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Lv 43,776 points

Goddess Nikki

Favorite Answers15%

Remember; This is Sparta, and I'm Bill Pardy. I'm sarcastic, and lighthearted, and I'm told I have an odd sense of humor. I'm and aspiring SciFi/Fantasy writer, and am currently working on about 8 different projects. (yes I do appear to have attention problems) I also love to do other forms of art such as drawing, clay, Jewelry making, candle making, woodburning, and painting. I'm an occasional gamer. I cycle between City of Heroes, and Planetside and WoW. I have a thing for zombies, and pirates... And Sailor Moon. I’m really into the TV show "Sasuke" (Ninja Warrior) and "Who wants to be a superhero" has become a guilty pleasure. I love the occult, the paranormal, and helping people. I also read Tarot. If you want more- message me.

  • Principal of Unity in science?

    In anatomy, my professor talked about the Principal of Unity, and The Principal of Emergence. What's a good way to quickly define the Principal of Unity for my notes?

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Can an MRI miss a tumor?

    I had an MRI last november following a seizure-like episode. Last week I had a Brain Spec come up with an area not receiving blood, now my doc is sending me to get a PET which I've read is used almost exclusive;y to detect cancer. Could I have a tumor the MRI missed, or could one ahve developed in that time? Or is he possibly checking for something else? I am so sick of tests, I just want to know what's going on...

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Complex partial seizures?

    I'm having a PET tomorrow because part of the left side of my brain is not getting blood to it. (On the Brain Spec, the area was purple) Could this have been caused by a really bad complex partial seizure I had last year, or the other way around? I'm a bit scared, because the doc wont tell me anything.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Does the grammar on this website depress you?

    I swear, sometimes I'm ready to just scream "Take an English class!!" I can handle an occasional faux pas, or misspelling, but things like "He just get a lisense" or "Man your stupid" and "Their coming to my house" irk the heck out of me. What say you?

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Vile Temptresses Theme Song!?

    What theme song describes you as a sultry temptress? Mine is “Milkshake”

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheistic Pagans???

    Far be it from me to ridicule another person’s faith system. The way they approach it yes, maybe, but the validity of that faith system, no. Still I don’t understand the logic behind someone calling themselves an Atheistic Pagan, or some permutation thereof. I really just don’t understand. An Atheist does not believe in god, any god, or higher power or great spirit- nothing. A-theistic; away from theistic teachings. Pagan is a Latin word meaning country dweller, and refers to the traditional beliefs of the tribal people who lived far from the civilizing influence of the cities. It became popular to call them pagans when Christianity took over the larger cities. Current pagans seek to follow the practices of those times. Be it celtic, Egyptian, or Greek. There is a basic understanding that Paganism is a religion. To cut to the point Atheism is the absence of religion, Paganism is a religion. It’s like saying I’m a Satan worshiping Christian. Can someone clear this up for me?

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Vile Temptresses of Religion and Spirituality board?

    Okay ladies. In honor of the “Vile Temptress” day here on R&S what to you do to “Tempt men to sin”? Remember that it’s Tempt, not “Give it all up” so we can keep it clean.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What would you do about the 23 South Korean hostages?

    Would you release islamic extremists back into the playing field to kill more people, ore let the 23 hostages die? If I was in the situation these leaders are in, I’d release the prisoners they want released… with tracking devices planted in them under the pretext of it being penicillin “They’d kill those hostages if you came back sick so here’s a healthy dose of penicillin (and a tracking device) for what ails ya” Once they are back with their compatriots, and the hostages are safe, I’d pick one of them, let it slip that he volunteered the location of their destination, and raid the place. Of course said chosen person will deny the charges, as he would if he were guilty, but they’ll never know that. And it’d be a tactic you could use 2 or 3 times before they’d catch on, and then they wouldn’t kidnap people to get their prisoners back anymore (Or they’d find a microchip scanner, and run it over their prisoners as they’re returned, but hey, at least it’d really piss them off)

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • 23 south korean hostages?

    if I was in the situation these leaders are with dealing with a terrorist group of killers, I’d release the prisoners they want released… with tracking devices planted in them under the pretext of it being penicillin “They’d kill those hostages if you came back sick so here’s a healthy dose of penicillin (and a tracking device) for what ails ya” Once they are back with their compatriots, and the hostages are safe, I’d pick one of them, let it slip that he volunteered the location of their destination, and raid the place. Of course said chosen person will deny the charges, as he would if he were guilty, but they’ll never know that. And it’d be a tactic you could use 2 or 3 times before they’d catch on, and then they wouldn’t kidnap people to get their prisoners back anymore (Or they’d find a microchip scanner, and run it over their prisoners) but I still think the idea has merit. What say you?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Lenoleum stain?

    I have a dye stain on my front entry It’s that cheapo plastic linoleum Is there anything that will take the stain out?

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Lenoleum stain?

    I have a dye stain on my front entry It’s that cheapo plastic linoleum Is there anything that will take the stain out?

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • lenoleum stain?

    I have a dye stain on my front entry It’s that cheapo plastic linoleum Is there anything that will take the stain out?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Windows Vista?

    Is windows vista compatable with other versions of windows or will it impede networking between a computer with vista and one with xp?

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Need help for a birthday party?

    I'm throwing a party for my friend's 25th birthday. I'm very poor, and need some cheap and fun ideas

    5 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • I want to loose 100lbs in 6 months?

    Is it possible if I do yoga twice a day, swim 5 days a week, and eat healthily? It's only 5 lbs a week, and I've left weeks of no weight loss to account for weight loss plateaus

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • R&S is getting pretty venomous again?

    Time for some make-nice. Take a minute to say something nice about another religion. Do not say something nice about another faction of YOUR OWN religion i.e baptists, pentecostals. Dont bash another religion (I never use the report button, but in this instance i will) It may be helpfull to state your own faith

    I'll go first.

    I'm Pagan- I admire the passion wit which Islamics approach their faith, and the way it's a part of everything they do

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Wiccans- Prophetic dreams?

    What are some good rites, or other ways you have used to have a powerful psychic dream? I’m not great at controlling my dreams yet, and I need some answers from my psyche, but I don’t have access to a hypnotherapist at the moment. I know purple is a dream color as well as a psychic color. I think Mugwort, and Mistletoe are good dream and psychic herbs.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Let them duke it out?

    If you look at the vast majority of posts on the R&S board they are “Christians are better than atheists blah blah” and “Atheists are better than Christians, blah blah..” Since they cant grow up, and agree to disagree is anyone else ready to take the bickery “We are 100% right and there is no room for compromise Christians and Atheists out, stick them into a little room together and just let them duke it out? We could sell tickets, call it the ultimate battle for our souls. Anyone else up for it?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago