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  • Hermit crab has molted three times in past 10 months but still has not changed shells?

    Just wondering if anyone else has seen similar behavior. All other crabs have molted and moved into different shells. This guy has kept same shell for three years now and is molting more often.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets7 years ago
  • Remember that kids baseball movie?

    Okay, movie from way back when Angels in the Outfield was a hit -- a kid breaks his arm and when the cast comes off, he's able to throw like super fast. He gets a deal in the majors and when it is clutch time, his arm gives and blah, blah blah happy ending.

    I would look it up on imdb but cannot recall the name of a single actor. I know there was something to the story with his mother too if that helps any. It is a family movie and I'm guessing it was in the 90s.

    4 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Breaking Bad season 5 part 2 release to Netflix?

    Been watching Breaking Bad on Netflix. It currently has episodes up through season 5 but only 8 episodes. Wikipedia shows they split season 5 into part 1 and part 2 and the DVD release for the second half of the season is scheduled for November 25, 2013 so does anyone know typically how long it takes Netflix to pick up the latest releases??

    Drama8 years ago
  • POLL: What motivates you to exercise in the morning?

    So I am well aware of the benefits of exercise - good health, nice body, feel good endorphins, etc. But yet somehow I cannot seem to get into a decent routine that makes exercise part of my daily life. I have never been a morning person and I sleep until I have to get up for work. When I get home, by the time we've done dinner, homework, showers, kids into bed, it's like 9PM and I'm tired.

    How do you find the motivation to get up early and exercise before you start your day?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Archery junior starter?

    How do I shop for a bow? How do I find out what my draw length might be? If I'm going to purchase a used one, I'd like to pretend I have a clue. Can anyone give me one?

    Since I know a real compound bow for hunting is too tough for me to draw, should I consider using a Junior bow?

    1 AnswerOther - Outdoor Recreation8 years ago
  • Beginner target shooting of compound bow?

    I have begun taking an interest in Archery lately with my son. He wants us to do it together. He has his own re-curve bow for a lefty. I have been borrowing a compound bow at the indoor range we use but it is a different one each time. At this point, I should just buy my own but I don't know what questions to ask.

    I looked online at Dick's Sporting Goods and the cheapest bow I found was $300 which seemed a little pricey to me for target shooting. A friend told me I could borrow his bow but I couldn't pull it at all (he said something about 50lbs?). I do not want to spend a fortune but I also don't want to pay $30 for a rental every time.

    What questions should I ask the dealer at the range? What kind of price range should I plan to expect? How would I measure what my draw length would be?

    5 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Melting chocolate without a double boiler?

    I used to have a double boiler but it broke years ago. Kids went on tour of a chocolate factory and came home with bags of huge chunks. They want to melt it down into molds they bought and dip pretzels and strawberries. I tried just melting in microwave but it is getting burned around the edges and tastes horrible.

    Can anyone suggest a different method for melting chocolate if I don't have a double boiler and don't want to use the microwave?

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Duration of poison oak rash?

    Over the weekend while doing some yard work, I ripped out a vine from among some weeds and plants. My arm is itching and when I actually scratch it, a horrible rash appears. Looked online and found the vine was probably poison oak. Once I treat with calamine lotion, does anyone know how long it lasts? Will it clear up by this weekend if I don't scratch & keep calamine applied to it?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Clean the clothes washer?

    I saw an ad for Tide to clean your clothes washer machine. Does anyone do this? I have on occassion run a cycle with a cup of bleach and nothing else. Should I be doing something more to keep my washer clean and running smoothly?

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • Riddle me this ... Are you smater than a 5 year old?

    When asked this riddle, 80% of kindergarten kids got the answer, compared to 17% of Stanford University seniors.

    What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years ago
  • TV hook up to Laptop?

    Okay, so I've joined the 21st century against my will. I got a flatscreen TV for Christmas as a gift. I do love it. I saw it had a USB port and thought I might be able to hook my laptop into it but owner's manual shows it is for MP3 or Flash Drive or hardware that will display slideshow or play music.

    I do not have cable. I watch TV mainly through internet and antenna service. Now that I love my new TV, instead of renting DVDs, I thought I might get Netflix and hook into a flatscreen TV. I would move this TV into playroom for the Wii system.

    Can anyone recommend a specific brand of television that would have the capability of internet connection - either on its own or through a computer hook up? I would prefer if someone could tell me first hand what they have and use in their home.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • When will final Twilight movie will be released on DVD?

    I know Breaking Dawn part 2 was in theaters in late 2012 so does anyone know the DVD release date schedule? I tried to look up on Yahoo Movies but no luck.

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Is Gary Johnson a wasted vote?

    So if I wanted Gary Johnson for president, I should vote for him BUT we all know that he has no real shot at a win. I don't want to waste my vote. Do I go ahead and choose the lesser of the other two evils?

    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • New Flat Screen TV - go with LCD or LED?

    Finally ready to upgrade to widescreen - new - flat screen TV. As I shop around, I realized I do not know the difference of LCD and LED. Does it make a big deal? I'm not a big gamer so "graphics" are not really a priority to me but if I'm going to spend the money then I want something that will be useful for an extended amount of time. Suggestions?

    6 AnswersTVs9 years ago
  • LegoLand worth skipping WDW day?

    I am planning a vacation to Florida. My 7 year old is a big Lego fan. Wondering if we end up staying at a Disney Resort if it is worth giving up a day at a Disney park to taxi over to LegoLand for a day. Is it more fun during summer months when water park section is open? Is it still fun during winter months when water rides are closed?

    1 AnswerOrlando9 years ago
  • Does Kindle Fire support Skype?

    I'm researching a Kindle Fire. I see that you can charge the battery by plugging it into USB on your computer. Would a web cam work through the same USB connection? Is there a USB port to plug into the device or is it just a charging wire that has a USB plug at the end like my cell phone?

    Trying to decide if I should just stick with the laptop for web stuff and get a simple e-reader for the book purposes. If the Kindle can do both then one less thing to travel with, right?

    3 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds9 years ago
  • Beginner Chapter Book recommendations?

    I would like to begin to read chapter books at bedtime to my little one. Right now, he reads a book to me and then I read a longer one to him. We did start "chapter books" by me reading him a chapter out of his kid version Bible plus a short book. I tried Charlotte's Web but since the movie was already seen, little interest in the book version of the story resulted in constant interruption. We did well with Captain Underpants but have exhausted the series through our local library.

    Is there a decent kid series that does not have movie version someone can recommend? I think the Narnia series (which I own) may be too advanced just yet as he is starting 1st grade this year.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago