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  • What are some ideas for a summer adventure?

    So my friend & I have absolutely nothing to do this summer. The only things we have planned are a Chris Brown concert & amusement parks. Those sound like fun, but we wanna go on an adventure. My friend & I are going back to college in the fall & we won t be near each other. We really want this summer to be one we ll remember. I wanna do something mischievous like sneaking into someplace or pulling pranks. If anyone has an ideas let me know soon. Thank you!

    1 AnswerFriends6 years ago
  • How do you know if a guy likes you?

    I'm a 21 year old girl & I think a 16 going on 17 year old boy likes me. It all started when he came into my job (Burger King) one day. I told him that he looked a little like this famous viner & we kinda were flirting with each other. He asked me what my name away I told him & it turned out he knew my brother (who's in high school). He told me that he was 18 & that I had nothing to worry about. Lol. Before he left he asked me for my #. I gave it to him cuz I thought he was cute. Two weeks later he text me that he was gonna come & see me at work. I gave him some free ice cream cuz I liked him & I had a feeling he liked me back. Long story short one day he came in acting childish & high. And my friends told me that he isn't for me & that I should give up on him. I did but we still texted each other. One day I made a sexual joke & out of nowhere he told he was 16 & in hs. I knew he was in hs but I thought he was actually 18 or something. Now he keeps tormenting me & my friends at work. He always asks me for free food now & calls me baby girl all the time. We both know that if we were in a relationship it'd be illegal. I have stayed away from him but it's hard to when he is always showing up to my job. He's annoying, childish & difficult to handle. I don't know what to do about him. Every time I distance myself from him, he always finds a way to bother me or get under my skin. He even asked me to bring him food a few times. What should I do about him? Does he still like me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Can a RN in Connecticut hospitals have tattoos?

    I wanted to know if it would be acceptable for a RN to have a visible tattoo. I have a tattoo of my last name on the side of my wrist, a outline of the state of CT above my elbow, & a triangle with my mom's eye in the middle. Do you think it's ok to have visible tattoos working at a hospital or would I have to cover them? I would like to hear from nurses who actually work in a hospital & know about the policy on tattoos. I just want know so, can be prepared for when I'm applying for jobs & go on job interviews.

    2 AnswersHealth Care7 years ago
  • I think manger has feelings for me. What should I do?

    I work at a restaurant, but I don't have an official "boss". We have about 7 mangers. One manger (let's call him Jay) is really nice & decent looking. Every time I work with him, he is always happy to see me. We talk to each other about everything. If I bump into him, he'll bump me back with his elbow & smile at me. It seems like we're flirting. He'll stare or smile at me. Jay is always telling me that he likes working with me. He asked me if I like Colombians (he's Colombian), I said I dated a few, he smiled. John is always joking around with me. I kinda actually like him, but he has a girlfriend & a baby. I feel like we have a slight connection, but I'm not sure. One of our coworkers was teasing me about liking him, but I obviously denied it; he went along with teasing. He calls me baby when we're working up front or when I need something. Jay doesn't do that with anyone else. At the end of my shifts he says I can take anything I want. He also let's me play music too. Today he wanted me to switch shifts with someone so I'd stay longer with him. Right when my shift ends he asks if I can stay longer, I say yes most of the time. Jay told me that he didn't like the people we worked with today, except for me. Also he always says I'm the best when I agree to get/ do something. Jay & another manger keep telling me that he requests to work with me. I don't know what I should do. Should I confront him about it or just see what happens between us?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What is an appropriate pet/nickname for a male friends?

    I have quite a few guy friends. I just along with guys better for some reason. Anyway my two best friends & my coworker sometimes call me baby, beautiful, mami, or bae. I don't have feelings for any of them; two of have girlfriends. It's kinda weird though, but I still feel like I should call them names in return. I just don't know what names are appropriate.

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Is it ok to get two tattoos a week apart?

    This week I have three days in a row off from work. I was thinking about getting a tattoo today or tomorrow. I want to get my mom's birthday in Roman numerals on top of my shoulder. This would be my second tattoo. My grandfather passed away about 7 months ago (October 2013) & I was very close to him. I told my sister that maybe we should get matching tattoos of our last name in my grandfather's signature. She said it was a good idea & that we should go next week. I want to get both tattoos, but I'm not sure if it's safe to get both only a couple of days apart. I have a big tattoo on my hip, so pain is not an issue. I want to know if it's safe to do this, I mean healing wise & stuff. I would greatly appreciate anyone's advice. Thank you.

    4 AnswersTattoos7 years ago
  • What topic should I discuss for my sociology project?

    My professor wants my class to do a poster board/PowerPoint project. My sociology course is a college level class. I need some ideas for project. She gave general topics to discuss such as crime, racism, modern teenage life, and sociological perspectives. She said that in her previous classes others have gone beyond & didn't limit themselves to those topics. In those previous classes said that one student did that project on softball & another did it on females in video games. I was thinking about doing something on teenage life & technology or females in the WWE. I'm unsure if that's an approximate or good enough topic. Please help me. My project is due in 3 weeks. I went finish it early so I don't have to worry about it. Thank you

  • Does anyone know the name of this film?

    A while ago I was browsing through YouTube. I was just watching random movie trailers. I came across this one film that looked amazing, but I forgot what it was called. In the trailer it was a scene of a girl lying on a operating table. There was a lady and a man in the scene too. The lady was telling the girl that it wouldn't hurt. They were telling her that teens get this operation at a certain time. This trailer reminded me of a movie called The Host starring Saoirse Ronan. I think the movie was about this girl and other teens having to get this operation to have their organs removed and be control or something like that. I think it's a short film that is going to be made into a feature film. It's a indie flick and I think it's recent too. I really need to know the title of this film.

    3 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • What should do about my older sister?

    I hate my sister. I have never told her I loved her. She says she loves me but then she says she hates me. She is always saying that I'm annoying and a *****. She keeps telling me that I talk too much. Even though I'm 20 and she is 25, it still hurts my feelings. When we get into fights she threatens to hurt me. I'm sometimes depressed because she is so mean. I recently let her borrow $200, but now I kinda regret it because she is a ***** and she probably wouldn't do the same for me. She still lives with me and our parents, but she might be moving out soon. She always says that; it never happens though. She thinks I'm a loser with no friends yet she doesn't even have a driver's license. She also makes funny of the fact I don't live the house a lot. She always wants to go clubbing, but I'm not really the clubbing partying type. I mean I do like to party, but not EVERY weekend. What should I do about her? Should I just stay quiet when I'm around her? Everytime I open my mouth she always has something negative to say about me and she always says she is sick of me. I'm a tough person, but makes me mad and sad all the time. I can't take it anymore?

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • does anyone know this song?

    I did know some of the lyrics but I don't remember them now. I heard this song in PetCo. I know it was a 20 something year old woman singing. I have heard of this song before. Words I remember are friends/friend, ordinary, something about being friends. I think I heard it in a girly movie or a tv show. I don't think it's a very popular song, but it sounded like pop music. And it was definitely a newish song; in the 2010's.

    1 AnswerLyrics7 years ago
  • Why are my co-workers annoying?

    One of my mangers calls me baby sometimes. It is really weird. Should I tell someone or just leave it? Although it kinda seems like he has a crush on me or something. It also seems like he is flirting with me sometimes. Another manger is a *****. She is always saying I'm too quiet and that I don't talk to her because I don't like her/ she doesn't speak "good English" (whatever that means). I have no idea what is taking about, but I don't talk to her because I don't have much to say to her. And she is loud, obnoxious/ghetto, a liar, unintelligent, and rude. A lot of the people I work with are like this; that is why I stay quiet. They're the ones that make my job horrible and dreadful. How should I handle these type of people I work with?

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • is it bad to get sent home after 2 hours of work?

    It's snowing a lot outside, so there aren't a lot of people at McDonald's. I was working the drive thru then a manger comes up to me and says you can go home. I had only worked 2 hours. I asked if she was sure and she said yeah so I clocked out. I feel bad that I only worked 2 hours. I keep thinking that they're sending me home because I'm not doing much because there was nothing for me to do. I feel like they are mad at me or went to rid of me or something. I also keep wondering if they are going to ask other people to leave early too. I need your opinion on this, is it bad that they told me to leave after only 2 hours of work.

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink7 years ago
  • How do I start a conversation with my co-workers?

    I have been working at McDonald's for about two months. I don't really talk to anyone, but this one lady and a guy who's a little younger than me. I don't know what to say or what to talk about when I'm around my other coworkers. They think that I'm shy and that I don't like them (which is half true). I don't like them much. I'm not shy, but it does take me a while to let my guard down and open up. They keep asking me why I don't talk. All they really do is talk/ mostly complain about work and other co-workers. I don't have problems with anyone, so I have nothing to complain about. Most of them have kids even some of the young ones who are my age (19). One girl who is 19 or 20 has two kids! And another is pregnant at 19, living with her grandmother! I don't have kids, so that's another thing I don't have in common with them. Also there is a girl who is crazy. She admits that she's crazy and tells the blunt truth. She tells people what she really thinks of them. To be honest they're loud and ignorant; I don't think any of them go to or have gone to college, but some of them are in high school. Please help figure out what I should talk to them about! Because I'm really getting sick of them bothering me about why I don't speak or if I'm shy. Please help! 10 points to the person with the best advice/answer!

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • How do you make coffee at mcdonalds?

    I have worked at McDonalds for a month. I don't know where the cream is for coffee and I don't know how to make flavored coffee. I had training for two days, but they didn't show me a lot. There is a sugar dispenser behind the front counter, but I don't know if the cream is there too. I ask people for help, but they get mad and some people ignore me because they're busy. Anyone who works at McDonalds please explain coffee making to me! Thank you.

    13 AnswersFast Food8 years ago
  • what do I do if I can't make Uniqlo interview?

    I'm supposed to have an interview tomorrow, but I can't make it because of school. The interview is between 12pm and 2pm and my class ends at 2pm. How should I tell them I want a new interview date? The email I received said don't reply. So should I wait and see if they will email me again? I work at McDonald's which sucks, so I really want a job at Uniqlo. Please help me! Thank you

  • should I quit mcdonalds?

    I just started training on Friday. My first day of work is on Wednesday. I have an interview at Urban Outfitters on Tuesday. If I get the job at UO should I quit my job at mMdonald's? Mcdonald's is minimum which is $8.25/hr in my state, but I think UO starts at $9.00/hr. Also at UO I would get a discount on clothes and I wouldn't be eating crappy food on my break. Please help me!

    5 AnswersFood Service8 years ago
  • Should I withdraw from my class?

    I'm taking sociology 101 and I'm not understanding what is going on. We have been in class for only a month and I'm behind already. We don't have concrete homework assignments, but we have to hand in study guides after each chapter. I don't really like my professor either because she is kind of a *****. She won't let us go to the bathroom during class or sit where we want to sit. It's like grade school all over again. I have a research paper due and I don't a topic. To be honest when I signed up for this class I picked the wrong teacher. I chose Professor Werner when I meant to choose Professor Carmell. So should I withdraw, take it next semester and choose the right teacher this time?

  • can someone give me topics for a sociology research paper?

    I don't like my sociology class, but i have to take it. anyway i need a focused topic that pertains to the sociological imagination/perspective. i don't have an interest in these topics, but some examples are: domestic abuse, education, and health care. i know one person in my class is doing how technology is affecting society. if anyone has any interesting topics like the topic i said above, you'll receive 10 points. thank you.

    2 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • Poll: who looks more like their dad? Charlie Sheen or Emilio Estevez?

    my mom and I have been debating for a while over which son looks more like Martin Sheen. I think Emilio looks more like Martin and my mom thinks Charlie looks like Martin. honestly Charlie and Emilio don't even look related, but they are. I just want to see what other people think. XD

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago