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Lv 737,785 points

Mary C

Favorite Answers18%
  • What has happened to Yahoo Answers!?!?

    This new format is really awkward! What are the Y/A People thinking!?! This new format is a train wreck!

    Please go back to the old format!

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • 911 Call -- Put on "hold!"?

    I recently went to a storage building that I own and it was being burglarized. I called 911 and was put on "hold" for eight minutes. By the time 911 answered, the burglars were gone. I followed them to their home. The police finally came after almost 2 hours. By then, there was nothing that they could do.

    After my 911 experience, I looked into it and found that being put on "hold" when making a 911 call is not uncommon where I live. Although my situation was irritating that 911 did not answer, it was not a life-or-death situation. What if I was calling about a serious accident: a heart attack: or a fire?

    Cripes! People would be dead and buildings burned down before they even answer!

    Where I live, we pay extra for "Enhanced 911."

    Has anyone else experienced being put on "hold" by 911? Where do you live? I live in Indianapolis, IN.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Have you had a problem with "sunscreen stains?"?

    I rarely use sunscreen in the summer where I live but recently vacationed in Fl. and used sunscreen. When I washed my "vacation clothes," all the whites came out with horrible orange stains on them. These stains are obviously from the sunscreen products that I used.

    The products I used were sunscreens and NOT "self-tanning" lotions.

    Has anyone else had this problem? And how do I get out those stains? The clothing items are so badly stained that they are unwearable! Bleach has not helped.

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • Why is lb. the abbreviation for pound/pounds?

    What is the history of lb.?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • "Y/A 'Unavailable!'" Does this make you angry?

    I recently answered a question that required considerable research on my part. When I submitted the answer, I got the "unavailable" screen. The answer was lost! However, they were back "on" within 2 minutes!

    Couldn't they have alerted folks that Y/A was 'down' for a time before one spent time answering a question whose answer would be deleted?

    This has happened many times over the years. This is my only complaint against Y/A. Why do they continue to do this?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Eyelashes and spots of hair turning white?

    A young man who works with me has developed spots of hair, about the size of a quarter, on both sides of his head turn white almost overnight. His eyelashes have turned white, as well. He is about 35 and is dark as he is of Italian and Spanish ancestry. What would cause this?

    He refuses to go to a dermatologist about this even though I told him I would pay for the visit.

    Any ideas?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • How do you clean an iron?

    I wash and iron the Altar Cloths for my Church. I see a build-up of starch (burned on brown stuff) on the sole plate of the iron. The last time I ironed, some of it flaked off onto the fabric. I had to re-wash some of the Cloths. Is there a product or a way to clean this gunk off the iron without damaging the sole plate? Thanks.

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • Ford Taurus Fuel Filter Question...?

    I changed the fuel filter on my '01 Ford Taurus today. I popped the button up on the Emergency Fuel Shutoff as per the online instructions. When done, I pushed the button back down but the car will not start. It sounds like it is out of gas. Is there some sort of "reset" that needs to be done so that the car will start? Thank you!

    2 AnswersFord9 years ago
  • Twelve years ago, I got a ticket...?

    The 'year expiration' sticker had fallen off my license plate. I had the proper registration, but the officer gave me a ticket anyway. I went to court and the case was dismissed. Twelve years later, a collection agency is calling for me to pay the fine! I cannot seem to convince them that this is a bum rap! I have been in touch with the court & they say their files do not go back that far! If I had paid the fine, I would still have the canceled check -- (I never throw anything away!) -- but all I have is the original ticket! I received nothing from the court when the case was dismissed because I had the proper registration -- tho' I DO still have the registration from that time. How do I get these guys off my case? (I've sent the court and the collection agency copies of the original ticket and the registration.) The collection agency says that there is no 'statute of limitations' when the court is involved! They are calling several times each day! They are threatening to take me to court for the unpaid ticket -- but won't tell me when the court date is. HELP!

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • TSA Search -- What are they looking for?

    While coming back to the U.S. from Puerto Rico, the TSA pulled my husband aside and did a most thorough search of his suitcase! The fellow took out each garment and rubbed the paper that tests for gunpowder/explosives over it. When he put it into the 'machine,' it obviously gave a positive response, as they kept on searching...He tested everything in the suitcase at least 3 times for gun-powder/explosives. The tests/delay was over an hour and a half. We missed our flight to the U.S. Ultimately (I think) the machine was malfunctioning! People were called in to work on it and they just gave our guy the 'nod' to let my husband go on...

    Goodness! What were they looking for? And why did they think that my husband had it?

    And after all the 'hoopla,' our guy called ME over to repack my husband's suitcase!!! I said, "Sweet-heart, you took it put it back." He replied, "I took it out...if you want it put back, YOU put it back!"

    I have always been quite co-operative with TSA -- considering the alternative! Now, I am wondering if the TSA are not the thugs in this situation!?!

    Please set me straight!

    5 AnswersPacking & Preparation10 years ago
  • This is a question for "car smart" guys!?

    My Chevy truck (2002, 2500) just goes 'dead' after it sits for a day or two. It isn't the alternator (new). So long as I am driving it, it is okay. If it sits for a day or two, the battery (new) goes dead! Obviously, there is a 'drain' on the battery when the truck is sitting.

    What's your best guess on this problem?

    How do I check for a problem?

    If I cannot figure it out myself...what do I do? Everywhere I have taken the truck wants to replace either/both the alternator and/or battery. Both are new. It is definitely a 'drain' on the electrical system.


    3 AnswersBuying & Selling10 years ago
  • "Illegal" question regarding small children.?

    Recently, an illegal fellow from Mexico has been working for us. My grandchildren, 6, 4, & 2. think the world of him. He was just arrested after he was attacked for his money. The police arrested him, as well as those who attacked him. He is scheduled to be deported.

    I think that the grandchildren should know the situation regarding "Carlos." Others in the family think not.

    I feel that children are better off knowing what is going on. The 6 & 4 year old can understand what is happening to "Carlos." We are doing all we can to help him, but if he just disappears, won't the children be wondering about this?

    The 4-year old is the one who would be most militant regarding deportation! She has a great affinity for what is 'fair' and 'unfair.' She would stand in a picket line with me!

    Am I projecting my own feelings onto the grandchildren?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • "Unavailable!" After doing research to answer a question, and clicking on 'submit'...?

    Why could Y/A not let posters know ahead of time that the question was "Unavailable!"

    They can do this!

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What do you know about Tucker Signing?

    My granddaughter is in kindergarten. The children are learning "Tucker Signing." It looks weird to me! My son and dil say it has replaced phonics. The child says letters of the alphabet and waves her hands around. If the kids were learning sign language for the deaf, it would be great! But this stuff isn't sign language -- it is just random waving around of hands! What the heck is this?

    2 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • What's this "Updates" stuff?

    Whenever I go to Yahoo Mail to get my email, I get 'updates' like "Ted Vine has connected with Mary C." Usually I just ignore these but recently clicked on one and there was displayed my last several Yahoo Answers! I was aghast! Why are these answers being displayed away from the Answers site? What if I had said something terrible about Ted Vine in an Answer? Now Ted would know it, as well as everyone else who has my email address in their Directory and saw that Ted and I had 'connected!'

    Hey! What goes on Yahoo Answers should STAY on Yahoo Answers!

    What's going on with this "Update Stuff!?!"

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Electricians, please help!?

    My electrical service was recently knocked down by a windstorm. I still had power, but the lines were on the ground from a tree limb falling across the wires. The piece that connected the 'elbow' to the meter was damaged. The elbow was damaged, as well (The service comes in high, comes down, and goes though a connection that I call an "elbow" -- which is a right angled thing that takes the service into the meter.)

    Anyway, that right angled thing -- called a 2-IN Al LB COND BODY -- was the replacement part.

    My question is ... how the heck do y'all get the wires to make that right angled turn into that piece?

    Cripes! I fought it for hours! I finally got the wires into the piece and have my power restored.

    Tell me your secret to getting the wires bended properly into than connector!

    I am very careful around electricity. When the guy from the Power Company came out, everything was properly connected. I just wonder what the secret is to bending the wires to go through the right angled connector.

    Thanks, guys!

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • A question for Insurance people?

    In 1983, I bought a Universal Life Policy. I paid $500/year for $75,000 of life insurance and at 65, I was supposed to start receiving $113.00/month from the policy for life -- (10 years guaranteed) -- and the death benefit would decrease to $60,000.

    My insurance guy was out last night and told me that there is only $4000.00 left for the rest of my life in the policy -- and that is if I take it out now and lose all insurance upon my death!

    I'm about to 'fake my own death' for the death benefit!

    I feel like I have really been screwed! Fortunately, I don't really need that $113.00/month to have a good retirement, but I keep having flashbacks to the years when my children were small and it was a real ordeal to scrape together that $500.00/month to make the premium -- thinking that I would reap the benefits in my old age!

    Can any of you explain this better than my insurance guy -- who is lucky that I didn't just murder him and stick his body in the septic tank!?!

    3 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago