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Introvert. Cynic. Bookworm. Overachiever. Spendthrift. Germaphobe. Drama queen, but you knew that. Where I ramble:

  • College Application writer's block?

    This should be an official syndrome or something.

    The problem: Applications. Writing Prompts. I blank out like you don't even know what.

    I can't help but feel a little pathetic asking for help, actually. But god I need it. Help?

  • Rules for nomenclature of coordination compounds?

    Okay, so what I know is, while writing their formulas, the ligands are listed alphabetically according to their symbols. Why is Dichloridobis (ethane-1, 2-diamine) Iron (III) chloride formulated as [Fe(en)2cl2]cl, then? Shouldn't Cl come before en?

    Are the prefixes 'bis', 'tris' etc that we use as prefixes for polydendate ligand a ignored while deciding the alphabetical order?

    1 AnswerChemistry7 years ago
  • Recommendations for classics?

    The atrocity that is high school gets over in less than a month. I've made up my mind to read thirteen classics by the end of the year because I need street cred. I mean, a bookworm needs to have a few Catcher In The Rye's in her repertoire right?

    I kid, people. I just want a break from YA. It's TOO MUCH ANGST.

    I've read the popular pre requisites, David Copperfield, Great a Expectations, Oliver Twist, Little Women, Pride and Prejudice (which Lyra convinced me to read, bless her) and the like.

    Currently, my list is this-

    Crime and Punishment

    Anne of Green Gables

    Catcher in the Rye


    Of Mice and Men

    Add to it? Your niceness is appreciated.

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • In which band does the fermi level of a solid exist?

    Some books say it's the valence band, and some say it's the conduction band. (I do know that the fermi level is the highest energy level which an electron can occupy at the absolute zero temperature, I just want to know where it's found).

    2 AnswersPhysics7 years ago
  • How can I improve my writing?

    Since I was about 7 till I was 15, my writing skills steadily improved. Courtesy Enid Blyton and a hoard of other Amazing Authors.

    Now it's not like I'm *bad* at writing. I'm not. I'm really good at expressing my self through public speaking or essays. It's just that I haven't improved. And if I have, it hasn't been something very noticeable. I've always sort of taken pride in my writing skills and it bothers me that the way I write now (I'm 17ish now) is pretty much the same as two years before. It's like I've hit a slump and I don't know how to refine my writing anymore.

    I don't really write like a happily obsessed madwoman or a bookworm that has decided that writing is her life. It's random "I'm going to WRITE today :D" episodes. I'm not looking to take writing up as a career or something and my grades in English are a good as they can get. This is more of a personal "I should/can be better than this".

    Thanks to all.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Why does our vision "swim" after we stop spinning on a wheely chair?

    It's sort of like inertia of vision, if such a thing exists. Inspired by a Wheee!! session after Chemistry got boring.

    Also, I had no clue how else to phrase this question.

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • A question relating to equilibrium concentrations for weak acids?

    Basically, I need an explanation of what's going on here. It's a part of a chapter that explains the concept of dissocation constants for acids and bases.

    Consider a weak acid HX that is partially ionized in the aqueous solution. The equilibrium can be expressed by:

    HX (aq) + H2O (l) <----> H3O+ (aq) + X- (aq)

    If the initial concentration of the acid is "c", and "α" is the extent of ionization, after dissociation of the acid, at equilibrium, the equilibrium concentration of the acid HX is c-cα and that of H3O+ and X- is cα

    How did they figure out the equilibrium concentrations of the acid as c-cα?

    1 AnswerChemistry8 years ago
  • At the most basic level, what exactly is pain and why do we feel it?

    This is today's random question.

    My stomach was paining cats and dogs today and it was a long, continuous bout of pain that lasted a couple of hours that would stop only for a few seconds, if ever. And this one time, I just stopped and focused on the just the pain. Like I tried to understand what was actually happening to me that was making me moan my heart out. When we feel pain we obviously react to it by crying or yelling or fainting, or whatever. And we tried to forget it or push the pain at the back of our head. But this is one of the few times I've focused on it and asked myself and tried to sort of 'make' my body tell me what's changing in me to make me feel this. And all I came up was this weird vision of my cells getting all puffy and moving extra fast.

    Yes, weird.

    And yes, I dropped Biology in 10th grade.

    Anyways, my question exactly is this: When we feel pain, what exactly is happening, at the cellular level? And why do we feel it?

    BQ: Is there a way to measure the intensity of pain? And is all pain truly 'mental'?

    7 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • What are some things that you're strongly, and sometimes unfairly, opinionated about?

    It's those things. Those opinions that you will (probably), never, in any circle of hell change. You will always love chocolate. You will always hate algebra. You will always idolize Messi.

    I'm opinionated about a lot of things, but I'm mentioning only one— suicide. I always strongly view suicide as a weak act. No matter what the cause, and how *tragic* the cause, I can't ever sympathize with the victim. I obviously and sincerely understand that the decision to commit suicide was not easy and I sympathize with the *circumstances* leading to a suicide (financial crises, cyber-bullying, academic failures, abuse, grief etc.), I always view suicidees (?) as weak.

    This might be unfair, I realize that (and do not intend to offend anyone who knows anyone who has attempted/committed suicide).

    Also, I will always hate piercings on guys and pistachio ice cream.

    6 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • Is it possible to truly be non-judgmental or not have an opinion about something?

    We're often told to "not judge". But can we truly?

    I was reading an opinion article by a politician I rather dislike and while reading it, I put down every line he said as pretentious. I realized, though, that had it been written by someone else, I wouldn't have viewed it so cynically. If someone had told me not to judge the veracity of the article by the person who wrote it, I don't think I'd be able to do that. What I *would* be able to do would be to be open to having a different opinion about it.

    What I mean to say is, don't all of us have some opinion, half-formed or otherwise about everything? Can we truly 'not have an opinion' about something?

    Even though I wasn't fully knowledgable about the political situation in Egypt, I already had an opinion on it (which, of course, I didn't think was fair, but I still had one, nevertheless). That being said, I am not firm on my opinion. With ever new story that comes out and every new thing I learn about the situation, I reassess my opinion.

    So I'm not really not-judging as much as I'm entertaining new ideas and new perspectives.

    What think you? Is it possible to literally have absolutely, positively no opinion about something?

    5 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • I'm looking for an Awesome online journal-diary thing. Suggestions?

    Before you praise my eloquent question-asking skills, just don't. Praise them. It's early in the morning and I want to sleep but my head won't stop spouting gibberish.

    Anyways, I'm too busy to have and maintain a blog regularly. Let's just say my mind is like a moody volcano that explodes with ideas/ epiphanies/ zen wisdom/ wish lists/ questions about a lot of stuff whenever it pleases. And I already have a journal-diary thing which I write by hand but I don't have it with me all the time. And I have a bajillion notes on my iPad which are completely unorganized and I'm an undiagnosed control freak.

    And then I heard about online journal-diary things. Do you have any suggestions for online journal-diary things?

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • Do you judge books by their covers?

    I do. I try not to, but yeah, I do. I'd been putting off Legend by Marie Lu and the Vampire Academy series, which I now love, for quite a long time because their covers were hideous.

    When I see really great covers, though, I have this persistent need to read the book and see if it lives up to the awesomeness of the cover. For example, I love, love, love the cover of All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terill and can't wait to read it.

    How about you Yahoo peoples?

    22 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Have you known someone you cared about and had a great relationship with, but was a bad influence on you?

    Like a toxic relationship? Like an I-Knew-You-Were-Trouble-When-You-Walked-In thing? Where your relation with that person is wild and crazy and happy and rainbows and liberating and free, but that person brings out the bad things in you too?

    Obviously, I speak from personal experience.

    Happy answering (: xx

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • What is one of the best weapons a person has?

    Okay this is vague. But you all have my permission to be vague in the answers too.

    Now, for some reason, I think the answer is confidence. Some might say knowledge. Or faith. Or love. But I'm strangely insistent on confidence.

    Just another random epiphany/brood session caused by a Sherlock marathon.

    11 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • A broken iPad 3 screen-- what are my options?

    It completely cracked. And half the touch screen doesnt work, which means I can't even type in my passcode. annnd I'm freaking out.

    What I want to know is, can it be fixed? And if it can, how much will it cost me and will I lose any data? And does the fact that my touch screen doesn't work on some areas of the screen mean that I'm facing a bigger problem?

    Also, I'm aware of Apple's policy on accidental damage to Apple devices, concerning the replacement of an iPad for half price. And I suck at anything DIY so I don't need any tutorials on replacing the screen myself either.

    Any help would be great (:

    3 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • How do I make my complexion less sallow without using makeup?

    Hello, I'm fair skinned and I love food. The food part is random trivia. Until a few years ago, I used to be pale-pink fair. And over the past three or four years, that's turned into a yellow, sicklyish, Snapeish fair.

    Where I live, it's either crazy hot, or crazy cold. So obviously, getting out in the sun happens Very Rarely. Also, I'm not the most athletic person. And I think that's the reason for this change in complexion, and it makes me look sleep-deprived or dehydrated even when I'm not.

    It's not all that horrific and zombie, actually, but I still want to go back to a healthier complexion, but not by highlighting or bronzing or something like that. How can I do this?

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Do you think it is a sign of poor character to be unable to forgive?

    It's always glorified— forgiveness. How it takes courage and maturity and a big dose of grow-the-eff-up to live and let live, to let things go and not hold on to something nasty.

    But what if you're past the anger and the frustration and the indignation and the feeling of being betrayed, and all that's really left is indifference? When you're at a point where you done being mad and sad and hating and just don't care, but feel like you won't be able to forgive, even if you wanted to?

    Do you think that even the worst of the worst acts can be forgiven and that people who don't forgive are the ones who ultimately lose in the end?

    See, my sister finished all the pecan praline ice cream and I'm mad, so :p

    But in all solemnity, thoughts?

    6 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Do you find books on motivation/self-help/self-improvement/leadership to be useful?

    I've been wanting to read Empires of the Mind by Denis Waitley for a while now. Not because I have to re-establish my goals or something, I'm just curious. I don't usually read books like, this but what the heck, you know?

    Do you find books like these to actually help with perspective and the way you see the world? Or do you think they don't help because they're too generalized?

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago