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Father, Husband, Pharmacist, Student of everything, in that order.
At what point in our military history did the "Generals on the ground" start dictating military policy?
Seriously, when did the Commander and Chief, or hopefuls, start defering authority over our entrance and exit strategies to the military? I thought the president's job was to tell the generals what to do and what our strategy will be. Now the republicans are telling us that we should defer authority over the actions of our military to the generals? Are you serious? Bad idea, so bad in fact that we have FIRED generals in the past for even thinking about acting that they knew better than the president, the course of our military in war. See what happended to Gen. MacArthur if you need clarification on this subject. This makes no sense to me at all. It's the responsiblity of the President to tell the generals what our strategy is, not vice versa!!!!
10 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoTax geeks, I need to know how the payroll tax works?
I am estimating at this point that I will make in the ballpark of 120,000 this year. Now, Social Securtiy takes 12% of my check up to 102,000, does that mean my EMPLOYER will (or should) stop taking the deduction from my earnings at 102,000 or do they keep taking it? I've never made more than 20,000 a years, so I really have no idea how this works. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
3 AnswersUnited States1 decade agoIf you over the age of 25, and still smoking marijuana and making minimum wage, do you feel like a loser?
Just curious as to why one would still be smoking marijuana after high school. I know several 30+ year olds, that of course still live at home with momma, that love to smoke marijuana, and do to their little hearts content. I just don't understand how a grown man can stay sedated on that crap all the time. I guess that means more for me though, so keep it up slackers!!
10 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoRepulicans, tell me EXACTLY what your party has done the last 8 years to improve America? EXACTLY!?
I'd like to here specific example that YOU believe will have a lasting positive impact on the live of Americans. I ask because I can't really see any thing they've done to make my life better. Of course, admittedly, i'm viewing the world through blue tinted glasses.
14 AnswersElections1 decade agoI am at a loss on how to handle an intern, can someone offer some suggestions?
I'm a pharmacist in a hospital, and I have issues with a pharmacy student I work with. I try to be civil and I don't want to raise my voice with people because I hated pharmacists that talked to me like that when I was a student. Now, having said that, I have this young lady that is as smart as any intern I've ever had, and is going to be a fine pharmacist. Problem is she is very, very aware of it. Now, our current issue is she asked to leave work early, mind you she asked 1 minute after the supervisor left, that would have of course denied her request, but she assumes i'm not going to give resistance. So, I tell her it's not up to me, and while i'm talking on the phone with a nurse, she starts jawing me to another technician about how i'm mistreating her, and that she was told by the supervisor that the rules don't apply to her, so I yell to just go ahead and go, and then she gets mad at me!?!?! HUH?? Now, I don't know what to do with her. Help.
10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoWill my subscription to the pharmacist letter qualify as a tax deduction?
I'm a pharmacist and I am wondering if I subscribe to the pharmacist letter which is a means of getting professional CE, if I can deduct the cost of membership from my 2008 taxes. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
7 AnswersUnited States1 decade agoCool stuff to do in Dallas?
I will be in dallas next weekend for the Nascar race, and i've never been to dallas. A few things, I'm 34, not young, looking for cool bars, and good food in the city, and any recommendations for neat things to do while I'm their. Anything at all will would be a great help, thanks a bunch.
4 AnswersDallas1 decade agoWith respect to stock recommendations, what does "Upgraded from Neutral to Overweight" mean?
I'm just curious what this means. Thanks for any help.
3 AnswersInvesting1 decade agoWould you be wiling, to pay more in taxes, if the government would promise you the following?
That they would invest enough money in the various sciences necessary to design a frickin light saber? I for one would be willing to work harder and pay more taxes if the government would sponsor the creation of light sabers and make them available to the public. Wouldn't that be totally and completely awesome? Who's with me on this?
7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhy are OB nurses so utterly stupid?
I've worked with nurses from all departments, multiple specialities, advanced practice nurses, and at different locations throughout my time in the hospital. Yet, consistently, at every hospital, the labor and delivery nurses are the biggest butt holes on planet earth. If you are included in this group of useless humans, I hope you're offended, because you offend me. JESUS, I can't stand L&D nurses!!!! They are the best reason to stay at home and have your baby. And to all you mothers reading this, let me assure you, they ***** and make fun of you constantly, once they know you can't hear them, so please don't have any delusions that they are nice, they just aren't.
4 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoWhere is a good place to start to adopt a newborn if I live in Illinois?
I am 34 years old, my wife is 29, I am a pharmacist, and she a teacher. We have 2 children of our own already that we got the old fashioned way. We are able to have more, but I sometimes feel like there are unwanted children out there why not give one of them the family they deserve, instead of having another. We are VERY preliminary at this point, and just curious how you get started in adopting children.
6 AnswersAdoption1 decade agoCan touching frogs really cause warts?
13 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago