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  • Can insect bite cause a swollen lymph node?

    I have a swollen lymph node, which I have never had before. I've had it for two days now. I haven't had any cold symptoms or anything, but I do have a really bad insect bite on the back of my neck, and a smaller one on the side of my neck. Can these cause my lymph node to swell?

    Should I be concerned about this at all?


    7 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Best way to clean glossy kitchen cabinets?

    Does anyone on here have glossy cabinets in their home, and if so, what is the best way to clean them without ruining the surface at all? Is it best to just use a damp cloth and then wipe them down, or should I be using a polisher of some sort? I want to clean them up, but I'm unsure if it's okay to use a regular polish on this type of surface.


    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Gave potential employer wrong desired salary amount by accident and have an interview Monday. Help!?

    I don't need any smart remarks in regards to this, I already feel like a dummy b/c I accidently gave the wrong desired salary amount to a potential new employer.

    I accidently gave them a lower amount than I want when they initially contacted me in regards to the job. They just wanted an IDEA I guess of what I wanted, not an exact amount.

    How should I correct this problem if the amount I gave them is brought up in the interview that I have on Monday? I'm hoping they will give a range of what they are willing to pay and forget what I said, so that we can negotiate from there. They won't hold an error like that against me will they? Especially since we haven't actually negotiated or agreed on salary as of yet?

    If one of you accidently did this, how would you go about correcting the problem? It's driving me crazy that I did this!


    Thanks for any help! :)

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Can you trademark a name for a future business?

    Hi. I plan to start a business in the near future. I have a name picked, and I am wondering if I am able to trademark the name before actually starting the business? I'm still in the process of my business plan and such, so I'm not ready to actually start any services. I like the name I have chosen, and I want to ensure that I can use that name in the near future and protect it however I can until then. Is it possible to trademark it now, even though I'm technically not running the business it will be intended for yet?

    Any help is appreciated!


    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Rune question. Please only answer if you truly know what you're talking about!?

    I've been researching online, but I figured I'd ask on here as well.

    I'm looking to find runes that can be somewhat of an inspiration to me when I look at them. I'm trying to be a more positive person. I have an anxiety problem and I'm always thinking negatively. I'm constantly feeling my life is endanger. I've recently started trying to change that b/c it's not fair to me or the people close to me. I want to have something around to inspire me when I'm having difficulties with this. Something that will remind me to be persistent with trying to be a more positive person.

    Are there runes that symbolize determination/perseverance, and perhaps one that symbolizes being more positive? One that can symbolize conquering one's fears, or to not fear what is unknown? Also, a rune for protection.

    I appreciate any help. If you know of any GOOD sites explaining runes, please let me know! Thanks! :D

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's the deal with 2 layer cake mix?

    Hi. I feel silly asking this...

    I recently bought a horseshoe shaped cake pan, and it says I should use two layer cake mix. How is this different from just using regular cake mix? Do I have to buy more than one box or something, or are some cake mixes consider a 2 layer cake mix? I'm just used to making a regular cake. I've never experimented with different cake pan shapes and such.

    Any help's appreciated. Thanks.

    13 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What does an employer use an investigative credit check for?

    I'm applying for a job and it says they will do an investigative credit check on me. What does this entail exactly...only my credit history, or other things as well? What do they use it for? Can it cause you to not get a job? I don't have anything to hide, but I haven't had the best credit over the years (although I've started to clean it up). I'm just curious as to why they do this and what exactly an "investigative credit check" will entail.

    Has anyone else had one of these done on them before?

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Does anyone elses cat meow back to you when you talk to them?

    I have two cats and everytime I talk to them they always meow back at me. EVERYTIME. They even do it with people they don't know to well.

    Sometimes I don't even have to say anything...I can just look at them and they will meow at me. If I come in the room they will meow at me, or if I've been gone and I come home, they will greet me and meow.

    Does anyone else have cats that do this A LOT? Do you think it's their way of talking back to you or showing they care? Also, do you think cats do this more frequently if their owners tend to speak to them a lot while giving them attention?

    I just think it's too funny/cute when they do this, and I wish I knew what compelled them to do so.

    35 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Where is dipstick to check trans fluid on a VW Beetle??

    I have an automatic, 2000 VW Beetle. I've looked under the hood, all over...I even looked in the book, and I have NO clue where the dipstick is to check the transmission fluid on my car.

    My car was driving fine earlier until I stopped at a stop sign where it then did not want to accelerate past 20mph. After a min or so it finally went into the proper gear and accelerated. I just want to see if perhaps it did that b/c it's low on transmission fluid...but I can't! Help! I just purchased the vehicle 2 months ago, so it's all new to me..even with the manual.

    1 AnswerVolkswagen1 decade ago
  • Doxycycline hyclate good to treat UTI?

    Hi. I'm just curious if doxycycline hydrate is suitable to treat a UTI? If so, about how long should something like this be taken to fully cure a UTI? I know it can be used to treat certain infections, but I'm just wondering if a UTI would be one of them.


    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is an ROP life insurance policy worth the extra money?

    Or is a standard policy sufficient? I know I could look up the differences to learn a little more to make my decision, but I'm really wanting to hear personal opinions on this matter as to whether or not others find this to be worth the money. Getting any opinions from those who have this option on their life insurance, or who have experience with this would be great!

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Could it be Lymes or something else?

    Back in May I pulled a tiny tick off of me (the size of a freckle) and I had a huge rash for about 2 mths from it, which has never happened to me before when being bitten by a tick.

    I went to the doctor soon after I got the tickbite, and she said she didn't think I got bit by an infected tick b/c the rash wasn't "a bullseye" rash. She said it was too early to test for it, and when she noticed I didn't have insurance she suggested I don't get tested and just take the antiobiotic for 2 or 3 weeks to get rid of it "just in case" I do have it.

    Well...I didn't think that was a great idea (in the case that I didn't have anything wrong),but I started taking it. A few days later it made me feel really sick so I stopped taking them.

    I'd say for the past mth. I've had terrible back pain. I thought it was from a lot of work, so went to dr. and she gave me muscle relaxers. They didnt work. Would having Lymes cause such back pain, or is it possibly something else? It's a sore/burning pain.

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Tell the cheesiest joke you know/ you've ever heard...?

    I personally hate cheesy jokes, but my b/f loves I'm wanting to get a little sampler here for his enjoyment.

    Make them as cheesy as you want to.

    16 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Best and worst "old school" Nickelodeon show??

    And by "old school" I mean late 80's to the mid 90's.

    : D

    There were so many good ones unlike nowadays. Hard to pick one, but I'd have to say the best in my opinion..was Salute Your Shorts. I never got tired of it.

    The worst had to be Guts. Boring.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Natural remedies to help with restless sleep?

    I've been having real difficulties sleeping well. I toss and turn all night, wake up on and off, and can never seem to be comfortable.

    Anyone know of any natural remedies or anything to help get a better night of sleep?


    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Weight loss & toning exercises?

    I'd like to lose a little in my upper arm area, but mostly I'd like to know some good exercises to tone the upper arms. My arms aren't big, but they are out of shape. I don't want to buff them up a lot, so what may be some good exercises to do this?

    Also, I'd like to know some good ways to lose a little weight on the thighs and some good toning exercises for them as well...both inner and outer thigh.


    24 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Best cereal?

    What cereal do you think is the best?

    43 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Best "Revenge of the Nerds" movie & character???

    So which "Revenge of the Nerds" movie do you think is best, and what character from these movies did you like the best?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Vet techs/assistants...opinions needed!?

    Just a little background info. first...I currently have a degree in Marketing, and although I'm very happy having it, I'm really looking for a job that I can feel some self worth with and one that I can really feel like I am making a difference.

    Here is my dilemma:

    I don't know if I'd like to pursue an administrative role in veterinary services, and also get certified as a vet assistant so that I can perhaps cross train and take on both roles, OR go for the vet technician program.

    Both sound ideal to me, so I really need some REAL input from those in these types of positons, on advantages/disadvantages of both, whatever they may be. Also, which is more rewarding, and what's likely to pay more. Possibly the difficulties each present. How difficult are the courses that are needed for these positions?

    Also, do you think having a business degree and/or experience will help with either of these positions?

    Thanks a bunch for any advice you can give! :)

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago