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I am unusual. I have psychic abilities, but I will keep development to myself. I can see auras. I support feminism in all actual aspects, there is no sexism or inequality in true feminism, feminism is there to make women equal to men, not more or less powerful. I am interested in the health of this world, the health of it's people, we aren't separate cultures, we are one big culture on the planet Earth, we need to help each other to reach and maintain equality. I write down my own ideas for things. I listen to all kinds of music, mostly metal. I like to help people who are having problems in their lives. I like to write poems and post them on My Myspace profile link is: My Facebook profile link is:
When you ride a motorbike do you get hot or cold?
I was just wondering this question because firstly leather generally makes people hot, but moving fast against the air usually makes people cold. So I guess I would like my answer to be answered in terms of riding in hot weather, neutral and cold weather. This may be obvious for loads of you, but I was just wondering as I haven't put on motorcycle gear or been on a motorbike at high speeds.
7 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade agoResearch Project Survey?
Please answer this survey without looking up any answers, if you do so, please put your original answer first and the researched answer in brackets, all questions optional, please answer in this format:
1. answer
2. answer
3. -
4. answer
or to do on facebook view this link:
1. Do you watch TV?
2. Do you believe that the media lies?
3. Do you read fashion/health/fitness magazines?
4. Do you believe the media affects the way you act?
5. Do you believe the media affects your mood?
6. Do you feel happy or sad after watching or reading the news?
7. Do you think there is a cure(s) for cancer, malaria and/or AIDS?
8. Do you believe in man made global warming or climate change?
9. If yes, do you believe it is due to carbon?
10. Do you believe that 9/11 was an inside job?
11. Do you believe that 7/7(London train and bus bombings) was an inside job?
12. Have you seen anything on public TV that questions the official stories?
13. If you were in a room with friends and the TV was on, just a general show or the news, would you have a conversation, watch the TV, or have a conversation about what is on TV?
14. Are you unhappy with your body image?
15. How do you feel about models?
16. How do recent music videos make you feel about yourself?
17. What do you think of President Obama?
18. What do you think of Gordon Brown?
19. Where do you get your information on politics, for example, parties before voting?
20. Do you think that US and European (including UK) troops in Afghanistan and Iraq are helping?
21. Do you think we would be bombed or blown up if we did not go to war?
22. Do you think the troops are fighting for our freedom and rights?
23. Have you heard more good or bad about wars that we are not involved in from the media?
24. Have you heard more good or bad about wars once we are involved in from the media?
25. Do you believe swine flu (H1N1) was overrated, fear mongering or true as they explained it?
26. Do you think that many people are dying from h1n1?
27. Do you believe the H1N1 vaccine is safe for children and pregnant women?
28. Do you think H1N1 is worse than regular seasonal flu?
29. Do you think H1N1 came from Pigs, is man made, or something else?
30. Do you believe that the recent underwear bomber was a terrorist, FBI or something else?
31. Why do you think smoking and drinking is legal?
32. Are you a smoker or drinker against drugs?
33. Why do you think Marijuana is illegal?
34. Does the media say anything good about Marijuana?
35. Do you think people die from Marijuana?
36. Why do you think MDMA is illegal?
37. Does the media say anything good about MDMA?
38. Do you think people die from MDMA?
39. Do you think fluoride is good for your teeth?
40. Do you think there is anything bad or wrong about fluoride?
41. Does the media say anything bad about fluoride?
42. Are you somewhat scared to speak publicly because your views may be different?
43. Do you know your human rights?
44. How do you think you would feel if you didn't watch TV, listen to the radio, read magazines, etc.?
45. What things in life would make you happy?
46. Name?
47. Occupation?
48. Age?
49. Gender?
50. Country?
2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade agoHow fast can you tow an iceberg with a boat?
Just wondering how fast an iceberg can move when it is towed by a boat
4 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoWhat movie has a scene were a man beats his sons wife to teach her to be a good wife?
I had a disturbing dream and I believe I have seen it before in a movie, I think it has Tom Cruise in it, but not totally sure, it is older fashioned, Husband didn't want it to happen but couldn't do anything about it or something.. and then when his Dad left he was really mad that his wife was beaten, his Dad thought he wouldn't mind but obviously he did, as it's his wife that he doesn't want harmed.... anyone know it?
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoWhat are the differences between Shaolin, Wutan and Wing Chun, Kung Fu Styles?
I'm thinking that Wutan is a mix of Kung fu, and that Shaolin seems to be the best form of martial arts, while Wing Chun is slightly more rare and a good fighting style, although Wing Chun is also incorporated into Wutan, just wondering what the main differences are, and what grading the styles give in terms of sash or belts.
5 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade agoWhen I Turn My Laptop Off It Resets Instead, Anyone Know How To Fix It?
I looked in control panel for the power options, and the power button is set to turn the laptop off.
I can press the power button near the keyboard and it will turn off like normal, everything will unload and then it will turn back on again the next second and start loading up again.
Also the same thing happens when I click Start>Turn Off Computer>Turn Off. Not the reset option.
I've looked in the BIOS settings aswell but I can't see anything in there that would make the laptop turn back on again.
The only way I could turn it off was to hold the power button in and force shut down.
The laptop model is HP Compaq nc4000, I have another laptop of the same model without these problems.
Also when I close the lid of the laptop it doesn't go into standby or hibernate, in the start menu there is no hibernate option at all, and in power options there are no options for when the laptop lid is put down, in the drop down menu all it says is, "Do Nothing".
Anyone know anything?
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoWhere can you find the cheapest FULL HD 1080p 40" Sony or Samsung LCD TV you can get in the UK?
I want a Samsung 40" 1080p hd tv, I have been saving up, however I would be happy with some Sony models, however some have bad viewing angles, so Samsung is preferred. I have a load of prices written down already, but if you think you have found some of the cheapest please let me know and I'll take a look, thanks
6 AnswersTVs1 decade agoHow To Transfer Ferret To UK From USA?
How can I do it, if there is a legal way, what papers do I need, I want my ferret sent to me here in UK, from USA where it currently is, which services could I use?
3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoIs This Allowed From Lloyds TSB?
I purchased several items on eBay last week, then I didn't have enough money, it said I had almost £20 online, that was the available balance, the current balance was a lot higher as I just spent it, so I got some money sent to me on paypal and I used that to pay for the items, I just got a letter saying..
Fou are overdrawn £45.21.
Because of this you will be charged a unplanned overdraft monthly fee of £15, plus a daily fee of £15.
It then confuses me by saying, at the end of each day, if you continue to use an unplanned overdraft, you will be charged a further daily fee, up to a maximum of 10 fees in any one month billing period. The daily fee may increase if we agree to extend you unplanned overdraft further. An unplanned overdraft continues until it is repaid (they should define this). So if you are still using an unplanned overdraft at the beginning of a new monthly billing period, we will charge you further monthly and daily fees. Your next monthly billing period is 3rd Jan.
6 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agoI Think Of Things So Advanced I Get Headaches, Anyone Know How To Stop It?
I'm 18, I've been bored and making quantum theories for the universe, afterlife, spirits, mediums, psychics, evolution, reproduction and god in like a page, I just learned how gravity and radiation works along with quantum radiation, magnetism, quantum magnetism, quantum string theory of gravity, the quantum string theory as a whole, particle physics and so on, I understand it all, but this is all I'm doing and in a big hurry, I'm getting headaches now and then, and I sometimes forget things, not a lot of important things though, if I want to remember I will, otherwise I will forget it, I haven't officially studied any of these subject, I am a computer programmer, just finished college in summer, I have a bad relationship and I hack iPods and computers, I like Einstein and Murray Gell-Mann, I don't look like a nerd though :P I am deprived of gaming... and good music for the last few months, so can anyone help with these headaches? or recommend something?
4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoWhat Should My Charity Be?.. Foundation?.. Campaign..?
I am making a charity to address pretty much all problems in the world, big and small, poverty, hunger, suicidal feelings, disease, and so on, and linked to many current charities around the world, should this be a foundation, campaign, organisation(non profit), charity, foundation campaign, campaign foundation, foundation charity, charity foundation, and so on... what should it be? it will be like a.... "Peoples Charity" or "Charity For The People, Charity For The World" kind of thing... worldwide...
3 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade agoA Few Questions About Saw 4, Only For Those Who Have Seen It...?
If you haven't seen saw 4 and continue to read the storyline may be ruined for you
I get the part about saw 3 and saw 4 being at roughly the same time.. watching it for the first time you think it is flashbacks but it is actually happening at that time, the beginning when they have jigsaws body and cut it the exact same time he is also in the building with Amanda and the doctor alive.. but how, it shows that he swallowed the tape they retrieved, and also it shows him swallowing it in a place that looks like the saw building. which means they got the tape from his dead body, at the same time he is alive in a different building where he swallowed the tape.
Where did they find his body, if they found it where he died on saw 2, then they would have found the saw building, if they found him where he died in saw 3.. then it would make saw4 obvious to the police.. about where people are.
2 AnswersMovies1 decade agoFor Yahoo! & Others, On Yahoo! Messenger Why Are The Same Yahoo! Answers Questions On There After Months?
Every time I sign into Yahoo! Messenger, the Yahoo! Answers tab is always repeating the same old questions about cheese melting and stuff like that after about half a year(since the Yahoo! Answers tab was added to Yahoo! Messenger, my dates may be wrong but it was at least 5 Months and I would love to just sign on and see some interesting questions, also for Yahoo! developers or maintenance or something.. are you going to create a desktop program for Answer addicts, it would be a lot faster than a website, more secure, could have a better look, faster search, save favourites in a easy menu, save favourite categories, tell us when a category has a new question, or a question has a new answer(even someone else's) A lot of this stuff could notify the user by email, I would like to know when some other peoples questions have answers, but there is no option, only watching it and checking it yourself. Also if someone extends a question it should be put back up to the first page where
2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoVirgin's Easier To Please Mentally And/Or Sexually?
I'm not assuming anything, but usually people that are experienced with sex or have at least done it once before, usually tend to want it from their future relationships, and so if someone is a virgin and haven't yet experienced it yet, they have no-one to compare you to sexually and so they cannot be as disappointed, does anything think this apply or have any proof or situations anyone was in, I'm asking because my girlfriend had sex before me and he seemed to me to be better in her mind, so I cannot continue the relationship and I feel she was disappointed that I wasn't the best... If she was a virgin, I wouldn't have been compared or ever feel second..third..fourth best and so on..
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow Would You Feel In My Situation.. Mainly For Guys?
I want to know more about how you would feel, than what I should do.... ok.. this is the situation, you're in a relationship for 2 years, you are cheated on about half a year into the relationship with sex and everything sexually related in one day and your girlfriend says she almost had a orgasm, then when you have sex with her that way, she doesn't even get close to a orgasm. The relationship goes on for the full 2 years and then you break up with her because she is controlling your life and everything you do is wrong, you agree for her to make it up to you but all she does is spend her time with other guys and not you because she says you are on the computer too much. You decide that it's a permanent break even though she still wants to be with you, a few days later you get an urge to try one last time, but as soon as you talk to her you get bitched at, you ask her a few questions and she say's she has been hanging out with the guy she cheated on you with all that time ago...
14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoIf You Have Solid State Or Atomic Hard Drives, Why Have RAM?
Hard drives are getting so fast they are as fast or faster than RAM, there can even use RAM as a hard drive, so wouldn't it be smart to take RAM away totally and just use virtual memory, or take away virtual memory and partition off a but of the Hard Drive to be RAM. It will soon be a cheaper option than loads of separate expensive RAM chips, and will be easier to change, virtual memory will be the same speed as the RAM so why have data going from hard drive to virtual memory to RAM and then back again, when you can take out the middle man and make operating systems and programs soooo much simpler to run, taking up less energy, smaller size and way faster systems... also currently couldn't be have only a small amount of RAM and speed the PC up majorly by having a solid state or atom based hard drive as virtual memory...
Am I right or wrong.. we could also use current programs we have now, just with a different operating system handling the RAM..or virtual memory, or new partition...
3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade agoCould any of these global warming SCIENTIFIC ideas work?
If the earth heats up will the 2 polls of the earth weaken resulting in the earth getting farther from the sun, resulting in a cool down of the earth and a strengthen of the earths polls bringing us back close to the sun..and forever repeated...
If everyone in a hot country threw ice cubes or water outside in the warm weather would it cool the earth down by drying up and then raining more than it naturally would?
If global warming is causing these hurricanes, tornadoes, floors and tsunami's will they cut down on global warming due to the death of humans and animals(because we breath in gases and out carbon gases... and all the other ways we use electric and gases)
If the ice caps melt and we get more floods many more plants will grow taking away the carbon and giving oxygen cooling down the earth
If we created a device that would literally change carbon gases into other gases(this is possible) would it be possible to reverse global warming
7 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade agoHow Can I Gain Control Of Claircognizance?
I often know things I have never been taught, about people, animals or facts of the world, it's like I'm constantly getting smarter without doing anything. I want to know if there is a way I can control this or kind of..see it more clearly in my head/mind. I've never did meditation or anything like that but I feel like spirits talk to me regularly, but through feelings, not words, I can see aura's but that doesn't help much, I'm only 18, can you help?
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat Would You Do If You Were Bill Gates, Business Wise?
For those who don't know Bill Gate is the richest person in the world and the owner of Microsoft
Would you continue to create operating systems and other software, change some things, stop it all or something else, and reasons, whoever answers best gets best answer.
6 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoDoes The AC-1 Sound Card by Razer Give Me Any Advantage When Using The Razer Barracuda Headset on USB2?
I'm getting the Razer Headset that supports 5.1 (or should be called 5.2 for headphones). This device can be used via USB or plugged into a normal surround sound card, the newest alternative to that is to plug it into the sound card made by Razer called the A-1 which supports 7.1 surround sound and the headset can plug straight into the sound card avoiding the 3.5mm sound plugs and USB by using it's own Razer sound port. Would the AC-1 sound card give any advantage at all, as the headset kinda already has it's own on-board sound card and USB2 is really fast. I have only seen good reviews about this item and most of them have only been using a standard surround sound card or USB
Technical details will be appreciated if there is an advantage
2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago