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I am all about family, cooking, live music, having fun with life. I am interested in getting and sharing info related to cooking, child rearing, reading, wine tasting, music and so much more.
Are you planning to attend a tea party in your area?
Are you planning to go to tea on April 15 th? We are, Hannity will be filming his program here in Atlanta. Should be an interesting evening.
9 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoHow do I cope with this behavior from my 3 year old?
I have a 13 year old and a 3 year old. My oldest is a girl and she was an awesome toddler. My 3 year old is a boy and he is a holy terror. He knows correct behavior because he exhibits it in public and when at other people's homes. But at home he is constantly yelling shut up, climbing on furniture and he has a horrible temper if he doesn't get his way. Yesterday we came in from a walk and he didn't want to. As we stepped into the foyer, he knocked a huge glass bowl off of the table that was filled with potpourri and it shattered. I am trying to be consistent with time outs but he is really difficult. I must add that I stayed home with him until he was 18 months and then he has been in daycare since. We recently decided to take him out of daycare because of his constantly being sick. Now I am at home with him again. Any advice would be welcome.
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoTwo Year old bad behaviour?
I have a daughter that is 13 and I started over with my 2nd husband and now have a 2 yr old boy. As a baby, he was as sweet as he can be. But now, he is into everything and pitches the most incredable fits. It doesn't help that he has half siblings that are 17, 14, 13, and 5. My daughter and my husbands children. He has picked up the worst habits, such as name calling, saying shut up and hitting. He hits me all the time when he is frustrated. His older half brother pushes him and sometimes hits him which we correct immediately. But when the 2 yr old does it, nothing seems to work. Whether it is time out, taking away things or a swat on the butt. Any advice is appreciated.
7 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agoWhat is the best discipline technique for my 2 year old?
My son is constantly telling us to shut up if we are saying something he doesn't want to hear or he is grumpy (he learned from older siblings) and he hits and scratches only me. He seems to be the most difficult with me. I am not sure what to do.
13 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoWhat do you do with a 23 mth old that constantly tells you to hush?
My son has started telling us to hush whenever he is grumpy or whatever. I counted 75 times in one hour that he said it. We are trying to ignore him but it doesn't seem to let up. Any suggetions?
19 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoWhat do I do when my stepchildren are angry with me after....?
I went off on my husbands ex because she has an attorney in her pocket and is constantly in our lives. She has also unfairly screwed us over financially (we have to pay for a car that she let be repossessed and was in both of their names and then filed bankruptcy, guess who gets stuck paying the deficiency). After I went off on her, she brought the girls into it (ages 16 and 13) of course they are going to side with mom. Now she is trying to make me look like an idiot and say we are unfit. She is trying to make me look like a drunk because I was drinking the night I went off on her (no kids were in the house). It is such a mess. She is threatening to try to take custody of the kids which she gave up and my husband is now paying for my outburst. Shouldn't I be able to voice my feelings toward her without her dragging the kids into it and trying to take us to court out of pure vindictiveness? I am so losing sleep over this. Please advise.
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat to do about a toddler that is constantly hitting when he doesn't get his way?
My 22 month old son has started hitting a lot in the past month. We rarely pop him, we try to use all other avenues first. Also, his siblings are quite a bit older than him so they do not hit him either. Is this normal and what can I do to stop this negative behaviour?
9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoHow can you remove stains from concrete?
I am a property manager of a luxury apartment community. I have a complaint from one of my residents about stains on the concrete in the breezeway. May sound petty but they pay a lot of money and have a right to complain. I am just not sure what to do about it. Concrete paint is not an option because all of the breezeways have to look the same and we do not have the money or manpower to paint all of them.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat would you do in this situation?
Three years of putting up with my husbands ex and finally I blow my top and tell her off. Now she is making a big deal and told the kids they are now mad at me. Keep in mind, I didn't address this to the kids but to her. She brought them into it.
13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHelp with 4 month old kitten?
Our new kitten is constantly peeing and pooping behind the couch and in our beds. How do we stop this behaviour? She has a litter box that I clean out everyday. We are at our wits end and do not want to find another home for her but we may have to if she continues.
8 AnswersCats1 decade agoOpening my own cake business, need help with a name.?
I will be designing specialty cakes and need a name for my business. Best answer will get 10 points!
33 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoAny suggestions for potty training a 2 month old male kitten?
We just adopted him and he uses the box half the time and the other half he craps on the floor or our mattress. Please give me suggestions or my husband is going to make us get rid of him.
2 AnswersCats1 decade agoHelp stepparents!!!!!!!?
My 13 yr old stepdaughter acts awful when she comes to our house. She used to live with us then decided to move to her moms about a month ago. When she comes to visit she is rude. The only time she is nice is when she wants something and if she doesn't get her way she pitches a fit like a baby. Any suggestions? I am so tired of it.
6 AnswersFamily1 decade agoWho else thinks that it is wrong that the media is glorifying the Barbie bandits?
I saw the interview with one of the girls. I am amazed that the media is doing this, they are making them out to be stars instead of the low life thieves that they are.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoShould a baby be baptized?
I know that Catholics baptize babies. I belong to a Christian church and I am not sure if I should have my son (15 months) baptized. Is it correct to wait until they are of an age to understand? What does the Bible say on this matter?
31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoTry this on for size...kind of creepy?
Take your right foot and turn it clockwise then take your right hand and turn it counter clockwise, your foot automatically follows no matter how hard your try
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat do you want for mothers day?
I want a dust buster and a day off.
8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoShould I be upset at my husband about this?
I called him earlier today to ask if he would do chicken on the grill. He said sounds good. So he comes home, I leave the 2 boys with him (ages 4 and 15 mths) take the 3 girls to karate (ages 15, 13, and 11). I come home and he is irritated. The house was a mess and he blames me. I am here with the boys all day, the girls come home and it is utter chaos. Normally on karate nights, I have all the kids fed and we go and he doesn't have to do a whole lot. I am irritated because he had the nerve to complain about the 3 loads of folded clothes on the bed and the dirt from where the baby got in the plant. I had not had a chance to put away the clothes or clean the dirt. I didn't even get to eat today. Am I wrong to be irritated? I know he works hard all day but so do I. I try to have everything neat and tidy when he comes home but usually it does not work out that way. Five kids is a lot to deal with.
28 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago14 month old that hits?
I know it is normal for a toddler to experiment with hitting but I go to pick my son up and he will smack me in the face. He only does this to me. And no I do not hit him. What can I do to stop this behaviour? Right now I tell him "No hitting" and put him down and walk away. Is this the right thing to do and how long will it take to work if so?
5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoHow can I get my 4 yr old stepson to get moving?
Recently, he has started pitching a fit when time to go anywhere, school, store, moms house, karate, baseball. We give him plenty of notice so he knows that it is time to go but he still pitches a fit. I actually had to hold his hand and force him into the car to go to school, him screaming the whole time. But when we get to school, he waves bye and is fine. What to do and why is he doing this?
6 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago