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Is it possible to truly be non-judgmental or not have an opinion about something?

We're often told to "not judge". But can we truly?

I was reading an opinion article by a politician I rather dislike and while reading it, I put down every line he said as pretentious. I realized, though, that had it been written by someone else, I wouldn't have viewed it so cynically. If someone had told me not to judge the veracity of the article by the person who wrote it, I don't think I'd be able to do that. What I *would* be able to do would be to be open to having a different opinion about it.

What I mean to say is, don't all of us have some opinion, half-formed or otherwise about everything? Can we truly 'not have an opinion' about something?

Even though I wasn't fully knowledgable about the political situation in Egypt, I already had an opinion on it (which, of course, I didn't think was fair, but I still had one, nevertheless). That being said, I am not firm on my opinion. With ever new story that comes out and every new thing I learn about the situation, I reassess my opinion.

So I'm not really not-judging as much as I'm entertaining new ideas and new perspectives.

What think you? Is it possible to literally have absolutely, positively no opinion about something?

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "What think you? Is it possible to literally have absolutely, positively no opinion about something?"


    Every person has some opinion about something or other; the degrees may vary; the issues may vary; the opinion may be verbalized & communicated/displayed or it may be hidden for fear or whatever.... But every one of us Does have opinions.

    If we didn't, I'd find it very boring to be around such a person ;-p

    Being judgmental, however, means that one is thenceforth "Closed" to further ideas, perspectives & arguments. It leads to false stereotyping, mental blocks, prejudice, non-acceptance, and in extreme cases, violence. One is being the judge, jury & executioner !

    Having an opinion can actually be positively harnessed. One can arrive at/formulate an opinion after having weighed & thought over various options & sides - an informed opinion, shall we say? However, it is also "Open" to further modifications if logical arguments are provided for/against it. One can change one's opinion ["reassess"] Or one can give logical, cogent, rational arguments to change/mold others' opinions. It is how leaders & visionaries work to mobilize others.

    Believe me, it is Not easy to not judge or misjudge, based on our biases & prejudices - whether well-founded or not ;-) However, one needs to become Aware of this bias & factor that in when forming opinions rather than judgmentally over-riding all facts.

    My 2-bits :-) Rest I leave to Your judgment !

  • Matt
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    It's possible to have no opinion about something, I think, but only so long as you don't know what the thing is at all, nor do you think you know what the thing is. Of course, this is pretty trivial. If you haven't even heard of the things you have no opinion about, they might as well just be ignored for the purposes of this discussion.

    Once you start to learn about whatever something is (or even what it is not), you must form tentative opinions to evaluate it, at the very least, and as such are judging it, although this may be splitting hairs depending on how you define judging (and especially the difference between judging versus judgmental, with the later implying some sort of prejudice). Prior to this reading this, for example, you didn't have any opinion with respect to a giant empty water bottle at the center of Jupiter. Now, you do.

    I'm pretty much trying to say the same thing that Meenakshi said, just, probably not as well.

  • 8 years ago

    I think it is possible. It has to do with not caring. I really don't care or put stock in social things. So I rarely have an opinion. One opinion I have is that it is pintless to sit around and sahre opinions. Especially when all people are doing in that instance is putting things out there they want associated with their personality. They don't actually feel that way but want others to think they do. This goes on and people start to believe themselves. Thats my big opinion. But I just have this thing where I don't care to be apart of social standards.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You can be non-judgmental, all you have to do for that, is take YOU out of the equation, and try to comprehend the perspective of what you hear/see/read.

    Because a judgment is always about US, it's not about what you hear, or what is meant by it, it's about what YOU think of it.

    Instead of thinking how do I see this, you should ask yourself, could this work? Is this a perspective that is well founded, and backed up by practical possibilities?

    Source(s): Judgemental thinking = problem thinking/critical thinking/finding fault Non-judgmental thinking = solution thinking
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  • 8 years ago

    I think it's better not to spend time on things that you don't feel is relevant to you. Then judgements and opinions...what do they mean? You seem to have a good approach.

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