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What are some things that you're strongly, and sometimes unfairly, opinionated about?

It's those things. Those opinions that you will (probably), never, in any circle of hell change. You will always love chocolate. You will always hate algebra. You will always idolize Messi.

I'm opinionated about a lot of things, but I'm mentioning only one— suicide. I always strongly view suicide as a weak act. No matter what the cause, and how *tragic* the cause, I can't ever sympathize with the victim. I obviously and sincerely understand that the decision to commit suicide was not easy and I sympathize with the *circumstances* leading to a suicide (financial crises, cyber-bullying, academic failures, abuse, grief etc.), I always view suicidees (?) as weak.

This might be unfair, I realize that (and do not intend to offend anyone who knows anyone who has attempted/committed suicide).

Also, I will always hate piercings on guys and pistachio ice cream.


@Shahaf: Religion without science and logic isn't really religion at all, I think. I don't look at religion as an obscure magic that defies science.

But I do get what you're saying about an unshakable belief in God :)

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was much more opinionated & quick-to-form-opinions [usually Black Or White] when I was younger. Now the Greys have set in [literally as well as figuratively & metaphorically ;-p]. Now I can often see different perspectives, merits & demerits of either side, the grey areas, ......... and believe me, it becomes very difficult to form a Solid, Unshakeable opinion. It's making me a fence-sitter, (LOL but squirming) !

    I dislike Devdas-type characters - taking to booze & moping around, seeking sympathy, for lost love without having the spine to either do something about it or forget it!

    Also, I cannot fathom why, in a democratic republic (India), we still have maharajas, & princesses, & so on, despite all titles being abolished in our Constitution ! And hankering after dynastic rule (or at least a family-based/centered one) instead of meritocracy. But these are not unfair opinions, are they, despite being strong ones ?!

    I recently came across a quote that said "humans are not rational beings, we are rationalizing beings" ;-p

    So each of us can easily rationalize any opinion whether rational or not, eh.

  • Veni
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Assisted suicide should be legal in America in all states to give people who are terminally ill a choice to die with dignity instead of rotting away. It is a burden on the dying person and their family and insurance company to keep them alive. Assisted suicide in legal in one or two states and a person is brave not weak for ending his or her own life when there is no hope of ever getting well again.

  • 8 years ago

    God. I will never stop believing in God, and no one will ever convince me not to. Though i mention this, because i'm NOT really religions or anything like that. I also believe in science and in logic lol, my belief is kind of hard to describe,

    But one of the reasons i believe in him so much, other than the fact that i feel him inside of me. Is that in the bible God talks with someone, and he says that humans cannot be trusted or dependent on. They always change their beliefs. So i made it my personal mission to prove God wrong and always believe in him (truly) no matter what i go through. :)

    I really liked the question.

  • 8 years ago

    I hate war. It does nothing but cause casualties and in the end the nations just come to an agreement that they would've come to without having people kill eachother.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm opinionated on pretty much everything, usually I opt for solution-thinking when it comes to talking about a subject, I don't filter at all, when it comes to sports though.

  • 4 years ago

    appropriate now my greatest hobby is possibly reproductive rights. yet i'm additionally very captivated with justice for intercourse workers, feminism, LGBTQIA themes, and, to a lesser quantity, atheism.

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