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Sly Girl

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  • How do I find the new people names who have recently purchased a home near me?

    They are not friendly, so I can't just go and ask them...

    Isn't there a public record of the sale of a house somewhere?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • como se dice "time for lunch" en espanol?

    the way Mom's in spanish speaking countries would ask it.

    7 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Why am I more easily angered after aerobic exercising?

    I'm having problems getting angry at my 2 and 3 yr old, so I began exercising to help reduce the anger. I was told that would help. This morning I was really angry at their misbehavior, so I really worked it out hard, pouring sweat and heartbeat near 200 bpm. I was really hoping that would help, but within 10 minutes I was angry again. What can I do??? I know these are hard ages. How do I get thru it??

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • In Texas, I was told that a company automatically renewing a contract for an entire year is illegal. T or F?

    It's our home alarm company. They said our contract automatically renewed for an entire year on June 28th. I need to find proof that this is illegal.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • My husband began having Bell's Palsy symptoms on Friday?

    Friday he couldn't move half his mouth, Saturday he couldn't close the eye completely, and today he can only close his eye half-way. He was put on an antiviral and prednisone on Saturday. How many days does this get worse before it stops getting worse? Also, we put him on a Vitamin B Complex and also on the B-12 on Saturday.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Need name of song for a remixed song?

    Part of the song is a remix of an old song saying 'goodbye" cause of breaking up. But the main part of the song is the girl singing that she will be fine, putting on her single girl shag or wag or something.

    Anyone have any idea what song this is?

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • 10-wk old Baby and Feeding?

    I've been babysitting my friend's 10-week old baby. He begins rooting every 2.5 hours lately, so I've been feeding him. I haven't been forcing it and as soon as he stops taking the bottle, I stop feeding him. He's eating about 7 oz.

    She says he only eats for her 6 oz every 4-5 hours and now is upset with me cause she's running out of breast milk.

    I think she's not feeding him enough. He's only 10.5 pounds and is 10 weeks old. He was 6.6 oz when he was born.

    I realize it's her kid. I just want to know, am I wrong here? Am I overfeeding him?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • In Texas, a person we sold a vehicle to refuses to transfer the title. What can we do?

    Are we able to go and take the license plates off of the vehicle? What legal routes can we take?

    13 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Lower jaw of cat suddenly turned dark in color???

    His white fur turned dark grey only on his lower jaw. His breath is normal and he eats and drinks like normal. His level of physical activity is also normal. He is 7 years old and an indoor cat.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Need Experienced CPA for trading business, Dallas, TX?

    Someone already knowledgable in mark-to-market and form 3115.

    1 AnswerInvesting1 decade ago
  • "Patience is a virtue" being abused. Only christians please.?

    When someone says they'll get a task completed, and that was 10 months ago, but when I call them on it, they come back with "Patience is a virtue". Only fellow Christians please answer. I think the above saying is to steer away from impulsiveness. I think waiting around 10 months is being patient enough and starting to lean towards being naive. What if someone does not get the task done? How long do we let that continue? Or, was I right in saying that as far as I'm concerned, the person will not complete the task and will only see otherwise if they actually complete it one day? Why should I continue to expect that they will complete the task if over the past 10 months they haven't? The task is getting a quilt to someone. The quilt has been complete and in their posession now for 10 months.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How long to wait before being "patient" becomes ridiculous?

    A group of fans made something for a celebrity, and delivered it to the person who said they could get it to the celebrity. That was 10 months ago. The person repeatedly the past 10 months has asked us to be patient and gives excuse after excuse as to why the product hasn't been delivered. Every time someone brings this up to her, she again says, "Patience is a virtue." I think I've been patient and am calling her on her no results. Now I'm being called impatient. I don't think I'm being impatient waiting 10 months. What do you guys think?

    5 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Isagenix - Anyone out there get sick from it?

    I had heard that this program helps people feel better, but I've been ill ever since beginning it. I did the pre-cleanse for 7 days waiting for my IBS to get better instead of being worse. That didn't happen. I knew it could have been due to stress, so I did a cleanse day. Other than being hungry and tired, that was the first day in a while that my intestines weren't in pain. Then the next day my period started. The cramping began and then intense pain in my instestinals began. I was bedridden on pain killers for 24 hours. Now the pain has decreased, but I'm really wondering if I should continue this. I know that it could just be coincidence, so I'm really asking if someone else out there has had this happen. I'm not lactose intolerant or anything. I have no idea why this is happening. I've been using the Isaflush and I haven't been getting the "relief" they've been talking about. Also, my body is used to cleansings. I do them fairly often and I've never had this happen.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Victim mentality - christain books, bible studies to overcome it?

    I am in a group with some people who are stuck in the victim mentality. I was wondering if anyone knows of any christian books or bible studies that our group could do to help these women realize they have this mentality and snap out of it.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My husband has a spasm on his head. He hasn't hit his head or anything and I've never heard of this.?

    Does anyone out there know what this is and what to do about it?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Wash Sale calculation gain/loss question?

    Let's say that I buy an option, sell it at a loss, 10 days later I buy an option with the same stock, sell it at a gain, and the gain is larger than the loss of the first option. Does this mean that since, netting the two together, it was a net gain, that it's not covered under the wash rule?

    What if the first sale was at a loss, the second sale was at a gain, but the gain was less than the loss, so netted, it was still a loss. Would both transactions be in the wash calculation?

    3 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Need to amend form 1065 for year 2005?

    I need to amend our year 2005 partnership return. I can only find 2006 1065 forms. Does anyone know where I can get a year 2005 form?



    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago