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trekkie. creative writer. nerd. misanthrope.

  • Writing a story, needs ideas about your worst nightmares?

    Tell me.....

    The things of nightmares, big and small, real or imagined. Feelings and images that can't be escaped and terrify you to the depths of your soul.

    Tell me the things that make your mind scream and your heart pound. The things that keep you up at night or send you screaming from sleep. Tell me about the darkest places...

    All in the name of literature, of course.

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Quote on plaque under globe outside Park District building in Chicago?

    Outside the Chicago Park District building is a globe. Under the globe is a plaque that says, "Embrace the ___" Can someone please fill in the blank for me??

    2 AnswersChicago7 years ago
  • Medicine interactions with alcohol?

    I'm taking prescribed vicoden (5-500)x2, valium (5mg), amitripyline (10mg) and wellbutrin (150mg). I know it probably isn't the best idea but I would really like a drink right now. Or two. Realistic consequences??

    4 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Prozac and coffee making me feel high?

    I just started taking prozac (fluoxetine) and I had one cup of coffee today and now I feel high and jittery. I generally drink coffee and it takes an entire pot for me to feel a caffeine buzz, though I only generally drink a cup a day (or every other day). I'm guessing this prozac/caffeine combo is the source of my amphetamine-like high, any one else experience this?

    My pulse is 84, which is normal for me and my breathing isn't restricted so I'm not worried or anything. Just wondered if I was alone.

    1 AnswerMedicine9 years ago
  • How to remove dried food from wood paneling?

    My apt, built in the 70's, is completely paneled in pine. Every single room. The wall behind my stove seems to have been collecting food splatter just out of my line of sight (I'm short) that is now dry. This is unacceptable. How can I get it off both without damaging my walls or exhausting myself? Soaking is not an option since it's, well, a verticle surface. Magic eraser won't do it either.


    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • I need someone to talk to, who will listen without judgment?

    I am severely depressed. I have an anxiety disorder. I know I should seek some professional help but I just...can't. I'm not ready for that. Who wants to be my email therapist? I'm sorry, but there isn't a whole lot in it for you except maybe knowing that you are possibly keeping someone from self harming. Any takers?

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Does journaling really help when something is wrong?

    When you're sad, or something is otherwise wrong, does writing it all down really help? I am a fairly good writer but I am horrible at journaling. I feel...terrible, really. Should I be forcing myself to put pen to paper? Does it make that much of a difference?

    6 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • If a friend had an inappropriate dream about you, would you want to know?

    I had a dream a few nights ago that I was full on making out with a friend. I'm married, he's married. He is also 20+ years older than me. We aren't best friends or anything. More than acquaintances less than bffs. It has been 3 days now and I am still obsessing about the dream and having some fairly unpure thoughts about this person. Would you want to know if it were you? If it was your dream what would you do? I'm thinking obsess about it until I'm obsessed out. sigh. and yes, my husband knows about the dream.

    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How to clean a seriously messed up iron?

    My husband took my $80 iron that I use for quilting and put it into a large tupperware container. The iron had water in it. It sat undisturbed, on it's sole plate. for 4 MONTHS. I just took it out to use it for something and it is absolutely crusted in....I'm not even sure what. It smells like mildew in the container. Is there any hope of salvaging it? Or is mt husband in the doghouse and I'm out $80 worth if iron?

    6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • Cooking pork with rum or whisky?

    I'm making pork chops that are supposed to be marinated in lime juice and whisky, but the whisky I have is Crown Royal. Do you think pork made with lime juice, brown sugar and whisky or with rum sounds better/ more appropriate?

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Can anyone identify this language?

    Any sort of translation would be very helpful.

    2 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Why aren't you supposed to cook avocado? What happens to it?

    I was wanting to make chicken with spring onion sour cream and avocado cooked inside of an egg roll wrapper but all the sites I'm seeing say not cook avocados. What happens to them when they are cooked?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Advice or words of wisdom based on experience?

    Any advice for someone hanging onto the edge by their fingertips? I was recently diagnosed diabetic with high cholesterol. I have an anxiety disorder. I cry nearly all the time when I'm alone or stare blankly into space. I don't enjoy doing anything, not anymore. I was a cutter when I was younger, but it's been years and years. I find the compulsion back in my head. I feel like there is a huge black monster inside of me punching himself a new home in my chest. I hurt. I hurt all the time. I'm bawling as I type this. I a burden, useless, responsible for everything that goes wrong even when it's not my fault. And Angry. I'm angry. I'm ANGRY.

    I know these are depression symptoms. I don't think I can look one more pill or freaking doctor in the face.

    Not now.

    How to deal? Words of encouragement? Advice, other than go see another damn doctor?

    4 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Looking for a middle name?

    I am looking for a middle name to go with Jennifer Steger and Isabella Steger. Last name is pronounced Stay-gurr. I tend toward the more traditional like Jennifer Elizabeth, but am totally open for suggestions!

    10 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • Quote ideas for a birthday gift for mom?

    My mom's birthday is coming up and in addition to her other gifts I am giving something handmade which is a bit of a tradition for us. This year I am giving her a glass jar full of handmade paper stars that all have pretty patterns on them and each one says something inside when it's unfolded. I have cut, written and folded a LOT of stars in the past few days and I am almost done. The problem is that I am running out of things to say! Some say I love you, some have little sketches, some have bits of nursery rhymes she used to read to me, some say I love you because______ or I love you more than ________, some say I love you in different languages. I am fresh out of ideas. HELP?!?

    Provided you actually like your mother, what would you say? I know from the heart is always best, but my heart is running out of ideas!

    6 AnswersQuotations10 years ago
  • What did you get you dad/stepdad for his last birthday?

    My dad's birthday is coming up in may and I am having trouble coming up with ideas. SO! What did you get your dad (or some such person) on his last birthday?

    3 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Doing some research, if you could, what would you ask a psychic?

    I'm starting to do some research for a story in which a girl makes a side living as a psychic. But what the heck do you ask a psychic? Other than, "Why don't you have real job? Do you realize you're going to hell? What are my lottery numbers?"

    I need some actual, serious questions that you might ask a psychic.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I don't know which pair of glasses to get. Help?

    I am 31 yrs old, I have dark blonde hair and grey blue eyes, My face is round/ heart shaped. I can't seem to find a decent picture of me! The site has a "upload your picture" feature but it doesn't seem to be working. Any opinions?

    I just want to try something new.

    This is the pair that I really want but I am going to wait until after my next appointment in a few months.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago