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Well im just a young gurl still growing up and u know wanna be myself and all i like music so much im addicted to it u know there is so much about me to know so id rather keep it on the low
Do stock prices rise when earnings of a company fall?
My exam question was
LookGood, Inc. has just announced the bad news that its earnings have dropped by 30%. In fact, its investors had anticipated even worse results (a decrease of 40%). As a result, LookGood's stock price ------------
the answer to this question was increase.
I have been trying to figure out why stock prices rises when the earnings fall.
eHow money seems to explain it differently.
"When investors notice decreased business earnings, investors sell stocks and stock prices fall."
Please someone explain as i am lost, unless my lecturer made a mistake on the answer for the above question on Look good.
8 AnswersInvesting8 years agoIs this life? Please help me understand my mom's point?
someone help me understand whats going on in my mums head.
two years ago, my mum said to me i don't need to rush to get married i can give myself a lot of time till im 30 right which i completely agreed on given my relationship status back then and now.
yesterday I mentioned that a cousin is getting married shes 24/25 right, my mum quickly jumped and said i need to get married before im 25, she wants us to go to our church by that i mean the service is in our language instead of english, so that i can find a guy there from my country.
my mum is so admant than i date a guy from my country and even marry one from my country. I mean like NO!!! she doesn't understand where im coming from like im tired of guys from my country the ones i have dated or tried to date its the same story, after a while they say OH by the way i have a girlfriend or i cant see you anymore cause im now with someone else, they are allergic to communication it sickens me!!!
So right now im not interested in any of them im looking elsewhere, she's worried i been single for 2 years and a bit, but she didn't seem to understand the stuff i have been through with the guys, she even went to my country over xmas and has decided a guy for me, future pilot and all.
Two years ago, she was the one saying hunny be happy with yourself whoever you decide to be with i will support you.
other than that, im at uni, my final year have decided to follow a career in statistics instead of actuary which i found difficult at first and doubt i will enjoy it much, my mum was supportive at first but yesterday she kicked me about it saying go for the most money. im nt like that though, i wanna do something that will motivate me to get out of bed every morning not something im scared of doing, but no my mother thinks im being too stupid.
telling her how i feel is like planting a dry seed, there is no hope, im confused and i don't know what to do, i do not want to disappoint her but she's making it seem like i am in the road to do that ?
7 AnswersFamily8 years agoWhats the name of this 90s horror movie ?
i only remember the beginning of it really
starts with some students on a school bus heading home, the next thing the bus comes off the road going to like a forest or grassy area right, students are screaming and the bus driver looks like some scary thing wearing a hat, the next thing the bus is in the middle of nowhere and the ground crashes but the bus is stil standing on a cliff thing everybody is screaming and thats all i remember
anyone who knows the movie i described please let me know
10 AnswersMovies8 years agoNeed some advice on how to deal my situation right here!!!!?
Well well well, i have been single for nearly two years now and its been up and down i mean last year i met some imature guys who seemed to want me for the ride and then tell me they are interested in someone else and just go quiet on me after raising my hopes up.
This year over summer i went back to my country for 7 weeks had a good time saw friends i hadnt seen since primary, i connected with this guy1 unexpectedly he was seeing someone but she was giving him problems nothing happened between us cause i have respect for guys in that situation.
I came back for my final year of uni and since september too much has been going on. The guy in my country asked me out after telling me he could be cuming this side to continue his studies and get a job which i was excited about, hes a great guy hes understanding and all. Some other guy2 has become overly inetrested in me hes in my country as well and he tells me he loves me but i havent seen this guy in 9 years and didnt even see him over summer for that matter. He says he wants to marry me have kids with me and all.
guy3 i met him in january hes like 9 years older than me and has kids but we developed an interest in each otehr he would take me out and eventually we slept together, but recently hes been so quiet and i feel like hes with his ex wife or sumthing trying to work things out i mean that happens right
guy4 who i met 2 days after my birthday unexpectdly because my friend got him to talk to me and get my number, went on a date with him over the weekend and it was great hes fun and i feel like we connected and all, i dnt wanna rush into thinking abt the future with him cause things change jst like last year when the guy would forget about me with no valid reason.
Today guy3 texted me unexpectdly saying sorry for being quiet and he wants to meet up and says to me dont ever feel like im not interested in you, but i feel its all bull to be honest any guy can say that to get you to open your legs for him again.
To be honest im stuck and dont know wat to do, i feel guy1 may never *** here and we would find it difficult with the very long distance, guy2 has so many gurls who like him i feel he will move on by january and lose interest in me, guy3 i wanna get to know him more and see where it goes, guy4 gosh its jst the sex and nothing more ofwhich i wanna get rid of him but wat if im wrong?
wats ur take on this?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoQuestion on Driving Theory - Other road users?
A motorcyclist ahead of you is riding approximately half way between the kerb and the centre line. Which are correct?
a) it is too far from the kerb
b) the rider should be further out so as to be clearly seen
c) if the rider is too near the kerb, he maybe have to avoid holes or rubbish
d) it discourages drivers from trying to pass too close and risk knocking the rider off his machine.
3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years agoHow do i know hes for real?
ok, i am the typical gurl who is so shy and so self conscious given the fact i gained a lot of weight within a year and broke up with this guy i thought was the one, i find it overly difficult to approach guys or tell a guy i have feelings for him, my self esteem does not exist completely cause i know guys will never go for me anyhow.
met this guy last year at a uni party, came across so confident and seemed to have an interest in me. Recently its been like wow where did this come from. he thinks hes gods gift, hes got sum overdosed ego, and he seemed to want a yes from me all the time. He called me once tellin me abt how hes now developed sum interest in me and then said to me 'im gna be straight u nt the only gurl im feelin right now, i dnt wanna lie but thats the truth'
at the moment hes so eager to see me well sleep with me more like, told him straight hell no, but hes like kk jst come see me.
He wont take no for an answer and seems to persistant, at the same time im wondering why is he this interested in me, whats that about.
Weird thing, my friends say hes quite ugly, i shuld stop talkin to me, but all of a sudden im so attracted to him, even tho hes got sum crazy attitude to him.
I really dont know wat to do?
How do i know hes being for real?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoWhere do i go from here?
I met this guy Nate few years ago through family, at first we didn't speak until one party when he played an interest on me, from then we spoke quite a lot, i developed feelings for the guy, but i began dating some other guy, who i broke up with a year ago, Nate was there for me during the tough break up, we even made out, but then he had a girlfriend then who he said he loved, but he broke up with her a month later and started seeing another girl, who he recently broke up with and came back to me, more serious this time, he said things to me like, 'do i want anything to happen between us' i would say yes and so would he. but then something was saying to me no because hes a cheat and he doesn't seem to stay for a long time with any girl, hes always one to the next one. a few months before he came to visit me at uni, we got so much closer, we chat on bb everyday, and he said to me 'he didn't want to go into a relationship so quickly since he had just come out of one and he wanted to take his time with me' he would have bb statuses like 'i like you ' or 'you on my mind ' off which i doubt it was meant for me.
He came over 2 weeks ago, we had a good time, but at the end of one night when we went out, he seemed to be thinking of someone else, and just wanting to sleep with me. On the day he left we were talking properly but i could tell something else was on his mind, so didn't bother asking since he barely answers my questions. He put a bb status as song as he left which said 'from friends to something more' at first i thought he meant us but I'm not sure anymore.
The thing is he doesn't want any of the family to know about us and so do I as they will chat and chat about it. I uploaded pics on Facebook of a night out, but didn't upload any in which he was in, he quickly got angry at me for doing that off which i don't understand why as there is no evidence that he was here.
for 2 weeks we haven't spoken and he says he still angry at me. all of a sudden i have developed strong feelings for him, i cant go a day without thinking of him, the silence is slowly killing me and i really want to know what's on his mind now.
i can clearly tell hes not interested in me anymore and hes moved on to the next one since it seems easier for him. i want to hear it from him, whats on his mind about me whether its good or bad so i can get some closure, but i don't know how since we ain't speaking.
I really don't know where to go from here, hes complicated and i feel like a fool in love!!!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoWhat does J Cole mean by this?
In his song 'nobody's perfect' he says he only sleeps with hoes that got shiit to lose, what does that mean, when someone has shiit/stuff to lose?
2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop9 years agoRule of 3 when it comes to sexual partners? Why is it like this?
why is it like this? a woman says he number of sexual partners shes had and u multiply by three, but for men its divide by 3! dont make sense, so if i have slept with 4 or 5 guys multiply by 3 is 15 wat does that mean for me then??
4 AnswersPsychology9 years agoDoes having a nice body mean u can go far in life?
it seems like these days having a nice body with a pretty/beautiful face means u can a boyfriend easily, u can get a lot of attention, friends and even a lot of likes on facebook and twitter. It seems like those people make it far in life as well, with all the confidence in the world and not much to worry about.
These r the words my best friend mentioned to me yesterday, i wuld nt say shes fat but shes quite chubby and i think she can easily loose the weight since its jst a phase, she gained weight when she went on the pill and broke up with her long time boyfriend, since she started uni most of the gurls around us are all slim and so pretty and seem to get attention and are all confident, my best friend feels like there is no hope for her, she once lost the weight but gained it back due to stress and worries, she has very low self esteem and seems to be meeting the wrong guys and feels that the reason why is because shes fat and unattractive, she is so beautiful and such a great anfd funny person.
her sociable skills have gone down the drain, and whenever she likes a guy she quickly gives up because she says, he will never like me or be attracted to me because no guys like chubby gurls.
She is has started a new diet and seems to be workin well, but i dnt want her to feel like having a nice body makes u go far in life....
Do u agree with her tho? i dont at all
5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years agoHelp with this part of Financial Accounting?
the trial balance as at 31 july 2007 has
buildings at cost £320
accumulated depreciation £108.08
motor vehicles £312
accumulated depreciation £56
equipment at cost £60
accumulated depreciation 36
the additional information says
depreciate buildings by 2% of cost, motor vehicles by 20% of cost and equipment by 10% cost
Too many depreciation figures which one do i include in the income statement and the balnce sheet
1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance10 years agoShould I confront my friend about this?
Last night we ended up sleepin at her boyfriend's friends place right, which i was totally against coz i jst dont sleep around peoples houses i feel too uncomfortable. So it was me her and her bf in the bed right at first it was cool we al wanted to sleep and rest. then they started kissing, i was kk with that til early this mornin they started having oral sex while i was in the bed woke me up but pretended to sleep, he was suckin her breasts, and even went down on her she did the same and they almost got it goin till the realised it wasnt right at all. But i felt soo sick each moment and sadly her bfs friend who was on the floor was deep asleep.
The thing is also that my friend slept with both guys her bf and his friend, of which her bf dunno, i find it toooo sick, all i do is listen to her tellin me abt her openin her legs for guys while she gt a bf. I dunno whether i should speak up and say sumthing coz im kinda scared of her.
Wat shall i do??
7 AnswersFriends10 years agoWhere can i find this song, or who actually sang it?
I knw the lyrics include treachorous right and a female sings it, more like katy perry, i went on youtube and it cums with katy perry but no video nuthing.
Help me please.
1 AnswerLyrics10 years agoWhats the name of this movie?? Horror?
I watched it in 2005/2006 i think,
Well wat i remember is theres a woman and her daughter on their way sum where and i think their car breaks down somewhere misty and they start walkin lookin for help and her daughter gets lost.
And the ending is them goin home but its stil misty and its quite confusing whether its actually her daughter
wats the name please
4 AnswersMovies10 years agoPlease help with this question on continuous functions?
f(x,y) = ln(y-x)
u = e^(x+y) v=e^(x-y)
and f(x,y) = g(u,v) is a continous function show that using the chain rule
df/dy = u(dg/du) - v(dg/dv) and obtain a similar expression for df/dx
1 AnswerMathematics10 years agoProgrammin question please help?
would the evaluation tree for i + 4 * j be the same as (i+4) * j
if not please explain
2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years agoWhats this advert about?
I remember the advert but dnt remember wats it is about
theres three girls wearing pink shorts one gets off a bus and meets the other two i think its a diet pill or sumthin
anyone knw it
2 AnswersComedy1 decade agoHow do you ride a cock like a bicycle?
got it from vybez kartels bicycle song
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHelp on this question Maths For Actuaries: Theory of Interest rates?
A sum of £100 is accumulated at a discount rate of 7.5%pa. convertible quarterly for one year and then at a nominal rate of interest of 7.5%pa convertible quarterly for one year.Which one of the following gives the accumulated amount after 2 years.
the answer is C but i been trying to work it out the answer aint cumin out help??
1 AnswerMathematics1 decade agoI never get any attention from guys i have no idea why?
not that im cravin attention but i jst dnt knw wats wrong with me a lot of people say im pretty beautiful gorgeous and blah blah blah but when it comes to guys my gurls get all the attention, i knw im a lil bit fat than them but hey
they get the attention and they refuse it and jst dnt care and im thinkin they r so lucky i never get a guy step up to me or even take any interest in me
maybe im borin, not as fun as other gurls r like and im nt approachable
help me out here
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago