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Ipod Wifi Problem, Need Help?
I have wifi connection in my house, but my ipod says NO Wi-Fi and its like grey out. But there is wifi in my house so i dont understand.
4 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years agoany pokemon players wanna battle and trade?
maybe do battle frontier and all that.
just give me ur fc and add mine
fc-4726 7334 4259
3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agocan someone trade me legendary or good pokemon they dont need?
my fc-4726 7334 4259
3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agocan someone trade me some lv 90-100 ghost type pokemon?
i can trade snorlax-2, tyranitar-2, salamence, lugia al lv 100 for some lv 90-100 ghost types
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agocan anyone trade me some lv 90-100 ghost type pokemon?
i can trade lv 100 darkrai, salamence,tyranitar-2, snorlax-2, kyogre.
evrything under her is under lv100
ambipom, lucario, mudkip, chikorita, well i dont feel like posting evrythig but i also have lv 100 lugia for trade.
my fc-4726 7334 4259
3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agois anyone looking for pokemon to battle and trade?
add my fc- 4726 7334 4259
i will add yours and tell me if u want to trade or battle. i will voice chat with u in wifi and let u know wat i have available for trade
3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agodoes any body wanna trade pokemon?
i have-jirachi, deoxys, heatran, dragonite, giritina, darkrai, magnezoe, magneton, gabite male and femal, clefairy male and female, pikachu male and femal, a cople pilups, a charmander, rotom, luxrays, golbats, chimecos, quagsires, staravias,medichams, roserade, sneasel, turtwig, gastly, cranidos, machamp, ambipom, steelix and bronzors. and mr.mime, also a golem.
fc-4726 7334 4259
6 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agoanybody wanna trade me? i want a jirachi or deoxys.?
i have
and a few others
1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agodoes any poke'mon platinum/diamond/pearl player have a jirachi or deoxys?
i have hitmonchan-56
pichu egg
pikachus male and female-lv 30
a cople clefairys-36
and a few more such as dragonite, darkrai and others
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agois any pokemon player looking for a place to trade pokemon wit ppl roun world?
go to
sumone there gave me a darkrai, i give them a likitung and a tangela.
i also got heatran, kyogre, magnezone, and many more.
1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agoDoes any pokemon platinum/diamond/pearl player wanna trade?
im looking for pokemon lv 25 or higher unles it legendary or rare then lv dont matter.
i have lots of stuff to trade
i have a japanese feebas, UT-lv1 female
i have a rotom, a combee, a aipom, a togepi, and more
type your frend code and add mine then wait in wifi club.
4726 7334 4259-fc
1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agodoes any pokemon platinum/diamond/pearl player have a jirachi or deoxys?
i will trade rotom, a japanese feebas, combee and unown for either one.
type your frend code and add mine then wait in wifi club.
4726 7334 4259-fc
1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agocan sumbody help out with some pokemon they can trade please?
i need good pokemon. friend code-4726 7334 4259, name-kevin
i have a japenese feebas-lv1 female,
shedinja,rotom, ninjask, tropius, aipom, luxiray, togepi, prinplup, staravia,
gastly, unown(i can get plenty) bronzor, bibarel, combee,chatot,girafarig, kriketune,quagsire, medictite, roselia, budew, chingling, pichu, pikachu, croagunk.
plz trade me. i need good pokemon,i will send each pokemon with an ultra all or a random tm. or item from my bag.
2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agopokemon battle and trades?
friend code-4726 7334 4259
1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agopokemon trades, on now?
i got for trade i have- Kriketune, male, lv. 27,
female luxio-lv 27
male aipom-lv 28
female staravia-lv 27
male houndoom- lv 27
male togepi- lv 25
female gastly-lv25
male prinplup-lv 28
male and female bibarel- male lv.26-female lv. 20
female graveler-lv 23
male marill-lv 22
male lickitung-lv 20
male meditite- lv18
rotom-lv 23
male beautyfly-lv 15
male kriketune-lv 18
male roselia-lv 19
female budew-lv 22
male machop-lv 20
and... chingling-lv 16, geodude-lv 18, shellos-lv 10 psyduck-lv 6 , kriketot-lv 8 , zubat lv8, bidoof lv-5, ninjask, quagsire, wooper, tangela, i can get- magikarp, unown,
friend code- 4726 7334 4259 name-kevin,
2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agopokemon trade i need nincada (any level)?
i have- Kriketune, male, lv. 27,
female luxio-lv 27
male aipom-lv 28
female staravia-lv 27
male houndoom- lv 27
male togepi- lv 25
female gastly-lv25
male prinplup-lv 28
male and female bibarel- male lv.26-female lv. 20
female graveler-lv 23
male marill-lv 22
male lickitung-lv 20
male meditite- lv18
rotom-lv 23
male beautyfly-lv 15
male kriketune-lv 18
male roselia-lv 19
female budew-lv 22
male machop-lv 20
and... chingling-lv 16, geodude-lv 18, shellos-lv 10 psyduck-lv 6 , kriketot-lv 8 , zubat lv8, bidoof lv-5
friend code- 4726 7334 4259 name-kevin
i'll be ready
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agohow's my new yugioh deck?
3 needle worm
2 banisher of the radiance
2 d.d. assailant
2 d.d. warrior lady
1 morphing jar
3 d.d. survivor
2 d.d. scout plane
2 kuraz the light monarch
2 dimensional fissure
2 macro cosmos
1 torrential tribute
2 karma cut
2 bottomless trap hole
1 torrential tribute
1 heavy storm
1 mystical space typhoon
gold sarcophagus
2 sakeretsu armor
1 brain control
1 fissure
1 smashing ground
1 d.d.r. different dimension reincarnation
1 return from the different dimension
1 scapegoat
2 d.d. trap hole
2 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoIs this yugioh deck good?
monsters- 18
winged rhynos x3
breaker the magical warrior x2
exiled force x3
neo-spacian grand mole x1
ancient gear engineer x2
giant rat x 2
penguin soldier x1
elemental hero wildheart x3
maurading captain x1
giant trunade x1
rush recklessly x2
brain control x1
reinforcement of the army x1
heavy storm x1
the warrior returning alive x2
smashing ground x1
mystical space typhoon x1
sakeretsu armor x2
torrential tribute x1
miniaturize x2
widespread ruin x1
dust tornado x2
magic cylinder x1
call of the haunted x1
magic drain x2
i was thinking about adding in another giant rat and maybe another maurading captain. or adding 2 mobius the frost monarchs. should i put those in and what should i take out? i also have pot of averice.
2 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoIs this yugioh deck good?
Red-Eyes B. Dragon x3
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon x2
Red-Eyes B. Chick x2
Masked Dragon x3
Twin-Headed Behemoth x1
Spear Dragon x3
Breaker the Magical Warrior x1
Exiled Force x1
Morphing Jar x1
Luster Dragon #1 x3
Smashing Ground x2
Lightning Vortex x2
Monster Reincarnation x1
Inferno Fire Blast x2
Monster Reborn x1
Brain Control x1
Heavy Storm x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Stamping Destruction x2
Dragon's Beads x3
Torrential Tribute x1
Mirror Force x1
Waboku x1
Magic Cylinder x1
5 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago