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  • How do I insert pictures or video into the comments part of someone's post on Facebook?

    I see it is done, but I don't know how to do it. Can someone explain it to me in" Facebook for Dummies" terms? Not computer savvy, so as easy for me to understand, please.

    Thanks for your help.

    1 AnswerFacebook9 years ago
  • How do I find and close apps I didn't even know where running on my computer?

    I went to use my Dell Web cam central to snap a picture and it says I must close the "other" streaming VIDEO application before I'll be able to use my camera.

    I don't know of any other streaming video app running on my computer!!! How would I find this in order to close it if I don't even know what they're talking about? Help!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Atheists, will you please help me comfort a friend?

    As a Christian, I know well what to say and how to answer another believer who is ill or going through a tough time. I do not know what to say to a beloved atheist friend of mine who is dealing with a very grave illness.

    I sincerely don't want to ever offend him by saying how much I do pray for him, even though it's the only thing I know to do for a believing friend who is ill.

    We write back and forth to each other and I need to know what I can say to comfort him. I am so serious about this. I need your help for a friend I love dearly.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's wrong with our furnace?

    A few weeks ago we called to have our furnace cleaned and checked out, which we do every year.

    Ever since it's been done, I swear I get a thick coating of white dust within MINUTES of the furnace running. My house gets the normal amount of dust, but, lately, since they've been here, it has been ridiculously dusty in my house.

    We washed the filter the day it was serviced, so it's not that. IS there something he may not have put back together again after the service he did on it? Do anyone know why we're getting this extreme amount of white dust?

    BTW, if this helps, we have to burn a kerosene/oil mix, because our tank is outside of the house. But, I never had this problem before.

    Help, I'm sick of dusting so many times a day, but, I can't see us breathing this in all the time. All answers will be appreciated.

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What all can I feed the wild rabbits that live around my house?

    I have always had wild rabbits living under our backyard shed. I feed them the usual mix of pellets, seeds, alfalfa grass, etc. I also give them carrots and lettuce.

    What other foods can I feed them that would be healthy for them? I enjoy them all year round and have gotten them used to being fed by me. I could never stop it at this point, and would just like to know what all they CAN be fed.

    Thank you in advance for all answers.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Is this showing your TRUE Christianity and love of Christ, when?

    You ask such disgusting, racist questions that don't even last a minute???

    Oh, and putting down others who believe differently from you. Is THAT your way of spreading peace and Christ's love??? Just asking.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How long to safely bake breaded, boneless pork chops?

    They're not real thin or thick, just average cut., I never really know how long to bake them before they end up being too dried out. I do not have a meat thermometer, so I can't check it that way.

    Also, what temp oven do you use?

    Thanks in advance for all your answers.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Another one for agnostic atheists. Please answer, do you pray?

    I'm completely blown away by the term agnostic atheist and have gotten so many great answers as to what one believes.

    Now, I have to ask you, do you EVER pray????

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What ARE the beliefs of an agnostic atheist?

    I just saw where someone on here called them self an agnostic atheist. How can that be?

    I'd really like to know if such a person CAN even be THAT. I don't understand it.

    Explain this to dumb ole Peachie, please. And, out of curiosity how many of you consider yourselves an agnostic atheist. You guys really have me confused now.

    I'm seriously curious as to how you can be agnostic AND atheist.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Now that they're dead, do I cut down my hydrangeas?

    I've been hearing and reading mixed views and advice. Some say to just leave them go and some say, once they're finished for the season and turn all brown I can cut them back.

    They were the type with the very large flower, if that helps. But, I don't want to cut them back and then not have them bloom again next year. They were called, Endless Summer" hydrangeas. And, they did last all summer. I had them up until the frost we had in our area this past week.

    They look so nasty now, but, if I must leave them be, I will just so I know they'll come back into bloom next year.

    Thank you in advance for all your answers.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Sinners, would you please answer this question?

    As Christians, we all sin, correct? No one is good, but, God. Jesus said that.

    So how are your own sins any "better" than what you feel homosexuals do that would be sin?

    Let the stones fly.

    BQ: Do you REALLY, REALLY believe your sexuality is something we CHOOSE? Like those 6 children that committed suicide. You think they chose to be ridiculed and bullied to the point where they CHOSE death?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, how do most of you TRULY feel about the Westboro Baptist church and their teachings?

    You can't tell me you feel their protests at soldiers funerals are something that would please Christ. Nor the way they go about preaching against homosexuality. I don't see one thing Christ would be pleased about in the WAY they teach their congregation about any of these issues. I wanted to know who supports that church's ways and WHY?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How to close an application you're not aware of is running??

    Hello! Can anyone tell me what this means or how to close an unknown application that appears to be running on my computer?

    I went to take a picture using my computer's web cam and it said I need to close the other video streaming application running on my computer FIRST.

    I have no idea what that means. I haven't used my camera in ages and I don't know what I'm to close or anything else to do in order to use my camera.

    When you do explain anything to me, please know I am a computer dummy and would need you to practically explain in steps. (Forgive my stupidity) But, I do need help here.

    Thank you for taking the time TO help me.

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Anyone else out there with a cat that has Pica?

    I questioned this when he was a few months old. He was constantly trying to eat plastic bags and actually many other NON food items around the house.

    I've always had cats, but he was the first to show this unusual behavior. A poster said it could be Pica. Reading up about it, I took my kitten at the time to the vet. She kept saying he was fine. His weight was good, teeth and gums looked healthy, suggesting he was not anemic. Coat was shiny and beautiful, etc. BUT, she never recommended anything to give him to maybe satisfy him enough to STOP eating crazy things. He was even eating ARTIFICIAL plants!!!!

    Now I found him chewing on rubber bands, then the other day, he had almost an entire cloth cord, which he usually played with down his throat. I started to gently pull it out of his mouth and almost fainted to see he had almost all of it swallowed already. I'm sure if he would have and I'd not seen this, he'd have blocked his intestines. He also used to eat his clay litter.

    If ANY of you have or had a cat like this, I'd surely appreciate any help in what you did or gave your cat to stop this.

    The only reason we left him have the cord was, he wasn't showing this behavior for awhile. Now he's back at it. This morning I now saw that he's eaten styrofoam balls off a Fall table decoration. Please, besides keeping everything out of sight and away from him, WHAT CAN I DO???

    I have seen cat vitamins in the grocery store, but, would the vet be able to prescribe something better? If I could get my vet to see this as a bad thing. I'm really worried about him. He's still crazy active at 17 months old, I have THREE kinds of hard food down for him, thinking one of those will have something in it that he seems to crave so badly. He also gets can food throughout the day. Again, if you can, I'd appreciate anyone's help or suggestions.

    Thank you all in advance.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How do I stop error messages and script debugging when?

    I click on tools, then internet options and advanced. When I check the disable boxes, they don't stay checked. What else do I have set up wrong that these boxes, which are to disable script debugging keep getting unchecked even after I click apply and then ok? The messages are constant and I also keep getting, "admission denied."

    Can you please tell me what to do step by step, and thank you in advance for your help.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Why does my computer keep telling me about low disk space on Recovery D, when?

    I click to clean files on Recovery D, it says there is no disk space to be gained. It says 0. Help, it keeps telling me I'm running out of disk space on Recovery, yet, there's nothing there to BE cleaned.

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago