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I love science, history, english, math, art, writing...And reading is one of my favorite hobbies as well as ice-skating. I love Yahoo! Answers, it's great for asking as well as answering questions. You might ask, "Who invented the compass?" And 5 minutes later, you have 3 responses, probably like this: 1 of them is detailed, one of them has a short answer, (like a name) and one has a site. I love getting points and need to reach my goal of 1000 points to be in level three!!!

  • i really feel like i'm annoying him, but i really wanna talk to him, what should I do?


    so i used to be really good friends with this guy (lets call him "chris")

    anyways, he could say i was one of his top friends of the opposite gender and vice versa for me.

    we used to have the most random conversations chatting on facebook. sometimes he'd start the conversations, and mainly whenever we were both on at the same time, we'd chat each other. (which happened pretty often) we were pretty funny together. we'd talk about who we liked and who was hot at our school, and relationships and stuff, but i never really thought i would like him. then, he deleted his facebook because he was spending too much time on it. we still talked, but then i started to find myself developing a crush on him. NOT GOOD CUZ HE FOUND OUT. then he kinda started ignoring me, but not that much. we talked on gmail. then things got more intense as i started to like him more. he just basically stopped talking to me, and our texts were basically me asking for the HW even though I already knew it, and his answers mainly being "Ok." i told "chris" i liked this other, guy which was kinda true. i thought he believed me. then at the most recent school dance, our friend (let's call her "amanda"), who's pretty good friends with "chris" told him that he should ask me to dance. I WAS LIKE YOU SUCK "AMANDA" I TOLD HIM I LIKED SOMEONE ELSE. needless to say, he didn't ask me to dance.

    i checked my texts the next day and saw he texted me late the previous night saying (okay the girls name isn't actually amanda but i dont wanna give it away too much.) "Amanda says u r confused, so to clear things up for u, i do not like u." i was like wtfwtfwtf to "amanda" and inside i was like....I DIDN'T SAY THAT AT ALL. so basically i was like yeah, i never said that all i said was i knew you didn't wanna dance with me. then "amanda" told me that she had made a deal with "chris" that if she told him something he wanted to know, he would "admit his true feelings for me" or whatever. well, OBVIOUSLY he didn't like me, and our friendship was totallyyyy goin' down the drain. so i asked "amanda" if what "chris" wanted to know was if i still liked him, and she said that it wasn't about me cuz he said it was obvious that i still liked him. :( :( :(

    but then a week later he texted me saying what he had said before was really mean and dickish and he was sorry. whatever. i told him it wasn't a big deal. OKAY SO I REALLY WANNA HAVE CONVERSATIONS WITH HIM AND STUFF, BUT HE NEVER REPLIES TO MY TEXTS ANYMORE. I JUST FEEL LIKE I'M IGNORING HIM.

    whenever i read our old chats i get REALLY REALLY sad because we used to have so much fun.

    i really miss having him in my life. i don't wanna have a gf/bf relationship with him, i just wanna be good friends again! OH AND I SAID THAT HE WAS BASICALLY IGNORING ME, and he was like "Ok." (that was in a text message.)



    6 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • What should I do to this white shirt?

    So I have an old white shirt that's kinda wide and short-sleeved, and I want to make some cool design on it. I have a sharpie, and a bit of fabric but not that much- my sewing skills are pretty limited haha. I was thinking like a Hello Kitty face or like a giant bow or any ideas? I was looking at the Forever 21 website to get inspired. Yuppp.

    Thanks :D

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • How long does it take for a top from Forever 21 to arrive?

    Hey! I ordered a top from Forever 21 online last night, (Saturday) and I was wondering how long it will take on STANDARD shipping to come. Thanks so much!! :)

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • Compound inequalities help please?

    1.) x<1 and x <8 what is the solution?

    2.)x<-3 and x>3 i think it's no that correct?

    3.) x<3 or x>3 i think that one is also no solution...

    4.) Write an absolute value inequality with no solution.

    5.) Write an absolute value inequality with all real numbers as the solution.

    THANKS :)

    1 AnswerHomework Help10 years ago
  • Two questions about fashion...?

    What other job can also take on the form of a fashion stylist?

    (a) A publicist

    (b) A buyer

    (c) A fashion editor

    A photographic fashion story in a magazine is called

    (a)A photo story

    (b)An editorial

    (c) A pictorial

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago
  • Good names for photo blogs?

    I want to start a photo blog with Blogger and I need some good names. Got any ideas? If you pick the name that I will use, you'll get 10 points and I'll try to mention you in my blog. :D thanks in advance!!!

    2 AnswersPhotography10 years ago
  • A good testable question for science?

    So I'm doing a science project, and I need a testable question that has to follow this method:

    How does _____ affect _______? MUST BE QUANTITATIVE. Nothing about time, please.

    THANKS SO MUCH! Oh, and I'm in middle school, so PLEASE nothing complicated.

    2 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Why are my Lima Bean plants growing mold and turning red?

    I have some Lima Bean plants growing indoors at room temperature for a science project/experiment. I don't water them very often, and yesterday I looked at them (2nd trial, they had been growing for only 6 days) and mold was covering them and some of the seeds had turned red. I threw them away. Why did this happen?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Why are my Lima Bean plants growing mold and turning red?

    I have some Lima Bean plants growing indoors at room temperature for a science project/experiment. I don't water them very often, and yesterday I looked at them (2nd trial, they had been growing for only 6 days) and mold was covering them and some of the seeds had turned RED! I threw them away and got a new planter. Anyone know why or how this happened?

    Thanks so much!!!

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • What type of cell is this?

    I found this picture and I need to know if it's just a regular animal cell or a nerve cell or what. Here is the image:

    This site has it:

    Thanks SOOOOOOO much in advance!!!

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a skirt that looks like this?

    I found it on Roiworld and I really like it...

    Where do you think (if I can) I can Find it?

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Do you like my Chibi Hermione?

    It's a chibi Hermione I drew? Here is the site: PRESS SPACE, THOUGH!!

    Please, be honest.

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a necklace that looks like this?

    I found it on a dress-up game. When you go to the site, type in chibi kitteh

    Here are the pictures:

    I really want to buy a necklace like it, so please help me.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Guatemala Physical Features?

    How has the geology of Guatemala influenced communities?

    1 AnswerGuatemala1 decade ago
  • Ancient Indian Slave Girls?

    In Ancient India, what did the slave girls do?

    What was their status in society, beliefs (religious), education, importance, interaction with others, skills, daily tasks, and so forth? Please answer, only serious answers please. Thank you!!!

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • What is the oldest Veda? What is the Youngest?

    In which order do the Veda's (religious Indian texts) go in age? From the oldest to the youngest, please. I know Rigveda is the oldest, what is second, third, and fourth oldest? Thank you so much!1!

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My Friend is Moving Away?

    So my friend came to my town for a year, and at the end of the school year she is moving back. My friends and I are having a party for her, and we were thinking of making her a scrapbook. The problem is, her OTHER friends in her hometown gave her a scrapbook when she moved to our town for a year. Would she be tired of scrapbooks? What's a good thing to give her?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Ice Skaters: Something happened while doing Shoot the Duck?

    This question is for ice-skaters: I was having my lesson last night (I am in Freestyle one) and I was playing around and doing the Shoot the Duck, and I think I pulled a muscle in my leg. Its in my upper thigh, and it hurts to walk. Have you ever hurt yourself while doing Shoot the Duck?

    4 AnswersIce Skating1 decade ago
  • Is everyone allergic to grass?

    My brother and I were rolling on the grass today and I am very itchy. This has happened to me a lot before but now I am super itchy. Is everyone allergic to grass or is it just my family? Are you allergic to grass?

    3 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • Please help me with this math question?

    Sydney went to the Hat Store yesterday She bought a hat that was on sale. All hats $10 or less were on sale. If her the sale price for her hat was $5.99, and it was 18% on sale, how much was the price for the original hat?


    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago