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Lv 32,253 points

Neil F

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  • Who do you think are going to be the top 10 stars in Pro Wrestling this decade?

    Here is my predictions:

    1. Randy Orton

    2. John Cena

    3. AJ Styles

    4. John Morrison

    5. CM Punk

    6. Samoa Joe

    7. Desmond Wolfe/Nigel McGuiness

    8. Bryan Danielson

    9. Davey Richards

    10. Christopher Daniels

    4 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else pissed off that TNA put the tag belts on Hernandez and Morgan?

    Maybe its me but I just don't get it. This team is a cure for insomnia. There's just nothing special about them. They are boring as all hell. Morgan is just awful. We all know the only reason he has the belt is Hogan's doing. I assume they are friends beause of Morgan's time on Hogan's stint on American Gladiators, which Morgan was on. I assume the only reason LAX was split up was to put the two of them in singles, so why put Hernandez in a new team. Homicide isn't any good in singles either. They should just reunite LAX. As far as this team goes, they could not pick a worse team to give the titles to. Even the Band, Team 3D or the Nasty Boys would make better champions. What about Motor City Machine Guns, Beer Money or Generation Me? This is just a sign of things to come under team Hogan. Hogan doesn't care what the fans want. People were livid about the switch dumping the 6 sided ring and he even told the fans I dont care whether you like it or not. TNA had the nerve to tell the fans at the tapings how to act and not to say anything negative. Are you kidding me? WWE might confiscate controversial signs...but give me a break they wouldn't pull this. I head at Genesis alot of fans are pissed off at all the old guys being brought in and they have no interest in them and the young guys that made TNA what it is get squashed. You think Hogan cares that the fans are pissed off? Nope. He apparently is going to do what he wants whether you like it or not. This is how you treat fans when you want to grow your audience? They have taped the last two editions of Impact the last 2 nights. Believe me, it gets worse. People that thought I was crazy saying Hogan is making TNA, WCW II probably dont think I am so crazy now. Dixie Carter, PLEASE put a stop to this before its too late and TNA is finished.

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • With what has happened on Raw tonight do you think....?

    That Orton will win the WWE title at the Rumble and Dibiase will win the Rumble. I would love that. Anything that saves us from having Gaymus as champion going into WM.

    4 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Bryan Danielson to FCW? Are you kidding me?

    I can't believe they are making him go to FCW. They say he is rusty? Please he is more talented then probably just about anyone in WWE. Although, I am sure this will come as a huge shock to the TNA marks on here, but I do slam WWE when they deserve it and this is one instance. Also on a side note, I just got finished watching smackdown. Enough with the #1 contenders nonsense with Batista and Rey...its been obvious for weeks its going to be a triple threat at the rumble...just do it already.

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Is TNA making a big mistake by firing all their guns at once?

    If all the rumors are true and RVD, Hall, Waltman, Kennedy, Heyman and Love are all debuting Monday, wouldn't they be better off spreading them out especially if TNA has any plans on returning to Monday after this? Sounds like not a smart move to me.

    9 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • How I would book TNA's biggest 2010 angle...thoughts?

    As you may or may not know, supposedly TNA's main angle for 2010 is to have Hogan, Dixie and Kurt Angle working against Jarrett and Foley, with Jarrett and Foley playing the heels. While, I think it is a mistake to have your major angle focused on these old guys and a even bigger one having Jarrett and Foley as the heels considering Hogan's history of destroying WCW considering TNA is Jarrett's company, this is how I would book it. I would have Jarrett/Foley as the faces. I would have them beat down for most of the year, perhaps aligning Hogan/Angle with the nwo guys and beating them down in that style. Finally around September, Foley and Jarrett are sick of it and challenge Hogan to a six man match at Bound for Glory for control of TNA. It is announced that Hogan's team will be him, Angle and Nash. However, Jarrett says you will find out our 3rd man when we want you to know. Then on the final Impact before BFG, there is a tag match with Hogan and Nash against Foley and Jarrett. Angle interferes and Jarrett and Foley are being beat down. All of a sudden the lights go out and Hogan Nash and Angle are left laying as the lights he come back. Its Sting who hasn't been seen in a year. Jarrett, Foley and Sting stand over the limp bodies and we have our third man, and that team goes on to win at BFG and Jarrett regains on screen control.

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Are wachovia tellers expected to get sales referrals?

    Are they hard to get? Don't the customers get angry? What if you stink at it?

    3 AnswersFinancial Services1 decade ago
  • Something for TNA to think about?

    I am watching the 4 hour special. The Angle/Wolfe and Daniels/Joe/AJ matches they showed were awesome. I didn't get to see the PPV's when they were on originally. Now if they could just get the storylines right to build their PPV's properly then maybe they would have something and their ratings would skyrocket, thus making WWE get rid of this PG **** and focus more on wrestling and edgier storylines...agree?

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • If you were to rank past Wrestlemanias based on....?

    putting them into 5 year groups (1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25) how would you rank them? Here are mine:

    1. 16-20 There wasn't a bad WM among the 5

    2. 21-25 21,22, 23 were great but 24 & 25 were some of the worst only having one decent match each so I had to drop this to 2nd

    3. 6-10 These had some great matches but some bad shows too

    4. 1-5 WM 1 &2 were just horrid

    5. 11-15 11, 13 & 15 were really bad so the last grouping was no contest. I had the misfortune of seeing 15 live.

    2 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • What happened to Petey Williams?

    I know TNA released him, but anyone know what he's doing now? I would love to see him come back to TNA or sign with WWE. That Canadian Destroyer finisher has to be one of the most devastating moves I have ever seen.

    2 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Has anyone thought of this possibilty for TNA? misunderstood what I was suggesting...I am not saying it should be a seperate show...I am suggesting an extreme the 4 Horsemen, Evolution, etc.

    4 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Here is my Wrestlemania XXVI Card...please comment?

    For the WWE Title:

    John Cena (c) vs Undertaker (Cena wins the belt back at Elimination Chamber and taker wins the Rumble)

    For the WHC:

    Chris Jericho (c) vs Edge (Jericho wins the belt at elimination chamber and edge attacks him after the match)

    Vince McMahon vs Bret Hart

    HBK vs HHH

    Batista vs Kane

    Rey Mysterio vs Kaval

    for the ECW title:

    Christian vs Shelton Benjamin


    McIntyre vs Swagger vs Punk vs Morrison vs MVP vs Bourne vs Sheamus vs Miz

    Debut of Bryan Danielson

    4 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Mini-tournament on Raw to determine superstar of the year...thoughts?

    WWE has announced that on tonight's three hour Raw, the Superstar of the year Slammy will be determined by a mini-tournament. The first round matches are…

    * The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

    * John Cena vs. CM Punk

    - The two winners will face off, with the winner of that match becoming the 2009 WWE Superstar of the year.

    What do you guys think?

    I think its going to be Cena vs Undertaker to further build to the rumored WM showdown

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • What in the he** is Dixie Carter amd Hulk Hogan thinking?

    Things like this continue to make me shake my head in disbelief at TNA creative

    First of all, Hogan and Dixie are partners, so why on earth would they be on opposite sides...makes no sense.

    Secondly, Hogan had always been connected with the old boys, especially since he's supposedly bringing in a bunch of old guys, so why on earth would he align himself with the young guys.

    It should be Mick/Jarrett reprsenting the young guys against the old guys represented by Dixie and Hogan.

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • This is how TNA can get a big rating on Jan 4th..Thoughts?

    Instead of being completely focused on Hogan and whoever he brings in like I am sure it will be, keep the promos and storylines to a minimum if at all and do a Clash of the Champions type show like the NWA used to do...consider the following card:

    For the TNA World Title:

    AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe

    For the TNA World Tag Titles:

    Motor City Machine Guns (new champs) vs Beer Money

    For the TNA Global Title:

    Eric Young vs Desmond Wolfe

    Ultimate X for the X Divison Title:

    Suicide vs Amazing Red vs Daniels vs Homicide

    For the Knockouts Title:

    Hamada vs ODB

    For the Knockouts Tag Titles:

    Sarita/Taylor vs The Beautiful People

    Six Sides Of Steel Match:

    Raven vs Abyss

    Kurt Angle vs Lashley

    2 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Who do you see getting fired in the feast or fired match?

    I think considering what they have done in the past it has to be someone that they can change their gimmick (Daniels to Curry Man, then back to Curry Man).

    One thought would be Jay Lethal. They could end Black Machismo and just change him back to Jay Lethal.

    Another possibility would be Suicide changing him back to Kaz.

    If they are going to fire someone I would think possibilities would be Jessie Neal or Cody Deaner, but I think Lethal or Suicide would be the most realistic. What you guys think?

    2 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • How would you rank the all-time wresting promotions from favorite to least favorite?

    I could not include some such as ROH, New-Japan, Stampede, Memphis, Smokey Mountain because I never had the chance to see them. However, here is my list.

    1. NWA (Jim Crockett promotions)

    2. TNA (2005-2007 only)

    3. World Class

    4. WCW (pre nitro)

    5. WWE

    6. WCW (nitro era)

    7. TNA current day

    8. AWA

    8 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Am I the only one that thinks Michelle McCool has gone too far?

    First she steals the Styles Clash. Then she starts wearing a hooded outfit just like AJ. then she starts buckling her belt and puts her arm thru it and mounts it on her shoulder just like AJ. Can't she get her own identity? She has to copy AJ at every turn? What's next? She'll extend her arms and pose like AJ? At least AJ doesn't have to date a legend to keep his job. I would love nothing more to see AJ finally come to WWE, and debut by putting her in th clash. A pipe dream I know. I am getting real sick of her copying AJ. It just shows that she is a no talent.

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • If you could book a TNA vs WWE supercard what would be the matchups?

    Here are mine quickly off the top of my head:

    Jericho vs Desmond Wolfe

    Undertaker vs Abyss

    Kurt Angle vs HHH

    John Morrison vs Daniels

    HBK vs AJ Styles

    Big Show vs Samoa Joe

    Hart Dynasty vs Beer Money

    Evan Bourne & Rey Mysterio vs Amazing Red & Suicide

    Beth Phoenix vs Awesome Kong

    Mickie James, Michelle McCool and Natalya vs Hamada, Alissa Flash and Sarita

    Maryse, Melina and Kelly kelly vs The Beautiful People

    Sheamus vs Lashley

    Edge & Christian vs MCMG

    Dinero vs Shelton Benjamin

    I know I mixed up some heels and faces especially during the women's matches but I figured I would have one match with the girls who can wrestle against each other and other based mostly on looks.

    8 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • TNA Impact Spoilers for tomorrow (12/3)?

    Anyone seen spoilers for tomorrow? Only ones I can find end with last week's tournament. I'm torn between watching it or the Oregon/Oregon State game. Don't they rebroadcast Impact at some point?

    2 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago