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  • Is it proper for an uncle to verbally discipline a nephew?

    I am an uncle to two awesome nephews in their early teens. But they have lately been very disrespectful and inconsiderate to me. In an attempt to set them straight I've told them - calmly and intelligently - that they need to treat me with more respect and that if they don't they are going to start facing consequences, such as reduced privileges or visits with me. The oldest one said "you're only my uncle, you're not my father" which really hurt me and he began to get rude saying that I was pissed at him so he can be pissed at me. Their dad also thinks that it is wrong for me to insist that they treat me with respect (even though I always treat them with respect and am a kind and generous uncle). I think my nephews and their dad are wrong here. But what do you think? Any advice on how to handle this is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersGrade-Schooler8 years ago
  • How do you know if someone is flirting with you?

    I'm 16 and gay. My best friend is 14 and strait, but last year he said he thought he might have been gay, but decided that it was just a phase or whatever. We cuddle and lay on each others stomach and stuff all the time. A few days ago we were watching a straight porn and he let me rub real low down on his stomach when he was j/o inside his pants. Then the next day he sucked the tip of my thumb for a couple of seconds and we actually held hands. When I text him a stuck out tongue :P he always texts me back with the open mouth :D. Is he flirting with me? I'm kind of confused because I really think I'm in love with him and can't tell if he might be telling me that he wants us to be together. He never like j/o in front of me and I never have either, but since he let me rub his stomach when he was makes me think he liked it. I'm not trying to be pervy I just need help figureing this out. Please somebody anybody help me work this out.

  • My best friend is confusing me - Is he flirting?

    My best friend says he's straight and likes girls and we were watching a straight porno together on saturday and he started j/o inside his pants while I was rubbing on his lower stomach and he didn't move my hand away. And monday when we were kind of cuddling he put the tip of my thumb in his mouth and licked it for about two seconds. He knows I'm gay, but he never j/o in front of me he just always goes into another room or does it inside his pants, but we do cuddle and joke about sex together but I'm serious about it and he thinks I'm just joking or whatever...or is he taking it serious and really flirting with me??? I'm going crazy and I don't know what to do. Is he flirting with me? If he is then how do I tell him I want to have sex with him or do I just kiss him or what? What if he pushes me away and gets made at me? I'm scared and shy so please help! Thank you! (PS I'm 16 and hes 14) I don't know what to do or how to handle it.

  • Is my boyfriend trying to flirt with me?

    First I''m gay and we're both guys. On saturday me and my bf were watching a porno and he was laying against my chest and stomach and he put his hand in his pants and he started slowly j/o but didn't show me anything. I put my hand on his low stomach and kept rubbing him and he kept doing it inside but he didn't unzip or show anything. Then yesterday when we were watching tv and cuddling again he grabbed my thumb and put the tip in his mouth and licked it for about two or three seconds. Maybe I''m stupid but is he telling me something? Hes 14 and Im 16. Every time he jo he goes into another room so I'm confused about all this. I'm too nervous to ask him directly so maybe someone can please give me advice. TIA

  • Why do guys put black lines under one eye?

    I've seen some pictures on Google of teens who have two black lines under their eye. Some of them made a kitten face with two more under the other eye and black on the tip of their nose, but when it's only under one eye what does it mean? I was thinking it was some kind of protest for gay rights or something. Does anybody know what it is exactly?

  • Which book by Richard Feynman explains Quantum Physics simply?

    Quite some time ago a person answered a question about Quantum Physics here on "Yahoo Answers" by stating that Richard Feynman once wrote a book for his wife so that she could better understand Quantum Physics, but the person did not give the name of the book. I've searched through Google and looked at lists of his works, but cannot find such a book. Does anybody on here know? This person said it was only about 1cm thick. I'm trying to find as many books as possible that attempt to explain Quantum Physics in simple terms. TIA!

    2 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • Which book by Richard Feynman explains Quantum Physics simply?

    Quite some time ago a person answered a question about Quantum Physics here on "Yahoo Answers" by stating that Richard Feynman once wrote a book for his wife so that she could better understand Quantum Physics, but the person did not give the name of the book. I've search through Google and looked at lists of his works, but cannot find such a book. Does anybody on here know? This person said it was only about 1cm thick. I'm trying to find as many books as possible that attempt to explain Quantum Physics in simple terms. TIA!

    2 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • What is the actual meaning of the word الجيزة‎ (Giza) which is a city in Egypt?

    Most city names have an actual meaning. For example Los Angeles means "City of the Angels". What does الجيزة‎ (Giza) mean? I've read that it means border, or boundary line, but if someone who speaks Arabic can confirm this for me I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

    4 AnswersEgypt9 years ago
  • What is the best star navigation software?

    I need to find software that will let me find the precise angle that a star or planet will appear from any given location on the globe at any given time. Any advice is appreciated. Just as an example, I might need to determine something like this: in New York City on March 1, 1765 at 8:34PM the planet Venus was at x location at x degrees above the horizon, etc...

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • How to find Earth/Sun Distance on a certain day?

    I need to find some tool where it is possible to calculate the distance between the earth and sun on any given day of the year. So far I've been unable to find such a tool through several Google searches. Does anybody have a software program or website that they can refer me to? For example, I would want to know "On July 8th the sun is x miles from the Sun", or any other date I chose. TIA!

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Why is my cat suddenly eating so much?

    Over the past two weeks my 2-year-old male cat went from a casual eater, often leaving food in his bowl, to wanting to be fed almost constantly. He looks just as healthy as always, plays normally, has lots of energy, sleeps normally, doesn't seem to be in any discomfort of any sort, it's simply that his appetite has suddenly increased about 50%. Has anybody else experienced this with their cat? I'm probably going to take him to a vet for a checkup but would like to have some opinions from experienced cat owners on here. TIA! (P.S. he is treated for fleas and is an indoor cat, so it's unlikely to be a tapeworm).

    3 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • What's the name of the logical fallacy which disputes data you cite simply because you didn't formulate it?

    I made a point about global warming and cited scientific information. The criticism I received was that I was simply accepting something I read and that it was invalid because I did not conduct the research myself. This seems like a logical fallacy to me, but which one would it be?

    3 AnswersOther - Science10 years ago
  • Why does my cat meow so much?

    I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow, but wanted to see if anyone on here has past experience or advice that I can use when talking to the vet. My cat looks healthy, eats normally, uses the litterbox normally, has plenty of energy and loves to play, and he is neutered. But recently he has taken to sitting near me and meowing. He will look at me and then start meowing. Initially it was annoying, then I thought he just wanted to play or wanted attention but he would often reject that, now it's bothering me that there might be something wrong. Answers from those with experience are preferred. Thanks!

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How to make old-time recorded voice sound modern?

    I have some very old audio from the early days of film and radio and need to make them sound normal. It seems like every man's voice sounds the same. What can I do to make it sound more normal?

    2 AnswersRadio1 decade ago
  • What is the meaning of "comparatively large"?

    Let's say you have a group of 10,000 people. An unknown number leave that group. Then, someone writes that those who left are "comparatively large" in number compared to the original group. Does that mean the group is larger than the first group, or does it simply mean that they are a "big group"? I've always read it as the former.

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Why does my cat lick my toes?

    Okay, this is a little bit complicated, but hear me out: I got my cat at a shelter in July while he was still a young kitten. He was undernourished and emotionally "needy". After taking him home he exhibited a great deal of affection, and by feeding him a highly nutritious cat food he's grown big and strong and is about to turn 7 months old. I love him to death and he seems to adore me. For various reasons I need to put my cat in a separate room at night when I sleep (I use a CPAP he likes to play with and he likes to jump on me in my sleep, so can't have that!) Getting up in the morning I open the door, he comes out, and starts licking my toes! Every morning! It can't have anything to do with the scent/salt/etc... because he doesn't do it any other time, only in the morning when he "greets" me and gets all excited to see me. Okay cat lovers - give me your best shot. Why does my cat lick my toes and only in the morning? (why the toes, and not my ankle, or why not rub my leg, etc...)

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What is the official name of the inscription on coins and medals?

    For those of you who are experts in coins and medals, what is the name for the inscriptions which are usually engraved on the front and back above (as well as below, sometimes) the scene or person on the coin? TIA!

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Where to find a website "URL read more" script?

    Lately, on several websites if you copy (CTRL+C) text from any page on the site it will automatically append the site URL and sometimes a small message at the end of your copied text when you paste it into a file. For example, let's say I copied the words "The quick brown fox" from such a webpage, and then when I go to paste it into a text file it would come out as "The quick brown fox Read More at I'm not even sure what these kinds of scripts are called, and a search on Google didn't help. If you can give me some help I'd appreciate it muchly!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How can I spin image on website?

    I'm trying to find out how to manually spin (rotate) an image vertically/horizontally on a webpage. I don't mean a constant rotation/spin like could be achieved with an animated GIF, nor do I mean automatically switching (rotate) texts or images in a certain order (which is the ONLY results that come up on Google). Rather I want to make it possible to create an actual visual rotation of an image when the user clicks on it (click to make the vertical image become horizontal, then click again for the opposite vertical, then click again for the opposite horizontal, then click again to go back to the original vertical - i.e. a 360 degree spin) If anyone can advise it would be awesome and I'd love you forever!

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Problem with Brother-in-Law...?

    My brother-in-law often puts down my parents in front of his two preteen boys (my nephews). Recently I took him aside to talk privately, and respectfully and calmly asked him to please not do this, that even though they may not be perfect they are good, honest, and moral people. Also, it's not a good example for his boys, because boys always copy their fathers and if they see him disrespecting his elders then they too will not understand the need to respect theirs, including him, his mom, me, grandparents, etc... His response was "Who are you to tell me how to raise my kids? You think you're Mr. Perfect?", etc...etc... That was quite an unexpected response. How do I handle this? Any and all advice appreciated.

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago