtfo.
1 AnswerCorporations1 decade agoMy sister is smuggling me back some In N Out burger. What should I get?
So far, I want her to order a double double, animal style fries, the flying dutchman, and a fake item I made up as a prank called "The Obama". What (real) secret menu items should I get? What real menu items should I get too...
She can't bring back a shake though; Airline Security...
5 AnswersFast Food1 decade agoI called 911 because there was an ubercrapton of smoke from the pantry, will they charge me?
Ok, so some potholders in the pantry smoldered (I have no clue how...), and it created a crapton of smoke. Due to the massive amount of smoke, I called 911, and said 'There is a fire in the [pantry]! My address is ***** ***** ****'. It turns out it was just smoldering potholders, and my dad managed to remove them from the house and toss it outside. 3 minutes later, 3 honkin' firetrucks came by, full suits and everything, and ran (well... more like jogged...) into the house... it was literally just a bunch of 'hot air'. We just had a smokey house...
Will we be fined? It was a legit reason... better safe than sorry... Obviously, the fire department kind of 'overkilled' the situation, although they did expect a fire, so they brought the right tools and people in. I didn't exaggerate, although I did assume. Is this fine?
3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoWhat was the History Channel documantry about what if a nuke hit New York City?
1 AnswerHistory1 decade agoMy hacked 3000 has a hardware problem, will Sony still take it?
I hacked my PSP 3000, but a hardware defect has came up, the 80410A0B error. I tried the PSP system restore, but it did not work. Therefore, I determined it as a hardware problem.
I hacked the PSP as soon as I got it, and then I was able to connect to my wifi network. For some odd reason, the wifi card seems to have been broken. It is unrelated to my hacking.
If I send my hacked PSP, even though it is unrelated to the problem, will they still service it? Its a hardware problem, and has nothing to do with the hacking. Also, the PSP custom firmwares are not flashable on the 3000, so I don't think they can detect it.
When I get my PSP back, will it come back with the OFW, fully updated?
Does KeyCleaner work for the 3000?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoDiagnose this 2003 FX35?
Oil leak 2 weeks ago.
Today, started up the car. The engine failed to start after 3 tries, struggling each time. On the 4th it had struggled and then started up.
After 5 minutes of research, it appears to be associated with recalled parts, but this is only on the 2003 G35. The FX35 is similar to the G35, but the 'only products affected' was the 2003 G35.
1 AnswerInfiniti1 decade agoWhere can I find a world map that...?
is black and white, is mostly just white with black borders, and has the names of all the countries.
I want to print it out and put it as the cover for my Model UN binder for quick reference
I don't want to use a crapton of ink.
1 AnswerGeography1 decade agoShould I take the Cowboy Bebop sub or dub?
I almost always take subs over dubs, but I've heard from some peeps who are almost subtitle purists who love the English dub over the subtitles... Are the cowboy bebop dubs decent? As in, no annoying teenager male sounding voices for all the characters and stuff like that? I personally think the Naruto and Bleach dubs are terrible, but since Cowboy Bebop for a more mature audience, I'd expect they would choose a more mature cast?
5 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoI can't stand shopping for earbuds with my dad.?
He thinks all earbuds are the same, he looks at a pair of earbuds, looks at them, and automatically thinks they are good, and he says I am 'careless' and 'irresponsible' for breaking a pair of earbuds every 6 months. Its the damn wire design that breaks ALL my pairs! They use f**king wire that breaks upon flexing, and he is just so ignorant! I don't want to listen to my high fidelity mp3s I hunt for with a bitrate of 512 and listen to them on total piece of sh*t earbuds that sound like trash. He likes to give sh*tty earbuds to me that I don't listen to because they sound like trash, and he accuses me of telling him to get me $300 Shures or Etymolics... I NEVER F**KING MENTION THOSE! I don't want $300 shures since they would break!
Basically, he always wants me to get whatever earbuds they have at Ross, TJ Max, or Marshalls or other discount places, without doing any f**king research or anything, and he thinks they all sound the same with his 45 year old ears! He is so damn ignorant about earbuds, and he doesn't want me to spend over 5 dollars on earbuds, yet he spends extra to get 'deep blacks' and 'really good bass' on his surround sound... but he won't let me buy any good earbuds, even with my own money!
If I don't even get any good sound while listening to my iPod, its just about as good as selling it off.
5 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoHow are bikes stolen at a high school?
I'm going to be parking my bike at a highschool. I will never leave it unattended overnight, but the bike will be there about 30 minutes after many students have left. Of course, there will be teachers roaming around the parking lot aswell as security guards, so I think they would help stop, or at least deter theives.
I will be locking my bike in this fashion: A good u-lock (Kryptonite Evolution or Kryptolok series 2) around my back wheel and frame securing it to the bike rack, and a cheap cable lock to secure my front wheel and saddle to the frame.
How do high school theives steal bikes? If they want to steal my bike, they will need a car jack and boltcutters, and they will also need to spend a good deal of time, probably 10-15 minutes stealing my bike. I don't think they would do that, they would rather steal the bikes protected with a crappy cable lock.
The cable lock around my saddle and front wheel (and anchored to the frame) would prevent the opportunity for some random jackass to steal them for fun, right?
Are highschool thieves even smart enough to know what brand Giant is? Do they even care? My bike has no shock absorbers, and it doesn't look 'cool' to the average highschool joe. Are highschoolers stupid enough to rather steal a 'cooler looking' huffy or NEXT, just because it has shocks? My bike is an FCR3, a very nice bike fore smart people, a terrible 'uncool' bike for the average kid who still thinks he needs full suspension on the road. Its not a 'cool' mountain bike or a 'cool' BMX bikes, and those are the bikes stupid people probably think are better for commuting to school. I don't mean any offense to any mountain bikes or BMX riders; I just watched the dew tour and the BMX stuff was snazzy, and mountain biking looks dangerous and exiciting. I'm just saying, people shoudn't commute to school on their BMX and mountain bikes, but on a nice hybrid or roadie.
5 AnswersCycling1 decade agoWhat is the difference between the Kryptolok Series 1, Kryptolok Series 2, the Evolution, and the New York?
Obviously the Evolution and New York are stronger, but mainly what are the differences between the Kryptolok Series 1 and Series 2? I've read on the internet that the Series 1 that it took less than a minute to break.
I want to stick with Kryptonite instead of Onguard, because OnGuard locks do not honor anti-theft guarantees if the locks were busted by a power tool.
I found a kryptonite kryptolok series 2 at my local bike shop for only $30; I can't find any dealers of the Evolution, so buying online it is $45.
2 AnswersCycling1 decade agoIs it rude to order only appetizers?
Is it wrong or even illegal if I go to a restaurant and order only appetizers?
9 AnswersOther - Dining Out1 decade agoWhich map tool will help me find all restaurants near me?
Is there a map tool I can use to find any and all restaurants from a dime-a-dozen taco stand (I live in Texas) to a high class fancy restaurant? The problem I am having is I have to type 'pizza' or 'burgers', but I just want something to list all places near by.
Also, no iPhone/iPodTouch apps or something weird. I just want internet based sites. Nothing I have to download or pay for. No GPS systems either. Just good ol' websites.
1 AnswerOther - US Dining Out1 decade agoHow much heavier is an entry level hybrid bike and a mountain bike?
I don't know if I should get an entry level hybrid or an entry level mountain bike.
This will mainly be for the commute to school and for cruising around in the neighborhood.
Would it be better for me to ride a hybrid or a mountain bike with slicks? Which would help me climb paved hills better?
3 AnswersCycling1 decade agoCheap bikes? Used good ones or new Walmart ones?
So, I have a small budget for getting a bike, $200
My dad wants me to get whatever walmart bike, but I want to go the used bike route. In the end, I'll spend $200 I figured. Is my logic right:
Route One:
Spend $200 on a crappy Walmart bike, that is irrepairable, and people won't service it, and is badly made (I'm staring at YOU, Huffy)
Route Two:
Buy a used decent Trek or Giant or other good bike at $75-125 on craigslist, then bring it into a bike store for a professional tuneup, maybe some new tires, and end up spending $200
Which one is the better route *rolleyes*?
6 AnswersCycling1 decade ago