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*Female *Music is one of my passions, dancing and art in general *If I've answered your Q, feel free to email me if you need more help or whatever

  • What was this?

    I was on Twitter, and had a bunch of other tabs open, one being Facebook. Suddenly I see a message thing pop up on the bottom, right side of my screen. It's a Facebook notification thing, it showed my profile picture, it went away too fast for me to read it entirely but said something like I saw the number 2 and also 3, like some types of notifications. So I went to the open tab with my Facebook but it's not showing any notifications . I also didn't get any emails regarding anything. What could that have been a notification for? See I barely use Facebook, so I'm not used to getting many notifications for things, and I haven't gotten anything in months. So any ideas what it would have been for..... maybe something someone did but erased or something, or could there be anything else? What happens if someone tries to chat with you on there? Can they take it back if they send something, before you see it?

    2 AnswersFacebook5 years ago
  • Are there any other alternate sites like this YA?!?

    Are there any other alternate sites like this (Q&A) that are decent and I can use since this one keeps on being screwy and at times unusable? Any like MSN or anything have something like this? Well I don't care what the sites are, but please list all sites you know of I could use. Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Internet5 years ago
  • What is the standard for laptop processors these days, Intel ones basically?

    Haven't bought a PC in years, been using a Chromebook mostly. So I kind of have no clue what is the new standards for laptop specs. So for processors, I like to stick with Intel. Last I knew the Core i5 was like the standard, with Core i7 being the best and priciest, and I see that now there are ones with numbers/names I don't recognize. What would be like the standard, good enough ones, and what would be considered the fancy, above average ones? Also what speeds, the GHz, are good enough these days? Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks5 years ago
  • How can start a new plant from my coneflower (ruby star) plant?

    Can I just take a whole stem from it, a leaf, etc? Please explain simplest ways to start a new plant, including where I should plant the cuttings. Thanks so much.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • Emailing YA users?

    Is there a link to anonymously email me (I have that option checked in my preferences) when you click on my name or anywhere? I don't see it, but maybe it's because I'm looking at my own page.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • What the heck could this be?

    Found this: large orange pill, kind of bright orange, has an ovalish/oblong shape, an "S" on one side, and a "P" and "N" on the other side with a score line down the middle. I've searched and searched but haven't got a clue still. Maybe is a generic or store brand of something. No numbers on it. If someone even has a clue what it could be, please tell me! Thanks!

    1 AnswerMedicine6 years ago
  • How can I easily soundproof, (or at least somewhat lessen sound) my room?

    Just a room in a house. Quickly, easily, etc., as possible- if something that's easy to hang on the walls that would be great. Maybe not soundproof, but at least block sounds somewhat going out and coming in. I'll take any ideas anyone has. Thanks.

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)6 years ago
  • WTH is wrong with YouTube this past week?

    Note this has been happening on several different computers, so it is not a matter of there being issue with the computer. So the issue is that when I'm watching a video on YouTube, namely longer ones, like ones that are at least 10 or 15 min or longer, if I watched most of the video , but try to go back to an earlier time in the video, it starts freezing up and won't play smoothly unless I refresh the whole page. Is this happening to anyone else and also, does anyone know if there's some way to fix this problem- it's getting really annoying? Thanks.

    2 AnswersYouTube7 years ago
  • Signing petitions on

    I've been wanting to sign some petitions on However, see they ask for some personal info like house address and all. What a shame. This only lessens the number of people signing it, because there are people who don't want to share all of that. Why do they need this and what will they do with it? I don't want them sending me junk or giving my address to other companies. I can think of other sites which don't ask for your house address, but just name and email.

  • Did anyone else see this while stargazing- what could this have been?!?

    I was looking at the stars with my new binoculars, which are very good, this morning as the sun was rising. Suddenly I saw what looked like a star but flying by quickly like some craft. It looked similar to some of the stars I was viewing, this had red and orange colors to it, and was about the size of a larger star. My binoculars are 10 x 50, if that matters. When I took my eyes away from the binocular for sec, I could not see the object at all, but when I looked through them again, it was there but only for a sec or two more, than it was out of sight. As I said, these binocs are really good and allow me to see many stars that aren't really visible to the naked eye (especially when it's already somewhat light out). It looked like it was moving horizontally and pretty quickly. I don't feel like it was a meteor because I've seen shooting stars before without binocs, and they were just like streaks of light, very quick, and more like diagonally or vertically moving, plus I didn't see any type of trail on this thing. I thought it can't really be a plane either because it wouldn't appear so small if it was, I would think. What do you think this UFO was, astronomy experts?

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space7 years ago
  • Where is the "choose category" option when asking a question?! HELP!?

    I was trying to ask a question about facebook and my question keeps AUTOMATICALLY being listed in the Yahoo Products category! I deleted and tried again but the option to choose the category is NOWHERE! So I can't pick the category. Yes I know I can change it after posting the question, but what good is that? Every time I edited the category to the facebook category, my question does not show up in the Facebook questions, like it's not listed (even after changing it to that category, as I said). So how the f is anyone looking at the questions in that category supposed to find and answer my question if it doesn't show up there?! And is anyone else having this problem of not seeing an option to choose a category when writing your question?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • What exactly does putting something liked a stuffed toy in the freezer do?

    I mean does it just kill dust bugs? OR, does it kill germs, bacteria, etc?

    So what exactly does it kill? And can I put other items in the freezer also like say I wanted to put an item of clothing, or a shoe, a purse, etc?? Thanks.

    2 AnswersBiology7 years ago
  • Ebay paypal question?

    I have some money in my Paypal account and added some more but it usually takes at least five or more days for the money from my bank account to transfer to my Paypal. If I was to make a purchase on Ebay using my Paypal, but didn't have enough in my Paypal yet (but would when the money finished transferring to my Paypal), can I still make the Ebay purchase before the money is done transferring to my Paypal? Would the transaction go through? Would it say something to the Ebay seller like that the money was pending or transferring, etc.? Help?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet7 years ago
  • How are rough gems polished, what to use?!?

    I would like to polish some crystals and stones but NOT TUMLBED ones. I want to keep the rough cut basically but polish them a bit. IS THERE A CERTAIN POLISH YOU BUY? Is it something you just coat the gems with? I've googled this but most of what I'm finding talks about tumbling them and polishing them in a tumbler. So I'm talking about polishing them NOT using a tumbler. Thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden7 years ago
  • Why won't the old Yahoo avatar I had (never removed it) work- I see some people still have them?!?

    I never tried to upload my own pic or change anything. I had my old avatar (you know the ones you could make through the messenger) and sometimes it would still show in certain areas, but since the Yahoo Answers makeover (maybe even before then) my avatar won't show as my pic on here. ( I mean unless you can see it somehow - if so please let me know.) I see that other people still have their avatar, so how is this possible? What do I need to do? Anyone give me any clues what is the problem or what I can do? Thanks!

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Is this salad still good after leaving it out for....?

    I made a small bowl of salad before bed, brought it to my room but fell asleep before I could eat it. I only put on it olive oil and pure apple cider vinegar, tiny bit of water, plus salt and pepper. So it was in my room, covered with plastic wrap, and I put it in the fridge when I woke up. It only looked a little soggy from the vinegar and moisture of course. It was pretty cold last night, gotten down to the high 30s/low 40s. The salad is mixed leafy greens, dark ones, plus the very dark red-purple pieces, NOT Iceberg type. So is still fine to eat or what?

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink7 years ago
  • Is my salad still good after leaving out for....?

    I made a small bowl of salad before bed, brought it to my room but fell asleep before I could eat it. I only put on it olive oil and pure apple cider vinegar, tiny bit of water, plus salt and pepper. So it was in my room and I put it in the fridge when I woke up. It only looked a little soggy from the vinegar and moisture of course. It was pretty cold last night, gotten down to the high 30s/low 40s. So is still fine to eat or what?

    1 AnswerOther - Science7 years ago
  • Why was I thinking of him again- maybe the moon making me crazy?

    I thought I was over it, break up was actually 3 + years ago (it doesn't seem like it's been that long though), relationship was for 4. It's been like 8 months since I thought I had really gotten over it. By the way, since the breakup we havent talked and I don't look him up online or anything. I think he texted me a year and a half ago (it was weird, won't go into it but I didn't respond very warmly yet I wasn't bitchy either- not sure what he wanted). So anyway, since like 8 months back I thought of him much less, and if I would think of him, I wouldn't cry or feel like it, I developed a crush on someone, and had thoughts like I'm glad it was over, I'm glad I don't have to put up with some of the sh*t I did deal with, he wasn't my perfect type looks-wise anyway, even though I still found him attractive, so basically was happy to be free of him. So I don't know why suddenly yesterday and especially last night I started heavily thinking about many different moments we've had, all so special, how he made me feel so special and loved, common interests we shared, just the way he was, his personality, his warm long hugs, things like that. I wondered if he's ok, was sad at the thought of someone who meant so much, who I shared so much with, just disappearing from my life. I cried and felt like it was hard to stop, like I would stop then go out of my room to talk to somebody and feel like tears were coming so I had to go back to my room. It was overwhelming. I still have the crush

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • and weatherbug?

    Why does the weather Channel site ( always claim it's at least a few degrees higher than when looking directly for my town? Sometimes it's even as much as close to 10 degrees higher, but usually 4-5 higher, rarely closer. I do notice that weatherbug updates constantly, but updates every 25 minutes or so, sometimes less, sometimes more. But even taking that factor in, when does update it's still not matching weatherbug's data. And usually, it feels like weatherbug is the more accurate one. This happen to anyone else? Which do you think is more accurate, if you use both? Know any other accurate sites I could check?

    1 AnswerWeather7 years ago
  • Why can't I suddenly post a comment under an answer?

    Is this happening to anyone else? Or is it just me? I get a message saying "Comment could not be posted. Try again later." It started hours ago and still won't work.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago