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how can i sum up my person in 1000 characters?

  • Violet White?

    I have always loved the name Violet, so I would love it to be my baby girl's first name. However, her last name will be White, so her full name would be two colors: Violet White. My husband thinks this is charming and I agree, but I am worried that others might find her name to be silly.

    I'm not overly concerned with teasing (as someone with a slightly odd name, I find people tend to overestimate the importance of a little playground teasing). I'm more thinking of her life in the future, when she is an adult.

    What are your thoughts? Thank you!

    19 AnswersBaby Names3 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Name for gray kitten?

    Can you help me think of a cute name for my gray kitten? She is super sweet and adventurous. As you can see in the picture she is gray all over except for white on her feet and chest. I would like a name related to her gray color, or just something cute and unexpected (i.e. my friend has an orange cat named Fancy Peaches and I love that name!)

    Thank you!!

    4 AnswersCats4 years ago
  • TEENS---what "non-girly" stuff should I get my niece for Christmas?

    She is 13, and said she didn't want anything pink or girly. But she asked for nail polish, jewelry, etc. She specifically asked for earrings that look like fake gauges and green nail polish, so I got those already. Any more ideas? I feel too old to pick out "cool" stuff!


    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories5 years ago
  • What's your opinion of L.L. Bean Boots?

    I've seen pictures of girls wearing them on instagram and pinterest and I think they're cute, but then sometimes I think they're ugly? Just wondering what the general consensus is...

    These are the boots I'm talking about:

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories6 years ago
  • Eliminate 5 girl's names...?















    19 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • Tough logical reasoning question?

    I was taking a logical reasoning test (just for fun) and this question came up:

    A certain town is served by two hospitals. In the larger hospital about 45 babies are born each day, and in the smaller hospital about 15 babies are born each day. As you know, about 50 percent of all babies are boys. However, the exact percentage varies from day to day. Sometimes it may be higher than 50 percent, sometimes lower.

    For a period of 1 year, each hospital recorded the days on which more than 60 percent of the babies born were boys. Which hospital do you think recorded more such days?

    The larger hospital

    The smaller hospital

    About the same (that is, within 5 percent of each other)

    I'm just wondering if you guys might know the answer? The test didn't tell me the answer or even if I got it right. My answer was the smaller hospital, because they have a smaller total number of babies so even if they have one more boy than usual it will affect their percentage more.

    What do you think, and why?

    4 AnswersOther - Education7 years ago
  • How do I keep my home nicely decorated?

    I have my own place for the first time (yay!) and I have an idea of how I'd like it to look, but I am coming across a problem. See, I'd like to keep everything sort of vintage-inspired (florals, soft colors with white, retro knick-knacks), but the furnishings I've currently collected during my life don't exactly fit in that picture. BUT a lot of the things I've held onto have sentimental value, or they were expensive gifts, so I don't really want to just get rid of them.

    I guess my question is, how do people keep their homes decorated in a certain style, when we all get gifts and have things made for us (by kids, friends, etc.) that don't fit in with that style? Do they really just give/throw/store those things away?

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling7 years ago
  • How would you describe your ideal girl?

    Take it to mean whatever you want... her personality, looks, lifestyle, etc.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Will I get my security deposit back?

    I am in a bad situation. I lined up a sublet as a roommate in a woman's apartment. On the day I viewed the place, I decided I wanted it and gave her one month's rent in cash as a security deposit. I got a receipt with both of our signatures, the apartment's address, and the fact that the money was a deposit, but no sublet agreement. We had agreed that on move-in day or the day before, I would come by with the rent for the first month, and at that time we would write up a sublease and I would get keys.

    I tried to meet with her the day before move-in but she had gone out of town for her birthday. Then, on our agreed move-in day, I got no response from her whatsoever. I could not just go to the apartment because I didn't have keys yet. Late that night, I got a text from a stranger saying that my new roommate had been in an accident, and the next day learned that she wanted to cancel our agreement and have her daughter move in to take care of her. I agreed but told her I needed my security deposit back, that she could take a couple days to figure things out but I'd need it as soon as possible.

    That was almost a week ago. I have called and texted her every day. She has responded a few times, saying she is working on it. Yesterday I threatened her with involving the police and she said she is trying to borrow the money from someone, but I still didn't hear anything from her today.

    I am wondering if I actually do have a case or not? It is possible I don't have anything on her since we didn't sign a sublease, but I'm hoping the receipt is enough. Will the police just tell me to wait longer? I need this money now to move into a new place.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • All right, in what do you believe (or not believe)?

    After asking on here whether people believed the stories in the Bible, I am interested to know what you do believe.

    What is your religion, denomination, spirituality, philosophy, or what is most important to you? And why? If you don't believe in anything religious or spiritual, what is your personal philosophy, if you have one?

    I am more interested in hearing specifics of how you all believe (or don't believe) than hearing arguments against each other, so please, keep it civil.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Do you believe the stories in the Bible?

    See, this is the thing. When I was (infrequently) attending Sunday school and catechism (depending on which denomination my family was that year), I remember loving it. I loved the games, I loved watching short movies, and I loved the stories. Fantastic stories of an ark, a man-eating whale, a perfect garden. The sort of stories I'd been hearing all my life, made up for my entertainment or hidden education. But, if you told me as a child that the adults in the room firmly and truly believed these stories actually happened, on our Earth, I would not have believed you. It would be like telling a child that Jack and the Beanstalk really truly happened in someone's backyard and it could happen to them. Apart from the very young, what sort of child would believe that? And, so, what sort of adult would really believe the stories in the Bible?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Help me decide between these two coats?

    I can't make up my mind about which of these floral trench coats I should buy:

    I like the green one's colors and the style of the flowers better, but I think I'd get more use out of the more neutral yellow/gray/taupe coat. Plus I do really like that shade of yellow.

    Which one do you like better?

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • What's your favorite of my baby girl names?

    I am having a baby girl and I have several names picked out that I love. I think it's also apparent that I like birds. :P Tell me which one is your favorite (and why!):





    Avis (bird in latin)

    Brid (old english variant of bird)


    Koko (my grandma-in-law's name)





    15 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • I can't say good night to him?

    I am in a long distance relationship and I cannot stand to say good night and let my boyfriend go to sleep. I know it sounds awful and selfish but I can't help it. When we are together it is not a problem, but when we are apart I don't ever feel tired at night and I just want to talk to him all night until I pass out! When he does go to sleep (always before me, because of my 'talking till i pass out' thing), I get really sad and sometimes angry, and attempt to keep him awake with questions and guilt trips--even though I know both of us need to sleep.

    Has anyone been through this or can give me some advice?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Could the U.S. handle a libertarian system?

    A friend of mine is a libertarian and argues that people are inherently good and generous, and that if taxes were taken from the people only to provide courts, police, and a small-but-necessary military, they would support anything society needed with private funding. For example, libraries would become businesses that you would support as any other business, roads would be fixed by private companies hired by the people who live on or use the road, etc. Welfare would be exchanged with charities--if people don't donate, there won't be welfare. He says in a completely free market and a tiny government, only things that people directly support would be sustained, and it would be a nation more directly run by the people.

    Although I do believe people are good, I don't think they are selfless enough to donate enough of their money to get the things done that are great about the government--education for all, parks/wildlife protection, support for the unemployed, and so on. I think we need a bigger government than he suggests to ensure these things are sustained and to prevent an even bigger gap between the rich and the poor.

    What do you think? Should the people be given the right to personally fund the things we think deserve funding, and not be forced to fund other things as determined by the government? Would such a system help or hurt our economic situation? Who would this system benefit, and who would it hurt?

    3 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • What to bring to study abroad in Germany for 6 months?

    I will be studying abroad in Tuebingen, Germany from mid-January to July 31. Any advice on what to bring/what not to bring would be greatly appreciated!

    Things I'd like advice on:

    Shoes, clothes (quantity, seasonal?), weather gear, how many school supplies/what type, other things i might not think to bring!

    I'll be living with a German family in a small town at first and then moving to a dormitory around April to study at the University of Tuebingen. Advice from someone who is from Germany or has traveled there for an extended time would be very helpful!

    4 AnswersPacking & Preparation1 decade ago
  • Anyone know what The Mighty Boosh are up to now?

    I know they stopped touring in January (I think) so what have they been doing since then?

    And we've all heard they want to make a movie, and an album, etc. but does anyone know for sure what's happening?

    2 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Extremely cheap day trip to New York City (Help with costs)?

    My sister and I want to go see Late Night with Conan O'Brien before he leaves for the Tonight Show. We already got tickets, but now we have to plan the trip (by the way, we are both college students and very very poor). Together we can spend about $700. We are going to buy bus tickets from Michigan at about $200 total--two tickets round trip. We have to go on a weekday so we can literally spend one night, and one day in the city (arriving at 10pm and leaving at 8pm the next day). Neither of us have been before and we have no idea how much to spend for hotels for one night, cab fare, food, etc.: not to mention where to look for these things. Right now it looks like we can't go with so little money but maybe you guys can help us out!

    3 AnswersNew York City1 decade ago