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Hey I am a 21 year old girl from Virginia. I like music, watch T.V chat online with my friends. go to the movies and have a good time with my friends.

  • why is she acting like this?

    So a couples months ago this girl started to work in my department she moved to the area for this temporary job with her boyfriend. She found out I liked someone there at work. We started to have lunch the 3 of us almost everyday. I got annoyed really fast because she started to fight with him and insult him yet she was always wanting to talk not letting me speak. I gave up and just started playing on my phone. I was gone for 2 months and every time I ask her about him she was very snappy. And last week she literally jumped in while he was trying to tell me something, its not the first time. I told her i had enough and to stop. She denied it and her response was very snappy. And said "he has a girlfriend" which has nothing to do with the issue if he wants to talk to me I don't see why she needs to but in. I feel like she said something to him and is trying for me to not find out because I see no other reason why she would act like this if she doent like him in the first place. Other piece of information til this day we don't know who is this girlfriend this guy is seeing. I have suspicious but they don't know each other.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • when doea my insurance go down.?

    I have been driving ever since I was 21 but. Didn't get my license until 5 day before I turned 26. I use hand controls and because you are obligated to use rehab center equip car lessons where expensive $180+ each visit didn't allow me to go every month. So thay why it took me 5 yrs and I had to wait until the instructor thought I was ready. ( I think it was a money issue)

    I bought a car right after I got my license its a 2013 ford fiesta. My insurance went up after 6 months they say because the state of VA. Was the state they paid out more insurance there for it went up in the state. Although other companies decrease by $100+ its still expensive. When can I see a decent decrease on car insurance. I believe it crazy of paying ensurance worth more than my car payment. I get am a first driver and all but I heard insurance is lower for people after your 25 so does that count in my favor?

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration7 years ago
  • Should I send a guy a message on Facebook if we aren't friends on facebook?

    I think he likes me and so do I. We work together he tries to talk to me on a daily baises in person. We haven't interchanged infomation. And I found his facebook should I just message him?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Guys:what does this mean..?

    A guy that I like. Said to me "don't keep your boo waiting" I told him I didn't have one. I proceeded to ask him if he had a "boo" his response was "no boo.. which is good because then I would get in a lot of trouble" what does that mean is he a player?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Guys:what does this mean..?

    A guy that I like. Said to me "don't keep your boo waiting" I told him I didn't have one. I proceeded to ask him if he had a "boo" his response was "no boo.. which is good because then I would get in a lot of trouble" what does that mean is he a player?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What does it mean when a guy....?

    Asks you if you go often to a particular area. Then proceeds to say he wants to check an restaurant out in this area. But wont finish. What was the purpose of mentioning it?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Cheap good car surveillance?

    Someone keyed my car (passenger door and on the top of my back wheel passenger side) and I am sure who did it. Am not sure if they will do it again so I want a camera to record when my car is parked. I need undercover cameras and a one that I can view the sides of the car. Any suggestion?

    My car is less than 6 months old and the repair are $750 for those two spots one 1in and the other less than 0.5in

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation8 years ago
  • What is a security anti-theft engine immobilizer?

    Its says it has a security anti-theft engine immobilizer what is that? and by having it does my insurance payments can get lowered? (sorry first car)

    I tried looking in my manual and nothing it only mentioned the key fob code and nothing about the engine.

    If it helps I have a ford fiesta 2013 basic model.

  • Should I email him a closure letter?

    I need advise. I loved this guy since I was 13 he always knew I liked him. And we became real good friends in our 20's. I was not looking for anything at the time but I slowly fell for him again. I told him how I felt his response was always maybe in the future. Later it changed to I don't want to hurt you I will end up cheating on you. I was able to talk to him face to face in Jan 17 and he said He saw me as a little sister. I am mad and told him I didn't see us being friends no more. If he lied to me an used me for his own selfish reasons why should I be friends? Am more mad that he waitied 6 yrs to tell me this why? I feel like there is a lot of things un said and I broke it off I don't want to talk to him. I just want to send him a email for closure. See he did the same as my ex and he knew it and he knew how much it hurt me. I can't wrap around my head why he did that. Knowing that when ever i mentioned him he would get jelous and accuse me of still loving him. And told me he did not deserve me. So why do the same?

    Should I email him a close letter?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • ¿A mi me ayudo mucho se los querio compartir. Oracion a Santa Marta?

    Hoy es mi noveno dia lo hice con mucha fe y espero q les ayude esta oracion. Para mi ,me relajo mucho despues de tantos problemas. (Si no creen pues no es para usteds)

    Oración milagrosa...

    Confío en ti mi Dios, padre, hijo y espíritu santo, mi

    señor Jesús, mi único salvador con todas las fuerzas te pido me concedas la

    gracia que tanto deseo (se pide lo que se desea)

    Oración a Santa Marta

    Santa Marta, virgen por caramanchel vas a consumir hoy por la llama con que

    se enciende esta vela, y por el algodón con que se limpiaron los santo oleos

    te enciendo yo esta vela para que remedies mis necesidades, socorras mis

    miserias y me venzas todas las dificultades como venciste la fiera brava

    que tienes a tus pies, para ti no hay imposibles, dame amor y dinero, para

    cubrir mis miserias y necesidades...-

    Así madre mía concédeme que ___JD_______ no pueda estar ni vivir tranquilo

    hasta que a mis pies venga a parar, así madre mía concédeme lo que te pido

    para aliviar mis penas por el amor de Jesús, Santa Marta virgen que al monte

    entraste, las fieras bravas espantaste con tus cintas las ataste y con tu

    hisopo las amansaste así madre mía si esto es verdad concédeme que ________JD_

    regrese a mi para siempre . Santa Marta que no lo dejes en silla sentar ni

    en cama acostar ni tenga un momento de tranquilidad hasta que a los pies

    míos venga a parar, Santa Marta escúchame ampárame por el amor de Dios Amen.

    Oración del Dominio.

    Tu que dominas todos los corazones, domina el corazón de ______JD_____ . Con

    el poder infinito que tuvo Santa Marta para amansar el dragón, así yo quiero

    que amarres a ______JD______ Oh espíritu dominante! con tu divino poder que

    Dios te ha dado haz que __JD______ sea dominado en cuerpo y alma por mi; y que

    no pueda mirar a nadie mas , que su amor y cariño sean solo para mi, que mi

    presencia le haga falta donde esté, que no pueda estar tranquilo sin mi .

    Espíritu Dominante, domina mis enemigos con tu divino poder que Dios te ha

    dado Amen.

    Santa Marta conquista a JD..... Mantenme en su mente

    Santa Marta conquista a JD..... Mantenme en su mente

    santa Marta conquista a .JD... Mantenme en su mente

    Gracias y te estare eternamente agradecida.

    Querida Santa Marta por favor concedeme el milagro de que --JD--- vuelva amarme y que mi relación con el se restablezca como un hogar lleno de amor y respeto, danos la oportunidad de estar juntos y de nunca más separarnos. Dale un empujoncito para que me busque ya y se decida estar unicamente conmigo. MAdre estaré eternamente agradecida, creo mucho en ti.


    4 AnswersSolteros - Citas8 years ago
  • Is this a good idea? Should send an email to him?

    Ok before I ask the question this is the back story and let me know if its a good idea .

    I liked this guy for 13 yrs. He always knew and when I asked if I had a chance with him. His answers was always maybe in the future, I don't want to hurt you. Its complicated. One time he said something that he saw me as a family member so I told him it was not fare for me to be in this friendship if he was seeing me like that and no progress was made. His response was am kidding I do like you. He has addimited to me he does like me but. 2 weeks ago saw him face to face. I told him how I felt and he said he saw me as a sister. It pissed me off because I can't wrap around my head why lie if he felt that way. why not tell me from the begging and I would ben ok with it. People say he was protecteive I say bs because I had an ex bf that did the same he knew the details why make me cause the same pain?? If he told me he was not worth it what he aint worth it either cuz he did the same? He was super cute with me he gave me presents that made know he was listening to our conversations he once bought me my favorit cookies that are not sold in the USA.

    Its been almost 2 weeks and I haven't talked to him. I told him I did not want to continue the friendship because it hurt to much and I needed to move on. He continued to talk to me and I was mad how he acted like nothing happened and kinda said some harsh words.

    I was not able to say a lot of things face to face because I just could not say them. I don't want all this bottled up and be what if game if I told him other things I was not able to.

    Am also trying to lose weight not much but I feel like this stress of this won't let me successful on my goal.

    Will it be ok for me to write everythiing down in an email and just send it to him and be over with it??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Guys why is he acting like this?

    I have had a crush on this guy for 13 yrs we lost contact and we started talking when I was 20.

    He started saying I was sexy and comments on my FB pictures. That I was F**king Hot. I have asked him if I had a change with him he said in the some point in the future. I asked again and he said he was not a faithful man and did not want to cheat on me.

    Last week I saw him since we live in different countries I wanted a straight answer and he said he saw me as a "sister" which pist me off of course because why lie to me for 5 yrs about his feeling towards


    Whats the main reason of lying or more so what does this mean.

    I have been told to protect me but I say its bs because I had a ex bf that did this to me and he knows how heartbroken I was over this. Why cause me pain if he wanted to "protect me". He even acted jelous if I mentioned his name.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Help, guys opinions. Should I give this to him for christmas?

    I am in a delema and the only person that can help me understand this. I can't ask him since its about him.

    So here is the back story. I know this guy, and I had a crush on him when I was 13 years old. This was in Colombia I lived there for 9 years. I moved back to VA in 2006 and though I would never see him or hear from him. I some how came in contact with him again in the end of 2007. I started to remember why I like him so much and though he didn't like me at all.

    Last week I had a long conversation with him, he told me he liked me and I was special to him. He also mentioned, that he did not want to get in a relationship with me because he knew he was a complicated person to date and was not a faithful person. And, did not want to see me suffer over his acciones and perfered to be friends. I explained to him that either way it would be hurtful since I will eventually see him with other girls and that I perfer to try out the relationship and if we did not work, no hard feelings. He said he would think about it.

    Now a few week back I asked him what he wanted for Christmas. He is a heavey smoker and wanted me to give him a customized Zippos lighter with a somewhat sexy looking picture of me. Now am confused should I order it for him if he does not want anything else than a friendship? What his motive of having it. He his a player in a sense and am thinking of actually giving it to him to mess up his game at least, I would not go out with a guy that has a customized anything with a picture of another girl. Help me out!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • App like find my iphone for Android?

    I know there is an app similar to "find my iphone" on the android but what is it called?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Tours in washington DC?

    A friend is coming this weekend am looking for tours to Mount Vernon and to sight seeing in DC area. I live in Virginia so the last time I was in Mount Vernon was in a class field trip back in the 4th grade. And I see the sights all the time when going to DC, so am a little clueless about that. She told me the tours cost over $60 a person is it true? can someone give me a suggestion of tour much more cheaper and does anyone know the minimum cost of a tour in DC?

    1 AnswerWashington, D.C.9 years ago
  • Can I enter the old Post Office Pavilion with the government ID?

    If so can I enter alone or does the goverment ID covers the person am with?

    2 AnswersWashington, D.C.9 years ago
  • What are the good deals on cybershots on cyber monday?

    Am looking for a cybershot under $100 including taxes+shipping I don't do black friday because crowns am disable and its crazy out there and lose my balance alot. Last yesar I got a cyber shot for $50 on but dell hasn't announce there deals I want the best one. I have searches around even downloaded the app on my iphone but most don't give too much info.

    2 AnswersCameras10 years ago
  • Is there other airport shuttle services like SuperShuttle?

    I've had good service going to the airport but the ones that pick you up are rude, and I don't want to deal with that when I get back from a 5 hr + flight.

    By the way I live in Northern VA so it would be for flights to Regan and Dulles airport.

    2 AnswersAir Travel10 years ago
  • Is this a telepathic feeling or just panic attacks..?

    I have a friend that I care deeply about he tells me everything and I know he is not happy. I have fallen in love with him again he is just that guy. I feel pain every time he is sad but lately its been hard for me to talk to him because of bad internet connection and his phone is acting out. I get a sensation of some one grabbing my heart and squeezing its to the point hat its hard to breath is this normal am I really having telepathic feelings of his sadness or are they just panic attacks?

    3 AnswersOther - Social Science10 years ago
  • Why am I dreaming about him every night for 5 days in a row?

    What does this mean I got very mad at a friend of mine and since then I stopped talking to him he has tried to contact me various times but I respond maybe 5% of what I use to.

    But ever since then, he pop up in my dreams in different scenarios I know he feels bad but a part of me tells me to not give in so easy otherwise he will still disrespect me like I felt.

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago