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RottenPA asked in Consumer ElectronicsTVs · 9 years ago

New Flat Screen TV - go with LCD or LED?

Finally ready to upgrade to widescreen - new - flat screen TV. As I shop around, I realized I do not know the difference of LCD and LED. Does it make a big deal? I'm not a big gamer so "graphics" are not really a priority to me but if I'm going to spend the money then I want something that will be useful for an extended amount of time. Suggestions?

6 Answers

  • 10K.BC
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    LED is better.

    LCD screens are liquid crystal displays. Since LCDs don't generate their own light, but rather act as a filter for a white light source behind the LCD itself. A white backlight is required so you can see the screen. LCD uses a series of small fluorescent tubes as the light source. The major drawback is that the backlight doesn't shut off easily, so they achieve black by forcing the LCD to go totally opaque (which still lets some light through, resulting in a dark gray).

    LED screens are not truly LED, but rather LCD screens that use a grid of white LEDs (Light emitting diodes) to generate that white backlight. The advantages are that since LED back light is set up as a grid, the light is more even. Further since LEDs can shut down, or turn on at a moment's notice and can even be dimmed, you can get better shading and the appearance of better responsiveness. In theory, LED backlights can last longer too.

    True LED screens are screens where each pixel element can generate its own light. This is what many people assume they're getting when they buy an "LED" TV and while the manufacturers aren't lying (read the ads they're very careful in the wording), they don't do anything to correct the misconception either.

    The only true LED screens on the market today are OLEDs (Organic LEDs). The OLEDs are very expensive, because they're hard to manufacture in large panels. They're more commonly used for cell phones and some tablets, but Sony and Panasonic are starting to offer OLED TVs. Even if you have the cash for an OLED screen, and even though they do look nicer and have a better response than even "LED" screens, the big drawback is that they don't have the longevity. The organic elements wear out after a few years, resulting in fading or outright failure of some pixels. They're still too expensive and too unreliable for now.

    Nitpickers might point out that a jumbotron is also a true LED TV, but really, who's going to have one of those mounted in their living room?

  • 9 years ago


    The only big difference is lighting.

    In simple terms the LED TVs are brighter and in fact more as you can say color rich? but like the rest of the comments, its not true led. Only OLED are and they are way to damn much.

    Id even go plasma before an LED TV.

    Plus LCDs are relatively cheap now!

    Source(s): Uses a 32in LCD as a computer monitor with no problems :)
  • 9 years ago

    I fell into the trap of buying an LCD, it looks awful. The colours are so far off it hurts, it all looks so incredibly fake. Oh look a HD photo of stone henge - no wait that's a painting, or is it, I don't know.


    an LED

    an LED

    an LED

    an LED

    an LED

    an LED

    NOT and LCD

    Source(s): I bought an LCD TV, looks awful. The guy in tescos said it would look exactly the same as this just with a different bezel, he was pointing at an LED TV.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Plasma is excellent for gaming as a results of very quickly reaction time. The previous burn-in difficulty isn't as lots of a issue as in older fashions.. As for the dimensions of the television you pick for 1080p if the television is over 37 inches in length. in case you purchase liquid crystal exhibit/LED, you will want a extreme refresh fee to assist the gradual reaction, yet your gaming gadget ought to nonetheless reason a 'lag' in many situations.. There additionally are artifacts problems in an liquid crystal exhibit/LED with a refresh fee on a similar time as staring at video clips, in case you may not turn off the refresh fee... purchase a solid, extreme end HDTV..

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  • 9 years ago

    i think led is much better. uses more energy but the picture is noticably more colourfull , detailed,

    one problem with led if you leave it on the picture will burn into the screen but my samsung led has a screen burn protection thats turns on after 10 mins of activity

  • 9 years ago

    LCD all the way.

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